event object JavaScript – Dottoro

altKeySets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred.altLeftSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred.attrChangeReturns an integer that specifies the type of the action that modified an attribute.attrNameRetrieves a string that specifies the name of the modified attribute.bookmarksRepresents a collection of ADO bookmarks associated with the rows affected by the current event.boundElementsRepresents a collection of elements bound to the data set on which the current event occurred.bubblesReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can propagate up the DOM hierarchy or not.buttonSets or retrieves the mouse button(s) that were pressed at the time when the current event was fired.cancelableReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can be canceled or not.cancelBubbleSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event should propagate up the DOM hierarchy, or not.charCodeRetrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event.clientXSets or returns the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area.clientYSets or returns the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area.ctrlKeySets or retrieves whether the left or right CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred.ctrlLeftSets or retrieves whether the left CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred.currentTargetReturns a reference to the element whose event listener is being processed.dataReturns the characters entered in case of the textInput event or the contents of the message for the onmessage event.dataFldSets or returns the name of the modified data column in case of the oncellchange event.dataTransferRepresents a drag-and-drop operation.detailReturns an integer value that specifies additional information about the event.domainReturns the hostname of the server that served the document that caused the onmessage event.eventPhaseReturns an integer value that indicates the current processing phase of an event.explicitOriginalTargetReturns a reference to the exact object on which the event originally occurred.fromElementReturns a reference to the object that lost the active state or that the mouse pointer left.horizontalOverflowRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates the horizontal overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred.isCharReturns whether the character that belongs to the current event is a key character or not.isTrustedReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the event is a trusted event or not.keyCodeSets or retrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event and the Unicode key code of the key that generated the onkeydown and onkeyup events.lastEventIdReturns the identifier of the last event in case of onmessage events.layerXRetrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.layerYRetrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.metaKeyRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the META key was down at the time when the event occurred.newValueRetrieves a string that specifies the current value of the modified attribute or TextNode element.offsetXSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event.offsetYSets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event.orientRetrieves whether the visibility of the horizontal or vertical scrollbar changed when the overflowchanged event occurred.originReturns the scheme, hostname and port of the document that caused the onmessage event.originalTargetReturns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred.pageXRetrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document.pageYRetrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document.prevValueRetrieves a string that specifies the previous value of the modified attribute or TextNode element.propertyNameSpecifies or retrieves a string that contains the name of the property that is changed.qualifierSets or retrieves the name of the default data member. Use this property with data binding events (such as ondatasetcomplete).rangeOffsetReturns the end position of the current selection relative to the element referred to by the rangeParent.rangeParentReturns a reference to the element where the selection ends.reasonSets or retrieves an integer value that indicates whether the data transfer was successful or not. Use this property with ondatasetcomplete events.recordsetSets or retrieves a reference to the default record set in a data source.relatedNodeReturns a reference to the node on which the mutation event occurred.relatedTargetReturns a reference to the related element in case of onmouseover, onmouseout, dragenter and dragexit events.repeatSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the onkeydown event is being repeated (a key has been down long enough).returnValueSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event is canceled.screenXSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen.screenYSets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen.shiftKeySets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred.shiftLeftSets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred.sourceReturns a reference to the window object that contains the document that caused the onmessage event.srcElementRetrieves a reference to the object on which the event occurred.srcFilterSpecifies or retrieves a reference to the filter object that generated the onfilterchange event.srcUrnSets or retrieves the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the behavior that fired the event.targetReturns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred.timeStampReturns the time in milliseconds when the current event occurred.toElementReturns a reference to the object that the mouse pointer entered.typeRetrieves a string that represents the type of the event, such as "mouseout", "click", etc.uriReturns the location of the document that caused the onmessage event.verticalOverflowRetrieves a Boolean value that indicates the vertical overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred.viewReturns a reference to the AbstractView object where the event occurred.wheelDeltaReturns an integer value indicating the distance that the mouse wheel rolled.whichReturns the Unicode character or key code of the key or the identifier of the mouse button that was pressed when the current event fired.xSets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.ySets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event.

See the original post here:

event object JavaScript - Dottoro

What is the Alt Left? – American Greatness

Much has been written about the Alt[alternative]-Right It is attacked as a sort of updated paleo-conservatismor anti-orthodox conservatism that promotes white identity, often dressed up with hip culture to appeal to younger right-wingers.

