The Myths and History of Red Hair – Aliens, Atlantis and …

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Whilst scouring the Internet for information about red hair I've came across countless strange beliefs and conspiracies. A lot of them I find fascinating. I'll reproduce some of the more interesting ones here. For the most part I've found these ideas amusing, but I must admit there's always a slight doubt at the back of my mind - after all, who am I to judge what's true and false. Maybe the truth is stranger than we'd all care to imagine.

One peculiar internet article I came across carried the heading, "The Master Race becomes Friendly Aliens." In it the writer explains how the "familiar Nazi agenda is still being propagated" by aliens of "Germanic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon" stock. These aliens in question are generally called "Nordics" by the UFO community and the writer describes them thusly:

"They are all tall, Blond or Red Hair with Blue eyes. They average in height from 6' to 61/2' tall with some reported to be as tall as 8'."

The article continues, stating:

"Consistent to the reports throughout the world in regards to Nordics is the near perfect physical appearance. No one has ever reported plain or physically deficient members in their company. Just what one may expect if you had a choice in the matter through controlled genetics."

Another message board article I came across was titled "Are redhead's DNA of alien origin?" On it was posted this:

"There is another race that has branched off from this giant race, the red-haired Lyrans. Their hair was red to strawberry blonde in color. The skin tone very, very fair; these entities had a difficulty exposing their skin to certain frequencies of natural light, due to the planet they sprang from. Some of these were also giant in stature, though there were some who were average human size. Eye color was generally light to what you would now consider green, though it is a different quality of green than you see upon your world. These entities were some of the first Lyran pioneers. (Pioneers is a very kind word, for there are many worlds that consider the red-haired ones to be the invaders, marauders and the basic havoc-wreakers of the Lyran genotype)."

I've since read that the "Lyrans" are quite well-known in ufological circles and that, as the article states, they are generally seen as being red-haired. The post continues, making a link between these red-haired "Lyrans" and the redheads on earth:

"Well, to some degree we are speaking about the distant past as they interacted with your earth plane. These entities still exist but are much fewer in number. We would say that your closest mythological remnants are in your Norse mythology - Vikings etc. Some of that mythology was about actual Earth beings who were either influenced by or interacted with this red-headed Lyran strain. This is not a very common interaction on your world, not as common as that of the giants, but common enough to have made it into your mythology."

The post then carries on:

"Apparently there's a remnant of a red-haired group in the Pleiades...[t]he Pleiadian version is much more watered down. But the purebred red-head was very aggressive, violent, passionate and, to some degree, very rebellious."

The article also asks the question,

"Did these red-haired people naturally evolve as red-haired, or was there intentional manipulation somewhere along the line?"

I keep imagining an episode of StarTrek were Captain Kirk lands on a planet inhabited entirely by ginger people.

In fact, the post actually reminds me of the famous "Villas Boas" abduction case. A case concerning a young Brazilian farmer, named Antonio Villas Boas, who was apparently abducted by a UFO and forced into a liaison with a beautiful alien woman who had red pubic hair. Incidentally, I also remember watching a TV show about UFO abductions a while back that stated that there had been a spate of abduction cases in Turkey that all specified red-haired aliens.

It's amazing the number of articles I've come across on the internet that associate red hair with royalty and ruling elites. In fact, one comment I read on a blog about world political leaders stated:

"[A]nother disproportional thing in politics is hair color. the number of leaders who have red hair is actually many of the founding fathers of the USA were redheads? lenin [and] Trotsky...malcom X...How much of the royal families? Cleopatra, napoleon, Alexander the great...seems like red hair and conquering the world go together."

The commenter also relates some of his own personal experience of living with the colour:

"[W]hen i walk sometimes past old columbian women, they cross themselves and you can hear them say in spanish things against the devil."

Another article I came across associated red hair with secret societies. The writer of this particular article linked red hair with the symbol of the rose and wrote:

"It's all about the rose. It means rose-cross, or red cross of the Templars. It is found in rose-line, or Rosslyn, the Chapel of the Sinclairs. And, as strange as this may sound, red hair is their characteristic feature."

It continued:

"It is a sign of descent from the Edomites, or more specifically, the Scythians of southern Russia, who were the Lost Tribes. They were known to the Jews of the Middle Ages as Red Jews. They later became Khazars. All the leading bloodlines of Europe descend from them. That's the point of Brown's book, that Da Vinci, painted the Magdalene with red hair, it is the ultimate signal."

I found one foray into red-hair conspiracy lurking in the review section on Amazon. It was a review for the book "Henry Neville and The Shakespeare Code" by Brenda James, a book that questions the authorship of the works of Shakespeare. The enthusiastic reviewer wrote:

"MY THEORY...!! that Elizabeth [the First] was not a virgin - and had at least 8 children, among them Oxford, Bacon, Neville, Philip and Mary Sidney (I think their adoptive father was Elizabeth's half brother), Essex, Cecil junior, and Southampton. You will find an act of parliament passed when she was 50 saying that the issue of her body will be her heirs - not her legally born children! If you remember that was what caused Henry VIIIs troubles - he did have illegitimate children, but tried impossibly hard to get a legal son - even changing the religion in England to do so. Every other King in Europe had tons of illegitimate children - so why not Elizabeth? Elizabeth's very first letter to Cecil, when she is 13 or 14, asks him to squash the rumours going around that she is pregnant!"

"It goes on and on ..! Elizabethan history is a whole lot more interesting to me now! Everything fits, for the first time. All those loose ends, that made no sense. Why did Leicester adopt Essex? Well, he was his own son, by Elizabeth! Why did Elizabeth make Cecil a Baron the day before his daughter was married? Because his daughter was marrying Elizabeth's own first son. It is endless - I could go on for hours! The modern world was created by Elizabeth's bastards! They were all placed by Cecil, brilliantly educated, and given the European tour. Some of the plays are quite possibly a family effort! It is a BIG story! A Hollywood blockbuster - somebody will do it one day."

"Look at the portraits of Elizabeth's children - they all have thin faces with curly orangery hair - like their parents! I believe that if both parents have red hair the children must all have red hair too. Is that right? Leicester was with Elizabeth for about 15 years. I think they found his last letter to her on the desk next to her bed when she died."

Although the tone of this review amuses me somewhat, I must admit that the issue does fill me with suspicion. I don't think the "virgin queen" had eight children, but personally, I'd be surprised if she had none either. And it is true that Henry Neville had red hair, as did Leicester and Elizabeth.

The same reviewer then wrote another piece, this time in the review section for the book "Oxford: Son of Queen Elizabeth I" by Paul Streitz, continuing on the same theme.

"Compare the pictures of Henry VIII, Elizabeth, Edward de Vere, Sir Henry Neville, and Henry Wriothesly, the Earl of Southampton. They all have red hair, and look remarkably similar. It is begining to look like Edward and the two Henrys could have been brothers!!"


In many ways this continues on the theme of red-haired rulers. Of all the theories about red hair on the Internet this one seems to be the most abundant, and it goes something like this:-

All the ancient civilisations of pre-history were started and ruled by seafaring redheads, who originally came from a land over the sea, often, but not always, equated with Atlantis. The evidence for this can be found in ancient myths and in the mummified remains of redheaded people discovered around the globe.

For the most part these theories begin in ancient Egypt and are centred around the fact that many mummies have been found displaying red hair. Needless to say, these finds have led to much speculation about the origin of the ancient Egyptians and their glorious culture. The basic premise of the theory being that red-haired survivors from Atlantis at some point arrived and sowed the seeds of civilisation. As you can imagine a lot of this speculation is wildly inventive. One internet article I read, titled "Red Haired Mummies of Egypt," began with this statement:

"There were the blue-bloods of Ancient Times which extended into European Times. They actually did have blue blood, and it was not hemoglobin based but copper based. They were semi-human. There are still to this day, some animal species in South America that have copper based blood systems. There was a problem with hemophilia, and not because of intermarrying. The problem was that they started to marry outside of the copper based blood system. Hemoglobin and copper systems don't mix. That's where the laws against marrying commoners originated. Lobsters, octopuses, squids and horseshoe crabs have copper based blue blood."

Incidentally, Egypt isn't the only place where red-haired mummies have been found. They've been found as far afield as China and Peru. The Tarim mummies were found in what is now present day Xinjiang, China and some of them possessed red hair. Likewise in Peru mummies have been found with striking red locks.

Other discoveries of red-haired mummies have come in Polynesia and the Canary Islands. In fact, both these places are, or were, noted for red-haired people. The Canary Islands was the home of the Guanches, a red-haired tribe that built monuments which can still be seen on the islands today. And red-haired people have been noted sporadically throughout parts of Polynesia, including New Zealand. One internet writer relayed the following legend:

"One Kiribati legend describes eels (Serpents?) coming ashore who turned into red haired men when they swam ashore. Another legend (Bue the Ancestor) describes one of these red men copulating with a woman who was bathing in the shallows at sunrise. The legend describes the "Sun" entering her loins, suggesting a child of the sun was born to her. When this child grew up, he set sail to the East (America) to look for his ancestors."

The writer also noted:

"The Urekehu - or red heads amongst the Maori are believed to have come from a hot dry land to the East."

Perhaps unsurprisingly the writer elaborated by making reference to Atlantis.

