Colleges must be taught a lesson about free speech: Letters – The Daily Breeze

Colleges must be taught a lesson about free speech

Re Does America have a free speech problem? (Question of the Week, Feb. 28) and Troubling times for free speech on campus (Editorial, Feb. 28):

Your editorial board is to be commended for your severe rebuke of our colleges and universities for their intolerance of free speech.

Our institutions of higher learning were once bastions of free speech and the free exchange of ideas, as well as reasoned, thoughtful debate. Today, those same institutions are the epicenter of intolerance that only further divides us.

Freedom of speech is one of our most important constitutional rights. To see such rights suppressed, especially by publicly funded institutions, is not only immoral but threatens the very fabric of a civil society.

These institutions should be held to account for their abject intolerance by the state and federal entities that fund them.

Robert Schilling, Torrance

Let states decide on pot

Re White House eyeing pot rules (Feb. 24):

The Trump administration gets an A for hypocrisy.

Earlier in the week it said the states should have the right to decide how to implement rules for transgender bathroom use. By Thursday it was contemplating enforcing federal laws banning recreational marijuana use, even though some states have voted to approve it.

Using the feds to police marijuana use has nothing to do with helping people and everything to do with increasing government power and decreasing individual liberty.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the White House is considering the federal action because of health issues related to opioid overuse. If President Trump cared about health issues, he would ban tobacco and alcohol, whose cost to society is much higher than problems caused by marijuana. But hell never do that because their use is so widespread and includes many of those who voted for him.

Mark Apoian, Rolling Hills Estates

Question for abortion foes

Re Abortion protests target clinics (Feb. 12):

Its fine to protest abortion, but what will happen to all the unwanted children? Should every protestor be required to sign a bond agreeing to adopt one of these babies?

The Republicans dont want abortion but dont want to pay for these babies either. Abominable!

Jo Ann Michetti, Rancho Palos Verdes


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