Yet no one seriously believes that a supposed Alt-Right is a widespread phenomenon, much less that it drives the Republican Party or the Trump administration. The latter, for example, is the most pro-Israel American government in recent memory.

During the primaries, Trump was often accused by the conservative pundits of being moderate and nationalist in conservative clothing. The Trump message is often under attack from traditional conservatives as too centrist, aimed at the lower middle classes, not serious about cutting back entitlements, and too soft on Obamacare reform.

But on the other side, an Alternative Left is no longer an alternate wing of the Democratic Party or traditional liberalism. It now drives the Democratic Party trajectory.

What are its tenets other than the obvious of addressing man-caused climate change by radically restructuring the American economy, favoring a lead-from-behind stature abroad, and seeing you didnt build that capitalism as parasitic rather than nourishing of American democracy?

Its overarching ideology seems to be a filtered version of campus postmodernism. Therefore the truth is simply a pastiche of stories or narratives. They can gain credence if those with power and influence privilege them, in efforts to enhance their own status and clout. My story is just as viable as the truth, a construct that does not exist in the abstract.

For the Alt-Left, there are not really inanimate laws of human nature or language. Instead political mobilization can construct powerful narratives of change: Opposition to gay marriage can be endorsed by both Obama and Clinton in 2008 and then be reconstructed as proof of right wing bigotry by 2012.

Zones of neo-Confederate federal nullification to stop the deportation of illegal alien criminals can be rebranded as sanctuary cities to protect the innocent migrants from arbitrary and racist immigration laws. La Raza does not really mean The Race. Instead Raza simply denotes the people in reference to oppressed communities.

The Obama victory of 2008 had a profound effect on the Democratic Party, suggesting that the power of getting elected twice gave truth to Obamas polarizing brand of organizing groups based on ethnic and racially based grievances, in concert against a supposedly fading and bigoted establishment. (This axiom is in need of some postmodern revisionism after the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the loss of most governorships, state legislatures, the Congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court.)

The Alt-Left largely dismisses the old liberal idea of 1960s Civil Rights. Liberals once promoted integration and the goal of an American melting pot empowered by the time-honored traditions of racially blind integration, assimilation, and intermarriage. The liberal goal once was a common American culture and experience where race became subsidiary. Yet we hear little from liberals any more about non-discrimination and integration. Instead, preference, diversity, and segregated safe spaces become the new discriminatory and reparatory agendas.

The Alt-Left also believes that racial, ethnic, sexual, and religious identity is essential not incidental to characteras evidenced from the profound by the recent racialist statements of would-be candidates to head the DNC, to the ridiculous, as the careerist-driven and invented identities of a Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Ward Churchill or former white/black activists such as Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King attest.

Blatant appeals to racial chauvinism such as those of La Raza (The Race, a phraseology popularized in Francos Spain in imitation of Hitlers Volk) or Black Lives Matter (that went to great lengths to reject counter ecumenical arguments that All Lives Matter) are not just tolerated as useful political props, but institutionalized by the Alt Left to the degree that the Obama Justice Department used fines collected from financial institutions to redistribute to such Alt-Left radical identity political groups.

Another tenet is the age-old left wing idea that the noble ends of fairnessequality of result, and government mandated redistributionjustify almost any means in obtaining them. At Obama rallies in 2008 and 2016, no conservative goons stormed the assemblies and sprayed mace at the audience; at current Trump gatherings protesters in masks try to incite violence, in order to suggest that mayhem is innate to Trumps appeal. There were no Inauguration Day obscenity-ridden protests on January 20, 2009. To have adopted such tactics to disrupt an Obama rally would have been racist.

On campus, sexual assault has vastly expanded from traditional definitions of rape to now include one partys post-coital unhappiness over initially consensual sexual congress, while justifying denial of due process to the accused in such cases as is supposed to be accorded to all defendants under the Constitution. Indeed, the Alt-Lefts fear is that accusations of sexual assault on campus would be customarily turned over to the local District Attorney, who would work within the Bill of Rights and not be free to prejudge defendants in the manner of campus ideological Star Chamber courts or administrative edicts.

