Ethereum Mining Guide for AMD and NVidia GPUs – Windows …

Im mining ethereum for quite some time now. I have a collection of lots of RX 4xx/5xx GPUs and many Nvidia Gtx 1060/1070 Gpus and I have helped people on various forums, and had a lot of customers from which Ive gained all of this knowledge. I have written this guide to help you setup your own gpu for mining purposes.

If my guide helped you please send a donation to:

Ethereum Address: 0xC3935595660f16A6549EFd3263673C6a2fb25327

If you need help in setting up your bios for your GPU, send me your original bios through Skype, my ID is: bijac666, but try to check the GPU Bios Guide first, it will teach you how to bios mod with just 1 click, and yes it will 99% mod your bios the proper way, if not contact me.

Please follow all the steps described in this guide by their order! This is a collection of my experiences with fixing various mining problems. I have helped over 500 people with their problems and this guide should have an answer to most or probably all of them

IMPORTANT: You MUST have the latest motherboard bios installed. (you can check your motherboard bios update history, to see what was changed from your bios version till the latest available one. If there are no major changes, then you can skip this step.(Chipset, PCI-E, GPU support changes are the most important ones and you NEED to upgrade your Motherboard BIOS if they came out).

IMPORTANT never use WiFi to connect your mining rigs, from my experiences that can cause big trouble. Higher ping, random disconnects, Wifi freezing at start of mining, shares rejected and so on. For example my Wifi adapter would stop working if it was directly connected to the mining rig, but if I was using an usb extender so I can place Wifi Adapter away from the rig (1-2m) then it would work, as if the rig itself disrupted the Wifi signal, as strange as it sounds. If you want to use Wifi, use the 5G. The more mining rigs you have, the more trouble with Wifi you will get.






You can get Windows 10 Pro for FREE at their official website. You can download their Windows tool for making a bootable USB stick(If you are doing this on a PC that has Original Windows already on it) or download the Windows 10 ISO from their site and make yourself a bootable USB, install Windows on your SSD and , you will never have to pay for the license if you dont want to. Still dont have any GPUs connected to your Mining rig! Because the first thing we want is to optimize Windows for our own mining purposes. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART THAT PEOPLE DO WRONG!If you want to have original Windows 10, buy them at Kinguin. The only difference from OEM version instead of Retail version is that you can have the Windows activated on only 1 PC (you cant reactivate the key on another PC), this version is used by most miners.

Most people think that Linux is a more stable operating system or because its so lightweight, that it runs better, it can have more GPU support (Windows 10 supports 12 GPU now) and should be a better option for 24/7 mining. It would seem logical, but it isnt:

Because Linux has various problems, such as:

If you have downloaded Windows 10 from the official Microsoft website (never use torrents for this) then your Windows 10 pro is almost up to date.

Download latest.NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer it is required to run Polaris 1.6 and OverdriveNtool. Windows 10 Comes with 4.x Framework, but that one will not work with Polaris and OverdriveNtool. You need to install the .NET 3.5 manually. Insert the Windows 10 USB stick into the PC (the one you used to install Windows) and set the USB Disc Drive as the Source for installing the .NET 3.5. Here is the Guide how to do it, its very simple.

Download LATEST Drivers for your motherboard, especially latest Chipset driver. This is very important.

Now after Windows is setup properly, download a tool called DDU,That tool will uninstall your current driver (even your integrated GPU) and block Windows from automatically installing GPU drivers. Thats important so that Windows does not install an outdated driver! It will ask you to run in safe mode but that is not necessary. When you run the program just click on Clean and restart. We want to manually download and install the right drivers.

Now turn off your PC and connect onlyONEGPU.

IMPORTANT From AMD Crimson 17.10 driver (and all drivers released after that) they have added the mining mode in the driver and enabled up to 12 AMD GPUs to be able to run on Windows 10.

AMD released Radeon Software Adrenaline Edition, download latest version of it. It will improve hashrate on some cards and in general give you best possible hashrate on all RX 4xx and 5xx cards.

Very rare its possible that you will get better results with the Beta Blockchain Driver , but that driver only supports 8 AMD GPUs and please try first the Adrenaline edition (In the Blockchain driver you will not need to change GPUs to Compute mode, they are there on default).

If Adrenaline or Blockchain driver is not working, your last hope is latest Crimson ReLive Driver release (you need to change in Radeon Settings to compute mode each GPU)

At the beginning of the install process go toCUSTOMinstead of Express and ONLY select AMD Display Driver and AMD Settings. During installSKIP theinstalling of ReLive, because we wont need it.

After you have installed the driver restart your PC. If youve already modified your GPUs before, there might be a possibility that you wont be able to see them anymore. That is most likely a problem with the RX 570 series and its very rare with some RX 580 models. The problem comes from the bios mod, because it changes how the GPUs work and you will need to Patch your drivers to make them work properly or the driver will just end up disabling or hiding the GPUs (Error 43). This is only needed if you cant see your bios modified GPUs in the Windows Device Manager. Download the Pixel Clock Patcher. Run the program, it should give you a message that the values were patched. After that restart your PC and you should have proper working modified GPUs.

Once you successfully installed the driver with just one GPU, shut down your PC and plug in all of the other GPUs. After that, when you turn the PC back on it should automatically detect each of them and it will install the drivers for all of them. Just remember that it will take some time (about 5-10 minutes) for all of the GPUs to be detected properly. You can open up the Device manager, to see if all of the GPUs are listed there. Just turn the PC on and wait 5-10 minutes before doing anything, Windows will do its job.

Now after you have all of your GPUs under the right driver, there is one more important step to make.

Radeon Settings

Radeon Settings Gaming

Radeon Settings Global Settings

Each GPU has its own bios, that tells it how it should work. There are four different memory types that you will encounter on your GPU : Hynix, Elpida, Micron, Samsung

During the mining of ethereum, you will only be using memory of the GPU, that means that the higher quality of the memory is, the better hashrate you can get. While testing all of the memory types, Ive found out that Samsung and Hynix are a little bit better than Elpida and Micron, but the difference is very subtle.

Download a tool called GPU-Z.

This tool allows you to see what memory type your card has as you can see in this picture.

On the Green selection you can see the Memory Type. In this example its Elpida. If you bought your GPUs all at once, and they are the same card type and if you see that they all have the same Memory Type, that means that they allCANUSE THE SAME BIOS.ExportingGPU BIOScan be done with clicking on the Red circle as displayed in the picture above, under the BIOS Version. Now you have your original bios exported, make a backup before going to the next step.

Go to my guide: GPU Bios Mod

IMPORTANT Always work with the original BIOS of your cards, dont download random BIOS online cause you cant be sure they are made for your card type, even if they are the same model that does not mean they have the same bios.Its very important to work with the original card BIOS to reduce the unnecessary risk to the minimum.

First you will need to download a tool for flashing the bios called ATIFlash.

With this tool you can put the custom bios over your current one. Always make a backup for your current bios and store it somewhere safe, you can never know when you are going to need it.

IMPORTANT be very careful what bios you are going to flash on what GPU, I would recommend you to never have different card types plugged in when you are going to flash, so you dont flash by accident a wrong bios to a wrong card (even if this is almost impossible, because if you use the AtiFlash properly (as explained in this guide) it should give you a warning that you cant flash the specific bios, because its a different type than your original card)

Upgraded BIOS

Copy File Path

Run CMD as Admininstrator

Change Directory to AtiWinFlash

Now after all your GPUs are flashed with the right upgraded bios we can move on to the most important step, the mining software part. There are a couple of different popular mining programs, depending on the algorithm they are working with, the most popular are:

This guide is focused on theEthashalgorithm mining, so the settings and the tutorials from this guide are not optimized for the other mining algorithms likeCryptoNight.For this I plan to make another guide or expand this one so that you will understand how to optimize your GPUs for the other algorithms.

