Who The Democratic And Republican Party Censors Are, For The ‘News’ You See & Hear – Scoop.co.nz

Thursday, 23 July 2020, 11:06 amArticle: Eric Zuesse

Eric Zuesse,originally posted at StrategicCulture

Back in July of 2016, I did a two-partarticle, American Samizdat Publication Forbidden in U.S., which went down therabbit-hole of news-suppression (censorship) in the UnitedStates but left, for the future, a more detailed descriptionof the money-track back to the individuals who control thatcensorship in serving the economic interests of the samebillionaires who control both the Democratic NationalCommittee and the Republican National Committee both ofAmericas two national political Parties (and they thusdetermined, forexample, in the Democratic Party, that Bernie Sanders wouldnever get that Partys Presidential nomination, though hehad the highest approval-rating of any politician in thecountry, and far higher than Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump,and Joe Biden ever had yet the billionaires fooledthe majority of Democratic Party primary voters to thinkthat he was too radical to be able to beat Trump, eventhough, in all polled hypothetical matchups against Trump,Sanders beat Trump by far higher margins thanClinton did, and basicallyequal to whatBiden did, so the electability issue wasfabricated by the billionaires press, in order to get acandidate who was acceptable to the billionaires tobe running against Trump).

A dictatorship functions bynews-suppression and other forms of censorship, even morethan it does by its own lying. It functions by deceit, butthe main way it deceives is by prohibiting the truth to bepublished on any of the billionaires (or other rulinggroups) media including all of the media that havelarge audiences.

News-suppression used to becontrolled by the CIAs OperationMockingbird, in which the owners andtop executives of the major news-media took theCIAs orders and trusted it to represent in the mostreliable way the collective interests of Americaswealthiest persons, so as to weaken those individualsforeign economic competitors. However, gradually, after the1976 Frank-Church-led U.S. Senate hearings into the CIAsdeceptions of the American public, Americas wealthiest the same people whom Wall Street firms also represent relied increasingly upon the nonprofits (foundationsetc.) that they controlled, in order to transfer some ofthis censorship-function over to those nonprofits privatize the censorship function. It was done so that thesame people who controlled the U.S. Government would be ableto continue controlling it and would allow into thebillionaire class new members (mainly technocrats) of thenations aristocracy. This would enhance the U.S.aristocracys collective control over the U.S. Government.There is less need, than before, for the CIA to do thecensoring. (So: the group collectively also constitutesits own gatekeepers. They dont rely onlyupon market-forces in order to determine who is us,and who is them, but any misbehaving member willincreasingly become treated as being one ofthem, and this will be reflected in the groupsnews-media. Its an oligarchy here, and not only anaristocracy. It is an exclusionary aristocracy.)

HughWilfords 2008 THEMIGHTY WURLITZER: How the CIA Played Americadescribed how, starting in the late 1960s, Americassuper-rich began transferring (privatizing) some of theircensorship-functions away from the Government, and intotheir own controlled news-media andnonprofits.

As the former Washington Postreporter Carl Bernstein headlined on 20 October 1977, THECIA AND THE MEDIA, in the wake of the ChurchCommittees report, and described that Senate reportscontext:

During the 1976 investigation of the CIAby the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by SenatorFrank Church, the dimensions of the Agencys involvementwith the press became apparent to several members of thepanel, as well as to two or three investigators on thestaff. But top officials of the CIA, including formerdirectors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded thecommittee to restrict its inquiry into the matter and todeliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activitiesin its final report. The multivolume report contains ninepages in which the use of journalists is discussed indeliberately vague and sometimes misleading terms. It makesno mention of the actual number of journalists who undertookcovert tasks for the CIA. Nor does it adequately describethe role played by newspaper and broadcast executives incooperating with the Agency.

Ever since that time,the CIAs direct control over U.S. media has eroded andbecome privatized largely into the billionairesnonprofits, even while the CIAscontrol over the media in U.S.-allied foreignaristocracies has continued unabated, so as to extendyet further the American empire.

At the top in Americaare the billionaires who donate the most to politicians, andwhose tax-exempt foundations collectively carry out whatused to be the CIAs Operation Mockingbird thecensorship-function.

Two organizations especiallyshould be cited here as leaders of todays Americanbillionaire-class and privatized censorship operations, andany reader here should keep in mind that the largest fundersof these two organizations are themselves only hints at thebillionaires who control each one of them, and, furthermore,since these are only two such organizations, there might beother similar organizations that, perhaps in other ways, areequally important as these two determiners of the news thatthe vast majority of the U.S. public are, and will be,blocked from seeing and hearing (such as this).

Firstis a crucial operation that serves the Democratic NationalCommittee, the DNC (for links to sources, click onto theURL):


WhatWe Do

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)is a nationally recognized watchdog that leads in-depth,award-winning investigations into the corruption thatundermines our democracy, environment, and economicprosperity.

The Koch brothers and their networkof billionaires are operating with a reach and resourcesthat exceed those of political parties and they are usingthat power to erode the integrity of our elections and saptaxpayer dollars away from investments in publicinfrastructure, education, and healthcare to benefit narrowspecial interests and globalcorporations.

CMDs investigations, publicinformation requests, and lawsuits have ignited nationalconversations on money in politics and the distortion ofU.S. law and democracy at every level of government andin every region of the country. We believe in the publicsright to know how government operates and how corporationsinfluence our democracy and the true motivations fortheir actions. When necessary, CMD litigates to defend thatright and ensure those in power follow thelaw.