"I am not suggesting that Englishmen came and did the Jack in the Green dance in front of the Tolai, nor that a Scottish mason jumped ship and taught these people a secret handshake. What I am saying is that Both European and Pacific cultures have a common link a long long way back in time, possibly in Atlantis 11,500 years ago...[t]he ancient culture of Atlantis was not just carried on by the Egyptians, but was also carried on by the red haired civilization of Tulapin (Terapin/Turtle Island) and were a dominant population in America until 6,000 years ago."

Of particular interest in regards red hair is Easter Island. An article in Fortean Times about the island stated:

"Ethnically, Rapa Nui are polynesian, though paler-skinned and with an anomalous genetic trait of red hair dating from before first contact with Europeans."

It should also be noted that the large statues on the island all have "topknots" of red stone. Many believe that these represent red hair.

Although I often make light of these ideas it must be said that the presence of red hair so far afield is actually quite interesting. It either suggests that red hair blossoms accidentally in populations rather easily or that there was a lot more migration in pre-history than modern experts would have us believe.

Another interesting thing I came across on this general theme was the story of Lovelock Cave. This is apparently a cave in Nevada that was found to contain the remains of red-haired giants. The story goes that the Paiutes, a tribe of natives who inhabited the area, were at war with these giants and killed them off by ambushing them in the cave. One webpage I came across stated:

"Growing up in Nevada I had heard stories of the Sitecah from the Paiute Indians that lived in the area. They told of red-haired men and women of light colored skin as tall as 12 feet who originally lived in the area when the Paiutes had first arrived. Evidently these human giants liked to eat the Indians so they had problems making friends. The Indian tribes of the area finally joined and ambushed the giants killing most of them on the spot."

Some of the comments on the page make particularly good reading. One posted:

"Nice Hub, I asked some of the old people about these so called 'red haired giants'. I dont know what was more surprising, your hub or the fact one of our respected elders not only had a name for them but could tell me prominent ancestors who migrated hundreds of years ago to this land through the polynesian islands who were fair, had red hair and were so called giants!?!? I was gobsmacked! He was talking as if it were common knowledge!"

Another said:

"I have been a barber in Nevada for 35 years and I cut many Piaute men's hair.. I have heard the stories about the red haired giants for many years. The older ones told me the giants ate some of their great, great grand parents and the story about going to Lovelock to kill them is absolutley true (according to many of these men)."

And a final mentioned:

"I am Paiute and have heard of these giants. I'm from Oregon near the Nevada border and have heard of the Paiutes in Nevada talk of these red-head giants. I heard where these giants lived in caves and did eat some of the Natives."

I can only begin to imagine what other stories are lurking out there on the Internet waiting to be discovered.

Originally posted here:

The Myths and History of Red Hair - Aliens, Atlantis and ...

Sexy Hairstyles Gallery of Blondes, Brunettes, and …

Pictures of the hottest hairstyles in Hollywood by the top hairdressers in the industry...

[+] Farrah Fawcett Sexy Hair print ad. "Sexy is the only word to describe hair this shiny, this rich with body. And now sexy hair is just a shampoo away thanks to Farrah Fawcett Shampoo and Farrah Fawcett Creme Rinse Conditioner. Both with vitamins, minerals, protein and herbs. From Faberge."

"Is it just me or is it hot in here?"

[+] Example of hair magazine advertising "sexy hair" as its main selling point.

"Sexy hair" is a catch-phrase often seen on the covers of the latest hair magazines for women. The reason is sexy hair is what women want more than anything. More than modern, beautiful, elegant, feminine, trendy, or easy, according to an online hairstyles survey, women want sexy.

Sexy hair is a top priority because a woman's femininity and identity are wrapped up in her hair. Over 85% believe "your hair is part of your personality." More than half go further and deeper; they believe a woman's hairstyle is "a window to her soul."

Women use their hair style to express their creativity and project their personality. It is a showcase of their essence. They also read other women based on their hairstyles; over 90% admit they have been jealous of another woman's hair. If they get their hair done, but nobody notices, two thirds are offended.

Understanding how a woman views her tresses and the locks of other ladies, it is not surprising that her hair and her confidence are inseparable. Hair, indeed, means a lot to a woman's self-confidence whether she likes her sensitivity to its appearance or not (44% don't like doing their hair).

A great hair day can make her day, 90% admit; a bad hair day, 75% remember, can ruin it. Girls are willing to skip school or even work if they are having a bad hair day, or hide it under a hat.

When some women first learn that they have breast cancer, one of the most upsetting issues to them is the expected hair loss from radiation treatment--even more than a mastectomy. "Both men and women," CNN concluded, "report hair loss as one of the side effects they fear most after being diagnosed with cancer."

In response to the question, "How does your hairstyle affect your confidence?" over 40% of women answered, "extremely influential," or ten on a scale of one to ten; and 85% admitted seven or higher.

Hair is so significant to women, half of them affirmed the bold slogan of a modern hair product ad campaign, "When your hair looks good, nothing else matters." Do you have to bother with makeup if your hair looks good?

"A third of women say their hair is the most important part of their appearance," the Daily Mail reported, "and they spend more time styling their hair than doing their make-up." Total time during a woman's life: 2.5 years. Total money? US$70,063.66.

Why? Why do women take their hair so seriously? Why is it such a big deal? What is at the root of its overarching significance? Is it part of Western culture and the product of continuous aggressive advertising? Or is it simply a natural part of being a woman? Does it come from within or without?

Wonder Woman's voluminous hairstyle (Courtesy BL Productions)

Western culture does place some emphasis on good hair but not to the extreme of its long-running focus on being thin. Hair commercials are on TV in America and Canada every day--does a day ever go by without a Pantene commercial somewhere?--and print ads in fashion magazines show models with nice hair. You would be hard pressed to find a glossy women's magazine nowadays without a shampoo advertisement--or even several consecutive ads--with picture-perfect glossy tresses.

But all this doesn't lead to teen girls doing wild things which risk their health or prompt them to do something extreme with their hair, the way skinny fashion models in advertising have reportedly led to teen eating disorders. It is much more likely that women pay great attention to and spend so much time on their hair because they want perfect hair. It is not because someone else told them, the media harassed them, or society in general applied extreme pressure.

"What is sexy?" is a common generic question asked on the topic of dating, as both men and women wonder how they must behave and look to be attractive. Celebs, the general public, and experts alike all repeat the same popular answer: "confidence is sexy."

"Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have," observed former model Aimee Mullins in the May 2004 issue of Oprah magazine. "Its much sexier than any body part."

"A great figure or physique is nice," notes Vivica A. Fox, the svelte actress and skilled dancer from Dancing with the Stars, "but it's self-confidence that makes someone really sexy."

"No matter what a woman looks like," offers Paris Hilton, "if she's confident, she's sexy."

What is the full relevance of and true connection between self-confidence and sexy hair? To choose a sexy hairstyle first you need to figure out what kind of hair style will make you confident, or in what kind of hairdo you will express and project confidence. A woman who is confident about her hair is confident about herself; that translates into sexy. Sexy hair and self-confidence, simply put, go hand in hand.

Great hair, of course, starts with healthy hair. Healthy is the foundation to all sexy physical attributes. "Full, healthy hair," says Kristianna Nichols in Pageantry magazine, "is the essence of a woman." Part of the healthy look is a natural clean look. The clean, "just-washed" and just-dried look can appear very attractive to some; whereas others think it looks robbed of its natural oils.

"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" summarizes what often seems to be Western caucasian culture's predominant view of the most sexy hair color. The popular fantasy female to the general white male population is blonde. Almost half of women color their hair, and more women dye their hair blonde than any other color. To both men and women alike it looks as if blonde is the color of sexy.

During World War II, the number one pin-up girl was a brunette: Rita Hayworth. Marilyn Monroe replaced her as the next queen of fantasy, the blonde goddess of the 1950s. Is society's blonde obsession her fault, after her reign as pin-up queen and her starring role in the 1953 flick "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"? Is it part of her legacy? Since she became America's leading goddess, blonde has been the hair color that the majority of American men find most sexy, judging by provocative advertising, if nothing else.

However, an online poll of 1,000 women shows male interest in brunettes is virtually neck and neck with blondes, according to the ladies. To the question, "What hair color does your boyfriend or fianc or husband find most attractive," 44% said blonde whereas 42% answered brunette.

There is a saying, "Men prefer blondes but marry brunettes." This idea is similarly phrased, "They prefer blondes for a moment and brunettes for a lifetime." The underlying belief is the convergence of two stereotypes: the "dumb blonde" and the "blonde bombshell." One study indicates men are more likely to trust brunettes and a poll shows almost 75% of women confirm "brunettes get more respect."

Red hair color is also considered sexy by some men and others have a redhead f*tish. It is exotic, they feel, because it is rare. (Only 6% of women say their natural hair color is red.) Of course it is a dramatic color, very different from and more vivid than blonde and brown. Redheads have a reputation for being passionate. Other men find brunettes as sexy or most sexy, so nobody can say one hair color is "the" sexy hair color.

Dark sexy teased hair

Straight, wavy or curly? Long straight blonde hair is a look widely considered sexy. Part of its appeal is its simplicity and the "natural look." Effortless is sexy. Wavy can also look sexy and flirty if not too forced.

Big is sexy. This is such a widely held belief, there is a company called Sexy Hair which puts out a product called Big Sexy Hair. The spokesmodel for Sexy Hair is American Idol runnerup Katharine McPhee. She was a natural choice because you can't watch her sing without noticing her long, beautiful, healthy hair.