The Alt-Left also does not really believe in free speech, at least as it was calibrated by the New Left of the 1960s that mandated free speech zones on campus, wrote academic handbooks outlining the need for protected expression, such as the Yale Universitys highly regarded Woodward Report, or, in hippie fashion, equated free speech with advocacy for obscenity and pornography. Reading Mark Twain is hurtful and should be banned, screaming Fk you to a Yale professors face is free speech and to be encouraged.

The purpose of safe spaces and trigger warnings is to deny free association and expression on grounds that purported victims deserve extra-constitutional protections. In French Revolution or Maoist style, speakers deemed antithetical to campus majority views or liable to influence students in the wrong directions are often barred from giving speeches, or have their lectures shouted down, violently so if need be.

When student protesters and outside activists disrupted Milo Yiannopoulos at Berkeley and Charles Murray at Middlebury, their activism was predicated on the assumption that they would never be subject to criminal charges leveled by those local district attorneys. Presumably, the influence of new Alt Left ideology had at least won some sympathy from campus officials or so instilled a fear of career imperilment that administrators had green-lighted exemption from criminal prosecutions.

The Alt-Lefts idea of the nullification of law is not limited to campuses. Over 300 sanctuary cities and jurisdictions have now adopted states rights arguments from the 1850s (which resurfaced under the Dixiecrat movements of the 1940s and 1950s, before ending with George Wallace defying federal law enforcements desegregation orders at the doorway to the University of Alabama). Local laws trump federal legislation, and thus entitle sanctuary cities to shield illegal aliens wanted on federal criminal warrants.

In California, a third of the population polls that it would like to secede from the Union and is encouraged to do so occasionally by state officials and legislators. And like kindred Confederates of old, the Alt-Left does not envision federal nullification as an abstract concept adoptable in theory by any local and state jurisdiction.

Certainly, San Franciscans would go to court to sue a Utah city or the state of Wyoming if either declared EPA endangered species legislation null and void within their jurisdictions or suspended or superseded federal gun registration statutes. A chief tenet of Alt-Left nullification is that the innate moral superiority of the Left allows it to render inert any law it finds reactionary or unhelpful to its agenda (immigration law, the ACA employer mandate, the Defense of Marriage Act, the contractual order of Chryslers creditors, or NSA surveillance laws)on the premise that such principles are not transferable to other groups who do not share its supposedly unique ethical agendas.

Postmodern relativism reinvents standards of probity to fit changing perceptions of morality: the filibuster was bad under Obama but good under Trump. The Biden Rule opposed lame duck presidents from nominating Supreme Court justicesexcept when they were declared morally superior nominees. The nuclear option was a necessity corrective to mindless rejectionism unless the rejectionism became rebranded as moral and principled. Pen and phone executive orders were constitutional remedies for gridlockuntil they became unconstitutional overreaches to stop gridlock. Powerful minorities and women were role modelsbut if conservative deserved smears as traitors to their race and sex.

A final tenet of the Alt-Left is its ease with Big Moneyin rejection of the 1960s leftist notion that small is beautiful, simplicity is revolutionary, and lucre is proof of exploitation and criminality. Today, an inverted orthodoxy is that billionaire grandees from Wall Street to Silicon Valley to Hollywood have been flipped from robber barons to social justice mavens (read they are so wealthy that they are personally exempt from the deleterious ramifications of their own ideology that falls on the poorer and less influential). There is nothing odd about an Alt Left activist consulting his ample stock portfolio, insisting on granite and marble in his kitchen, or preferring Mercedes to Lexus; the old left wing idea that life emulates ideology is pass.

Anything once deemed exploitative and autocraticthe military, hugely endowed private foundations, an imperial presidencyfor the Alt-Left is welcomed as expedient, on the premise it can bypass legislative logjams and fast track or fund moral agendas such as transgendered restrooms, women in frontline combat units, gay marriage, or climate change.

For now, the Alt Left has crushed its Democratic opposition. Bill and Hillary Clinton have mostly renounced their political positions of the 1990sfrom opposition to gay marriage, work requirements for welfare, closed borders and enforcement of existing immigration law to support for more police, tough sentencing, and drug enforcement.

So is there an Alt-Left?

Not exactly.

The real Alternative Left is what is left of the Blue Dog Congressional delegation or the remnants that occasionally pop up around an enfeebled James Webb or Joe Manchin.

The old Alt-Left in contrast is the Democratic Partynot an alternative to it. In its present manifestation, not just a Harry Truman and JFK or even Bill Clinton would be seen as noxious, but the earlier incarnations of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008 as well.