Since CMD first exposed ALEC in 2011, morethan 100 corporations have dropped ALEC, including Verizon,Ford, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, General Electric, and Google. Asa result of that ongoing investigation and other reporting,CMD is often contacted by whistleblowers wanting to make adifference. CMD has also researched the array of groups thatare part of ALEC, including numerous Koch-funded entitiesand national and state think tanks that are affiliatedwith the State Policy Network.

CMD files morethan 1,000 public information requests each year. Thisinvestigative watchdog work has broken through in thenational debate. For example, CMD exposed EPA AdministratorScott Pruitt's deep ties to the fossil fuel industry andrevealed lobbyist efforts to hide Chamber of Commercemembers overwhelming support for raising the minimum wageand providing paid sick leave, among other groundbreakinginvestigations.

CMDs work has been featuredin the New York Times, Washington Post, POLITICO, theGuardian, Bloomberg, WIRED, Vice, The Atlantic and Buzzfeedas well as on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR, The DailyShow, and Last Week with John Oliver. We also partner withinvestigative writers at The Intercept and ProPublica topublish new reports and findings.

The fightto keep our democracy from becoming a plutocracy doesn'thave a scrappier warrior than the Center for Media andDemocracy. Bill Moyers

CMD's scrappycrew tracks the Koch Machine every day, shines a light oncorruption in our democracy, and takes politicians to courtwhen they try to hide their special-interest ties from thepublic. Robert Reich

...watchdoggroup that studie[s] the mechanics of politicalmanipulation." -- Jane Mayer, DarkMoney

[CMD's] requests are of federalimportance. -- Sens. Carper, Whitehouse, Merkley, Booker,Markey and Duckworth

How We ExposeCorruption

CMD puts a spotlight on hidden andunreported activities, forcing those trying to maneuveraround the edges of laws and ethics out of the shadows. Ouroriginal research digs deeper than the 24-hour news cycle toanswer and understand why and how special interests and darkmoney are reshaping American politics and elections. Ourteam focuses on documenting the facts and revealing theeffects on communities and people in areas ranging fromclimate change and education to workplace standards andfreedom of speech.

CMDs groundbreakingexposs are featured on ExposedbyCMD.org.The watchdog also publishes SourceWatch, an encyclopedia ofcorporations, corporate special interest groups and theirleaders; specialized investigative websites, includingALECExposed.org;and its founding website, PRWatch.org.

Awardsand Honors

CMDs investigations have beenrecognized for their excellence and impact. Our recentawards for investigative journalisminclude:

The Sidney Award from the SidneyHillman Foundation in 2018 for the expos Two Faces ofJanus.

The Izzy I.F. Stone Awardfor outstanding achievement in independent media (sharedwith Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous)from the Park Center for Independent Media.

The Sidney Award (shared jointly with The Nation) from theSidney Hillman Foundation.

The annualProfessional Freedom and Responsibility Award from theAssociation for Education in Journalism and MassCommunication, Culture and Critical Studies Division, whosepast recipients include Izzy Stone, Bill Moyers, and MollyIvins.

The Benny from the BusinessEthics Network.

CMD has been honored by theMilwaukee Press Club for one of its investigations intoshadowy front groups influencing elections.

CMDs research was featured in Ava DuVernay's film The13th, which was nominated for a 2017 Academy Award forBest Documentary.

Ground-breaking books bywriters from the Center for Media and Democracyinclude:

Deadly Spin: An Insurance CompanyInsider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing HealthCare and Deceiving Americans

Toxic SludgeIs Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public RelationsIndustry

Trust Us, We're Experts: HowIndustry Manipulates Science and Gambles With YourFuture

Mad Cow USA

Weaponsof Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War onIraq

Banana Republicans: How the Right Wingis Turning America Into a One-party State

The Best War Ever: Lies, Damned Lies and the Mess inIraq


CMD was founded in1993 by John Stauber in Madison, Wisconsin. In March 2018,Arn Pearson became CMDs Executive Director, succeedingLisa Graves, who served as executive director from 2009-2018and currently serves as board President. CMDs teamincludes researchers, data experts, FOIA experts, lawyers,and fact-checkers. CMD is a 501(c)(3) tax-exemptnon-profit.

Board of Directors

Lisa Graves, Board President


Ellen Braune


Jan Miyasaki


Bo Yerxa

Arn Pearson,Ex-Officio BoardMember


The followingfoundations have provided at least one grant of $5,000 ormore to support the work of CMD since its inception in 1993.Those listed in bold are recent funders.

American Legacy Foundation

Bauman FamilyFoundation



Changing Horizons CharitableTrust


CS Fund

DeerCreek Foundation

Educational Foundation ofAmerica


Ford Foundation

Foundation for Deep Ecology

Foundation forPolitical Management


Richard & Rhoda GoldmanFund

Grodzins Fund

HelenaRubinstein Foundation





Open SocietyInstitute

Park Foundation

Public Welfare Foundation


V. Kann RasmussenFoundation


Rockefeller FamilyFoundation

Rockwood Fund

Stern Family Fund

Schumann Center for Mediaand Democracy




Town CreekFoundation


Wallace GlobalFund


Contributions from individuals andnon-profit organizations are accepted. We accept no grantsfrom government agencies or for-profit corporations, exceptfor CREDO, which makes donations to nonprofits based onvotes by its activists and customers.

CMD doesnot accept funding from for-profit corporations or grantsfrom government agencies. Learn how you can help support andexpand CMD's groundbreaking investigationshere.

Second is a crucial operationthat serves the Republican National Committee, the RNC (forlinks to sources, click onto the URL):

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Who The Democratic And Republican Party Censors Are, For The 'News' You See & Hear - Scoop.co.nz

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