Feeling romantic and feeling sexy is virtually synonymous, or at least closely tied together. Women are equally divided about what makes them feel most romantic when it comes to wearing their hair up, down, or half up and half down. In fact, at one time during an ongoing hair poll, the margin of difference was within the margin of error, 33%, 34%, and 33%, to suggest that, interestingly enough, women are exactly equally divided.

When the poll moved to a web page focusing on a slightly younger demographic--teens planning prom--the numbers adjusted slightly, with more girls saying they prefer their hair down (+3%) than up (-3%).

Hot long retro hair: big, soft, and curly with full bangs (Courtesy NBC)

There are three considerations when you are considering a sexy hair style. Do you want a sexy hairstyle because it looks sexy to you? Or to people you are trying to impress? Or to one particular person? If just for you, everyone else's opinion is basically irrelevant. If to the general single male population, for example, you have to know the more common views of sexy hair. If to one person, then you need to know their personal opinion. Just because many or most men think one hair style is sexy, does not mean the person you like does.

There are lots of hairstyles on this site that many women will find sexy. Probably quite a few men will, too. Currently most are the view from the front, but it is a fact that long hair viewed from the back is also HOT! Have hair like in the picture below and see if you can't turn heads.

"Full, healthy hair is the essence of a woman."Kristianna Nichols

Katharine McPhee

Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels

$47,000/year Hair Extensions Video

"I can't really put a price on how it makes me feel." -- Brandi Irwin

Victoria's Secret Models

Alessandra Ambrosio

Top of page


Continue reading here:

Sexy Hairstyles Gallery of Blondes, Brunettes, and ...

Top 10 Reasons Gingers Are Your Worst Nightmare –

OK, thats enough; the jokes are over. For too long, my brethren and I have sat idly by, while you and your stupid little buddies mock us. Gingers. BAH, you spit with disgust. They have no souls. They cant walk in the daytime. Theyll steal peoples children in the night. Theyre like pale Pokemon: gotta kick em all!

For awhile, we put up with it. Jokes, right? Nothing wrong with that. Hell, joking is one of the ways I make my money. But, after years of this, its time to come right out and let you all know: you have kicked a giant hornets nest. Us gingers? Were actually your worst nightmare. Not in the steal-your-babies kind of way, either. No, were just plotting to take over the entire planet, like Pinky and The Brain wanted to but never could.

Are you aware that an entire festival exists, devoted entirely to us? Its called Redheadday, and its just what it sounds like. Thousands upon thousands of gingers flock to one area in the Netherlands and plot your demise. Also, we eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of booze because, while we may be coming together to end you all, its still a funtime festival where you gotta get fat and blitzed. Also, it happens every year. And the numbers grows and grows each time. Redheadday 2012 is scheduled to take place in September, with several thousand projected attendees.

The Mayan calendar says the world will end in December. The obvious conclusion; were giving you all a slight head start before we unleash Hell.

Learn More About The Gathering Grounds

Its no secret that ginger women are regularly ogled, despite supposedly being evil soulless rangas. The stereotype is a nice one: our women are absolute firecrackers in bed and once you go red, all other girls might as well be dead. Case in point? Google some pictures of Tori Amos from the early-to-mid 90s and tell me that is not your fantasy incarnate. Hell, even now shes better than whoevers currently #1 on your lame Hot Babes list.

Another case in point? Lindsay Lohan was once a redhead, and was universally deemed to be absolutely smoking hot. She goes blonde, and magically turns into a crack-addled psychopath who looks about 30 years older than she really is. She is not yet actually 30, by the way. So the sexy redhead thing is true, you ask? Well, yes. Please dont resist. The more that you guys realize this, the more our girls can seep into your bedrooms and latch onto your men like blood-sucking parasites.

Us ginger guys usually get the crap end of the stick here. While ginger girls are hot, gingers guys are Alfred E. Newman from MAD Magazine: pale, freckly-faced little demons that often look like they werent fully cooked prior to being born.

Well, thats about to change. Dedicated soldiers like Conan OBrien, Seth Green, and that Anakin Skywalker-looking hunk up above (who may or may not be me), have been infiltrating the mind of your women for decades now, and the ladies are finally realizing that, yes, redheaded guys are a fetish worth exploring. Were quirky, were funny, and we are every bit as firecracker-y (for lack of a better, actual, word) in the bedroom as our female brethren. The word is out and it cant be silenced. Blondes have more fun? Sure, WITH THEMSELVES.

Our backs are kind of against the wall in a couple respects. For one thing, were endangered. A mere 2% of the population are redheads, and the number may well be dwindling. We must procreate, we must spread the seed, we must live on! And if that means enslaving all of you, and working extra hard to make more of us, then so be it.

Keep in mind, its not like a Gattaca-style machine exists, where we can tell our body what we want our baby to look like. And were fully aware our gene is recessive, so not every offspring is going to be a blessed redhead. No, well just have to try and try again, until we at least make it up to 5%. After that, well take an inventory and see how much enslaving still needs to be done.


We may or may not require extensive medication to pull this off.

Heres yet one more reason to not mess with us: everything youve heard about the redhead temper? Its true. Its DAMN true. We dont take a lot of crap lying down and, if were going to invade your towns and take over, were going to do it with the ferocity of 100,000 rabid wolverines, crossed with another 100,000 honey badgers. Its not always the best trait to have, to be sure. If we dont keep our temper in check while living our everyday lives, then were probably going to screw ourselves out of at least one job opportunity, and more than a few relationships.

Luckily, the GingerVasion isnt about building relationships or keeping a job. So consider this your warning: go down to your nearest comic book store, find an issue of Red Hulk, study it, and weep for your future.

So you want to rumble? Tired of us enslaving your people and taking your lovers for our own? Good luck. Even those of us who havent used extensive medication to get big ol muscly arms are going to put up a fight. And even if you get lucky and hit us, its gonna be real hard to keep us down. Extensive scientific research has shown redheads are actually much harder to knock out than people who can actually tan. This applies in all cases: doctors oftentimes use more anesthetic to knock us out prior to surgery, and we rarely get knocked unconscious.

I can attest to this based on personal experience. During my entire time at college, where I had my share of drinking binges (one time I ate a whole damn bowl of Jell-O shots, unaware that youre only supposed to eat two or three cubes at the most), and never once blacked out. When I was six years old, I went in for surgery, and distinctly remember waking up in the middle of the operation. Oh, they put me back down real fast. But I distinctly remember those few seconds of being on the operating table, aware of what they were doing to me and my supple little body, and being less-than-thrilled about it. So let that all sink, and then let me know if you STILL wanna fight.

Why Even Doctors Fear Us

As I mentioned earlier, 2% of us are natural redheads. But at least 2% of you guys and girls are fake redheads. Hair dye, of all colors, is popular, but there just seems to be something about taking a bucket of red paint and dunking your head in it that positively tickles the imagination of so many.

And, while you might think wed be offended by so many people pretending to be us when theyre really not, its OK. If you want to be a redhead, then thats only one step away from SLEEPING with one. Gotta find out how the other half lives. Not that were even close to half of you or anything. Yet.

This hair-dye thing applies to both men and women by the way. You mainly see fake redheaded women, but dudes get into the act as well. And thats OK too. The more people who get corrupted by their desire to be just like a real-live ginger, then the easier it becomes for us to attain our ultimate goal.

Back in 2005, South Park put out an entire episode dedicated to Cartmans hatred of redheads. Some of you people have taken this episode just a wee bit too seriously, taking on Cartmans ramblings as your own. Yes, we do have souls. They might be filthy and polluted (OK fine, definitely are), but theyre still souls.

And why in the name of Hell would you listen to Cartman, of all people? The whole point of the character is that hes a bigoted little turd who deserves every bad thing that comes his way; hardly a role model for your outlook on life. So yes, were all aware that you listened to a cartoon piece of construction paper and decided that he was right about people who have strawberry tint on their heads. You dont think this ridiculous bias irks us? You dont think it pisses us off when the biggest sperm bank on the planet stops accepting seed from redheads because nobody wants a redheaded baby? You dont think well remember all this when were deciding all your fates?

And, for the record, when I say all of your fates, I mean you dummies who watch the show, and want to kick gingers because of it. I mean the people who turn their noses up at the very idea of a ginger child. The guys who write South Park and tell the jokes, they get it. They know Cartman is satire. They will be spared, unless of course they insist on making a sequel to BASEketball. Then all bets are off.

South Park Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life Sperm Bank Hates Customers

This might initially seem like a random, moot point. Between all the threats of takeover, slavery, and fistfights to the death, Im actually going to brag about SUNSCREEN? Yes, yes I am. Because in case you havent heard, the Earth is getting warmer. Icecaps are melting, and the ozone layer is still thinning out. Go to your local Wal-Mart and find the sunscreen? See those bottles of SPF 110? One hundred ten! Who needs that much protection? Well, all of you, at the rate this planets going.

Not that we care. See, were used to this. Were naturally pale, and the sun is our mortal foe. So from birth on, were used to being slathered in SPF 60/70/100/110, and oftentimes thats STILL not enough. So when the SP 150 and SPF 200 start becoming commonplace, while you sunworshipersscoff at the idea of anyone needing such a strong solar shield, we will silently horde it all for ourselves.

And when the Earth inches ever-so-closer to burning up, like a steak left far too long on the grill, you might well show up at the gates of Redheadday, on your knees, begging us for a slather of sweet, sweet, sun protection. And we just might give it to you. For a price.

