4 dueling rallies scheduled for Sunday in DC | WTOP – WTOP

WASHINGTON The nations capital is a hub for rallies and protests, but this Sunday, D.C. will be home to four different ones all in opposition to one another.

The Freedom of Speech Rally will take place at the Lincoln Memorial from noon to 3 p.m. Some of the speakers include alt-right figure Richard Spencer and white nationalist Nathan Damigo, who has been recruiting other white nationalists on college campuses.

Critical of Spencers attendance as a speaker at the Freedom of Speech Rally, conservative Mike Cernovich created the anti-political-violence rally, The Washington Post reported. The rally will be held at the White House from noon. to 2 p.m. Their purpose, as stated on their Facebook page, is to condemn political violence such as the attack on Steve Scalise as well as depictions of gruesome displays against sitting US national leaders.

Corey Stewart, who lost the Virginia gubernatorial primary election, will be making an appearance at that rally, as well as former Trump adviser Roger Stone and son of former national security adviser, Michael Flynn Jr.

D.C. United Against Hate will also rally at the Lincoln Memorial at 11 a.m. to oppose the Freedom of Speech Rally. Their Facebook event page states that the group opposes hate speech and that their presence will be a peaceful protest to oppose racism, Islamophobia and hate.

The Really Really Free Speech rally will take place miles away at the D.C. police headquarters from noon to 3 p.m. According to their website, the rally will host speakers from communities that are actually having their rights threatened, such as immigrants, Muslims, brown and black people, women and other marginalized communities.

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