Protect Our Customary Practises And Freedom of Speech


10 March 2015

Waikato-Tainui: Protect Our Customary Practises And Freedom of Speech

Waikato-Tainui is expressing its disappointment at Maori Televisions decision to remove the haka performance of Te Iti Kahurangi at Te Matatini from online viewing.

Te Arataura o Waikato-Tainui chairman Rahui Papa said that while Maori Television had since reversed that decision, the matter had served as a reminder to protect not only the right to freedom of speech but also the age-old Maaori customary practise to openly discuss and debate issues.

What happened today in censoring Te Iti Kahurangi not only impinged on the right to freedom of speech but did not align with an important tikanga that has been practised for generations, said Mr Papa.

Speaking our minds openly is an integral part of Maaori custom and the kapa haka stage is an acknowledged cultural forum for the expression of views and opinions on issues that affect us all, said Mr Papa.

We do not support censorship of that practise in any form and on any platform, said Mr Papa.

Mr Papa said the issue had been robustly discussed and debated at todays poukai at Oowairaka Marae, one of the home marae of kapa haka group Mootai-Tangata-Rau, with speakers endorsing the right of Te Iti Kahurangi to freedom of speech and expressing concern at the decision Maori Television had taken.

Scoop Media

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Protect Our Customary Practises And Freedom of Speech

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