Jason Iannone is a writer, editor, and would love to branch out into the Seth Green Impersonator business as well. Like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, and send him all your sunscreen.

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Top 10 Reasons Gingers Are Your Worst Nightmare -

Redhead Next Door – Pictures of redheads from around the …

Bra & Panties, Long Red Hair, Tattoos

Not a real redhead but her tattoos are fricken badass

Her hair is blocking the goods! Sexy smile!

Madeline is adorable! I've seen photos of her before on a few sites. That sweet innocent look with

It would be awesome if they were twin sisters and I was in the middle


They could be sisters

Gobble Gobble Gobble! Very healthy! ha ha ha

I think so! With tattoos like that she has to be! Damn hott!

is she one of the suicide girls?

Ted would be facing the other way. That bear is gay.

Nice. Buns.

lol! with those buns I doubt she has to clean anything

clean your room you brat

The one on the left looks like she is stoned!

Heaven! I like the one on the far right

Nice. Ass. Can. I. See. Panties.

Nicie. But

Talk about a nice ass! This redhead is smoking hot! can we get more pictures of her?

Assume the position red!

Excerpt from:

Redhead Next Door - Pictures of redheads from around the ...

Famous Cartoon Redheads

I do admit. I watch a lot of kids' shows. I have a young daughter, and another not-so-young daughter, and they both love cartoons. I get to see a wide range of children's television thanks to them. Some of it by choice, most of it... not so much. One of them is just breaking into the pre-school aged shows, and the other has moved onto other things.

She used to be a huge fan of Playhouse Disney, on the Disney Channel. She was always asking me if she could watch one show or another. She is a big fan of Winnie the Pooh, and there was a new incarnation of that show on The Disney Channel when my oldest was little. With the help of a little girl named, Darby, Pooh and Tigger solve mysteries. Darby is a cute little cartoon redhead, and the show was decent. I just miss the classic Winnie the Pooh that I remember.

Same thing goes for Strawberry Shortcake. She has completely changed from when I was a kid. Her hair isn't even red anymore. For some reason, it's now pink. She wears pink, not red, and she looks nothing like the Strawberry Shortcake from my childhood. It makes me sad in a way, but I guess in time, all things change. LOL!

Rugrats is another show that has been around for a while. My sister used to watch Rugrats when she was younger, and it's still on today, in re-runs, though the kids have grown up some. Chuckie is the scared best friend of Tommy on the show. With his glasses and spiky red hair, he fits the classic mold of redheaded children as goofy, nerdy or strange. Still, he is likeable and sweet.

As my daughter has gotten older, she has moved on to other cartoon shows, aimed at a slightly older audience. Like the crime fighting, Kim Possible, who saves the world, and goes to cheer-leading practice all in the same day. I actually liked Kim Possible; it was kind of cute and funny, and it sends a positive message to kids.

Other shows I have come across, thanks to her, are Dexter's Laboratory, with little, redheaded genius, Dexter, who is constantly at odds with his sister, Dee-Dee, hiding in his lab, creating various strange inventions. Or The Powerpuff Girls, with spunky Blossom, leading the group of super-powered little girls, in an effort to stop the plots of villains of many different sorts.

It seems that I have forgotten more in this category than in any other. Where to start? I could double the size of this section alone!

Let's start with Phineas and Ferb. My daughter loves this show, and I just became aware of it a couple years ago, when she asked to watch it. She now has a Candace doll, and we watch the show together. Not only is Phineas a redhead, so are his sister, Candace, and their mother. The show is sweet and funny, and really sparks the imagination. Even my husband will watch it with me.

Another imaginative show with a redheaded character is Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. The character, Frankie helps out at the home, taking care of all sorts of strange and wonderful imaginary friends that have been abandoned or left behind by their children. Sadly, this show is a lot harder to find than it used to be. The few seasons that they made of the show can be found on Netflix, though.

Excerpt from:

Famous Cartoon Redheads

Redheads, Irish or Not, Share Lucky Traits – ABC News

Redheads, as they say, wear the map of Ireland all over their faces. Sorry, ginger-haired English Prince Harry.

And the statistics bear that stereotype out.

Ireland has the highest per capita percentage of redheads in the world -- anywhere from 10 to 30 percent, according to Eupedia, a website that explores European genetics and ancestry. They are almost equally prevalent in Scotland and other pockets of Celtic pride. A slightly lower percentage hail from Cornwall in England and western parts of Switzerland.

Red hair is associated with the gene MC1R, a recessive and somewhat rare gene that occurs in only about 2 percent of the world's population, according to the National Institutes of Health. That means both parents must carry a copy of the gene to produce a red-haired child and often the trait skips generations.

Rarest of all are redheads with blue eyes. The majority have brown eyes or hazel or green shades.

Brian Braiker, executive editor of Digiday, who answered an call for redheads with, "Better red than dead," said he is "always" mistaken for an Irishman. Ethnically, he is nearly all Ashkenazi Jew, except for a maternal grandmother who is Norwegian.

Not surprising. Why do you think they called the plundering Scandinavian Erik the Red?

Genetic genealogy has revealed a high percentage of people from southwest Norway coincide with a paternal lineage known as haplogroup Rib-L21, including its subclade, Rib-M222, which is typical of northern Ireland. Genealogists speculate that may be because the Vikings took Celtic slaves from Ireland to that part of Norway.

Braiker, 6-foot, 3-inches tall, with his brown eyes and full-fledged auburn beard, said he didn't have an easy time of it growing up a redhead. His coloring was nothing like his dark-haired father and light-haired mother.

"I endured jokes, 'Are you the milkman's son?' and 'Were you adopted,'" Braiker, 39, told

The gene apparently skipped a generation or two, as he confides his father's grandfather and a maternal cousin also had red hair.

One ancestry company, BritainsDNA, now offers parents the chance to see if they carry the recessive gene by sending in their saliva for testing. If both do, they have a one in four chance of conceiving a redhead. BritainsDNA conducted the biggest study of redhead genetics in the country, with more than 2,300 people who have undergone DNA tests.

Redheads like Braiker are more sensitive to hot and cold. And one 2008 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed they need about 20 percent more anesthesia to knock them out for surgery.

"I have had dental work and a graft done years ago on the roof of my mouth and it is still sensitive to temperature," he said. "I have also been a life-long wussy."

Redheads are also better at making their own vitamin D, which helps protect against osteoporosis, because their bodies are more efficient at soaking up sunlight, according to Yahoo Health. Scottish researcher Jonathan Rees suggests the "ginger gene" may have helped protect redheads from rickets.

According to an article in Huffington Post UK, redheads share some other interesting traits: their hair is harder to dye than other shades; they have fewer, but thicker strands of hair' and they go gray more slowly.

But there are also health disadvantages.

The color of human skin, hair and eyes is dictated by two types of melanin pigment that are produced in the upper layers of the skin: pheomelanin, which is reddish-yellow, and eumelanin, which is brownish-black.

A 2012 study from the journal Nature, found that the pigment pheomelanin, which gives hair the red color, makes redheads more susceptible to the melanoma than fair-skinned blonds, even when they cover up their skin.

"What happens in the sun?" asked Braiker. "I stay out of it. The sun is not my friend. I get more freckles and I should wear a ridiculously high SPF on my face."

Growing up had its challenges, he said, but eventually there were social advantages to being a redhead.

"Over a lifetime, I have developed thick skin," said Braiker. "Growing up I was advanced a year in kindergarten or grade 1," he explained. "So I was a year younger with red hair and a little bit weaker than the rest. I was easy prey."

He grew his hair long in college, even sporting a red afro, and continued to get cat calls from strangers: "What's up carrot top?" and "Ronald McDonald." But, he said, it made him tougher.

"I always felt a little bit like a freak," said Braiker. "But over time, I learned to embrace the weirdness and it did help shape my personality. ... And there are definitely ladies who like redheads."

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Redheads, Irish or Not, Share Lucky Traits - ABC News

Famous Cartoon Redheads – HubPages

I do admit. I watch a lot of kids' shows. I have a young daughter, and another not-so-young daughter, and they both love cartoons. I get to see a wide range of children's television thanks to them. Some of it by choice, most of it... not so much. One of them is just breaking into the pre-school aged shows, and the other has moved onto other things.

She used to be a huge fan of Playhouse Disney, on the Disney Channel. She was always asking me if she could watch one show or another. She is a big fan of Winnie the Pooh, and there was a new incarnation of that show on The Disney Channel when my oldest was little. With the help of a little girl named, Darby, Pooh and Tigger solve mysteries. Darby is a cute little cartoon redhead, and the show was decent. I just miss the classic Winnie the Pooh that I remember.

Same thing goes for Strawberry Shortcake. She has completely changed from when I was a kid. Her hair isn't even red anymore. For some reason, it's now pink. She wears pink, not red, and she looks nothing like the Strawberry Shortcake from my childhood. It makes me sad in a way, but I guess in time, all things change. LOL!

Rugrats is another show that has been around for a while. My sister used to watch Rugrats when she was younger, and it's still on today, in re-runs, though the kids have grown up some. Chuckie is the scared best friend of Tommy on the show. With his glasses and spiky red hair, he fits the classic mold of redheaded children as goofy, nerdy or strange. Still, he is likeable and sweet.