Content created by The Center for American Greatness, Inc is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a significant audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact[emailprotected]

Go here to read the rest:

What is the Alt Left? - American Greatness

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity – committedconservative.com

I watched my father, a World-War II Marine wither and die from cancer. The process kills its victim, and it can break the loved ones. That reality is particularly harsh when your loved one has been a war hero, role model, and pillar of strength. John McCains diagnosis was rough, and I had a heartfelt concern for his likely outcome.

The self-described Maverick is in the home-stretch, and I wish him a pain-free departure from a life of amazing accomplishment. Mostly, however, Id like to see the man die with dignity. It appears he does not share the same wish.

It is a little known, if not unknown, fact that I was the one who recommended that McCain suspend his presidential campaign. I am not even sure he knows that the suggestion, a speech, and a strategy came from me. What he did next, taught me much.

I learned then that Mr. McCain was neither a principled conservative nor a disciplined candidate, let alone a smart and thoughtful leader. He was a rash, undisciplined, short-sighted, politician who turned great advice into a parlor joke when he abandoned the suspension and inexplicably took the same position on the bailouts as his younger, wiser, more charismatic opponent. It was political suicide.

McCain made a political career out of shooting himself in the foot. Indeed, even in heroism, he found himself the lucky survivor of being shot down and captured. But Mr. McCain proved his will could not be easily broken. Unfortunately, his political career is one where his will was never about backing conservative principles. It was about remembering personal slights and living to avenge them.

His pettiness is the disease that infects our sick political culture.

The media loved McCain, most of the time. They liked to portray his maverick image, which really was his penchant for self-promotion. The media gobbled up and sold his self-serving style, and it never focused on John S. McCains propensity to sell out his party, his so-called conservative principles, and when necessary, his constituents.

John McCain is a small man, and he has not earned the appearance of a President at his funeral, not even a President Trump. McCain, in these last weeks, made the office of Senator smaller. His recent foolish, petty, disrespectful proclamations are iron-clad proof that he was never Presidential timber.

I regret trying to help him get elected.

McCains recent expression of remorse at picking Sarah Palin as his running mate is classic McCain. It is an apology to the left for being conservative. Its not a mea culpa. That is to say, he doesnt consider the pick his fault, he considers his own pick the reason he lost. Thats some apology. Heck, I regretted his pick too.

A real statesman doesnt use his pending death as an opportunity to throw his hand-picked, former running mate overboard. Its embarrassing, John McCain.

McCains declaration that he does not want the sitting President at his funeral as a result of their personal feud is text-book political pettiness. Moreover, its proof that the McCain used his country, party, voters, and personal honor just to stick it to Trump by voting down the repeal of Obamacare on which McCain ran and championed.

The Trump ban at his funeral is an admission of his own tininess.

No, I dont wish for Mr. McCain to die. Heck, I dont like the President much more than he does. And, no conservative I know would wish for a McCain to die. In fact, Id love to see him beat the impossible odds and come back. Id love to see him granted more time with his family and to be granted a new opportunity to reflect on his final actions.

In the end, Mr. McCain has made himself smaller. He has disgraced himself and exposed for the world to see that he is a bitter, angry, caustic, petty, grudge-holding simpleton. He has lost any of the dignity that should attach automatically to a life with his resume.

I dont wish Mr. McCain ill-will. I wish for him a miracle. If he cannot fight off this wretched cancer, I wish that he would choose to die with dignity.

Ironically, he hates President Trump for Trumps attacks on him and for Trumps lack of couth and class. Yet, here he is, in the autumn of his time bleating, you think Trump is classless, watch this.

John McCain is dying without dignity, and it is brutal to watch.

Richard Kelsey is the Editor-in-Chief of Committed Conservative.

He is an Attorney, a former Assistant Law School Dean, Law Professor, and Virginia state court law clerk. Dean Kelsey was also the CEO of a technology company specializing in combating cyber-fraud. He is a regular commentator on legal and political issues in print, radio and on TV.

Rich graduated from George Mason law school, clerked for the Arlington Circuit Court, and later joined an AM LAW top 10 law firm practicing commercial litigation. He left the firm to be counsel and CEO to a consulting firm, rising to CEO of Turiss, LLC, a technology firm specializing in computer forensics, digital investigations, and fighting cyber-fraud through civil intel services and new technologies. Upon the sale of the company, Kelsey returned to Mason Law, where in the years before his return, he both taught at the school and served as President of the Law Alumni Association. Kelsey was the Assistant Dean for Management and Planning.

