July 18-19 letters | Letters to the Editor | journalinquirer.com – Journal Inquirer

The July 7 article about militias flocking to Gettysburg is frightening. There are many levels to this story, but the bottom line is that these actions are a direct and dangerous assault on our country.

First, the tactics themselves showing up with guns, rifles, and bats were used by the Black Guard in Italy and the Brownshirts in Germany to bring the Fascists and Nazis to power.

The next point deals with the militias Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense and to defend America. However, in this case, they are bringing arms to attack Americans expressing their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

It was a Supreme Court decision that burning the American flag is the right of Americans. So legitimate use of guns and bats would be to protect the rights of the flag burners. The militias, in showing up to attack Americans rights, prove they are a dangerous enemy to America.

Another irony is the militants claim that burning the flag is treasonous, but they are proud to wave the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag is a symbol of treason. Their right to display it is protected by the same rights granted in the First Amendment as the flag burners have.

The mindset at work here is terrifying, leaving me again to question what kind of future America has.

One last question: Where were the Park Rangers while this was going on?

Five decades of Democratic Party policies have reshaped public discourse into what we are witnessing: anger, frustration, lack of self-worth.

Democrats hold on minorities has been the catalyst for social welfare programs and dependency through welfare institutions. If one studies the make-up of Democrat-controlled cities, minorities have not progressed much in five decades.

What has progressed is the welfare state. Democrats preach redistribution of wealth, equality, and social rights, yet use dependency of the poor to push their social agenda over minority groups. In doing so they get to push their political agenda through welfare politics.

Cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, New York, Seattle are run by Democrats. Even in Connecticut, Bridgeport, New Haven, Norwich, Stamford, Waterbury are Democratic strongholds. Have these cities improved the lives of minority populations? Protests and riots taking place indicate otherwise.

Use of welfare has been institutionalized by Democrats. By doing so they control a segment of the population that enables them to reach political objectives, proclaiming themselves change agents.

But the concept of welfare is social integration of dependency and control. It is a political means to an end.

In Connecticut going on welfare gets you free health insurance, unemployment support, child care allowances, rent and fuel subsidies, a cellphone, transportation, food, education incentives, financial aid, computers, etc. all under the guise that government is here to help you. Why would anyone want to go back to work? Why would anyone want to become independent?

This is why the Democratic Party is the purveyor of policies helping those in need. They want the poor to have material well-being in the form of welfare. It is social reciprocity for control. It is purposeful, deliberate, and political. If you remain on subsistence long enough you become subservient to their liberal ideology.

Sadly, in many cases this continues to a second or third generation. Many do not own property or pay taxes, yet get to vote in favor of liberal polices that support the welfare system and cost taxpayers billions of dollars annually.

This fits the Democratic Partys narrative. The Democrats ultimate goal is socialism.

See original here:

July 18-19 letters | Letters to the Editor | journalinquirer.com - Journal Inquirer

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