Claymore 11.8 is currently the best miner for Ethereum, and it comes with a nice option of dual mining with some other altcoins (Decred, Sia ) that can boost your profit by around 20-30% for 20% more power draw. Even if you have expensive electricity the bonus profit is probably worth it.

Claymore software has a fixed fee of 1% when you are mining ethereum or 2% fee when you are mining decred. There are various problems that can happen due to the way the Fee is working. The fee works in a way that each hour you will be disconnected from your mining process and for about 1-2 minutes, you will mine for the Claymore developers. After that it will connect you again to your pool and start the mining again. By constant disconnecting and reconnecting each hour your GPU cools down and then heats up again, and by doing that you are risking the life of your GPUs. I heard from many people that after some time one of the GPUs would reset to the default clock settings because of the constant disconnecting/reconnecting or it would hang and crash the miner or cause it to recreate the DAG file, and you end up losing valuable time with that. Claymore is a really cool software and I think there could be a better way to support the developers, rather than risking our own miner stability. By using the official Claymore I lost about 3% of my shares compared to using the Claymore without the Developer Fee, everyone can try it for themselves and see the difference.

Recently there is a good source for the NoFee version that is constantly uploaded to the newest version, and from my testing I get exact 1.1% higher hashrate compared to the official Claymore release (calculated by 24hour comparison of found shares on the mining pool Im using nanopool)

Latest Claymore version brings a straight 0.3-0.5% performance increase compared to the previous Claymore versions. This is only for AMD gpus, there is no effect on the hashrate for Nvidia Gpus.

The comparison tested on 12 RX 570 4GB GPU rig (1-2 MH/s more total hashrate):

You can download the Claymore with the developer fee removed:Claymore Ethereum Miner 11.8 No Fee Download Thanks tod33z0r upload.

The Claymore miner software source code is encrypted (if someone would have the source code he could make his own miner and would be much easier to remove the developer fee. Thats why Windows Defender is going mad when he encounters Claymore miner, because it does not know what the Claymore software is doing it will try to remove it and warn you about dangerous file.

The best way to disable Windows Defender (its good in general to disable it cause it can disrupt mining performance or even crash the rig, especially the real-time protection) is to follow those steps:

Opening Local Group Security Policy

Windows Defender Antivirus Disable Option

Turning On the Disable of Windows Defender

Claymore runs through its start.bat file. In the start.bat (you can open it with the notepad) youJUST NEED TO WRITE THE FOLLOWING (NO SETX COMMANDS BEFORE THAT):

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool yourMiningPool -ewal yourEthAddress -epsw x -dcri 6

-epool is the mining pool you are mining on, its just a persona preference, some people like to use nanopool, some like dwarfpool, ethermine, you can use whatever pool you like. Be careful what pool you are using, it should be based on your location, it would make no sense to mine on an European pool if you are in America because of the high ping. Always use the pool that is close to you (nanopool,dwarfpool,ethermine and others have mostly location specific pools, you cant miss them, they mostly start with eu, us or asia. After that you can write your own ethereum address which is used to collect your ethereum shares. You can view statistics on the mining pool by searching it with your address, for example if you are using the nanopool pool you can see your current active statistics with: example using Nanopool:

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal yourEthAddress -epsw x -dcri 6

Do not add SETX commands at start, they are not needed.

I use nanopool to mine Ethereum, you can use ethermine or dwarfpool also, but ethermine gives most reliable statistics. Go to Chapter 11 to see why I use nanopool.

-ewall is your ethereum address, be careful because you will always need to write only an ETHEREUM wallet address, not a bitcoin or any other address. Most easy way to create an ethereum wallet and keep it safe is to use the exchange sites like Bitfinex or Bittrex. They will offer you high security and you can use the Two Factor Authentication which makes it very secure. For big amounts I would recommend to use offline wallets like Trezor Bitcoin Wallet.

Ethereum is mined just by using the memory of your GPU, so the GPUs core is almost not affected by the ethereum mining at all. This gives a possibility to utilize the GPU core for mining some other coins in the same time as you mine ethereum without affecting its hashrate. Of course if you would mine the dual coin at full potency, it would affect the ethereum hashrate, thats why we will need to optimize the intensity of the dual coin, lowering it at such degree that its not affecting the ethereum hashrate.


EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool yourMiningPool -ewal yourEthAddress -epsw x -dpool dualCoinMiningPool -dwal dualCoinWalletAddress -dpsw x -dcri 25

The part before the -dwal is the same as for the solo ethereum mining described above. The -dwal has the same representation as -ewal, it just is the mining pool of the dual coin. I would recommend to mineONLYDecred as a dual coin, because it has the highest efficiency of all of them . As described above the Dual coin uses the GPUs core for mining and not all dual coins give the same results. For RX 5xx cards the best way would be to go with Decred. I use the Supernovadecred mining pool. You need to create an account there, and the account name will serve you as a decred mining pool address. This way it gives you one more security improvement, because you dont show people your address, instead just your account name. On your account you will need to create a worker and give it a name for example: worker1, and leave its password as it is (password). Now to connect properly to the decred mining pool you would need to put -dwal supernovaAccountName.supernovaWorkerName

You can create a decred wallet at Bittrex.Its a very good trading site featuring a lot of altcoins including decred. You can cash out your decred at your account page in supernova, under My Account -> Edit Account -> Payment Address and you need to type your bittrex address there. And now you just need to set Automatic Payout Threshold to your desired value, I use 0.5 as my payout cap. I convert my mined decred to ethereum at a bittrex exchange site, and store my value like that. Its safe if you use a 2FA (authenticator).


As you can see in the dual mining configuration, the last part is -dcri 25. That means that the dual coin is set to mine intensively , and it shows how much GPU core is assigned for that task.Yes its needed for solo mining too, and needs to be set to 6!This is a very important part because itsDEPENDANT ON THE GPU SERIES. The only noticeable difference between theRX 570andRX 580series is theirGPU Core. The memory (used for ethereum mining) is almost the same on those cards, so there is basically no difference in the ethereum hashrate, but the big difference comes in the GPU Core. The RX 580 series can handle around -dcri 25, dont go above that because it can reduce your ethereum hashrate. For RX 570 series the optimal -dcri is around 19-22. For some cards even lower as 13, this needs to be tested by yourself. The proper way would be to start with -dcri 10. Then using your keyboard press + or -, that way you can increase or decrease -dcri by 1, as you will see on the claymore miner. By going up you will see the dual coin hash rate going up, repeat that until you can start to see the ethereum hashrate decrease, then, after you find that spot reduce -dcri by 3, so you are not pushing the GPU to the limit.On the RX 570 series its possible to get a higher hashrate on ethereum with dual mining rather than just solo mining.Optimal for RX 570 is around -dcri 19 , optimal for RX 580 series is around -dcri 25. For some cards its possible to go even further, but its not worth it to stress the GPU too much.

This is the most important part of this guide, its very important for you to learn the right way of overclocking and undervolting to optimize the GPU as much as possible.

Now after your GPUs are at their default settings, well be using OverdriveNtool to handle the overclocking,target the GPUs temperature and its undervolting. There is no other tool where you can have full control of your GPU and the ability to quickly optimize the GPUs. You cant be 100% sure the overclock/undervolt settings are working properly. This is a special software that gives you FULL access to your AMD GPUs and its very easy to use once you know the basics.

This software may seem confusing or complicated at first, but its very easy to understand. I will explain it through the following picture:

GREEN this is the target temperature of your GPU. OverdriveNtool will automatically keep your GPUs at their desired temperature by increasing/decreasing the fan speed, as its needed to stay at those temperatures. The optimal value would be60C. You can check this during the mining in Claymore, by seeing how much the current fan speed is in percentage. If the fans speed goes over70%increase the target temperature to65C, but that can only happen if you have a high room temperature, probably because of no cooling or a weak air flow.

