Pacific Beach Town Council Councilmember Campbell release statements on the planned protest – Councilmember Jennifer Campbell: For the last few days…

Pacific Beach Town Council, Councilmember Campbell release statements on the planned protest

San Diego Community News Group

Councilmember Jennifer Campbell:

For the last few days, my office has received an outpouring of calls from residents concerned about this weekends protest in Pacific Beach. While no one is arguing against anyones freedom of speech, holding a rally during a pandemic goes against our public health orders and common sense. There are many other forms of civic engagement available that dont put San Diegans in danger. I am deeply disappointed that a tiny number of individuals from inside and outside San Diego are putting themselves and others at risk with these actions. Thats why the Pacific Beach Town Council and I stand firmly against this planned protest.

Im so proud of the work that everyone in our beach and bay communities have done to slow down the spread of COVID-19. I am distraught that these efforts could be undone by an unsafe gathering of people who are not following social distancing procedures, vastly increasing the chances of this extremely infectious disease to spread.

No one has enjoyed the last few weeks. Families have had to say goodbye to loved ones too soon. Life milestones like weddings and graduations have been canceled. Frontline workers from nurses and doctors to grocery store workers and first responders have worked tirelessly to keep our city running. These protests are a slap in the face to all the sacrifices San Diegans have made.

To those planning on driving in, stay home. Be with your families. Leave Pacific Beach out of your dangerous and potentially deadly protest.

Councilmember Jennifer Campbell represents San Diegos Second Council District including the communities of Bay Ho/Bay Park/Morena, Midway/North Bay, Mission Bay, Mission Beach, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, and Point Loma.

Pacific Beach Town Council:

The Pacific Beach Town Council stands firmly against the exploitation of our neighborhood for this planned gathering by out-of-towners. This protest is not only inconsiderate to our community at large, but we find it especially discourteous to our vulnerable populations and to the sacrifice made by our local nurses, grocery store employees, and other essential workers. These brave workers have carried the burden of exposure while PB residents have been respecting the temporary 'stay at home' order and social distancing measures in order to bend the curve of this pandemic.

Most of these protesters will be driving in from other parts of the county. We strongly oppose this. Phase 1 reopenings of beaches and bays are already scheduled to begin the morning after this attention-seeking protest. Our Northern Division police officers are overburdened enough without having to chaperone this planned protest of hundreds.

I've shared comments on their Facebook event page. We understand their right to free speech and freedom of assembly, but we're asking them to revise their strategy given the phase 1 reopening now scheduled for Monday.


Brian White

President, Board of Directors

Pacific Beach Town Council

See the original post here:

Pacific Beach Town Council Councilmember Campbell release statements on the planned protest - Councilmember Jennifer Campbell: For the last few days...

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