Evolution – Salon.com

They don't believe in science, and pander to evangelicals -- as a result, the Republicans remain a party of stupid

The skeptics fall short for the same reason the creationists can't overturn evolution. Their doubts are unfounded

A University of California cognitive scientist believes we learned to see things as they are as a means of survival

It's easy to mock and criticize the Creation Museum. We also need to understand the worldview of those who visit

Mayhem and chaos at a Kansas theater when a genius takes his gun and permit to the movies, then shoots himself VIDEO

Exclusive: We talk with sparring partner Richard Dawkins about New Atheism, Twitter & why he sees Ahmed as a fraud

No one yet knows where the newly discovered Homo naledi fits in the complicated story of hominids on Earth

Hide your children, hide your scalps

Research suggests the disease is linked to changes in brain size on the evolutionary road from ape to man

The justice claims to be an originalist, but his real loyalty is to religion and a phony man in the sky

Louisianans can now get a 19th Century education to accompany their 19th century economy

The young scientist was stuck on the concept of species. Then something amazing happened to energize his thoughts

The Manx, the Munchkin -- without fancy cats, we'd have no memes. Tip your hat to the genius of evolution

Pigs provided meat, and also solved public health problems in ancient days. Here's how evolution worked

They hope this attempt will fare better than the last four failed ones.

Who would've thought a few extra inches could make it easier to survive a frigid winter? VIDEO

Evolution and the "sexy geek" syndrome: What if humans could re-evolve and be perfect?

A fascinating new study offers fresh clues about the origins of mankind -- and his home planet

Who knew evolution could be so orgasmic?

Tyson, Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye discuss evolution on "StarTalk Live!" VIDEO

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Evolution - Salon.com

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