How To Optimize Your eBay Listing

The first sale computer programmer Pierre Omidyar made on his site AuctionWeb was for $14.83 in 1995. Why is that significant? Because Omidyar had sold a broken laser pointer to someone who actually collected broken laser pointers. Knowing that he was on to something, Omidyar let AuctionWeb consume his domain,, and the eCommerce world hasnt been the same since.

In the second quarter of 2014, for example, eBay has accumulated 148.9 million users, which has already surpassed the 140 million users at the end of 2013.

For the last two decades, eBay has become not only a location for sellers and buyers to find or unload whatever they want, it has become a cultural phenomenon.

The only problem, how can you stand apart from the other millions of sellers and optimize your ebay account?

Optimize your eBay listings and store with the following tips.

Have an Awesome Store Front

Would you enter a restaurant that had a filthy exterior? Would you stick around a store that promised sporting equipment, but only sold kitchenware? Just like walking into any brick and mortar store, the appearance of your eBay is a major factor for customers.

To get the most of your eBay shop, Business 2 Community created an infographic that suggests your store should include:

You can also customize your stores appearance so itincludes header for links or a logo and an option for email newsletter subscriptions. Theres also a left navigation bar that can include links to your first 30 Store categories.

Go here to read the rest:

How To Optimize Your eBay Listing

Cheyenne working to speed election returns

By - Associated Press - Sunday, October 26, 2014

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - Elections officials in Cheyenne are hoping to speed elections returns after a clunky August primary.

Laramie County Clerk Debbye Lathrop said the county has made upgrades so that vote tallies from its 61 precincts come out earlier.

The county has doubled the number of machines to read memory cards from individual voting machines, Lathrop told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle ( ).

On primary election night in August, Laramie County was one of the last counties in the state to report unofficial election results, at 10:38 p.m.

Right now, we only have three machines that we can upload (memory) cards into, she said. We are trying to get three more dongles - thats really what theyre called - so we can connect three more machines.

On past election nights, the canvassing board has watched the process and served as the eyes to make sure everything is going right, Lathrop said.

But if they can help with loading up the cards, then we can get things done faster, she added.

Lathrop said she will keep an open mind about longer-term strategies the county can employ to improve the process.

She said she is watching a shift toward mail-in ballots. Several states, including Colorado, have adopted all-mail election systems.

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Cheyenne working to speed election returns

Your Take: How and when to watch the solar eclipse

Get your camera gear and protective filters ready: a partial solar eclipse is due Thursday. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun. It's a spectacular sight, and an even better photo opportunity. Here are some tips and pointers to keep in mind when photographing the solar eclipse.


? Use a solar filter to protect your DSLR camera sensor

? Use protective eyewear, such as welder's glasses

? Use a tripod or mount to avoid a blurry photo

? Manually focus your camera

? Set your camera settings before the solar eclipse - test those settings on a non-eclipse day

? Use a high ISO setting and high resolution - to keep exposures very short and prevent blurring from vibrations

DON'T ? Use a smartphone

? Look directly at the sun with your camera/eyes unless both are protected

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Your Take: How and when to watch the solar eclipse

Yes, the newborn babies you see on Facebook are wrapped in the same blanket

Have you ever noticed that it looks like all of the newborn baby photos you see posted on Facebook or other social media outlets are wrapped in the same exact blanket? Well, youre not losing your mind. It is, in fact, the same blanket.

The blanket is part of the Kuddle-Up line by Mundelein produced by the healthcare supply company Medline. The company was started by A.L. Mills back in 1910. Throughout the decades, Mills had a mission to make things like hospital gowns and receiving blankets less drab. And when the blanket idea came about it in the late 1950s, it was pretty simple blue and pink stripes covers the bases for a unisex baby product. Now, Medline sells 1.5 million Kuddle-Up blanketsin Candy Stripe every year.

Not only does every hospital-born childin the USget wrapped in the Kuddle-Up, most of them have their photos pasted on the web very soon after, according to Quartz. A 2011 study found that 66% of GenX parents (those born in the late 60s and 70s) post photos of their children online. In the UK, one study found, most parents post a picture of their newborn within an hour of his birth. While no one at Facebook could say how many newborn photos are posted, its users upload 350 million pictures each day.

A.L. Mills would be proud to know that not only are his blankets not drab, they are getting free advertising daily. Success.