As my daughter has gotten older, she has moved on to other cartoon shows, aimed at a slightly older audience. Like the crime fighting, Kim Possible, who saves the world, and goes to cheer-leading practice all in the same day. I actually liked Kim Possible; it was kind of cute and funny, and it sends a positive message to kids.

Other shows I have come across, thanks to her, are Dexter's Laboratory, with little, redheaded genius, Dexter, who is constantly at odds with his sister, Dee-Dee, hiding in his lab, creating various strange inventions. Or The Powerpuff Girls, with spunky Blossom, leading the group of super-powered little girls, in an effort to stop the plots of villains of many different sorts.

It seems that I have forgotten more in this category than in any other. Where to start? I could double the size of this section alone!

Let's start with Phineas and Ferb. My daughter loves this show, and I just became aware of it a couple years ago, when she asked to watch it. She now has a Candace doll, and we watch the show together. Not only is Phineas a redhead, so are his sister, Candace, and their mother. The show is sweet and funny, and really sparks the imagination. Even my husband will watch it with me.

Another imaginative show with a redheaded character is Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. The character, Frankie helps out at the home, taking care of all sorts of strange and wonderful imaginary friends that have been abandoned or left behind by their children. Sadly, this show is a lot harder to find than it used to be. The few seasons that they made of the show can be found on Netflix, though.

Here is the original post:

Famous Cartoon Redheads - HubPages

REDHEADS: Discover the world of GINGERS – YouTube

Ronnie is a ginger. If you thought we meant she is a root vegetable, think again. Being a "ginger" means to have naturally red hair. "Gingers" or "redheads" have a very interesting history, indeed. In this lesson, you will learn both the history of redheads and words that relate to red-haired people such as "freckles", "pale", "strawberry blonde", and even some slang like "carrot top". After watching, you will understand and appreciate my mysterious people even more! Take a quiz on this lesson here:


I need to talk to you guys about something that's really important. All of civilization depends on this one lesson. This lesson is about gingers. Not ginger, not the ginger tea that you drink, or the Ginger Restaurant down the street that serves delicious Thai or Vietnamese food, not the ginger that you guys eat with your sushi, but the ginger that is me. I am a proud ginger. Do you know what a ginger is? We have been bullied, plagued, tortured, killed, made fun of, mistreated, and downright bullied for centuries because of three things: red hair, pale skin, and freckles. That's a ginger. I am a ginger.

I'm going to tell you a story about my name, Ronnie. Guess what? Guess where that name came from? You guys know the clown in McDonalds? Mm-hmm. What's the clown's name? Ronald McDonald. Guess how, in grade 7, I got to be called Ronnie? Mm-hmm, yep, when I was in grade 7, somebody said: "You have red hair and red shoes. You are Ronald McDonald. Hahaha." And I said: "Yeah, that's cool." So, from then on, my name has been Ronnie.

So I'm going to teach you, tell you all the interesting facts about gingers. Are you a ginger? Are there gingers around you? Watch out. We are vicious people. We're going to come and... Do nothing, really. Maybe give you a cuddle or something. So let's learn about these things.

Let's learn some famous people. Nicole Kidman, beautiful. Ewan McGregor, kind of sexy guy. Lucille Ball. She was a really, really old actress in I Love Lucy. Ariel in The Little Mermaid. Vincent Van Gogh who is a really famous artist. The beautiful, the wonderful old-school beauty Katherine Hepburn. Julia Roberts. And Merida, the 11th Disney princess who has since slimmed down for her Disney debut. All of these people have one thing in common: they're all gingers. They all have no souls and they're all very evil people. No, they're not actually. They're just regular kind of people, but they're gingers.

So, gingers are people that have really pale skin. "Pale" means white. Look at how white I am. Woo, I'm really white. Freckles. "Freckles" are these dots or skin pigmentations that I have. I got them all over my face. See, when I go in the sun, I burn, and then when I come out of the sun, I get more spots or more freckles. Everyone else goes a beautiful tanned brown colour. Gingers, we get red, then we get more freckles. Then we go back to being paley and pasty. And of course, gingers have to have red hair.

Now, we can have different spectrums of red hair. My hair is very, very light. It's actually called strawberry blonde. I was called Strawberry Shortcake as a child. Cool, that's like I love strawberry shortcake. But people have been teased incessantly about their hair. It can be a very, very dark, dark, dark red; it can be a bright fire engine red; or it can be a very light blonde red, like I have. Do you have red hair? What about down there? Mm-hmm. Maybe a lot of guys when their beard grows in or their moustache, it becomes red. Uh-oh, you've got it somewhere. You've got the ginger in ya.

Interesting facts about this ginger population. A lot of people associate gingers with Ireland. Misguided, are we? The biggest population of ginger people reside in Scotland. Thanks, Gran. My grandmother was a ginger. My brother's a ginger. My dad was a ginger. And my other grandmothers were gingers. I come from a long line of gingers. In America, 2.5% of the population are ginger. There are interestingly no statistics for Canada. I have no idea. And other countries, they don't even talk about gingers from other countries. But I know you're out there. Germany, Austria, even Afghanistan, Middle East, Asia. I know there's gingers around. I've seen you. As of now, 1 to 2% of the world's population are gingers. That's not a lot. We're really cool. The rarest kind of ginger is me. Oh yeah, right here. And you guys thought I was weird. Now you know for sure why I'm weird. The rarest combination of ginger: blue eyes, red hair. I'm the only one in the world. No, I'm not. There's probably more.


REDHEADS: Discover the world of GINGERS - YouTube

Redheads T Shirts, Shirts & Tees | Custom Redheads Clothing

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Redheads T Shirts, Shirts & Tees | Custom Redheads Clothing

Redhead Henna Hair Coloring | Henna Hair Just for Redheads …

"Today I watched the JFR Henna video again and decided today was the day to do my hair. My hair is very short so I used five heaping tablespoons of henna, one heaping teaspoon olive oil. I used my whisk to stir in the boiling water. It was so easy! I used the applicator to brush it on. After twenty minutes I shampooed as directed and voila' my hair is a beautiful strawberry blonde jut what I had hoped for. Boy, I wish I had done this years ago. I will never, never, never use anything else. Thank you Paula. Can't wait to show it to all my friends." Sincerely, Margaret Deemer Lewes, De

"As I stood at my kitchen counter preparing my henna, I was overcome with thankfulness for JFR. Thank you for making a phenomenal product that is easy to use and wonderfully healthy for my hair. I get compliments on my hair daily. Without JFR henna I would be barely recognizable as a redhead as I am prematurely grey. With JRF henna I am the redhead I have always been and will ALWAYS continue to be! Thank you JFR for making that happen for me and other titian haired beauties all over the world!" -- Rachel Reed, OR

"Thank you! JFR Henna has been the solution to all my redhead problems. My gorgeous dark red/auburn hair has been fading over time, and of course grays are coming in, more each year. I'm nearly half gray in some areas. I want to thank Paula for personally talking with me on the phone a few months back about my henna technique and getting things figured out. It's working: grays are covered, no ugly orange tones from leaving henna on too long, and I have hair that my own 74-year-old mother thinks is natural. That is the ultimate test: if your mom thinks you look like you always have, then you're doing something right. Thank you, JFR! I tell all my redheaded friends and acquaintances about you!" -- Susan Lindsey, Seattle, WA

"I have used your Auburn henna for years. My stylist tells me to "keep it up" because she can't give me the natural highlights I get from JFR Henna. I've tried store comparison!! Thank you for a wonderful product and fantastic service!" -- Emily Connor, LA

"My new hairstylist is in awe of my "natural" strawberry blonde hair. I told her I use JFR Strawberry Blonde henna and she was shocked! A stranger commented today, 'My hair used to be that color but it faded as I got older.' I told her, 'So did mine, until I found JFR Henna!!!'" -- Rebecca Comier, NE

"I've been using your henna for 9 years. Almost every day, someone admires my hair color. This is the first henna product that has given me back my original color. I use Champagne mixed with a little Strawberry. It is a great product! Thank you for making it available to redheads everywhere!" -- Linda Cahan, NY

"I can honestly say JFR is the best product I have ever used that matches perfectly with my auburn hair. I have since switched makeup to JFR and it's like I'm a new woman. Thanks for making a great product for us auburn girls. I love being a redhead and I love using a product that enhances my natural color and skin tone." -- Frances Spear, IL

"I am so glad a girlfriend talked me into trying JFR Henna. My hair has such a wonderful, healthy glow!" -- Mary Ernst, TX

"Even though my hairdresser didn't like me trying JFR Henna, I did and the results are simply amazing. My hair looks and feels like it did when I was young, and I get so many wonderful compliments." -- Cindi Mayfield, CT


Redhead Henna Hair Coloring | Henna Hair Just for Redheads ...

How One Photographer Is Bringing Attention To Redheads Of …

Yasss, to embracing our beautiful redheaded kings and queens!

It looks like finally our ginger-haired cousins are getting some love and are no longer being considered the redheaded stepchild (pun intended) on the color wheel. In other words, its not just our paler counterparts who rock naturally fiery tresses; people of colorcan have pigmented hair that doesnt require purchasing a box of Dark & Lovely.

London-based photographer, Michelle Marshall, is one of many creatives breaking down the traditional mold and myths of beauty by exploring the many faces of Afro-Caribbean communities who have been born with the MC1R geneone of several proteins that produces the pigment melanin and regulates hair coloror who are simply known as, redheads. Through her visual documentations, Marshall hopes to bring about awareness that the gene isnt limited to those of Celtic descent.

