Wisconsin company to offer staff microchip implants: ‘The next evolution in payment systems’ – Washington Times

Roughly 50 employees at Wisconsin-based Three Square Market (32M) will soon have microchips embedded between their thumb and forefinger.

Opening doors, logging in to computers, and paying for food in the 32M break room will now be handled by encrypted technology the size of a grain or rice. CEO Todd Westby says all of his River Falls staff will have the opportunity to have devices implanted under their skin starting Aug. 1.

Its the next thing thats inevitably going to happen, and we want to be a part of it, Mr. Westby told a local ABC affiliate on Monday.

The company claims that it is the first in the nation to offer its staff such a deal, which is valued at $300.

Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc., the company said in a press release, Fox News reported. We see chip technology as the next evolution in payment systems, much like micro markets have steadily replaced vending machines.

Mr. Westby ABC-5 Wisconsin that not GPS monitoring capability will be included in the chips, which use RFID technology (Radio-Frequency Identification).

Employees are not required to receive implants and may opt out at any time.

Originally posted here:

Wisconsin company to offer staff microchip implants: 'The next evolution in payment systems' - Washington Times

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