[Baby with blanket photo by flickr user Scott Sherrill Mix ]

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Yes, the newborn babies you see on Facebook are wrapped in the same blanket

A Shared Vision: How Harmonix Is Making Disney's Fantasia And Classical Music Important All Over Again

Vision. Its a quality I often associate with the late Walt Disney Walt Disney, a man who ceaselessly harnessed his imagination to build timeless experiences. That same kind of vision seems to be the principal driving force in the products created by game developer Harmonix. From its smallest projects (A City Sleeps) to massively influential games like Rock Band, Harmonix always seems to have their creative eye on a clear goal: Marrying music with unique gameplay.

Its fitting, then, that Harmonix was tasked with building a bridge between one of Disneys most ambitious film projects and their own style of interactive entertainment. Theyre certainly adept at handling iconic properties and timeless music. If in doubt of that, go play The Beatles: Rock Band, a game developed with an overwhelming reverence and love for the source material.

Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, out today, is the result of a new collaboration between Disney and Harmonix that, among other accomplishments, proves that a 74-year-old film is indeed timeless with the right people at the helm.

Yen Sid shows his apprentice how to invoke the Muse in Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved

I recently sat down with Matt Boch, Creative Director ofDisney Fantasia: Music Evolved, to talk about the process of working with Disney, the challenge of making centuries-old music relevant to a new audience, and how his own vision is about much more than developing a video game.

FORBES: Matt, a question thats top of mind concerns the two versions of Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved. Are there gameplay differences between the Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions? Were there technical hurdles involved in developing for Kinect 1.0 and Kinect 2.0?

Matt Boch: Theres only one significant feature difference, and thats the ability to share and upload your remixes to youTube. Beyond that we were able to create feature parity. Of course the Xbox One version is more beautiful both in terms of visuals and audio. [The Xbox 360 version contains a necessary level of both video and audio compression.]

FORBES: How was the process of choosing and licensing songs this time around? Was it similar to the way youve built the Rock Band and Dance Central libraries?

Matt Boch: In a lot of ways it was completely different. In some ways its the same. You find a song you like, its relatively contemporary, you go through the licensing process weve gone through for hundreds upon hundreds of tracks with Rock Band and Dance Central catalogues. But theres a couple key differences here. One is the inclusion of music that exists in the public domain. Were spanning centuries here, not just decades!

We also had to go through the process of recording some of these pieces. Some members of our team went to work with the London Symphony Orchestra and thats not a thing we usually do!

Excerpt from:

A Shared Vision: How Harmonix Is Making Disney's Fantasia And Classical Music Important All Over Again

Longmont city council gets look at NextLight fiber optic Internet service

Longmont Power and Communications announced Tuesday night that some residents in south-central Longmont will be able to sign up for city-provided fiber optic Internet Nov. 3

Plus, LPC introduced the city council to the futuristic moniker for the high-speed fiber optic Internet that will eventually permeate the city NextLight.

NextLight Residential Rates

1 gigabit/sec speed for $99.95/month or $49.95/month if customer signs up in first three months of neighborhood availability

25 megabit/sec speed for $39.95 a month

The first area of Longmont to gain access to the fiber optic Internet service is a small triangular area of 500 homes roughly bordered by Pike Road, South Sunset Street, Holly Avenue and Lefthand Drive.

On Nov. 3, those potential customers can call LPC and schedule an installation crew to come to their home, LPC Director Thomas Roiniotis said.

The homeowner and the installation crew will then discuss where to extend the fiber optic cables underground in the backyard into the side of the house. LPC will not charge installation fees nor charge to lease a modem, Roiniotis added.


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Longmont city council gets look at NextLight fiber optic Internet service

Halloween goes to the dogs, and cats

Sparky the Corgy from Walnut Creek loves playing dress-up. (Betty Costa)

Some folks need no excuse, but if you're looking for a good reason to dress up your pet, you can't really beat Halloween.

As long as the pet doesn't mind it and it doesn't put them in danger, experts say there's no reason why pets can't join in on the holiday fun.

We asked readers to submit photos of their decked-out dogs and costumed cats so we could share them with all of our readers. Here are a few of our favorites.

There's still time for submit your photos. Go to the Animal Life column at and look for the upload button. Or you can add your picture by posting it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #mercdresspet.