At Mason, Dean Kelsey taught legal writing and analysis and an advanced litigation seminar. In 2014 he was elected by the graduating class as the faculty speaker at their graduation. While serving the former George Mason Law, Kelsey conceived of, planned, and brought to fruition Masons Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as CPIP.

Rich has appeared on radio, TV, and in print hundreds of times as both a legal expert and political and legal commentator. He provided the legal analysis for all stages of the Bob McDonnell trial and appeal for numerous outlets including NPR and WMAL. He writes on occasion for the American Spectator and CNSNews.com. He returned to private practice in September of 2016, and he is working on a book/expose on legal education.

In his free time, Rich is part of the baseball mafia of Northern Virginia, serving on numerous boards and as a little league and travel baseball coach.

Rich has many opinions, and they are his own. His Twitter handle is @richkelsey.

See original here:

John McCain: Dying Without Dignity - committedconservative.com

KNOPPIX 8.0.0 – Linux Live System

KNOPPIX 8.0.0 CeBIT Edition

Also see article about Knoppix 8.0 on --> Golem.de

Just in time for CeBIT 2017 (20.-24.3.2017 in Hannover/Germany),KNOPPIX version 8.0 has been released exclusively in the current German DELUG edition of Linux Magazine.

A.D.R.I.A.N.E. (Audio Desktop Reference Implementation And Networking Environment) is a talking menu system, which is supposed to make work and internet access easier for computer beginners, even if they have no sight contact to the computers monitor. A graphical environment with also talking programs and arbitrary magnification using compiz, is another option.

Since there are so many different media capacities, there is no readymade image for booting off memorystick available for download. But it is easy to create a bootable USB-stick or flashcard from a running KNOPPIX system, as described in the next section.

In order to create a bootable USB-medium (memory flashdisk, SD-card, digital camera with USB connector, cellphone with microSD, ...), the program flash-knoppix can be started from a running KNOPPIX system. This program installs all needed KNOPPIX files onto the FAT-formatted flashdisk, and creates a boot record for it. If desired, the target medium can be partitioned and fornatted, or left in its inistal state, so that existing files stay intact. The KNOPPIX Live System starts and runs about factor 5 faster from USB flash disk than from CD or DVD!

After having copied the system to flash, using the persistent KNOPPIX image (overlay feature) or an additional Linux partition, it is possible to also store files permanently in live mode. That way, personal settings and additionally installed programs survive a reboot.

The flash-knoppix script since Knoppix 7.4.0 supports on-the-fly conversion of a DVD ISO image for direct flashing of a USB pendrive or disk. By using this, the intermediate step of burning a DVD and booting from it, can be skipped. For burning a CD or DVD, only one single .iso file matching your language and version choice, is sufficient.For using this feature, just add the name of the .iso file as commandline parameter to flash-knoppix like this:flash-knoppix KNOPPIX_V8.0.0DVD-2017-03-01-EN.iso

Overview of the most important functions. A complete description and listing of shortcuts can be found in the configurations of sbl, orca and compiz.

Boot options like "adriane" can easily be preset by changing syslinux.cfg after having copied the CD to a bootable memorystick using "flash-knoppix":



DEFAULT adriane

for automatically starting ADRIANE on boot. This is already default in all ADRIANE iso files.

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KNOPPIX 8.0.0 - Linux Live System

Protesters Try to Shut Down Jordan Peterson at Queen’s …

I honestly dont get the outrage over Jordan Peterson. Its the equivalent of getting upset over Kermit the Frog. Singing about 12 rules for life. While playing a banjo. But if theres two places where free speech is triggering, its college campuses and Canada (seeAltLeft Shuts Down Toronto Comedy Show Over Words Free SpeechandWATCH: University Protestors Scream, Sing, and Blare a Speaker Over Christina Sommers). The professor shared a few videos from his recent speech at Queens University.

These students seem like theyre fun at parties. Their rhymes are wack though. FYI, these students are textbook examples of Social Justice Warriors which we shorten to SJWs. Because Fecal-flinging Monkey Trolls is too long to type.

