Standing by O’Shaughnessy, and for free speech –

The sensitivity meter in Stonington needs adjustment. Communities are concerned that the level of violence allowed on the streets of our cities has progressed from legitimate protest to lawlessness when criminal elements like Antifa, unchallenged,run wild with looting, burning and life-threatening actions.

The two reposted twitter messages were from American citizens with a different opinion than the whining liberals, who prefer to talk over and drown out the First Amendment. The first twitter message could have just as well been directed towards the conduct of the two accused in the hotel incident. Have any of the critics asked police commission member Bob OShaughnessy? Besides "We the People" have had enough. That is pretty much the content of both of those articles.

The Democratic Party is desperate, standing on the wall at the Alamo knowing the outcome.I have known Bob since 1970 and have worked with him and for him. He is a retired Connecticut State Police captain and since his retirement has done more civic volunteer work than all his critics combined. This patriot means to draw a line in the sand.

James L. Miller

Retired Connecticut state trooper


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Standing by O'Shaughnessy, and for free speech -

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