-- Joan Morris, Staff

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Halloween goes to the dogs, and cats

Video – A Look Around The Corner

Now that its clear where tv and video are going in the near future, its easy to sit back and say the future is sorted out, no need to look further. Just stand by and wait for the long-heralded a la carte future to be built and deployed. But that would miss the fun part. Not the near future, but the future that waits just around he corner.

So with that in mind the New York Video Meetup ( put together a steller presentation of futurists and video activists to explore what lies ahead. The result was a mind-bending hour and a half of presentations and explorations.

The evening, sponsored by AOL, Waywire, and Kaltura took place at AOLs snazzy high

tech HQ across from NYU in lower manhattan.

The first presentation, byDC Vito,the Executive Director of The Lamp showed a combination of technology and business called Media Breaker. The Lamp is a not-for-profit whos goal is to provide tools to empower young people to talk back to media. Vito explains that young people now spend almost 11 hours per day engaged in media, accordingto the Kaiser Family Foundation. Thats amind-blowingnumber. Vito co-founded The LAMP (Learning AboutMultimedia Project) in 2007 to engage teens. What Vito learned was that young people who confronted orcriticizedmedia found that brands, companies, and lawyers would quickly send take down notices to YouTube, removing what was the natural platform for teens as a home of media criticism. Fair use, it turns out, is only fair if you have a lawyer to argue your side.

So Vito and his team built an editing tool, Media Breaker to give teens a web-based, easy to use platform to edit and remix media. Sure, you could use iMovie, Final Cut, or Premier for that. But he added an important layer upload to Mediabreaker and their team of fair-use lawyers will review and almost always defend your video. So teens with an argument to pick with say Kia automotive for what they see as racist use of a hamster, dont have to go it alone.

Vito told the Knight Foundation a funder of MediaBreaker; In breaking new ground with the Media Breaker, it is our intent to help create 10,000 little Jon Stewarts engaged, excited and activated users breaking the media and changing the message.

And at NYVM he opened some eyes. Yes, YouTube is powerful, but without an underlying system to support fair use and critical dialog, the content owner with the deepest pockets can easily just suppressdissent.And as content moves across the web, there are new tools and communities to help creators navigate both the technical and businesschallenges. Media Breaker is a great glimpse into the future.

Go here to see the original:

Video - A Look Around The Corner

The Complete Guide to Creating the Perfect Facebook Page for Your Business

As small business owners and brand managers, youve probably heard that you need to be on Facebook.

Great! So where should you start? And is there an easy blueprint to follow?

Weve experimented a lot with various Facebook marketing tips over the past several months, and weve enjoyed figuring out the best way to create and manage our Facebook page here at Buffer. Id love to share with you how the process has worked so far!

Since things continue to change regularly with Facebook and its algorithm, consider this A to Z guide as a great jumping off point. Start here, test what works for your individual business and brand, and make changes as you learn.

Related: How to Effectively and Accurately Use Data to Inform Your Social-Media Decisions (Infographic)

Open the following URL to create a business page on Facebook:

Once there, youll choose one of the following six categories for your page:

Excerpt from:

The Complete Guide to Creating the Perfect Facebook Page for Your Business

Festival goers invited to design and build dream campsite

Splore is an eclectic summer music festival that celebrates both music and art, and for New Zealand festival goers - there is no place like it. For 2015 the Red Bull Art of Camping competition returns to Splore, inviting the most creative to design and build their dream themed interactive living space, located on one of the most premium campsites at Tapapakanga Regional Park.

Participants are encouraged to get wild and let their imagination run free, turning a 10x10m open campsite into a living art installation where anything goes and originality reigns supreme. Everything from a fantasy castle to a pirate ship - in a Splore state of mind no idea is a bad idea. The only prerequisites are that competitors must have a theme, show creativity, and have crowd participation factored in for each of the three festival days. Red Bull will even supply $500 to help turn the winning sketches into a reality.

There are ten unique sites up for grabs, with winners receiving the chance to live for the weekend in their exclusive Red Bull Art of Camping site, complete with sea views, private bathrooms and hot running showers. A licensed bar will be at their doorstep, with ice-cold Red Bull delivered to each campsite daily. There will be plenty of electricity for their toaster, stereo, and phone chargers. Winners will be living the camping dream.