Not everyone was able to get inside. Some surrounded the building and started banging on the window. No word yet on if they flung their poo. But we do have footage of these SJWs picking fleas off each other. Eating the fleas for a little protest nourishment.

Eventually, the perimeter was breached. The SJWs stormed the stage. Now was there chance to be heard. So much limb swinging to be had.

And this was the best they could come up with.

Heres what I love best. Jordan Peterson recently told Joe Roganhes managed to monetize SJW outrage. The more they complain, the more paper he gets. So sure, he was frustrated while this was going on. But in his head, hes thinking:

You would think after decades of student protests, theyd realize their adversaries are much smarter in all ways. Including how to earn fat stacks off their stupid. As much as SJWs try to shut down opposing viewpoints, the opposing viewpoints just grow stronger. The perpetrators of those opposing viewpoints make more money. While the students protesting just look stupid.

STUDENT #1: Man, f*** Jordan Peterson.

STUDENT #2: You realize the more we complain, the more donations he gets through Patreon, right.


God bless college, and the zookeepers who let the apes run free to pee.

I wonder what new car Jordan Peterson will drive this month

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Protesters Try to Shut Down Jordan Peterson at Queen's ...

KNOPPIX 8.1.0 – Linux Live System

KNOPPIX 8.1.0 Public Release

Also see article about the older Knoppix 8.0/CeBIT Edition on --> Golem.de

A lot of thanks for intense testing, hints and bugreports go to the participants of the Austrian Knoppix Days 2017 and the Linux User Group Hamburg Team, your feedback and bugfixes have been integrated into the public 8.1 release!

With the new Hybrid layout of the ISO file, the file can be copied directly to USB flash disk, either using standard Linux tools like dd or cp, or programs like Win32 DIsk Imager. In this case, the first partition is read-only because of the iso9660 file system. Because od that, boot options cannot be changed permanently.

A better way of installing, is using --> flash-knoppix, which will create the simpler and writable layout with one FAT32 and one Linux partition on USB flash pen. Optionally, a personal remastering can be chosen in version 8.1.

KNOPPIX 8.1 generally supports booting in UEFI and Secure Boot after installation on USB flash disk. But in order to use this feature, an entry in the UEFI firmware is necessary at first boot attempt. --> Find quick instructions here.

A.D.R.I.A.N.E. (Audio Desktop Reference Implementation And Networking Environment) is a talking menu system, which is supposed to make work and internet access easier for computer beginners, even if they have no sight contact to the computers monitor. A graphical environment with also talking programs and arbitrary magnification using compiz, is another option.

In order to create a bootable USB-medium (memory flashdisk, SD-card, digital camera with USB connector, cellphone with microSD, ...), the program flash-knoppix can be started from a running KNOPPIX system. This program installs all needed KNOPPIX files onto the FAT-formatted flashdisk, and creates a boot record for it. If desired, the target medium can be partitioned and formatted, or left in its inistal state, so that existing files stay intact. The KNOPPIX Live System starts and runs about factor 5 faster from USB flash disk than from CD or DVD!

After having copied the system to flash, using the persistent KNOPPIX image (overlay feature) or an additional Linux partition, it is possible to also store files permanently in live mode. That way, personal settings and additionally installed programs survive a reboot.

The flash-knoppix script since Knoppix 7.4.0 supports on-the-fly conversion of a DVD ISO image for direct flashing of a USB pendrive or disk. By using this, the intermediate step of burning a DVD and booting from it, can be skipped. For burning a CD or DVD, only one single .iso file matching your language and version choice, is sufficient.For using this feature, just add the name of the .iso file as commandline parameter to flash-knoppix like this:flash-knoppix KNOPPIX_V8.1DVD-2017-09-05-EN.iso

Overview of the most important functions. A complete description and listing of shortcuts can be found in the configurations of sbl, orca and compiz.

Boot options like "adriane" can easily be preset by changing syslinux.cfg after having copied the CD to a bootable memorystick using "flash-knoppix":



DEFAULT adriane

for automatically starting ADRIANE on boot. This is already default in all ADRIANE iso files.

KNOPPIX 8.1 / ADRIANE 1.7 is availablefor download via Bittorrent and from the usual KNOPPIX mirror sites.

