Donald Trump’s Sanity Has Retired and Met Its Maker – Esquire

As you undoubtedly know by now, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lagos wounded musk-ox bellowing at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning was only an undercard attraction on the bill of CrazySlam 20. The main event came later, in the East Room of the White House, where the president* put on a performance that should have had copies of the 25th Amendment inscribed on tablets of gold falling from the sky around him.

His trolley went around the bend and off the tracks. His sanity had expired and met its maker. It has ceased to be. It was a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. Its kicked the bucket, rung down the curtain, and joined the bleeding choir invisible. But, alas, this is not yet an ex-administration*, and it still derives its only energy from the incredibly toxic stew of vengeful rage and inflamed victimhood that is the only sign of sentient life in the brain of its president*. A sample follows:

And the Republicans, all of them, sitting there like brain-dead fish all schooled in one spot, applauding on cue, accepting the president*s sourball compliments as though they were being blessed from Above. (There was one particularly weird passage when he congratulated Rep. Steve Scalise for surviving his gunshot wounds and then went into how lousy a second-baseman Scalise is and expressed amazement that Scalises wife was upset that Scalise had been shot. "He was not going to make it. I said, she loves you. Why? Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldnt give a damn. Ask the man who knows, I guess.)

I have resisted using the word cult to describe where the Republican party is at right now because I think it absolves too many of the people that made something like Trumpism inevitable. But, Lord above, were looking at a battalion of drill-thralls now, with no minds of their own and no souls to speak of.

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Donald Trump's Sanity Has Retired and Met Its Maker - Esquire

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