Euthanasia vote exposes factional tensions in Tasmanian ALP at state conference – ABC Local

Posted July 02, 2017 14:42:28

Conservative Tasmanian Labor MP Madeline Ogilvie has launched a scathing attack on the party's powerful Left faction, claiming unelected representatives are wielding too much power.

A spat broke out yesterday at the annual party conference between the Right and Left of the Labor Party over the decision of several MPs to vote against voluntary euthanasia legislation earlier this year.

The Left believed the issue had been agreed upon as part of the Labor platform and subsequently MPs were bound to support it.

A motion put forward by union representative Adam Clarke called for members who voted against the bill to be disciplined by the party and even expelled, arguing the only issues within Labor that allowed a conscience vote were abortion and same-sex marriage.

Mr Clarke said members who did not support the legislation were in breach of the party's constitution.

"Once we make a decision, that's it," he said.

"That becomes the view of the party unit, it's how we operate on every other issue.

"Once we determine our platform, we go out there as one and we vote for it as one."

The Health and Community Services Union's Robbie Moore backed the move, and went even further to name Ms Ogilvie, David Llewellyn and Shane Broad.

"We are no longer going to accept it," Mr Moore said.

"If you do it again, I will be moving to expel people."

Member for Denison Ms Ogilvie labelled it a "ridiculous suggestion".

"There's some very loud voices in the room, to make that kind of statement is really quite out there, it goes beyond what I'd expect to see at state conference, it's disappointing," she said.

"I take on board all views, I will listen to what people come to say, but when it comes to the exercise of my parliamentary vote that is mine and mine alone.

"If those with the loud voices want to exert more influence in Parliament they ought to get themselves elected."

She said members did not have the power to expel her.

"I think we should bring this to a head, I would like to see them come forward, if they are serious about that then they should put their case on the table and let's have that discussion," she said.

"It's no secret that the Left faction in Tasmania is very strong and very powerful, and I am concerned about that, I am concerned about the balance of power between the moderates and the Left."

Last month, a bill to allow euthanasia in certain circumstances, sponsored by Labor stalwart Lara Giddings and Greens leader Cassy O'Connor, was voted down by the House of Assembly.

Labor leader Rebecca White said a conscience vote was allowed as the legislation was put forward as a Private Member's Bill.

Topics: state-parliament, federal---state-issues, alp, george-town-7253, burnie-7320, hobart-7000

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Euthanasia vote exposes factional tensions in Tasmanian ALP at state conference - ABC Local

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