Knopper.Net is not responsible for the content of external web pages

Visit link:

KNOPPIX 8.1.0 - Linux Live System

Robert Stark Talks to Ashley Messinger About … – altleft.com

Robert Stark and co-host Brandon Adamson talk to returning guest Ashley Messinger. Ashley is based in the UK and writes for Brandons AltLeft.com. You can also find Ashley on Twitter.

Interview can be found here.

Topics Include:

A continuation on the topic of a Redpilled SWPL culture and its viabilityThe implicit Whiteness of progressive causes such as Environmentalism, Effective Altruism, and TranshumanismThe importance of being technologically advanced in contrast to gun culture and Becoming a BarbarianCreating City States based on shared interestBiopunk, Biomorphism, and vertical gardensBrandons interest in 70s Retro Futurism (ex. Logans Run)Steampunk, Urban fantasy literature, and the technology of Victorian EnglandDecopunk; the film Dark CityThe lack of vision in new architecture and urbanismRoman Archeo Futurism80s Retro-Futurism, Cyberpunk, and FashwaveThe Bearer of Trad NewsHip to the Moon: Brandon Adamson Drops Out to Conquer the StarsRoberts Journey to Vapor Island; Roger Blackstones Neon NationalismThe Man in the High Castle series; the alternative society portrayed and the Retro-Futuristic architectureWhether Fascism was anti-modern or about creating an alternative modernityAshleys review of the film Call Me by Your NameAge of Consent LawsThe film The Crush Starring Alicia Silverstone

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Read the rest here:

Robert Stark Talks to Ashley Messinger About ... - altleft.com

Jordan Towers 70news


Posted on August 25, 2017 Updated on August 25, 2017

Unhinged violence! Jordan Towers,a self-proclaimed Alt-Left leader, has vowed to use a baseball bat embedded with nails to crush skulls during a Patriot Prayer peace rally set to take place in San Francisco this weekend.

The Twitter user, who goes by the handle @ibPrinceJordan, tweeted, The Patriot Prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event. Ill be their to crush some nazi skulls.

Cant wait! Going to bring this nailed bat for some nazi pounding, read one.

He repeated the threat in a series of other tweets that have now been deleted.

Jordan describes himself as: Alt-Left resistance leader. iraq war veteran. cute communist & catholic.

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This entry was posted in NEWS and tagged baseball bat, Jordan Towers, Patriot Prayer, rally, San Francisco.

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Jordan Towers 70news

A Clockwork Greenshirt Introducing the Alt Left …

Several months ago I noticed a guy following me on Twitter with the username, A Clockwork Green. In his bio, he identified as AltLeft, racially aware white. He deactivated his account, and I have no idea what ever happened to him. Shortly before he disappeared though, he had expressed his distaste for a lot of the rhetoric of the AltRight and seemed somewhat disillusioned. I began to wonder how many others there were like him. How many white progressives have begun to reject the politically correct narrative and secretly venture into thought crime circles on the web? Im willing to bet its probably more than you think. Of those that pop the purple pill and make the triphow many see all the boilerplate, post libertarian corporate conservatism, radical traditionalist Christianism, 15th century LARPing, pseuoscientific anti vaccination stuff and wacky conspiracy theories being promoted and decide Fuck this. These people are freaks. Maybe the social justice crowd isnt so bad after all.

Then there are the ones who stick around. Seriously though, who are the AltLeft anyway? Who are we? I would say that the majority are white people who hold a lot of typically leftist views on economics, the environment and some social issues, yet at some point realized the new left had become hostile to any white person even slightly reluctant to act as a scapegoat for everybody elses problems. No self respecting white person would want to be associated with a movement that trashes their heroes, their culture, their history, denies their achievementsa movement which seeks to destroy their civilization and erases their identity. Hell, besides all that, a lot of cultural marxism (or whatever) has become so freaky that most normal white feminists and gays are probably weirded out by it.

My own journey was a bit different. I was mostly a Nixonian sort of republican for much of my young adult life. As an irreligious person living mostly in artsy metropolitan areas, I identified more with the culture of the left, while always privately retaining a racial awareness(which would come out occasionally at peak triggering) and a low tolerance for hippie bullshit. I became disillusioned with unfettered capitalism through real world experiences watching corporations and brands in action, the way they had loyalty to nothing and prioritized profits over absolutely everything: including quality, aesthetic, even peoples lives. The creepy cult-like way they manipulate and motivate people. So at a certain point I began to think of myself more as AltLeft than AltRight.

