Is This Real?: Trump Sends Third-Grade Reading-Level Letter to Erdoan – Vanity Fair

Donald Trump has said or done something certifiably insane nearly every day of his presidency. And not like, This guys a little kooky-level insane, but full-on Mr. President, put down the stapler and unhand the president of Finland-level insane. But last week, apparently seeking to prove to the world that we aint seen nothing yet re: the depths of his mental instability, he wrote and reportedly proudly distributed the following letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, for all the world to see:

Each line of the letter contains an obvious Trumpismtalk of deals, reference to tough guysbut packaged together, in all its batshit glory, in an official letter to another world leader, it seemed unbelievable even for a guy who most people agree shouldve been placed under conservatorship some time ago. The immediate reaction from the media was HOW IS THIS THING REAL, and yet, according to the White House, it totally is! That means that the president of the United States sat down and either pennedor more likely dictateda letter in which he told the president of Turkey, Dont be a tough guy, Dont be a fool, history will look upon you forever as the devil if good things dont happen, and then, in what might be the absolute craziest way to end a piece of correspondence that references slaughtering thousands of people, signed off with: I will call you later.

Its the kind of thing that even Donald Trump Jr. will have to admit is a sign someone needs to place an emergency phone call to Dr. Bornstein, and that we assume has caused Ivanka to tell aides that Daddy is resting and isnt to be disturbed.

Incredibly, the Erdoan letter wasnt the only example of Trumps mental decline on Wednesday afternoon, which also saw the president lash out at Democrats like a machete-wielding madman on the subway and claim that he personally defeated ISIS:

He was insulting, particularly to [Nancy Pelosi]. She kept her cool completely. But he called her a third-rate politician.... It was sort of a diatribea nasty diatribe not focused on the facts, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters after the meeting, which focused on Syria and during which impeachment was not discussed.

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Is This Real?: Trump Sends Third-Grade Reading-Level Letter to Erdoan - Vanity Fair

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