PROFILES This serves to save current overclock settings for further use. For example after you turn on your PC, you can automatically load all the overclock settings to the desired GPUs.We will have1 profile per GPU on your mining rig. First make a new .txt file in the folder in which you have the OverdriveNtool.

After that go to Save As and change the Save as type to All Files and then name the script overclock.bat. That way you will create a Batch file the same type as Claymores start.bat and it will work in very similar way.

Now after that open the overclock.bat file with notepad and write in the following:

OverdriveNTool.exe -r1 -p1gpu1 -r2 -p2gpu2 -r3 -p3gpu3 -r4 -p4gpu4 -r5 -p5gpu5 -r6 -p6gpu6

As you can see in the following picture:

This will make a batch script that will run the OverdriveNtool.exe and set the each gpu (-p) to a predefined profile (profileName)

If you have 10 or more GPUs you need to have double digits to numerize them (-p01,-p02,,-p11,-p12 and -r01,-r02,.,-r11,-r12) or else the 10-12 GPU wont be recognized.

Carefull,as you can see in the displayed image in my case, I have on this mining rig 7 GPUs enabled. The first one is anINTEGRATED GPUand its ID is -p0 , all others are mining gpus (p1,p6). So if you have your integrated GPU disabled or for some reason you use a motherboard that does not have it, then your mining GPU ids start from p0, but you can see the GPUs order as displayed in the picture below. The GPUs order in OverdriveNtool is thesameas in the GPU-Z and Claymore 11.8.

Now make6 Newprofiles and name themgpu1, gpu2 gpu6and each profile will represent the GPU its attached to, so for example, we are using the -p1 GPU to the profile gpu1 and so on. You need to make so many profiles as you have mining GPUs (all GPUs except the Integrated one)

RED this part shows you the real GPUs core clock rates and its voltages. In other overclocking tools you will only see the last one, in this case 1340 Mhz. Asyou noticed there are 8 of them (P0,P1.P7) and that are the GPUs core states. This means the GPU switches automatically to default between those states, depending on how much you use the GPU. From all those 8 states, we dont want the GPU to switch between them, we want it to run stable at the fixed clock rates we put it on. To do that we will need toDISABLEall the GPUs states except the last one (P7). You can disable every state from P0 till P7 simply by double clicking on its name (just go with the mouse over P0 and doubleclick), you will know if you are successful if that state changes colour.

GPU CORE OVERCLOCK/UNDERVOLT we need to do two things to the GPU core. First, we will need to set P7 clock rate and its voltage. You need to remember that the GPUs core is not used to mine ethereum a lot, it just helps the memory to do the hashrate. The GPUs core generates the most heat on the GPU and uses the most power, so our intention is to push the GPUs core down as much as possible to save power and lower the temperature on the GPU without losing ethereum hashrate, or lose some hashrate because we save more on the power cost reduction than the small ethereum hashrate drop. It would be very recommended to haveWattmeterto make your own calculations to see whats more worth for you. In general most optimal clock rates for ALL GPUs is around1150mhz. Some RX 570 can even work at around 1100mhz without losing any, or very low hashrate reduction on ethereum and that will reduce the power draw drastically. Some RX 580 need 1200mhz to have the optimum hashrate, but most of them work best at 1150mhz. In general never go above 1200mhz because it will start to use much more power, and you can will that with your Wattmeter. For the Voltage part, its best to keep them at850mV. You can try to reduce the voltage to 825mV or 800mV if you are going to keep the GPUs at 1100mhz, but it is possible to get a freeze or crash. The best way for you is to test your hashrate with those values described and see what effect it has for your GPU to run it at 1100mhz, 1150mhz, 1200mhz with 850mV voltage in all cases. Then compare the power draw with the hashrate and calculate whats more profitable for you. In most cases1150mhz/ 850mVis optimal.

MEMORY This works identically as the GPU core, except its for the memory. This is the holy grail, this is the most important part of GPU mining and its veryRANDOM. There is no fixed values from which you can know that it will work 100% on your GPU. There is just one proper way of doing it without risking any problems. We will need to disable P0 and P1 by double clicking on them.


We will need to repeat the process for each GPU individually, its very important to test it that way so if you end up getting a crash or reset, you will know exactly at what part that happened so that you can reverse the crashing settings.

First we will need to test thefirst mining GPUonly, not all at once:

As you can see in the picture, you will need to have values set exactly like that. Apply settings first, then click on the Save button near the profile or else the profile settings wont be applied properly. You have your first GPU all set and ready to make theFINAL STEP

This is the most important question people want to have an answer for and its the most tricky one. There are no optimal or universal values, because on the identical GPUs the same Overclock/Undervolt settings dont work the same way. Each GPU is unique and requires individual testing to optimize it properly.

Download a tool called HWinfo64.

Install it and run it in Sensors only mode as displayed in this picture:

After that scroll all the way down till you see your GPUs, they are located at the end. Now after you found the GPUs, select all sensors except Memory Errors and HIDE them (right click on the sensors and press hide). Ater that, you will have something as in the image below:

In my case there are 6 AMD GPUs and I have disabled all other sensors because they dont interest me.We only want to have GPU Memory Errors displayed, this will tell you if your GPU is overclocked too much.Now this is the way we will test your GPUs optimal settings.

Now after you found the optimal value for your GPU you can do the following:

After you done all that for the FIRST GPU, you can repeat the process for each other GPU, always keep an eye in HWinfo64 for memory errors, so that you dont have an unstable rig. The rig can work with a bunch of memory errors but that can cause:

If all of your GPUs on the RIG are the same, you can try to apply the profile settings that worked for the first GPU to the next GPU and test if it works, then try to adjust the small settings to reduce memory errors if you get them. Its possible that the same GPU with the same settings will crash the PC or cause a freeze, thats why you testone GPU at a time.

Read more here:

Ethereum Mining Guide for AMD and NVidia GPUs - Windows ...

What is Ethereum? | The Ultimate Beginners’ Guide

With the second largest market cap in the cryptocurrency world, Ethereum has drawn a lot of attention from investors and crypto enthusiasts alike.

This relatively new cryptocurrency not only presents a significant change to the status quo, it also allows for the quick development and deployment of new applications. Ethereum essentially enables dozens of new and extremely innovative cryptocurrencies to exist.

While Ethereums utility is obvious to programmers and the tech world at large, many people who are less tech-savvy have trouble understanding it. Weve designed this guide to appeal to both crowds and expose anyone from complete crypto beginners and intermediates to this potentially game-changing cryptocurrency.

If youre interested in Ethereum, chances are you have some sort of foundational knowledge of Bitcoin.

All cryptocurrencies inevitably get compared to Bitcoin, and it frankly makes understanding them much easier.

Bitcoin launched in 2009 as the worlds first cryptocurrency, with the single goal of creating a decentralized universal currency. This currency would not require any intermediary financial institutions, but would still ensure safe and valid transactions. This was made possible by a revolutionary technology called the blockchain.

The blockchain is a digital ledger, continuously recording and verifying records. Its used to track and verify Bitcoin transactions. Since the global network of communicating nodes maintains the blockchain, its pretty much incorruptible. As new blocks are added to the network, they are constantly validated.

Similar to Bitcoin, Ethereum is a distributed public blockchain network. While both Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocurrencies that can be traded among users, there are many substantial differences between the two.

Bitcoin, for example, utilizes blockchain to track ownership of the digital currency, making it an extremely effective peer to peer electronic cash system. Ethereum, on the other hand, focuses on running the programming code of an application. Application developers largely use it to pay for services and transaction fees on the Ethereum network.

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are decentralized, meaning they have no central control or issuing authority. Respective miners run each network by validating transactions to earn either bitcoin (for Bitcoin) or ether (for Ethereum).