Terms such as left and right seem obsolete in this day and age. The true divisions are between nationalists and internationalists, as well as pro-whites and anti-whites, identitarians vs multiculturalists etc. What we find though in reality is that these words are deeply ingrained. Anyone who spends time in a political movement with right in the title will soon discover its difficult to divorce it from organized religion, traditionalism and sexual puritanism. What better way to repel certain types and prevent entryism from them than by partially identifying with a label they already dont like? Out of these groups forming, something of a coalition can emerge. The AltLeft exists in that small space where Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan begin to meet. Its that point in time where Mussolini ditched marxism and moved toward fascism. The question is, can the AltLeft be divorced from political correctness and white ethnomasochism? My guess is that it can, with the help of enough problematic language to scare the cucks away and create a safe space for leftist shitlords to don their greenshirts and appear in full force.

Here is a brief guide, which outlines various political positions of those who might identify as AltLeft. Of course, not all of these will apply to everyone, and some may apply in varying degrees:

Religion Mostly outright atheist or agnostic, occasionally some nominal identification with ancient European religions/mythology. Extremely rationalist, skeptical of supernatural or new agey beliefs, homeopathic medicine and conspiracy theories.

Economics oppose laissez-faire capitalism and excessive consumerism, free trade. Where corporate profit interests run counter to the interests of the nation and the people, regulation is needed. Recognizes benefits of capitalism in generating wealth but also skeptical of market forces which seem just as likely to lead to an Idiocracy styled Brawndo aesthetic than a dwarf planet mining colony. In addition to fostering an environment for dual-loyalties, Transnational laissez-faire capitalism seems to correlate with a population of fatasses: walking advertisements hooked on cheap Walmart junk, garbage entertainment and fast food.Tend to favor mercantilism and soft socialism(Norway without 3rd world immigration)

Prefer fair trade(or free trade only with nations that have similar standards of living and environmental controls) including tariffs, value added tax etc. Some support for soft socialism and state capitalism(but racially conscious.)

Democracy/Government opposes warm body democracy. Prefer some type of confederate. Participation in government selection must be earned in some way, through intelligence testing, civil service and sacrifice to demonstrate concern for the greater interests of the group(think Heinleins Starship Troopers.) Sometimes fascist ideology or national bolshevismoccasionally sympathetic to Soviet communism.

Technology Support for new medical technology, research initiatives, cloning, and space exploration without any of the reflexive anti-whitism, noble savage fetishism or Little House on the Praireactionary longing that dominates much of the traditional left and right.

Race The postmodern left is defined mostly by its ceaseless advocacy of ethnomasochism for ancestral Europeans. It claims to promote egalitarian values but in both net effect and rhetoric has become implicitly anti-white. The AltLeft is for racially aware whites who dont feel like they have anything to apologize for. Culture is a biological expression of race. Genetic average differences in IQ and behavior exist between races. These are observable on a large scale. Many so called left wing values like feminism, tolerance for alternative lifestyles, and sexual freedom are not(at least at the present time) compatible with the third world populations the left currently champions. Support for (most)non-White immigration is counterproductive in the long term if it results in whites becoming a minority. Recognition of the disproportionate number of Jews with tendencies to oppose white people collectively acting in their interests.

Art The AltLeft is more open to different styles of art. Conservatives tend to rail against modern art while often not being able to distinguish between modernism and postmodernism(though they probably would hate both.) The simplest imperfect analogy for modern vs postmodern would be Dr.Evil vs Austin Powers.

Social Issues tolerance for(or indifference to) abortion, birth control, homosexuality and prostitution to varying degrees. Support for eugenics and transhumanism.

Feminism Generally support for 2nd wave feminism, TERFs, etc. Rejects intersectionality for being anti-white and for its advocates being apologists for non-whites, who rape women and commit violence towards women at much higher rates. Intersectional feminism indirectly promotes rape culture by naively importing it under the guise of sticking up for the oppressed.

People in the AltLeft usually accept that there are biological differences between men and women which affect how they interact with one another(beyond social pressures and conditioning.) They have a tendency to be purple pill, agreeing with certain manosphere concepts and rejecting much of the intersectional mens rights movement that blames Western women for most of societys ills.

Foreign policy mostly isolationist or non-interventionist, reject neocolonialism except in space.

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A Clockwork Greenshirt Introducing the Alt Left ...