Protecting the First Amendment would be this President’s priority – Poughkeepsie Journal

Ive decided to scrap this writing stuff and go into direct action. I am now a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. I know its a bit late but I wanted to make clear what I would do as President regarding the guarantees of the First Amendment.

After all, we cannot have a Constitutional democracy without freedom of assembly, speech and press. Self-governing calls for an enlightened public a clich, I understand but we cant even approach enlightenment without debate, discussion and reliable information.

So here are my Top Ten Commandments:

First, we need to find a way to dramatically reduce the gobs of money now spent on elections. A plutocracy is a society that is run by and for the wealthy.We are supposed to be a democracy, by and for the people. But in the 2016 elections we spent $6.5 billion.Yes, billion! Thats money that could be used for so many other important things.

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Instead, it pays for advertisements and political claptrap. And, more importantly, it means that whoever wins will owe his soul to Wall Street and the corporations.Its not a violation of free speech to tell speakers they cannot dominate the marketplace with their money.Level the playing field so the $10 speakers and $10 million speakers are on the same plane

The only way to make change is to overrule the Supreme Court decision known as Citizens United, which said that limiting political contributions violates the First Amendment.It does not. We balance many liberties. Find a way in Congress to stop the money madness.

Second, begin again to treat the American press with the respect it not only is insured by the Constitution but that it deserves and the people need.The press is not the enemy, but the friend of the people. We cannot decide important matters without its help.Stop threatening the press and encouraging people to not only to disrespect this Fourth Branch of Government but threaten violence against it.

Fake news is a danger and it may exist, but much of it comes from Russian bots, not the mainstream press.

Third, I will respect, tolerateand appreciate the right of and need for dissent.Football players can take a knee.Doctors in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control can disagree with each other and me; and my staff can engage me in respectful debate and disagreement.And non-violent protestors, not carrying weapons but signs, are welcome in American cities and on the Washington Mall!

Remember, the First Amendment says very specifically the people can peaceably assemble to petition the government for a redress of grievances.Simply put, when angry, you have the right to scream in public! There may not be good people on both sides of the political aisle, but their speech and assembly is all protected.

Fourth, without question, the worlds most powerful tool, that international network of computers known as the World Wide Web, must be maintained as a neutral force. The internet service providers think Time Warner and Comcast cannot try to influence or drown out the messages of the voices they carry. They are public utilities make a profit, yes, but serve the public interest first of all. The net is neutral when it comes to the people that own and distribute its content.I will not let their foot in the door of controlling the flow of messages.

Fifth, I pledge federal funding and support for an improved computer infrastructure that is as important to us as bridges and roads and water systems.We need to find a way get the Internet to the 18 million Americans who now are cut off from the lifeblood of education and information, especially in the virus times we live in when so many children will have to be taught remotely via computers.

Sixth, we must return the Federal Communication Commission to an agency that seeks to broaden and diversify the ownership of the public airwaves, and seeks to lessen the influence of large chain-owned radio stations especially.We need more voices in our marketplace, fewer ones with vested interested in their political ends.

The public airwaves are just that: public and the public deserves better than one-sided information and talk and commercial overload. I dont support a return to a government imposed fairness doctrine, but with broader ownership of the air waves and a hands-off approach to the Internet we have a better chance of getting more reliable and balanced information.Make the marketplace of ideas work better.

Seventh, we must end this new era of secrecy.A Presidents medical history must be public. Tax returns must be shown. Full disclosure allows people to decide the fate of the nation. I will support laws that eliminate people being forced to sign codes of silence on matters of public interest and importance. Stop silencing and intimidating the whistleblowers.Democracy dies in darkness and insiders can open the windows that shed light on that deep state so many worry about.

Eighth, I will support a federal law, finally, that gives reporters and the press a privilege to protect confidential sources of information in federal law enforcement cases and congressional investigations.

Ninth, we must stop using the laws of defamation slander and libel as weapons of intimidation and silence. Of course, everyone, including public people, deserve the right to defend their reputations and their livelihoods, but defamation was never meant to be a way to silence critics. We need wide open discussion about public people and matters of public interest.

Lastly, the First Amendment is a two-edged sword. It protects debate and dissent which is often harsh and divisive. On the other hand, it is also a tool for healing.We have devoted ourselves to toleration with this document. We agree to disagree, and we defend each others right to speak, even when we disagree.In the end, the ability to talk with each other can heal our wounds and bring us together.Without that, we are no better than the worst of the worlds authoritarian nations where only one voice counts.

Democracys business is never finished. We need to just keep talking, discussing, debating and disagreeing.But in a way that is respectful of different ideas.The next President needs to use freedom of speech to heal not to inflame, antagonize and to go after his critics.

Rob Miraldis writing on the First Amendment has won numerous state and national awards.He teaches journalism at SUNY Paltz. Twitter @miral98 and email

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Protecting the First Amendment would be this President's priority - Poughkeepsie Journal

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