2014 saw winners open show with a community clothes horse, where other festival goers could walk through and take an item off the clothes-line, replacing it with something equally fabulous of their own. Other entries included a giant wooden bench seat large enough to host a party, a space themed tea party and the stitched circle of love, where leading street artists work was translated into a giant cross stich.

Entering is easy. Competitors just need to fill in the online application form from October 20 - November 29 on and upload an image, collage or sketch of their proposed dream campsite. Entries will be displayed on, so those who have entered can check back to see who their neighbours could be.

See the article here:

Festival goers invited to design and build dream campsite

Singer on path from Northwest to Nashville — Gazette.Net

A performance on the Grand Ole Opry stage brings to mind a vision of cowboy boots and 12-string guitars, but on Oct. 29, high school students from all over the country will transform it into a different type of concert.

Radhika Gore, 16, a junior at Northwest High School in Germantown is one of the students that was chosen to participate in the National Association for Music Educations All-National Honor Choir in Nashville.

Im going to be totally honest. I didnt know what [the Grand Ole Opry] was before this, Gore said, explaining that once she looked it up she was impressed and couldnt wait to sing there because she thought the acoustics would be amazing.

The All-National Honor Choir is made up of the top high school choral performers in the country. In order to audition, one must first be accepted into his or her All-State Festival. Gore participated in All-State for the first time last year and, because of that, was given a list of different programs and choirs she could audition for. The All-National Honor Choir grabbed her attention.

In May, Gore submitted an audition online of her singing Danny Boy and He Trusted in God, both traditional choir songs that she used to make it into the All-State Festival.

We had to upload two separate videos of us singing songs for two minutes. I chose what I thought was best, Gore said.

While those who auditioned were supposed to hear back by July whether or not they had made it, July arrived and Gore hadnt heard anything. She reached out to her choral director who checked the roster online where she saw Gores name.

I was a little disheartened. I thought that it would at least be nice of them to let me know what happened, but when I did find out it was even more exciting than it would have been, she said.

Shes been listening to music ever since she was born, her father, Vivek Gore, said, explaining the family has always been very musical. She does sing a lot around the house, theres always music going on. She cant study without music.

Right now, Gore is studying the music she will have to perform with the choir. Unlike most concerts where the performers have weeks to rehearse together to get the sound just right, students at All-National only have a couple days.

Go here to see the original:

Singer on path from Northwest to Nashville -- Gazette.Net

Justin Bieber Flaunts Sexy Abs In New Pic Showing Off For Selena Gomez?

Courtesy of Instagram

Justin Bieber, 20, shared a pic and video from his workout session withFloyd Mayweather Jr. on October 17. Showing off his muscles and tatted arms, Justin neglected to wear a shirtwhile he jabbed at the professional fighter. Did Justin upload this sexy pic in hopes of Selena seeing it?

Justinand Floyd threw some punches atTen Goose boxing gym in Van Nuys, CA. Of course, JB was sure to document this moment with a pic viaInstagram. He captioned the action shot, @floydmayweather is my trainer. The sexy shirtless pic was clearly meant to catch Selenas attention!

The Biebs and his boxing friend met last year and have been close ever since.

When Floyd was asked aboutthe nature of his friendship with the young singer, and whether the pair were just marketing partners, he saidthat it was racial profiling to assume that.

Do you think Selena saw his shirtless pic? Apparently, Justin is excited to reunite with his on-again off-again love and show her just how much he cares for her.

Once he gets her to talk to him again hell do something huge, a source dished EXCLUSIVELY. She still talks about when he rented the Staples Center out for her, so hell do something to top that.

The source added, He knows Selena believes they belong together, so in his mind hes gonna get her back, its just a matter of how long she holds out, our source continued. But to be honest, he loves that chase, that drama, it gets him fired up.

HollywoodLifers, do you think Justin uploaded that hot pic for Selena? Do you think they will get back together? Comment below!

Shira Benozilio

The rest is here:

Justin Bieber Flaunts Sexy Abs In New Pic Showing Off For Selena Gomez?

Envious of fiber broadband? Help is on the way for copper users

A technology that delivers broadband speeds over copper lines at a speed comparable to fiber is gaining momentum.