In speaking with The Huffington Post, she says that she initially set out to capture varying manifestations of freckles, but changed the direction of the project after experiencing random encounters with beautiful Afro-Caribbean boys and girls, men and women. Marshall began to shift the course of her visual census as she called her latest project. Through her work, the woman behind the lens aims to alter peoples perspectives of who is, or who can be, a redhead. In her amazing head shots of 10 individualspeople of color who naturally have beautiful copper-colored hairMichelle Marshall aesthetically tackles race and individuality.

As we struggle with issues of immigration, discrimination, and racial prejudice, Mother Nature, meanwhile, follows its own course, embracing societys plurality and, in the process, shaking up our perceptions about origins, ethnicity, and identity, she told Mic.

And Mother Nature does a damn good job as evident in the portraits. While all of the participants have striking red hair, some have their faces genetically decorated with freckles in all sizes, ranging from very faint and small, to widely spread throughout their facial palette.

With their striking and beautiful features, each and every one of my subjects are challenging the very parameters of race and identity and the idea that skin color informs ones heritage and provenance.

Let us knowyour thoughts on Michelle Marshalls MC1R project!

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How One Photographer Is Bringing Attention To Redheads Of ...

The Truth About Gingers – YouTube

There are many names for them, but here at SciShow we lovingly refer to them as 'Gingers'. In this episode, Hank explains what gene is responsible for the creation of redheads.


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Sources: -Neanderthal gingers

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The Truth About Gingers - YouTube

r/redheads on Imgur

Flawless chick showing off

image 37,980 views

Flawless girl laying on the ground

image 6,364 views

Amazing redhead on the couch

image 3,158 views

That's not what I meant by underwire

image 34,070 views

Do you like what you see?

image 5,338 views

Redhead Check - Black Garters Check - Sexy - Hell Yes

image 70,404 views

Gia Marie playing in the water [gif]

animated 16,771 views

What are you doing back there?

animated 101,666 views

Beautiful Redhead going Wild

animated 4,050 views

Running Her Fingers Through Her Hair

image 18,829 views

Justine Joli & Ashley Graham

image 7,061 views

Gorgeous redhead amateur in bath

image 11,463 views

naturally red in see-through lingerie

image 58,085 views

Red Fox

animated 120,735 views

Red, with a dusting of white

image 19,350 views

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r/redheads on Imgur

Redhead and Proud – The home of Redheads – Fans in NYC …

Woody Allen

Born Allen Stewart Konigsberg in Brooklyn, New York, the young Woody earned his first dollars at the age of 15 selling quips and anecdotes to Big Apple Newspaper columnists. In 1965 Woody made his movie bow in "Whats New Pussycat?" The cinema has remained Woodys chosen medium, amongst a string of successes, "Annie Hall", "Manhattan", and "Zelig" have been particularly well received.

William Atherton

Atherton is an American character actor with light red hair. He played an obnoxious reporter in the first two "Die Hard" films and an obnoxious city official in "Ghostbusters." He was also in "The Sugarland Express" and "Looking for Mr. Goodbar," as well as a number of other films.

Clara Bow

1905 - 1965. The original 'It Girl' of the 1920s, Clara epitomised the spirit of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties. Clara was the first Redheaded film star, starring in such hits as 'It' and 'Mantrap'.

James Cagney

17th July 1899 - 30th March 1986. Born New York. Famed for his tough guy roles in a string of gangster films, starting with the 1931 hit 'Public Enemy'. Best remembered for 'Angels With Dirty Faces' of 1938. Won an Academy Award for a singing role in the 1941 film 'Yankee Doodle Dandy'.

Frances Conroy

Born 13 November 1953. Monroe, Georgia, USA. Highly experienced character actress who has starred in movie hits such as Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Sleepless in Seattle and The Crucible. Best known for her TV role as Ruth Fisher in Six Feet Under.

James Cosmo

Scots born actor who has appeared in more TV shows than youve had hot dinners. Minder, The Professionals and Roughnecks are amongst James small screen roles, his performance as Campbell in Braveheart alongside Mel Gibson won him great critical acclaim.

Hazel Court

Born 10th February 1926 Sutton Coldfield. Gained early experience on the big screen in a number of the early Hammer Horror films. Hazel got her big break starring opposite Peter Cushing in the 1957 movie "The Curse of Frankenstein". Went on to make dozens of other films including "Omen III", and was a fixture on US and UK TV screens, appearing in such series as "Mission Impossible", "Dr. Kildare", and "McMillan and Wife".

Nikki Cox

Born 2 June 1978, Los Angeles. US actress best known for her roles in "Unhappily Ever After" and "Las Vegas".

Charles Dance

Born 10th October 1946 Birmingham. RSC trained actor who has succeeded on the stage, the TV and the silver screen. His performance in ITVs The Jewel In The Crown won him the hearts of the ladies of Middle England, and since then has starred in hit films such as For Your Eyes Only White Mischief and Michael Collins.

Bette Davis

5th April 1908 - 6th October 1989. Her powerful on-stage persona made her one of the most influential actresses in cinema history. She won an Oscar with her performance in the 1935 film "Dangerous". Best remembered for the 1962 classic "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane". It was all going very well until soft-rocker Kim Carnes decided to put her oar in.

Kirsten Dunst

Born 30 April 1982, Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Made her screen debut at the age of 12 in the movie hit Interview With The Vampire, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe. Has gone on to star in Drop Dead Gorgeous and The Virgin Suicides. Best known for her role as May Jane Watson in Spiderman.

Samantha Eggar

Born London, March 5th 1939. Daughter of a British Army brigadier. Convent educated, Samantha became a stage actress in her teens. While performing in a Shakespeare play, Eggar was discovered by film producer Betty Box, who cast Sam, then 23, in The Wild and the Willing (1961). Real success came with "The Collector" (1965), when she got an Oscar nomination for her performance, and won the Cannes Film Festival award for Best Actress.

Noah Emmerich

US freckle-faced actor who made his screen debut in the 1993 film "The Last Action Hero". Best known for his appearance opposite Jim Carrey in "The Truman Show".

Frances Fisher

Born 11 May 1952, Milford-on-Sea, England. TV and big screen regular who made her film debut in 1983's "Can She Bake A Cherry Pie?".

A host of appearances include roles in "Tough Guys Don't Dance", "LA Story", and "The Unforgiven!. Her performance as Ruth Dewitt Bukater in the Oscar-winning "Titanic" won her world-wide fame.

Jason Flemyng

Born 25 September 1966, Putney, London. TV and film actor whose small screen roles have included "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" and "Dr Finlay". Best known for his movie performances in "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", "Snatch" and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".

Gert Frobe

1913 - 1988. German born actor best known for his role as Auric Goldfinger in the 1964 James Bond film. Big Gert also starred in 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' and aptly appeared in the 1965 movie 'The Redhead'.

Courtney Gaines

US film actor, whose portfolio includes starring roles in Colors, The Burbs, Memphis Belle, and Back To The Future.

Greer Garson

1903-1996. Born in London, the young Greer moved to Hollywood where she won 7 Academy nominations and an Oscar for her role in 'Mrs. Miniver'. Later in life Ms Garson donated much time and money to wildlife and environment preservation.

Mitzi Gaynor

Born Francesca Mitzi Gerber 4th September 1931 Chicago. Began her professional career at the age of 12. Mitzi is the epitomy of US showbiz. Her film career saw her work alongside Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Yul Brenner and Krk Douglas. Best known for her role in the musical South Pacific.

Janet Gaynor

1906-1984. Born Laura Gainer, Philadelphia. Made the transition from silent films to 'Talkies' winning an Academy Award for her role in the 1928 hit film 'Seventh Heaven'. Franklin Roosevelt once described her as being 'cute as a button'. Killed by a drunken driver.

Joanna Gleason

Born 2nd June 1950 Winnipeg, Canada. TV and film actress who has appeared on the big screen in hit movies like Woody Allens Crimes and Misdemeanours and Boogie Nights. A Tony winner, Joanna has starred in TV's ER and supplies the voice of the grandmother in King of The Hill.

Lee Grant

Born Lyova Haskell Rosenthal 31st October 1927 New York. Made her screen debut as a shoplifter in the 1951 film 'Detective Story'. Starred in the TV series 'Peyton Place' and won a Best Supporting Oscar for her role in Warren Beattys 1975 film 'Shampoo'.

Seth Green

Born 8th February 1974 Philadelphia. US actor who came to prominence with his appearance in The Hotel New Hampshire, going on to star in the classic Cant Buy Me Love. Seth lost his way in the mid 90s, but has regrouped to return to the limelight with roles in Austin Powers and as Oz in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Angie Gregory

Born 25 January 1975, Draffenville, Kentucky US. Actress best known for her appearances in "Day Of The Dead2", "The Revenge of Bloody Bill" and "Guilty & Innocent.

Rupert Grint

Previously unknown actor (well, he is only ten) who makes his big screen debut as Ron Weasley in Harry Potter & The Sorcerers Stone. Scarily, he is very like his character, from a family of seven and has a red headed sister.

Alyson Hannigan

Los Angeles based Alyson plays Willow Rosenberg in TVs 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'. Willow is Buffys friend and confidante, a role Ms Hannigan plays to perfection. Alyson also starred in both American Pie and American Pie 2 - plus numerous other films, thereby earning a placing in our 'silver screen' gallery.

