Be You: Christy Cormier’s work involves her heart as well as her hands – The Advocate

Christy Cormier remains intentionally calm even when the world around her is crazy. She is the owner and licensed massage therapist at Aura Massage and Wellness. It feels like its the perfect work for her. Christy is determined, strong, and works with her heart as well as her hands. She sets an intention before a massage knowing her work heals more than just the body.

Christy is happily engaged he romanced her by showing up with family-sized peanut butter cups and a big heart. She is working on being the best version of herself, and like most things she does, she is taking deliberate steps to get there. She is a great example for her children, and for the rest of us.

What was your first job? I was a Hostess at Prejeans. My oldest son worked there as well. Full circle

Describe a typical day in your life.I'll usually wake up really early; somedays I go to bootcamp at Empire Fitness. Every day I get the kids off to school. I dont like rushing us; the morning sets the tone of the day. So I have coffee, check social media, have a big breakfast and head to the salon. When I get there, I go in my office to set my intentions to heal my clients and I just relax a bit to focus my energy on all the possibilities and experiences the day may bring. Every day varies, there are many different reasons people will come in. From pain management to relaxation, my goal is to help each one. There is a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, when I've brought someone comfort.

What advice would you give the younger you?Dont give up so easily, you're stronger than you think.

What event in your life most shaped who you are now?Becoming a mother changed my path. I'm so grateful for my kids. I needed them.

What values do you live by?Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

What do you most appreciate?Laughter. This world can be so heavy. Theres nothing better than laughing with loved ones.

What is your favorite journey?The one back to myself. For a long time the last thing I wanted to "be" was me. After long periods of darkness and toxic relationships. I was able to find healing and peace in sobriety. I began taking care of and value myself and I was able to extend that care to others.

Where is your favorite place to be alone?In my room at work. It is a very soothing and peaceful space. I'll meditate and do yoga in there.

What living figure most inspires you?My kids. They've overcome so much at such young ages. They inspire me to be better.

What was the best advice you were ever given?"What if everything goes well" and "you've gotten through much worse."

What book would you tell everyone to read?"How to make s*** happen" by Sean Walen. Obviously some language in there, but such a no nonsense approach to improving your life.

What is the best thing about where you live?Food, culture and hospitality.

How do you "let the good times roll"?With my friends and family. I love festivals, live music and art.

What did you want to be when you grew up?Mom, teacher, artist, contortionist.

What is your motto?No act of kindness is ever wasted.

How would you like to be remembered?As someone who helped. Who made people feel better. Who understood.

What do you say to yourself when you doubt yourself?What are you learning? What do you need to do?

What three things are vital to BEing YOU?Peanut butter cups; empathy; awkwardness.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?Awesome

What is your favorite word? Awesome

What do you collect?Nothing really but I was gifted owls for a while. I never turn down a blessing or good luck trinket

What food could you live on for a month?Sushi

What would you change about yourself?My confidence

What literary, movie or cartoon character do you most identify with?Vanellope. I have glitches too but we're both still kinda awesome.

Describe yourself in five words.Compassionate, awkward, humorous, stubborn, growing.

What is your idea of happiness?Laughing with my family and friends with food!

What is your favorite movie? "Singles." Such a '90s movie.

What music defines who you are?I love all genres, I'm really eclectic. My family will play "3 little birds" for me, though, so I guess that's it.

Who is your style icon? Stevie Nicks

What do you most regret?Allowing myself to be mistreated by others and myself. Not letting go of things I should have, not believing in myself. I guess it was part of my process though. I try to use what I've been through to help others.

What question do you wish I'd asked?What is your favorite local nonprofit.

What would the answer be?Faith House

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Be You: Christy Cormier's work involves her heart as well as her hands - The Advocate

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