If youre still having trouble making the distinction, the words of Dr. Gavin Woodone of Ethereums Co-Foundersmight help:

Bitcoin is first and foremost a currency; this is one particular application of a blockchain. However, it is far from the only application. To take a past example of a similar situation, e-mail is one particular use of the internet, and for sure helped popularise it, but there are many others.

Ethereum is simply the application of blockchain for a completely different purpose.

Simply put, Ethereum is a blockchain-based decentralized platform on which decentralized applications (Dapps) can be built.

Ethereums appeal is that it is built in a way that enables developers to create smart contracts. Smart contracts are scripts that automatically execute tasks when certain conditions are met. For example, a smart contract could technically say, pay Jane $10 if she submits a 1000 word article on goats by September 15, 2018, and it would pay Jane once the conditions are met.

These smart contracts are executed by the Turing-complete Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), run by an international public network of nodes.

The cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network is called ether. Ether serves two different functions:

If youre still a little confused, dont worry. The underlying technology is complicated even at a surface level.

By the end of this guide, youll have a better understanding of Ethereum than 99.999% of people out there and thats a pretty good start!

Well go over things such as how Ethereum functions, Ethereums history, and some of the exciting dapps running on the Ethereum platform.

In 2011, a 17 year old Russian-Canadian boy named Vitalik Buterin learned about Bitcoin from his father.

In 2013, after visiting developers across the world who shared an enthusiasm for programming, Buterin published a white-paper proposing Ethereum.

In 2014, Buterin dropped out of the University of Waterloo after receiving the Thiel Fellowship of $100,000 to work on Ethereum full-time.

In 2015, the Ethereum system went live.

In 2017, Ethereum hit a cap rate of $36 billion dollars.

Whether youre looking at this from an investment standpoint, tech perspective, or witness to history; Ethereum is extremely exciting.

Buterins goal was to bring the same decentralization from Bitcoin to more than just currency. This could be accomplished by building a fully-fledged Turing-complete programming language into the Ethereum blockchain.

The Ethereum white paper goes into detail for some of the potential use cases, all of which could be built through decentralized apps on the Ethereum network. The list goes on and on:

By building these apps on the Ethereum network, these dapps can utilize Ethereums blockchain instead of having to create their own.

Early blockchain applications like Bitcoin only allowed users a set of predefined operations. For example, Bitcoin was created exclusively to operate as a cryptocurrency.

Unlike these early blockchain projects, Ethereum allows users to create their own operations. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) makes this possible. As Ethereums runtime environment, the EVM executes smart contracts. Since every Ethereum node runs the EVM, applications built on it reap the benefits of being decentralized without having to build their own blockchain.

Smart contracts are strings of computer code capable of automatically executing when certain predetermined conditions are met.

Instead of requiring a single central authority to say yay or nay, these contracts are self-operated. This not only makes the entire process more effective, it also makes it more fair and objective.

For example, a simple smart contract use case would be:

Using the smart contract, theres no need for Jim and Sarah to trust each other. They just have to trust the data feed.

Keep in mind that this is only a very simple example. Many smart contracts are extremely complex and can work wonders.

The takeaway: Smart contracts can automate a variety of tasks, without requiring intermediaries. All a smart contract needs is the arbitrary rules written into it.

Now, lets move on to the Dapps.

Most of us have a pretty good understanding of what an application (app) is. An application is formally defined as a program or piece of software designed and written to fulfill a particular purpose of the user. We use apps every day: Apps allow us to check our bank balance, scroll through a live feed of pictures, or even launch a Flappy Bird into oblivion.

Now take this definition and ~*~decentralize~*~ it. Dapps serve similar functions, but run on an entire network of nodes rather than a central source. The fact that they are decentralized gives dapps an enormous advantage over traditional apps.

You know when Instagram is down because the server is down? This doesnt happen with dapps. How about when Zomato got hacked and exposed the information of 17 million people? This doesnt happen either.

Moreover, Dapps are:

In many cases, front-end users cant even distinguish dapps from regular apps. Dapps typically use HTML/JavaScript web applications to communicate with the blockchain, appearing the same to users as many applications youre already using today.

Fasten your seatbelts and get your Twitter-fingers ready, its finally time for the most exciting part of this guide.

Ethereums intersection with the real world is paved with innovation and disruption. There are already a huge number of projects, both live and in development, built on the Ethereum network. Here are just some of the most successful and promising of these dapps.

Golem: The Golem project aims to make a global supercomputer easily accessible to anyone. Its essentially the first decentralized sharing economy of computing power. As a global market, users would be able to make money by renting out their idle computing power, or spend money to have access to a supercomputer. Hold up, have you ever used a supercomputer? Supercomputers cost between a million dollars and a good fraction of a billion dollars. The modern Tianhe-2 Supercomputer has the power of roughly 18,400 Playstation 4s. Golems goal is to make this sort of power easily accessible anywhere in the world at an infinitesimal cost.

Augur: Augurs goal is to utilize a decentralized network to create a powerful forecasting tool using prediction markets. Augur would reward users for correctly predicting future events. While at a surface level it may just seem like a decentralized betting platform (which is still worth a lot), Augur could potentially provide provide powerful predictive data for virtually any industry. Prediction markets are more accurate at forecasting than individual experts, traditional opinion polling, and surveys.

Civic: Civic aims to protect users identities and provide blockchain-based, secure, low-cost, on-demand access to identity verification. This would not only prevent and provide users with assistance for identity fraud, but it would also remove the need for constant personal information and background verification checks. Think about how many times youve left your social security number with someones assistant and you can see the benefits of Civic.

OmiseGO: OmiseGO vision is to solve the problems and inefficiencies of financial institutions, processors, and gateways by enabling decentralized exchange on a public blockchain at a lower cost and high volume. This means anyone will be able to conduct financial transactions such as payments, payroll deposits, B2B commerce, supply-chain finance, asset management, and loyalty programs without having to rely on a single server and without exorbitant fees! The system is built in a way that allows the best currency (whether fiat or decentralized) to win.

Storj: Storjs aim is to make it possible for users to rent out their excess hard drive space in exchange for the crypto STORJ. Users could therefore also use Storj to rent additional hard drive space.

These are only a handful of different dapps all running on the Ethereum platform. What really stands out with dapps is how their founder are able to raise real capital by selling tokens. Whereas traditional apps have to seek outside investment or IPO, a dapp can simply ICO and raise the capital they need to build their company. While this removes friction from the financing processes, it has unfortunately also made it possible for many sub-par dapps to ICO and take advantage of eager speculators.

For more dapps, check out the State of the Dapps. You find some upcoming ICOs here.

Now that you have a decent understanding of what Ethereum is and how it functions, its useful to revisit how it compares to Bitcoin at a technical level.

While the two cryptocurrencies serve different purposes, Ethereum provides a number of benefits over Bitcoin:

Ethereum arguably currently functions better than Bitcoin as a currency. With Ethereum, you can reliably send transactions faster, pay lower transaction fees, and mine at a more profitable rate (although it still has its downfalls for miners).

Read: Is Ethereum Mining Profitable?

However, Bitcoin does have a relatively more stable priceand therefore functions as a better value storage optionfrom a trading and value storage perspective. Ethereum is much younger but has covered a substantial amount of ground in recent years. Although Ethereum certainly shows promise as a currency, its true potential lies in features nonexistent in Bitcoins code.

The most famous DAO was simply known as The DAO. The nearly identical name causes a lot of confusion for people and gives DAOs a bad reputation.

The DAO was a decentralized autonomous organization primarily functioning as its own investor-directed venture capital fund. It didnt have the conventional management structure or board of directors, was not tied to any particular government, and instead ran on open source code. The DAO was set up to give funders the power to vote for which dapps deserved investment through DAO tokens.

