Apple removes China censorship-dodging apps from store, software makers say – MarketWatch

BEIJINGApple Inc. is removing software from its app store in China that allowed users to circumvent the countrys vast system of internet filters, according to makers of the apps.

Several popular apps giving users access to virtual private networks, or VPNs, that tunnel through Chinas sophisticated system of internet filters disappeared from the mainland China version of Apples App Store on Saturday.

One service, ExpressVPN, said in a blog post that Apple AAPL, -0.70% had notified it that its iOS app was removed from the Chinese App Store. ExpressVPN published a copy of the notice, which said the app included content that was illegal in China.

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Another company, Star VPN, said on its Twitter account that it had also received the notice. Searches in the China App store for a number of popular VPN apps turned up no results Saturday evening.

Were disappointed in this development, as it represents the most drastic measure the Chinese government has taken to block the use of VPNs to date, and we are troubled to see Apple aiding Chinas censorship efforts, the ExpressVPN blog post said.

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Apple removes China censorship-dodging apps from store, software makers say - MarketWatch

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