Opinion: Is it possible to be pro-life and pro-choice? – The Cincinnati Enquirer

Susan Vogt, Opinion contributor Published 8:50 a.m. ET June 29, 2020

People rally to support and oppose the "heartbeat bill" outside the Ohio House of Representatives chamber at the Ohio Statehouse on April, 10, 2019.(Photo: Jackie Borchardt/Cincinnati Enquirer)

I am a pro-life Catholic. But before you put me in an ideological box and assume you know who I will vote for this fall, let me complicate the issue.

My conscience and faith lead me to oppose abortion. Indeed, Catholics are taught not to take the life of an unborn child. However, Catholic or not, this is a moral question which women facing an unwanted pregnancy have to wrestle with. There are indeed, situations in which even a rigorist conscience might pause when faced with rape, incest, or risking the death of the mother.

Add to this that we live in a pluralistic society. One groups religious and moral convictions should not be imposed on another without broad societal consensus. Our country does not have consensus about abortion. Therefore, the emphasis should be on persuasion and compassion rather than seeking a political solution to abortion (like overturning Roe v Wade).

It is not honest to talk about being pro-life without also talking about what Cardinal Joseph Bernardin called "the Seamless Garment,"or the Consistent Ethic of Life. Of course, this includes opposition not only to abortion, but also taking a life through euthanasia, capital punishmentand unjust war. Equally unacceptable are failures to protect life by tolerating poverty, racism, lack of affordable health careand similar societal injustices that threaten the lives and dignity of human beings.

Thats a tall order, but to be pro-life one must stand in solidarity with all humanity and work to protect all life. Unfortunately, too often the loudest voices against abortion are weak on protecting the lives of vulnerable human beings after they are born.

People protest outside of the U.S. Bank Arena during President Trump's "Keep America Great" campaign rally on Thursday, August 1, 2019. A bus with an anti-abortion message drives by during the protest.(Photo: Madeleine Hordinski/The Enquirer)

Would it not be better to:

The evidence is that such holistic caring for pregnant women and children reduces the abortion rate more than restrictive laws.

So, is it possible to be pro-Life AND pro-choice? First, this is a false binary choice. Being pro-choice does not equal favoring abortion. It remains a tragic choice.

The answer, however, I believe, is simple and complex: Who is my neighbor? If my neighbor is everyone, then how do I love, respectand protect their lives and dignity? To be pure about protecting human life means that I have to respect all human lives born and unborn.


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In order to be a fully pro-life voter I propose asking:

As regretful as abortion is, I believe the decision rests within the conscience of the pregnant woman. This should not primarily be a legal issue, but a moral one. It must be won by persuasion and support, not law.

Susan Vogt lives in Covington and was employed for over 25 years as a Family Life Minister in two Catholic dioceses, including responsibility for overseeing the pro-life work of the Diocese of Covington.

Susan Vogt(Photo: Provided)

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Opinion: Is it possible to be pro-life and pro-choice? - The Cincinnati Enquirer

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