Dapps had somewhat of an approval process:

The DAO is most famous for the largest crowdfunding campaign in history, raising over $150 million in ether from more than 11,000 investors. The DAO is also most infamous for getting hacked for $50 million. This hack inevitably caused a split in the Ethereum community, creating what we now know as Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

The hack happened because of The DAOs Split Function. Funders who wanted to exit The DAO could use its Split Function, which would give them back the ether they had invested. The only stipulation was that existing funders had to hold their ether for 28 days before they could withdraw them.

On June 17th 2016, an unknown person or group of people took advantage of a lapse in the Split Functions security with a simple recursive function. This frustratingly easy hack allowed the hacker(s) to repeat their request to withdraw the same DAO tokens multiple times before the system registered it as $50 million.

The news of this hack created chaos in the Ethereum community. While this hack had nothing to do with the Ethereum platform and everything to do with The DAO platform, many members of the Ethereum community were invested in The DAO. The community as a whole had 28 days to come up with a solution, which ended up being to forkstop the current blockchain entirely and create something new from scratch.

The new Ethereum (ETH) is the result of the fork, and is essentially the blockchain before the hack. The old Ethereum (Ethereum Classic ETC) is still running the original blockchain with the hack included.

The vast majority of the Ethereum community including the Ethereum founders pivoted along with ETH, with a small minority staying loyal to the original blockchain.

The future for Ethereum is bright, but it is not without its potential uncertainty.

A notable event on the horizon is the Metropolis hard fork that is set to occur in late September. This hard fork indicates some major upgrades for the platform including:

We wont know how this hard fork will affect the price of Ethereum as markets could adjust in a variety of ways. If the upgrades attract more users, the price could rise. However, if mining becomes more difficult and slows, the price could fall.

The next upgrade after Metropolis is referred to as Serenity, which should increase stability and encourage more investment.

While there is a lot of speculative interest around Ethereum, its important to note that the Ethereum and dapp communities are very much focused on building a tangible future.

Ethereum is a phenomenal application of the blockchain and has made it possible for hundreds of projects to exist.

Blockchain solves the problem of manipulation. When I speak about it in the West, people say they trust Google, Facebook, or their banks. But the rest of the world doesnt trust organizations and corporations that much I mean Africa, India, the Eastern Europe, or Russia. Its not about the places where people are really rich. Blockchains opportunities are the highest in the countries that havent reached that level yet.

The primary goal of Ethereums founders isnt to create a cryptocurrency that makes speculators a ton of money; its to change the world. The Ethereum community attracts ideological supporters in the same way Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies do, but its use cases give it life far beyond that of other coins.

The easiest way to invest in Ethereum is by using a cryptocurrency exchange. Weve compiled a list of the best exchanges where you can buy Ethereum. On this page you can find key details of these exchanges, as well as links to their individual reviews and user guides.

If youre new to the world of cryptocurrency, Coinbase offers one of the simplest ways to buy, sell, and store Ethereum.

For those interested in regular trading, the following exchanges may be more suited to your needs:

How to Buy Ethereum

View original post here:

What is Ethereum? | The Ultimate Beginners' Guide

Everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077 – PC Gamer

Cyberpunk 2077 was announced all the way back in 2012, but with The Witcher 3, its expansions, and Gwent at the top of the order back then, we only heard scraps about CD Projekt REDs next open world RPG. All combined, though, the past six years of interview snippets paint Cyberpunk 2077 as a behemoth of a game, even bigger that The Witcher 3 and with possible multiplayer features on top of hundreds of hours of single-player roleplaying. And, as we've learned, first-person shooting.

The time has finally come for Cyberpunk to take the spotlight, beginning with a big cinematic trailer revealed at E3 2018 (scroll down a bit for that). We'll be updating this post with new details throughout E3 and beyond.

CD Projekt has mostly stuck with the "when its done" line, but we know that it plans to release Cyberpunk 2077 between 2017 and 2021, along with another, still unannounced RPG. Weve been hearing about Cyberpunk since 2012, so the expectation is that itll be the first of the two to release. Our guess, then, is that Cyberpunk 2077 will release in 2019.

This is backed up by comments from a March 2017 financial results conference during which CD Projekt developers said that progress on Cyberpunk is "quite advanced." That said, the "when it's done" motto is something CD Projekt is serious about (recall it delaying The Witcher 3). If it isn't ready in 2019, it could be 2020, or 2021. We'd be really surprised if it released this year, but anything's possible.

It's more playful than we expected, but also just as violent as we expected.

Yes, so long as you understand 'FPS' literally: first-person shooter. Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG, as CD Projekt has been saying, but it is an RPG played from a first-person perspective with guns. There's cover, there's sliding, there's wall-runninglots of things we associate with, say, Titanfall 2. So while it's a big open world RPG with stats and dialogue, it's an FPS, too.

You will have a third-person view in vehicles and cutscenes, but other than that, this is a first-person game. That's a surprise!

Yep. You can play as a woman or a man, and also customize your look a bit, such as by choosing a hairstyle, tattoos, makeup, and clothing. There are also stats: strength, constitution, intelligence, reflexes, tech, and "cool," which as we understand it from the tabletop game is how you perform under pressure.

This is another departure from The Witcher seriesof course, those games were based on books, while this is based on a tabletop roleplaying game with its own rules and ideas.

However you customize your character, you're still one specific person: V. Not 'Vee.' Just V. You're a mercenary, and that's most of what we know so far.

While guns seem to be your primary weapons, we saw lots of cool abilities in the E3 gameplay demonstration we saw.

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that a giant open world shooter-RPG has cars. You can indeed drive in Cyberpunk 2077, from either a first or third-person perspective. There's vehicular combat, tooin the demonstration we saw, the player leaned out a window to shoot.

We haven't. But we did get to see a jam-packed gameplay demonstration at E3. The footage hasn't been made public yet, but you can read all about it here.

Back in September 2016, we learned that CD Projekt applied for grants which suggest Cyberpunk 2077 could feature a huge living city and seamless multiplayer.

Thats backed up by this story from 2015, in which we learn that Cyberpunk 2077 will be far bigger than anything else that CD Projekt Red has done before, including The Witcher 3. So, if we take CD Projekt RED at its word, Cyberpunk 2077 will be exceptionally large and, hopefully, full of sidequests.

We first heard about multiplayer features back in 2013, but CD Projekt RED clearly knew the word could agitate its fans. "It will be a story-based RPG experience with amazing single-player playthroughs," reassured managing director Adam Badowski in a 2013 talk with Eurogamer, "but we're going to add multiplayer features."

In 2017, CD Projekt CEO Adam Kiciski said that the multiplayer features would ensure Cyberpunk's "long-term success," which caused some concerns given the current kerfuffle over microtransactions, especially with Star Wars Battlefront 2's loot box progression system going over so poorly.

CD Projekt responded to the concerns with a tweet meant to reassure fans that they'll still be getting a Witcher 3-style singleplayer epic. "Worry not," it said. "When thinking CP2077, think nothing less than TW3huge single player, open world, story-driven RPG. No hidden catch, you get what you pay forno bullshit, just honest gaming like with Wild Hunt. We leave greed to others."

As of March of this year, they still weren't keen to talk much about it.

No. The E3 2018 trailer contains a little Easter egg which confirms that there will be no microtransactions in Cyberpunk 2077. (Enlarge the image and read the red text, in which CD Projekt responds to the question: "In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?")

The cover of the Night City sourcebook. Click here to enlarge.

Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in the year 2077which you probably didnt need us to tell youin the sandbox environment of Night City, a fictional city between San Francisco and LA (as described here, although if it's really in Del Coronado Bay it would be well south of LA) that already exists in the Cyberpunk pen and paper RPG created by Mike Pondsmith. Heres an except from the Night City sourcebook, describing Night City as it exists in Cyberpunk 2020:

"A planned urban community founded in 1994 by the late entrepreneur Richard Alix Night (1954 - 1998). Established at the head of the Del Coronado Bay (dredged to current capacity in 1999), and facing the Pacific Ocean to the west, Night City is a modern city of the twenty-first century. Its wide streets and ultra-modern towers are home to over a million people, with another four-and-a-half million living in the greater Night City areas of Westbrook, North Oak, Heywood, Pacifica, South Night City and Rancho Coronado.

An exciting and vibrant place to live, Night City is even more fun to visit; world famous for its slogan "The City on the Edge of Tomorrow," the area hosts almost nine million tourists, conventioneers and corporate travellers every year. A planned community with an advanced rapid transit system, its own Net LDL, and a Corporate Center boasting representatives from over a dozen of the world's most powerful megacorps, Night City is a shining example of Technology Triumphant over the Trouble of the Past."

Thats an optimistic description, of course, leaving out the mucky, nasty parts of Night City, as Pondsmith puts it in the video above. Punks and corporate stooges of all varieties wander these foggy, once Mob-ruled streets, and by 2023, corporations are openly warring for them. Cyberpunk 2077 will show us what happened to the city in the aftermath of that war.

People have wondered whats going to happen, there are clues and hintsif we told you more wed have to kill you, as usual, said Pondsmith during Cyberpunk 2077s reveal in 2012, which you can watch below. One of them is a big hint I left for everybody at the end of the fourth Corporate War, when I dropped a small pocket tactical nuke in the middle of the Arasaka Towers, and that left kind of a really large real estate space that were gonna be playing around with.

The event hes referring to happened in 2024 on the Cyberpunk timeline, which means we step into Night City a little over 50 years after part of the downtown was destroyed and, presumably, rebuilt.

The announcement video doesnt reveal much more, except that CD Projekt RED and Pondsmith are using Cyberpunks pen and paper combat systemthough exactly how thatll be implemented is unclearand inventing new weapons and technology for the year 2077.

In a 2017 interview with Rock Paper Shotgun, Pondsmith said that the CD Projekt developers "get it," which is why he's happy to work with them on the game, and explained a little about his approach to cyberpunk themes.

We expect to hear more as 2019 approaches, so drop by our hub of all things Cyberpunk anytime you're curious about the latest updates. There's also a newsletter signup on the official site.

Continued here:

Everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077 - PC Gamer

Private Island Holidays & Resorts | Oxford Private Travel

When thinking of luxury holiday destinations, nothing else sounds quite as exclusive (or peaceful!) as the thought of renting your own private island. This must surely be the ultimate way to get away from it all. So let us help you live out your Robinson Crusoe fantasies and play at being a castaway by escaping to one of our heavenly paradise locations.

The beautiful private islands in our portfolio offer you the chance to immerse yourself in your own little universe, after all who wants neighbours when you're on holiday? We've all dreamt of being marooned on a deserted beach and this can now be very much a reality. Whether arriving by helicopter or by boat, the sugar soft sands and turquoise waters lapping against the shore are bound to excite the senses. What better way is there to escape the real world?

Of course, in addition to natural beauty, the private islands and private island resorts in our collection all offer an exceptional standard of accommodation. From super-slick, contemporary and stylish masterpieces, through to something a little more 'barefoot luxury' and authentic, there is an island for every taste and requirement. Private Islands can accommodate from 2 to 200, and whether you're interested in getting back to nature in a pristine wildlife reserve, or you have slightly more sybaritic requirements , we can guide you towards your ultimate island experience.

Private Island resorts are a great choice for those looking to maintain a high level of privacy and exclusivity - as well as being in a stunning setting - but also have the opportunity of being able to mingle with fellow guests on a smaller scale than standard resorts. These wonderful resorts tend to offer a more personalised and unique island experience than conventional hotel resorts, and we have scoured the seas for the world's best. We understand why you might prefer a private island resort for your holiday - and we understand the specific logistics and arrangements that might be required.

We look forward to making your island fantasies a reality.

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Private Island Holidays & Resorts | Oxford Private Travel

Roger Ver lawsuit –

Matthew Hrones April 27, 2018 10:35 am

A community movement that has grown to over 600 individuals in just two days is pursuing legal action against and its owner, Roger Ver, for deliberately misleading new users into buying Bitcoin Cash (BCH) instead of Bitcoin (BTC). is undoubtedly a prized domain in the Bitcoin space. Its likely that anyone interested in finding out about the worlds first, and most valuable, cryptocurrency will instinctively type it into their browser or immediately see it as a top result in a Google search.

In fact, when Googling buy bitcoin, the first result is

Upon clicking the link, a user is greeted with the following screen.

The logos are not only very similar and even the same color (BCH logo is typically green on most platforms to avoid confusion), but is the only website that refers to Bitcoin (BTC) as Bitcoin Core.

The Bitcoin Core name refers to the Bitcoin software client (also known as the Satoshi client), which was originally called simply Bitcoin, but was later renamed to distinguish it from the Bitcoinnetwork and currency.

Whats more, the Bitcoin Cash option is presented at the top without their respective BTC and BCH tickers. Anyone unfamiliar with the difference between the two will very likely be confused, if not completely fooled into believing that the top choice is, in fact, Bitcoin.

One user wrote in the Telegram group that its like advertising youre selling gold and then giving customers a piece of coal instead, while also referencing stories of people who mistakinglysent BTC to a BCH addressand vice versa.

Earlier this week, underwent changes to present Bitcoin Cash as Bitcoin. Most notably the block explorer, which changed from Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin (BCH).

This change has especially outraged the Bitcoin community. It was also a topic of controversy among Bitcoin Cash supporters, many of whom believe Bitcoin Cash can compete on its own merit rather than attempting to steal the Bitcoin name.

Parabullic Troll (@Crypto_God) April 26, 2018

Another example includes the websites Bitcoin Course, intended to help new users understand what Bitcoin is and how it works. However, the line between the two is blurred in a few places. It references Bitcoin Cash only several times, with most of the graphics in the course displaying Bitcoin and the Bitcoin logo.

Meanwhile, long time associate of Roger Ver and Shapeshift CEO, Erik Voorhees, has also distanced himself from Vers latest attempts to present Bitcoin Cash as the real Bitcoin.

Erik Voorhees and Roger Ver

Roger please stop referencing me to back up your opinion that Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, he tweeted. It isnt. Bitcoin is the chain originating from the genesis block with the highest accumulated proof of work.

The Bitcoin Cash fork failed to gain majority, thus it is not Bitcoin.

The lawsuit is gaining steam in aTelegram group chatcreated by user @MoneyTrigz,an admin at CoinTimes and co-owner of CoinDaily, and has grown to over 600 members in just a couple of days.

The group says it has attracted some community bigwigs, some of which include Bitcoin entrepreneurs Charlie Shrem and Richard Heart,Xotika.TVCEOJohn Carvalho, and founder Ragnar Lifthrasir, whos been urging peopleto report the Bitcoin dot com wallet for fraud.

MoneyTrigz, however, has made it clear that no one is in charge of this initiative.

Its more of a community movement, cuz thats what it is, he explains. Its not led by me. Ijust sparked the flame thats all.

The consensus on this matter is the same, he continues.

Everybody is frustrated and outraged plus you have victims now losing money because of it. [] crossed the line, and were pushing back legally.

At the same time, one user questioned the pursuit of legal action saying that using any government entity in this dispute seems backward, adding that ultimately the markets will decide.

To which John Carvalho responded:

Were all the market. This isnt asking the government to do something. Its using tools the government provides. This *is* the market deciding. Its literally putting money into a solution.

The group is yet to disclose which law firm is being contacted, only revealing that its one from the Caribbean island of St. Kitts, where the company is registered. The reason given is that it is a public group, and numerous people directly linked to Bitcoin dot com have already been banned from the chatroom.