Susan Hayward

30th June 1918 - 14th March 1975. Born Brooklyn as Edythe Marrener. Beautiful actress who won an Oscar for her portrayal of condemned murderess Barbara Graham in 'I Want To Live'. Lost out to Vivian Leigh for the role of Scarlett OHara in 'Gone With The Wind'.

Rita Hayworth

17th October 1918 - 14th May 1987. Nicknamed The Love Goddess, Rita was born Margarita Carmen Cansino in New York City, and made her name in such films as "Love and Sand", "The Lady from Shanghai" and "Pal Joey". The number one pin-up with the US GI's in World War II, Ritas great hair colour made the wait for Technocolour well worth it.

Marilu Henner

Born Chicago, won 5 Golden Globe nominations for her performances in 1980s hit TV sitcom 'Taxi'. Has gone on to make her name on the silver screen with hit movies such as 'LA Story' with Steve Martin and 'Between The Lines' with Jeff Goldblum. Marilu has been a US Talkshow host and is now earning the Yankee dollar with her Total Health Makeover project.

Katharine Hepburn

Born 1907, Hartford USA. The winner of Four Oscars and 12 Academy Award Nominations, has made Katharine one of the most loved and respected actresses of all time. She got her hands on the little fellah for 'Morning Glory' in 1933, 'Guess Whos Coming To Dinner' in 1967, 'The Lion in Winter' in 1968 and 1981s Wrinkle-Fest with Henry Fonda, 'On Golden Pond'.

Patricia Hodge

Cleethorpes-born English Rose and Red and Proud pin-up. Patricia has been a favourite on our TV screens through performances in Rumpole of the Bailey, The Professionals, The Naked Civil Servant and Morse amongst others.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

A talented American character actor, Hoffman played Dusty in "Twister" and also appeared in "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and "Almost Famous." His hair is red-gold.

Sterling Holloway

4th January 1905 - 22nd November 1992. Starred in well over 100 feature films, but is best remembered for his Disney voice-work. Red-topped Sterling was the voice of Winnie The Pooh, and Kaa in 'The Jungle Book'.

Donald Houston

6th November 1923 - 13th October 1991. Born Tonypandy, Wales.

Hardworking TV & film actor never off the nations screens during the 1960s. Film roles included appearances in 'Room at The Top', 'Doctor in The House', '633 Squadron', and 'Where Eagles Dare'.

Bryce Dallas Howard

Born 2 March 1981, Los Angeles. Daughter of "Happy Days" star and successful Hollywood director Ron Howard. Bryce has the Dallas part of her name as that was where she was conceived. Has become hot property, starring in the hit movies "The Village", "Lady In The Water" and the 2007 release "Spider Man 3".

Ron Howard

Born 1st March 1954 Oklahoma. Starred as the clean cut Richie Cunningham in 'Happy Days'. Now a successful Hollywood film director with hits such as 'Cocoon', 'Splash', 'The Grinch' and 'The Da Vinci Code' to his name.

Steve Huison

Lomper in "The Full Monty", curly Redhead Steve has also graced our TV screens in "Heartbeat" and "Emmerdale" and returned to our movie houses in "When Saturday Comes".

Van Johnson

Born 25th August 1916 Newport, Rhode Island. Hardworking actor who found fame in a New Faces Show on Broadway. Has appeared in over 100 feature films including 'Brigadoon' and 'The Caine Mutiny'.

Marcia Mae Jones

Born 1st August 1924 Hollywood, California. Child star of the 1930s and 40s famed for her bratty, spiteful roles. In later years she has worked as a character actress appearing in TV shows such as 'The Streets of San Francisco'.

Madeline Kahn

29th September 1942 - 3rd December 1999. Boston born US comic actress who won an Emmy for Wanted - The Perfect Guy and two Oscar nominations for Paper Moon and Young Frankenstein. A long time associate of Mel Brooks. Madeline was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the disease she died from, and spent her last years fund-raising for cancer charities.

Danny Kaye

1913-1987. Born David Daniel Kaminsky in Brooklyn. The son of an immigrant Russian tailor. His zany madcap comedic style made Danny a massive Hollywood star in the 1950s, his best known films were 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' and 'White Christmas'.

Rose Keegan

British born actress who has appeared in TV shows such as Miss Marple and Gimme, Gimme, Gimme as well as hit movies such as Driving Lessons, Thunderbirds and Woody Allen's Match Point.

Deborah Kerr

Born 30th September 1921 in Scotland. Lured to Hollywood in 1946 by MGM, continued on her path to World domination with starring roles in "From Here To Eternity" and 1955s smash Box Office hit "The King and I" where her great Red hair made a mockery of Yul Brynners shiny bald cranium. Deborah received an Honorary Oscar in 1994 for gaining the most nominations for Best Actress without actually winning the damn thing.

Nicole Kidman

Oooh, those Pre-Raphaelite locks swinging about in Eyes Wide Shut. Formerly married to Tom Cruise, Australian Nicole is a Hollywood person, in the nicest possible way.

Elisa Lanchester

28th October 1902 - 26th December 1986. Born Elizabeth Sullivan in London. Character actress best known for her role as 'The Bride of Frankenstein' in the 1935 hit movie. Married to Charles Laughton.

Lindsay Lohan

Born 2nd July 1986 New York. US teen TV and film star best known for appearances in 'Another World' and the Disney remake 'The Parent Trap'. Lindsay also shakes her booty on the catwalk modelling for Calvin Klein and Donna Karen. More to come, no doubt.

Natasha Lyonne

Born 4th April 1979 New York. Began her showbusiness career at the tender age of six when she appeared on US TV in Pee-Wee Hermans Playhouse. Came to prominence with her performance as Woody Allens daughter in Everyone Says I Love You. Other roles include a down and out in Slums of Beverly Hills and a confused lesbian in But Im a Cheerleader.

Originally posted here:

Redhead and Proud - The home of Redheads - Fans in NYC ...

Hot For Ginger – Online dating for redheads, gingers and …

HotForGinger was founded by a natural redhead who knows all about the ups and downs of life as a carrot top. On the one hand there are people and places who consider red hair to be truly beautiful, but on the other hand there are those who give ginger people a very hard time indeed. Teasing, ginger jokes and unfortunately even outright bullying are too commonplace.

An ability to laugh at oneself is very important (and redheads usually have a great sense of humour), but at the same time there should be a balance of positive publicity towards redheads that will cancel out the nastiness aimed at us by the ignorant few. One of our aims is to do just that, not just by putting people in touch with awesome and gorgeous gingers, but also by creating a dialogue through our blog, marketing efforts and endorsements. We also encourage good chat and banter on our busy Facebook page. Come join us!

Find out more about us and our values

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Hot For Ginger - Online dating for redheads, gingers and ...

Ginger – Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia



This is a true O.G. - Original Ginger.

Contrary to popular belief, these are not gingers.

Ginger is the medical term for a "person" affected by the bizarre disfiguring disease known as Gingervitus. Ghoulish symptoms include hair color ranging from an eerie light copper-tone to deep blood red, as well as a translucent to pallid skin tone. Much adversity has been attributed to gingers' existence throughout history, and while female gingers can be considered attractive, most males of the ginger persuasion seem to resemble animated clowns. (see fig 1.A)

Gingers have a higher concentration of these things, filling their heads with nonsense and rendering them soulless.

Fig 1.A - Sadly there is no cure for Gingervitis This person called Tim is suffering badly.

It is thought that the gingers, like other damn dirty apes, originated in Africa. For reasons still unknown, they gradually migrated Northwest, and by circa 3600BC had reached what is now modern-day Scotland. Unfortunately, due to recurrent internal strife, Scottish society was unable to put up any significant resistance to the Ginginvaders. As a result, the Gingers quickly overwhelmed the ethnic Scottish, and Scotland has ever since been dominated by the Reds.

Since the mid-1970's the steadily increasing number of Ginger immigrants to England has prompted increasingly violent ethnic tension. In recent years, this backlash has occasionally erupted into acts of terrorism and violence aimed at killing or expelling as many Gingers from Great Britain as possible. In the words of at least one widely-respected world leader, the ultimate goal is to "wipe them off the map" and "drive them into the sea" (Ahamadinejad, 2008). Interestingly, social backlash in Briton appears greatest in Irish and Muslim communities. Some DNA experts correctly speculate that such peoples are naturally prone to intolerance and terrorism due to their generally lower intelligence compared to ethnically-British people (Watson, 2009.)

Luckily, Gingers will cease to exist by the year 2029. By that time, the whole of England will have finally recognized that the threat posed by Gingers, just like bird flu, AIDS sufferers, and other "bloody undesirables" needs to be isolated, quarantined, and exterminated. Amen.

See the article here:

Ginger - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Redheads Engineering Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Looking for Mechanical Turbine Commissioning Engineers in South Africa (multiple vacancies) for review & optimisation of steam turbines of coal-fired power plants. Extensive commissioning as well as operations experience with large conventional steam turbines and good English skills required. We have a number of vacancies opening up over the coming months, one is available immediately, and there are a number of vacancies opening up during the following 3-6 months. The main task is to optimise the plants' turbines and balance of plant equipment from a mechanical perspective. The power stations are all over 35 years old and their turbines need to be reviewed and optimised. more...

Redheads Engineering Solutions is a proud contributor to Business for Empowerment Trust, a non-profit organisation that supports various charities such as Mohau Centre, Hunger & Thirst Foundation and Positive Moms. more...