Telekom Austria said this week it had connected the first subscriber in the world to its domestic network with, which offers data rates of up to several 100 Mbit/s via existing copper lines. That will meet the needs of even the most demanding households over the next 10 to 20 years, according to the operator. increases the bandwidth by using more spectrum. That places extra demands on equipment to be very good at handling interference, a far from trivial requirement. only works over short distances, up to 250 meters, so it is only used to connect subscribers to the nearest distribution point; the rest of the network must be fiber. That means it can't replace all slow DSL lines, but it will be used where it's difficult or too expensive for operators to install fiber all the way to the subscriber's modem.

Telekom Austria has multi-story buildings in cities in mind for large-scale commercial installations in 2016. In this case fiber is deployed all the way to the basement of a building, and existing copper lines are used for the final connection to the apartments.

Fiber to the home remains the operator's long term vision, but it sees as a good interim technology.

A big step toward commercial availability was taken last week when Sckipio introduced the first chipsets. It sees a shorter horizon than Telekom Austria: it expects the first modems will be available in the first half of next year and services will be available in the second half of 2015.

Telekom Austria isn't the only operator that has high hopes for Recently, British operator BT said download speeds of around 700Mbps and upload speeds at 200Mbps over a distance of 66 meters were achieved during a field trial.

Over the coming months BT will use a new laboratory to study the full technical capabilities of hardware from the likes Adtran, Alcatel-Lucent (which is also working with Telekom Austria) and Huawei.

Send news tips and comments to

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Envious of fiber broadband? Help is on the way for copper users

A Little Peace of Mind This Weekend, With a Home Inventory Finally Done?

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 16, 2014

ListStuffFast, the new home inventory app for use on iPhone and iPad is likely the fastest way to create a workable home inventory. The app is also helpful in moves or in simple Estate and Divorce Divisions. ListStuffFast takes a different approach to home inventory listing needs than existing apps on the market. The app creator, David MacMahan says keeping it simple and fast to complete was the best way to help people be prepared for a loss from natural disaster, or ready to create item lists for estate planning, moving, downsizing, etc. The app is touted by the company "as a great all-purpose home inventory solution that a person may really use". $4.99 in the Apple Store provides for up to three properties, and unlimited rooms, photos and items per property. ListStuffFast Lite is also available to test or for small homes or apartments for free.

David MacMahan, founder of, the developer of ListStuffFast, says he was a guest speaker at an estate planning seminar with around one hundred home owners in the audience last year. At that event he asked to see a show of hands of those who have a current home inventory. Only one hand raised.

He then asked: "Given that we live in fire and earthquake prone areas, how many of you have thought about or wished you had a home inventory?" He says pretty much all hands were raised. In follow up discussion, some attendees indicated they had started a home inventory, but found it too overwhelming and time consuming to get very far, so they never finished.

That's when MacMahan tested several available apps and found that they were designed to be a "perfect world wish list" of insurance company requested information on each item. After researching, he found all those item details were not actually required by insurance companies to file a claim, just requested if available. Several insurance sites actually noted that the main problem for consumers filing claims was an inability to remember all that was lost. He wondered if there wasn't a way to make a home inventory so simple it would seem silly not to have it if needed, and easy enough to just be an easy "honey-do list" item.

The key, MacMahan says, ended up being the idea of creating a photo inventory room by room. The specific item and item details can be added "when or if" ever needed, and to the level needed. Focusing on taking detailed photos of the rooms and any documents laid out together so the reference information is available is critical. For some uses, like divorce asset listings, heir distributions, downsizing, moving or probate asset listings, much less detail is typically needed to generate the reports needed. A unique photo tagging system allows multiple items to be detailed within each room photo and a wide array of reports and ways to sort the lists.

Soon the photos and item information created in ListStuffFast will be able to upload to There additional services, including assistance identifying, listing and valuing items, online appraisals and access to the newly patented DivvyMaster online division tools for estates, divorces and downsizing are found., was founded in 2011 by entrepreneur David MacMahan to create innovative online solutions to the practical and emotional challenges of death, divorce and downsizing. A U.S. software patent was issued to DivvyMaster in August of this year. The new DivvyMaster online division solutions to compliment the new ListStuffFast iOS app are expected to be available in early 2015.

Original post:

A Little Peace of Mind This Weekend, With a Home Inventory Finally Done?

Leah Garnett: Drawing on Air

The Nook, 2116 Gottingen Street/King's Wharf Zone 4, exhibit 400

The mind always wanders, and Mount Allison professor Leah Garnett's Drawing on Air has encouraged daydreaming since she began the project in 2002. With a broadcast station at King's Wharf and a listening room at The Nook, Garnett will read stories that invite drawing what the mind imagines.