MoneyTrigz, along with other group admins, have also stressed that it is not a discussion group, but rather for victims of the deceit to come forward and share their experience.

The legal angles are being discussed with lawyers, not up for discussion here, this is public, [] have eyes here, Money Trigz announced in the group.

An official website calledbitcoincomlawsuit.infohas also launched today, where people who have lost money from the scheme can submit their evidence and join in on the lawsuit.

A group of 600+ participants from influential industry leaders to community volunteers & contributors who devote to protect users from fraudulent businesses and help victims recover lost funds, the website description reads.

However, is not accepting donations just yet.

We have things going on behind the scenes and ALOT of industry people dm us to help with lawyer firm recommendations and in different jurisdictions. There seems to be some serious merit with a few of the approaches. Cant say more now. Send everybody to us that lost money using bitcoincom platform or wallet, he added.

Is committingfraud? Who do you think would win this lawsuit? Let us know in the comments below!

Images courtesy of Bitcoinist archives, Shutterstock, and Twitter/@Ragnarly.

Read the rest here:

Roger Ver lawsuit -

Southwest Pilot Was As Cool As A Cucumber During Engine …

The Southwest pilot who had to land her plane after an engine failure was shockingly cool, calm, and collected as she placed various calls to air traffic control.


One of the planes engines exploded and detached in midair, with some of the engine parts smashing open a window. A passenger was partially sucked out of the open window and later died from severe head trauma, and other passengers were injured.

However, the pilot in charge of the plane,Tammie Jo Shults, sounded like she was totally in control as she planned her emergency landing.

Shults was formerly a fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy.

Southwest 1380, were single engine, Shults said over the radio. Wehave part of the aircraft missing, so were going to need to slow down a bit.

Weve got injured passengers, she said.

No, its not on fire, but part of its missing, Shults said when asked if the plane was on fire. They said theres a hole, and uh, someone went out.

Passengers later praised Shults nerves of steel and said she helped keep them calm throughout the ordeal.

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Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is availablewithout charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. Forlicensing opportunities of our original content, please

Read the original here:

Southwest Pilot Was As Cool As A Cucumber During Engine ...

Hedonism Community – Castaways Travel

Hedonism II Photo Album Negril, Jamaica

The photos in our Hedonism ii Photo Album wereeither shot by us, our clients or provided by the resort. If you have recently visited Hedonism ii we invite you to send in your photos for us to display.To contribute you own photos (or trip reports),go to our Contribute Trip Report / Photographs page.

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Before we get to our Hedonism ii Photo Album below, heres something new. If youre one of the thousands upon thousands of Hedo loyalists then you might want to join the Hedonism Community to interact with other folks just like you. It does cost a minimum of $10 per month, but you earn 1000 Passion Points that you redeem dollar for dollar against your next Hedo vacation. so if you plan to go back in effect your membership is FREE Woo Hoo Click here to join.

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Hedonism Community - Castaways Travel

UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List

Extension of the "Australian East Coast Temperate and Subtropical Rainforest Park".

name changed 2007 from 'Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves (Australia)'

Renomination of "Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park" under cultural criteria.

The Belfries of Flanders and Wallonia which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the transnational property The Belfries of Belgium and France.

Extension of "Ja National Park".

Extension of the "Glacier Bay/Wrangell/St Elias/Kluane" property.

The "Burgess Shale" property, which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks".

Extension of "The Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple Monastery, Lhasa" to include the Norbulingka area.

The Belfries of Flanders and Wallonia which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the transnational property The Belfries of Belgium and France.

The "Chateau and Estate of Chambord", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes".

The Hadrians Wall which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the transnational property Frontiers of the Roman Empire.

At the time the property was extended, cultural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

The "Brihadisvara Temple, Tanjavur", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Great Living Chola Temples".

At the time the property was extended, cultural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

At the time the property was extended, criteria (iii) and (v) were also found applicable.

The Committee decided to extend the existing cultural property, the "Temple of Ggantija", to include the five prehistoric temples situated on the islands of Malta and Gozo and to rename the property as "The Megalithic Temples of Malta".

The Westland and Mount Cook National Park and the Fiordland National Park, which were previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, are part of the "Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand".

The "Convent Ensemble of San Francisco de Lima", which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the "Historic Centre of Lima".

Extension de Sites d'art rupestre prhistorique de la valle de Ca , Portugal

Extension of "Biertan and its Fortified Church".

At the time the property was extended, natural criterion (iv) was also found applicable.

Extension of the "Alhambra and the Generalife, Granada", to include the Albayzin quarter.

Extension of the "Mosque of Cordoba".

The property Parque Gell, Palacio Gell and Casa Mila in Barcelona, previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the Works of Antoni Gaud.

Extension of the "Churches of the Kingdom of the Asturias", to include monuments in the city of Oviedo.

Extension of the "Mudejar Architecture of Teruel".

Extension de Sites d'art rupestre prhistorique de la valle de Ca , Portugal

Following a survey of ownership carried out in the late 1960s, ownership of the totality of the walls was vested in 1973 in the Spanish State, through the Ministry of Education and Science. It was transferred to the Xunta de Galicia by Royal Decree in 1994.

The Spanish Constitution reserves certain rights in relation to the heritage to the central government. However, these are delegated to the competent agencies in the Autonomous Communities, in this case the Xunta de Galicia. For the Lugo walls the Xunta is in the position of both owner and competent agency. Under the Galician Heritage Law the Xunta is required to cooperate with the municipal authorities in ensuring the protection and conservation of listed monuments, and certain functions are delegated down to them. The Xunta operates through its General Directorate of Cultural Heritage (Direccin General de Patrimonio Cultural), based in Santiago de Compostela.

The Master Plan for the Conservation and Restoration of the Roman Walls of Lugo (1992) covered proposals for actions to be taken in respect of research and techniques of restoration. This was followed in 1997 by the Special Plan for the Protection and Internal Reform of the Fortified Enceinte of the Town of Lugo, which is concerned principally with the urban environment of the historic town. However, it has a direct impact on the protection afforded to the walls, in terms of traffic planning, the creation of open spaces, and regulation of building heights. Another planning instrument which affects the walls is the Special Plan for the Protection of the Mio [river], approved by the municipality at the beginning of 1998.

There is at the present time no management plan sensu stricto for the walls in operation in Lugo: work is continuing on the basis of the 1992 plan. Nor is there a technical unit specifically responsible for the conservation and restoration of the walls. It is against this background that serious consideration is being given to the creation of an independent foundation, under royal patronage and with representatives from government, academic, voluntary, and business institutions, to work with the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of Galicia. The work plan of this body would include the development and implementation of integrated conservation, restoration, and maintenance programmes.

The WH area is managed directly by the Divisional Forest Officer from the Forest Dept. A national steering Committee co-ordinates institutions for Sinharaja as a National Wilderness Area, Biosphere Reserve (1988), and WH site. There are two management plans, prepared in 1985/86 and 1992/94, which emphasise conservation, scientific research, buffer zone management, benefit-sharing, and community participation.

In 1979, the Committee decided to inscribe the Ohrid Lake on the World Heritage List under natural criteria (iii). In 1980, this property was extended to include the cultural and historical area, and cultural criteria (i)(iii)(iv) were added.

The Hadrians Wall which was previously inscribed on the World Heritage List, is part of the transnational property Frontiers of the Roman Empire.

Extension of "Gough Island Wildlife Reserve".

(renomination under cultural criteria)

Extension of the "Glacier Bay/Wrangell/St Elias/Kluane" property.