As part of our Enterprise Development programme Redheads Engineering Solutions contributes to SEED Investments, a commercial enterprise aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship-, black business- and leadership development. more...

Through our international partnership we successfully completed a migration project with an international network provider in Dubai and Germany. more...

See the original post:

Redheads Engineering Solutions (Pty) Ltd

The science of Red Hair – Daily Kos

If you want to produce a true redhead you need two people who carry a recessive gene called chromosone 16. When they come together you end up with a mutation in the MC1R protein and there you go....a redhead is born!

What that means for the child goes well beyond a fear of the sun and an inability to wear pink.

First off, the dentist!

I used to drive mine mad. I was always crying and trying to push them away when I was a kid. It hurt so much! Even though they gave me the shot, I could feel every pinch of the clamps and my gums would scream! As I got older I got more vocal. "I'm not frozen!" I would say and they would give me a second shot, or a third. Once I was given the maximum amount allowed and then sent home as I could easily feel what they were doing. I couldn't explain it then but I can now.

More on my vindication can be found here.

I also remember getting my tonsils out. Not the whole operation, but more than I should remember. I remember what the OR looked like and I remember being awake, and in pain, as I was wheeled out of the OR and being taken to recovery. I was told it was all a dream. Or was it?

Go forward 20 years and I'm a week away from having my gallbladder removed when a coworker tells me they heard of a study showing redheads waking up during surgery isn't uncommon. I'm a Librarian! I started to research and guess what??

The University of Louisville did some studies on redheaded women (only women, they didn't want to mix up the genders) and how they related to anesthetic.


With this research in hand I went to see my Doctor and he laughed. I spoke with the anesthiologist who was putting me under and he said he was used to redheads. They put me out before 8am on a Tuesday with assurances to talk with me in the afternoon. Too bad I didn't come out of the anesthetic until Wednesday! None of the nurses or the attendings thought it was unusual. "It's the hair".

See the original post:

The science of Red Hair - Daily Kos

Ginger Kids – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Ginger Kids" is the eleventh episode of the ninth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 136th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on November 9, 2005. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker[1] and was rated TV-MA in the United States, except on syndicated broadcasts, where the episode is instead rated TV-14. It caused controversy after its ironic premise was misunderstood by people who acted violently against redheads.

For a class presentation, Cartman delivers a hate speech, against what he calls "Gingers": people with red hair, freckles, and pale skin due to a disease called "Gingervitis". He describes them as being disgusting, inhuman, unable to survive in sunlight, and having no souls. When Kyle points out that he too has red hair, Cartman says that there is a second class of redheads, the "daywalkers," who have red hair but not pale skin and freckles.

In Kyle's attempt to prove Cartman wrong, he decides to do a presentation countering Cartman's face, arguing that being a "ginger kid" is an inheritable trait. To prove this, Kyle and Stan visit a family who have redhead children. To their shock, the parents of the Ginger kids, who each carry a recessive gene that has caused them to have Ginger kids, possess the same prejudice towards Ginger kids as Cartman. The father of the Ginger kids informs Kyle that marrying an Asian woman ensures that the recessive gene is not passed down, and mentions a friend who is marrying an Asian woman for that reason. When Kyle makes his presentation, Cartman stands up for his claims and uses Biblical references, alleging that Judas Iscariot was a Ginger. As a result, Cartman's speech causes a new-found prejudice towards Ginger kids in the school. The gingers are treated as outcasts and forced to eat in the hallway rather than the cafeteria. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny agree that they really need to teach Cartman a lesson.

At night, the three sneak into Cartman's room and use skin bleach to make his skin pale, dye his hair red and put Henna tattoos of freckles on his face. Cartman wakes up in the morning to discover that he now has the disease "gingervitis" and has become a Ginger himself. The boys' plan goes off with flying colors. Cartman is taken to the doctor, who turns out to be prejudiced himself and soon insults him, even suggesting that Mrs. Cartman have him put down, which she considers. At school, Cartman is laughed at by Butters, and faces discrimination from the very people he himself convinced to despise Gingers. He is forced to join the gingers in eating in the hallway despite his attempts to convince them that he is still who he was. In response to this, Cartman establishes the "Ginger Separatist Movement" to promote the better aspects of being ginger.

Initially peaceful, Cartman's movement quickly becomes violent and Nazi-esque in tone, arguing that Gingers are a "great race," though when he tries to name a successful "ginger," the gingers are forced to simply declare themselves as being like "Ron Howard..... and others." He and his organization start holding protests, including beating up a brunette who played Annie, for playing a redhead but not actually being one. Eventually, Cartman convinces the Ginger kids to decide to kill all the town's non-gingers by telling them "The only way to fight hate..... is with MORE hate!"

An hour before dawn, the boys decide to sneak into Cartman's room and change him back to his original appearance. However, on their way over to his house, Ginger kids start to creep out of seemingly nowhere and follow them. At first, though terrified, the boys try to ignore them and decide to go home. Kenny is suddenly snatched away, prompting Kyle and Stan to break into a run. Meanwhile, children across the town are abducted from their homes by the Ginger kids. Eventually, Stan and Kyle are the only ones left. They lock themselves in a barn for protection but the Ginger kids break in and capture them both.

All the non-gingers are taken to the Sunset Room at the Airport Hilton Hotel, complete with a lava pit and refreshment buffet. They are all imprisoned in cages and will be chosen for sacrifice one by one.

"Daywalker" Kyle is chosen as the first- Cartman states a "half-ginger" is much worse than one with no such trait. However, he asks that before he dies, he say something private to Cartman. Kyle whispers in Cartman's ear that he is not in fact a "ginger". Now thinking only of self-preservation, he realizes that if his own cult were to learn of his true physical identity he too would die with every other non-"ginger kid" of the town. Cartman pretends to have had an epiphany that everyone should live in harmony and peace since Kyle's speech. As the non-gingers are freed, Kyle calls Cartman a "manipulative asshole". Cartman responds "Yes, but I'm not going to die", and then they start singing a song about how the different races should live together in peace.

The episode inspired "Kick a Ginger Day" at Wingfield Academy in Rotherham, Yorkshire, where red-headed students faced discrimination based on their hair color. Parents of the discriminated students launched a Facebook group protesting the offending students in an attempt to end the bullying. One mother pulled her 13-year-old son from the school until she could be assured that the discrimination would stop, saying "My son rang me and said kids were kicking him, saying it was National Kick a Ginger Kid Day. He was scared so I went to get him out of school." One father was disgusted with the way students treated his 13-year-old daughter based on her hair color, and reported that she received bruised legs from beatings, stating "She should be able to go to school without having to worry about being kicked in the corridor." School staff "strongly reprimanded" the offending students.[2]

Original post:

Ginger Kids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Redhead Extinction – HowStuffWorks

In August 2007, many news organizations reported that redheads or "gingers," as our British and Australian friends call them, would eventually become extinct. Other news outlets and blogs picked up the story, citing the "Oxford Hair Foundation" or "genetic scientists" who claimed that there would be no more redheads by as early as 2060 [source: The Courier Mail]. It turns out that all those people were wrong. Redheads are here to stay and should be around well beyond 2060.

The story of redhead extinction has gone around the Internet before, most recently in 2005, with news articles again citing the Oxford Hair Foundation as a source. These articles work on the mistaken assumption that recessive genes -- like the one for red hair -- can "die out." Recessive genes can become rare but don't disappear completely unless everyone carrying that gene dies or fails to reproduce. So while red hair may remain rare, enough people carry the gene that, barring global catastrophe, redheads should continue to appear for some time.

Some of the articles discussing redhead extinctionreferred tothe Oxford Hair Foundation as an "independent" institute or research foundation, but a Google search shows that the Oxford Hair Foundation is funded by Proctor & Gamble, makers of numerous beauty products -- including red hair dye.

In the most recent wave of redhead extinction warnings, some news outlets incorrectly cited the September 2007 issue of National Geographic as the source of the extinction claims. Others, correctly, cited that issue of National Geographic for the statistics it presented in a short piece on redheads. In fact, the National Geographic story provided somedata about red hair in the world population, but it only said that "news reports" have claimed that redheads were going extinct [source: National Geographic]. The piece did not explicitly back the claim. Instead, the article stated that "while redheads may decline, the potential for red isn't going away" [source: National Geographic]. Unfortunately the misconception about disappearing redheads is now widespread.

Experts who have been interviewed agree that the redhead extinction claim is bogus. David Pearce from the University of Rochester Medical Center told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle in 2005 -- after the last round of redhead extinction news -- that the scientists behind the original claim should "check their calculator" [source: Seattle Times]. Rick Sturm, a researcher in hair and skin genetics at the University of Queensland, told the Australian Broadcasting Company that "there's no shortage of red-heads" and that the Oxford Hair Foundation didn't provide sufficient scientific evidence to prove its findings [source: ABC Canberra].

Red hair is caused by a mutation in the MC1R gene. It's also a recessive trait, so it takes both parents passing on a mutated version of the MC1R gene to produce a redheaded child. Because it's a recessive trait, red hair can easily skip a generation. It can then reappear after skipping one or more generations if both parents, no matter their hair color, carry the red hair gene.

If the redhead story sounds familiar to you, it might be because, according to some people, they're not the only endangered hair color. On the next page, we'll talk about the plight of blondes.

Excerpt from:

Redhead Extinction - HowStuffWorks