"I have always been intrigued by how radio demands that listeners imagine visuals for what they are hearing," she explains. "In that respect, listeners contribute to the broadcast by 'drawing' the content in their minds. When I began Drawing on Air, I wanted to explore the differences between verbal and visual communication, and what would happen when listeners translated verbal descriptions into images," Garnett says. "I was interested tosee how differently listeners would interpret verbal descriptions. Inevitably, there was tons of variation."

During Nocturne, Garnett and a team of assistants will upload the drawings online if listeners choose to share them, as a growing live gallery in real time.

Garnett has had an interest in the power of aural communication and radio since childhood. "I grew up without a television and my family listened to the radio every day. We lived in Maine where the public radio station played fantastic children's programming, so I became an early fan of hearing stories and radio dramas on air," she says. "I hope that Drawing on Air encourages people to draw no matter their abilities. Technical skill shouldn't stop anyone from giving vision to their imaginations."

Read the rest here:

Leah Garnett: Drawing on Air

Observing Fall

The most important regulator of fall color change is the lengthening of night. Longer, cooler nights and less intense sunlight during the day trigger leaves to prepare to fall from the tree. Chlorophyll production slows and eventually stops, and the veins that carry fluids into the leaf close off, trapping sugars in the leaf and promoting production of anthocyanin, a pigment that produces red colors. The green chlorophyll in the leaves is eventually destroyed, leaving behind the yellows, oranges and reds that signal fall.

Weather and climate conditions also impact when leaves begin to change color, how intense color is, and how long color lasts. A warm wet spring followed by typical summer weather and a fall with warm, sunny days and cool (but not freezing!) nights generally produce the best color. A late spring or severe summer drought can delay the onset of color, while a warm period during the fall season may dampen fall colors. Wind and rain storms can bring leaves down early, shortening the fall foliage season. Other environmental factors, like damage from insects or wildfire, can also impact tree foliage.

Enjoy what fall has to offer. Take a walk in your neighborhood, visit a local park, or hit the road on one of Americas National Scenic Byways, many of which were planned with fall color in mind. Use this illustration to identify some common trees and their fall foliage where you live and dont forget to upload your fall foliage photos to the Eyes on Central PA Mission!

Want to go a step further? Fall into Phenology with Project Budburst by observing plants in your community during September and October and sharing your observations to help scientists study trends in how plants change in the fall. Dont know much about plants or need help with identification? No problem. Project Budburst has tips for beginners and experts alike. Learn more.

(Sources: U.S. Forest Service Science of Fall Colors.; William Deedler, National Weather Service. Faster Fall Foliage? Project BudBurst,

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Observing Fall

Singer on path from Northwest to Nashville

A performance on the Grand Ole Opry stage brings to mind a vision of cowboy boots and 12-string guitars, but on Oct. 29, high school students from all over the country will transform it into a different type of concert.

Radhika Gore, 16, a junior at Northwest High School in Germantown is one of the students that was chosen to participate in the National Association for Music Educations All-National Honor Choir in Nashville.

Im going to be totally honest. I didnt know what [the Grand Ole Opry] was before this, Gore said, explaining that once she looked it up she was impressed and couldnt wait to sing there because she thought the acoustics would be amazing.

The All-National Honor Choir is made up of the top high school choral performers in the country. In order to audition, one must first be accepted into his or her All-State Festival. Gore participated in All-State for the first time last year and, because of that, was given a list of different programs and choirs she could audition for. The All-National Honor Choir grabbed her attention.

In May, Gore submitted an audition online of her singing Danny Boy and He Trusted in God, both traditional choir songs that she used to make it into the All-State Festival.

We had to upload two separate videos of us singing songs for two minutes. I chose what I thought was best, Gore said.

While those who auditioned were supposed to hear back by July whether or not they had made it, July arrived and Gore hadnt heard anything. She reached out to her choral director who checked the roster online where she saw Gores name.

I was a little disheartened. I thought that it would at least be nice of them to let me know what happened, but when I did find out it was even more exciting than it would have been, she said.

Shes been listening to music ever since she was born, her father, Vivek Gore, said, explaining the family has always been very musical. She does sing a lot around the house, theres always music going on. She cant study without music.

