Chris Cuomo Rips Every Lawmaker Who Voted Against Limiting Donald Trump’s War Powers – HuffPost

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo delivered a stinging rebuke to both Democratic and Republican House lawmakers who on Thursday voted against limiting President Donald Trumps war-making powers against Iran.

The House voted 224 to 194 to limit the presidents ability to launch an attack against Iran without getting approval first, Cuomo explained. This is not a new idea thats what is in the Constitution. My argument, I cant believe it wasnt unanimous.

Only three Republicans in the Democratic-controlled House supported the resolution. EightDemocratsvoted against. Cuomo said it wasnt about the GOP just choosing Trump over the truth.

Theres some of that, but Democrats have been anxious to give war power to presidents as well, he noted. This has been going on for a long time and its gotten worse and it is the worse example of congressional cowardice.

Now, though, were hearing really obnoxious comments that is making this partisan, he added, citing Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) claim that Democrats are in love with terrorists for not backing Trumps military escalation with Iran.

Cuomo ripped Collins for trying to divide Americans at a time that it is life and death that we come together.

Shame on you and every Trumper and never-Trumper who voted against this, he added.

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Chris Cuomo Rips Every Lawmaker Who Voted Against Limiting Donald Trump's War Powers - HuffPost

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