Heres Your Personalised July 2020 Tarot Reading by the VICE Fortuneteller – VICE

This article originally appeared on VICE ASIA.

Pick-A-Card is a monthly interactive tarot reading by the VICE Fortuneteller. There's really not much to it. Look at the cards, pick one, and find out where life could take you this month. Ready?

Don't go beyond the line before picking.

Resistance Is Futile

You may be in a period in your life where you feel trapped due to the circumstances happening around you. The Universe is waiting for you to make a major shift in your life but you must first acknowledge the trapped emotion you currently have. This trapped emotion needs to be released and forgiving yourself is the very first step for major transformations.

You may be in a hurry to make the necessary changes in your life. Understand that it will happen in Divine Timing. It may be fast and drastic or it might happen slowly. Just know that changes are happening at the right time and that how you respond to these changes will create a series of new karmic cycles.

Its time to stop holding on to things that no longer serve you. Your resistance is futile and its time to close that major chapter in your life you so desperately cling on to and start a new one. How will you react to this shift? Will you deny these changes or will you welcome it with open arms?

Be sure to be grateful for your past experiences. Look forward and approach changes as gracefully as you can.

Middle: Three of Pentacles reversed and Validation

Lead With Kindness

The energies around you may not be as cooperative as you hope for them to be, leading you to micromanage your team. The environment may be susceptible to disrespect due to chaotic events that are happening.

Oftentimes, there are misunderstandings that cause more irritation between people. Avoid the need to control and allow trust to be the foundation of a good team. This is a sign that if things arent working out, its time to reassess and change certain systems so that it can benefit everyone involved.

This is not the time to think every man for himself. Approach the situation with a more collaborative spirit. You must first seek to understand, then to be understood.

Be the first to send out love when someone on your team is doing well. Leading with kindness will motivate the people around you more. Whether you are the leader or the follower, you can help validate people about their roles. Be generous in giving out compliments and be more frugal when giving out criticisms. You will never regret being kind.

Right: Queen of Pentacles and Rest

Celebrating Through Rest

You have worked very hard towards your personal growth and are now ready to harvest the fruits of your labour. Your material wealth is increasing and, naturally, your general lifestyle is also elevating. Even so, now, more than ever, you are being asked to make more practical choices to continue your path towards independence.

Just because you are now reaching a higher level in terms of your financial independence, that doesnt mean you need to take on more burdens right away. Remember that you still deserve to rest. Resting can be in the form of taking a break or setting aside time for things you want to do.

When you are able to nurture yourself, you are also able to nurture the people around you. Make sure that before helping others, your needs are met first.

This is a timeless general reading for the collective conscious. Take the bits and pieces that make sense for you. If this reading does not resonate, simply let it go.

Decks: Rider-Waite Smith Deck and Inklings

Lois Veloso, also known as the Millennial Manghuhula (Millennial Fortuneteller), has been practising tarot reading since 2016. She believes that the tarot is a tool used for understanding things beyond the surface and promotes self-awareness. Shes based in Manila and loves topics on angels, spiritual healing, and self-development.

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Heres Your Personalised July 2020 Tarot Reading by the VICE Fortuneteller - VICE

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