Right now, Gore is studying the music she will have to perform with the choir. Unlike most concerts where the performers have weeks to rehearse together to get the sound just right, students at All-National only have a couple days.

See the original post:

Singer on path from Northwest to Nashville

4 Ways Your Business Can Be a 'No-Selfie' Zone

Businesses can do a few things to legally patrol the conduct of their customers, and some employers may be wondering how to make their workplace a "no-selfie" zone.

Selfies are so ubiquitous that even monkeys are taking them, but the law can protect your business from becoming a chaotic breeding ground of chattering narcissists.

Check out these ways your business can become a "no-selfie" zone:

1. Prohibit All Photography.

If you don't mind a broad approach to stopping selfies, then simply institute a "no photography" policy. In the olden days, this would have been easier to enforce, as it was far more difficult to surreptitiously snap a photo with a camera. Now, of course, selfies are mostly taken with smartphones, and it can be very difficult to tell when someone is texting, browsing, or taking a selfie.

Despite its difficulty to enforce, this kind of broad policy against any photography is completely legal, and you may actually gain some customer goodwill from those who feel their privacy is violated by shutterbugs.

2. Make Your Business Less Smartphone-Friendly.

Many businesses offer their customers free Wi-Fi, which allows patrons to more easily upload selfies without using their cellular data. If you want to turn a cold shoulder to the millenials and the digerati, you may want to consider simply not offering free Wi-Fi to customers.

A word of warning, however, if you're considering a cell signal blocker to keep your business free of cell phones entirely: According to the FCC, these devices are illegal.

3. Post a 'No-Selfies' Policy.

View original post here:

4 Ways Your Business Can Be a 'No-Selfie' Zone

MacGruber 2 is Coming says Ryan Phillippe

YouTube Videos Tweets Comments

ActorRyan Phillippe is on promotion tour for his movie Catch Hell that he wrote, directed and plays the lead role. In an interview with MTV, Ryan Phillippe revealed that they are very close to make MacGruber 2. MacGruber is a cult classic for all geeks. The "SNL movie" MacGruber starred Will Forte, Kristen Wiig, Val Kilmer besides Phillippe. Watch the interview below.

The actor even goes as far as teasing that the villian in MacGruber 2 will blow our mind. Val Kilmer was the villain in the first MacGruber. Watch the MacGruber trailer to refresh your mind below. MacGruber was an SNL character making fun of the MacGyver TV series.

Catch Hell is about Hollywood actor Reagon Pearce who si kidnapped on the way to work in Louisiana. Captured in a swamp hut, his kidnappers torture and blackmail him. The kidnapper hijack his Twitter account and threatening to upload compromising information. Watch the trailer now.

Catch Hell is in theaters now.

Luigi Lugmayr Luigi Lugmayr (Google) is the founding chief Editor of I4U News and brings over 15 years experience in the technology field to the ever evolving and exciting world of gadgets. He started I4U News back in 2000 and evolved it into vibrant technology magazine. Luigi can be contacted directly at

See the original post:

MacGruber 2 is Coming says Ryan Phillippe

EE wireless keeps small businesses on the move

Choosing a cloud hosting partner with confidence

Sponsored article This article is sponsored by EE.

Wireless connectivity has changed beyond all recognition in the last few years. Today you can access the internet wirelessly just about anywhere above the ground and in an ever increasing number of places below ground too, it seems.

We are seeing broadband on the move match the sophistication of the mobile devices we use to access the internet.

But there are still a variety of wireless technologies available to access the internet, often depending on network coverage and whether we are on the move or standing still.

So for a small business it makes sense to select one provider which can manage this access and switch between the different technologies to give you the broadest range of working options, whether you are at home, in the office or on the move.

So what are the key technologies, and how do they affect your ability to take full advantage of cloud-based business apps?

2G networks were introduced in the 1990s and are still in use today. They enabled mobile phone networks to offer data services in the form of text and picture messages.

Then when 3G networks were rolled out about 10 years ago they brought with them mobile broadband. Over the past decade we have all grown used to the freedom to access the internet and upload and download data that comes with 3G.

However, 3G does have limitations, especially if you are trying to accomplish anything that requires fast data transfer or streaming. And it is never going to be as fast or as consistent as the broadband speed you achieve with a fixed line.

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EE wireless keeps small businesses on the move