#: As for 19 Natural and Mixed Properties inscribed for geological values before 1994, criteria numbering of this property has changed. See Decision 30.COM 8D.1

Continue reading here:

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage List

The Abolition of Man | work by Lewis |

The Abolition of Man, in full The Abolition of Man; or, Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools, a book on education and moral values by C.S. Lewis, published in 1943. The book originated as the Riddell Memorial Lectures, three lectures delivered at the University of Durham in February 1943. Many people regard this as Lewiss most important book. In it he argues that education, both at home and in schools, needs to be conducted in the context of moral law and objective values.

Throughout the book Lewis argues for an objectivist position in aesthetics and morality, contending that qualities and values inhere in things and positions and are not just projected onto them. Two objectivists may disagree about whether a work of art or a human act is good or not, but both believe there are agreed-upon standards by which the work or act is to be judged. Unlike subjectivists, objectivists hold common principles on which to base their judgments.

The doctrine of objective values, which Lewis calls the Tao, is the belief that certain attitudes are really true, and others really false, to the kind of thing the universe is and the kind of things we are. Lewis uses the Chinese term Tao for what he elsewhere in The Abolition of Man refers to as Natural Law or Traditional Morality in order to emphasize the universality of traditional values: people throughout history and around the world believe in the same objective values. (Lewis also explores these ideas in the first chapter of Mere Christianity.) He illustrates such universality in an appendix that offers quotations from widely varying cultures, ancient and modern, Eastern and Western, showing agreement on the need for general beneficence and on specific duties to parents, elders, and children, and agreement that loyalty and justice are consistently praised while disloyalty, lying, theft, and murder are consistently condemned.

The first lecture begins with a critique of a composition textbook published a few years earlier. Lewiss concern about the book is that while it teaches writing, it also subtly advocates subjectivism. Such moments occur, for example, when the textbook refers to an observer who calls a waterfall sublime; Lewis quotes the textbooks claim that, in such observations, [w]e appear to be saying something very important about something, and actually we are only saying something about our own feelings. Lewis points in particular toward the textbooks use of the words appear and only: dismissive words such as these suggest that predicates of value are merely projections of the inner state of the speaker and have no significance. Lewis replies that the speaker is not just expressing his own feelings but asserting that the object is one that merits those emotions.

On this ground Lewis argues the importance of objectivism for education. Children are not born with knowledge of appropriate reactions; those reactions must be nurtured. According to Lewis, The little human animal will not at first have the right responses. It must be trained to feel pleasure, liking, disgust, and hatred at those things which really are pleasant, likeable, disgusting, and hateful. Thus, teachers and parents who are objectivists teach their children principles of right and wrong, because if a child knows right principles, Lewis claims, he or she will respond in particular situations with the right sentiments and will know the right thing to do.

Right sentiments is a key concept in the book: by it Lewis means emotions conform[ing] to Reason. As he explains it, The heart never takes the place of the head: but it can, and should, obey it. When childrens emotions have been so trained, their moral impulses can be trusted to lead them correctly. For Lewis the ability to have right sentiments is what separates humans from animals, but such training of the hearttraining of the emotions, what Lewis refers to as the chestis lacking in modern education, with its emphasis on the intellect. The failure to nurture right sentiments ultimately results in the abolition of man, Lewis contends, because modern education produces what may be called Men without Chests.

Lewis goes on to argue that the lack of sentiment in modern thought is particularly dangerous when it is extended to science and the social sciences. The modern sciences teach people how to analyze natureto dissect it, literally and figuratively. Thus does science turn nature into an object, Lewis laments, instead of treating it with respect or care as a living being. What worries Lewis most is the tendency for the sciences to regard human beings as a part of nature. Such an understanding of people allows them to be treated as things to analyze and experiment on. That allows some people to gain power over other people. If that happens, Lewis asks, what principles will guide their use of such power? If they are objectivists, the Tao will guide them. If they are not, Lewis fears, they will have no absolute guidelines or trained sentiments to restrain them. (Lewis later embedded these ideas in a novel, That Hideous Strength [1945], which depicts England being taken over by a totalitarian force that has almost unlimited power and uses it without moral principles of restraint.)

In The Abolition of Man, Lewis urges a new attitude for sciencetreating it as a Thou (citing the philosopher Martin Buber), not an It having a personal relationship with nature, a love of Truth rather than a desire for power. The degree of power humankind has attained makes such a change in attitude necessary and makes it crucial, Lewis argues, that the world return to having the Tao at the centre of education.

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The Abolition of Man | work by Lewis |

Abolitionism – United States American History

The abolitionist movement called for the end of the institution of slavery and had existed in one form or another since colonial times; the early case had been stated most consistently by the Quakers. Most Northern states abolished the institution after the War for Independence, reacting to moral concerns and economic unfeasibility.

The movement gained new momentum in the early 19th century as many critics of slavery hardened their views and rejected their previous advocacy of gradualism (the slow and steady progress towards the goal of freedom for slaves) and colonization (finding land in Africa for former slaves). As the movement grew and became more formally organized, it sparked opposition in both the North and the South; Northern mill owners depended upon slave-produced cotton every bit as much as the Southern plantation owners.

Undeterred, many abolitionists defied the original Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, as well as the later Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and actively sought to assist runaway slaves in their quest for freedom, most notably through the auspices of the Underground Railroad.

Abolitionist leaders included such figures as William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and William Lloyd Still.

Garrison adopted a militant tone which differed strikingly from the more timid proposals of prior abolitionists, who generally favored "colonization" of blacks away from white society. Garrison demanded the immediate end of slavery without compensation to slaveowners and equal rights within mainstream society for everyone, regardless of race.

Garrison`s efforts led to the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. He wrote its initial declaration, which appeared on December 14, 1833, reading in part:

Within five years, the society had 1,350 local chapters. The success of the abolition movement in the North, and the large amount of propaganda that it generated, enraged the South. South Carolina took the step of declaring that

They further petitioned the federal government to have the post office stop the distribution of abolitionist literature. Congress decided that this would be unconstitutional, but in practice it was not unusual for Southern postmasters to prevent the delivery of offending material.

After the Reverend Elijah Lovejoy, editor of an Abolitionist newspaper in St. Louis, moved it in 1836 to Alton, Illinois, the citizens of Alton destroyed in on three occasions. On the fourth, on November 7, 1837, the mob murdered Lovejoy. His associate Edward Beecher, brother of Henry Ward Beecher, wrote in the narrative of the Alton riots, which appeared in 1838, "The true spirit of intolerance now stood exposed. Events were so ordered by the Providence of God as to strip off every disguise. It now became plain that all attempts to conciliate and to discuss were vain; and nothing remained but to resist or to submit."

One of the early leaders of the Abolitionist movement was Theodore Weld, who helped organize the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833, and whose 1839 work, Slavery As It Is, inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom`s Cabin.

Although some in the Abolitionist Movement, especially Garrison, felt that women should play a prominent role, that position was resented by many. When in 1840, Garrison and his followers elected a woman to the American Anti-Slavery Society`s business committee, a split in the organizations resulted. The departing members explained themselves:

It is interesting to note that abolitionists anticipated an argument later used by the Confederacy. Just as Southerners eventually concluded that their institution of slavery could not be protected under the Constitution while the number of free states grew, abolitionists argued that since slavery could not be abolished under the existing Constitution, it was the obligation of the north to secede! In 1843, the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society endorsed disunion by a vote of 59 to 21. They argued that no principled abolitionist could either vote or hold office under the Constitution as it then existed. In 1845, the group published a pamphlet to that effect with an introduction by Wendell Phillips.

---- Selected Quotes ----

Quotes regarding Abolitionism.

By Stephen A. DouglasAbolitionism proposes to destroy the right and extinguish the principle of self-government for which our forefathers waged a seven years' bloody war, and upon which our whole system of free government is founded. Speech in the U.S. Senate, March 3, 1854By Susan B. AnthonyMany Abolitionists have yet to learn the ABC of woman's rights. Written in her journal, 1860By John C. CalhounAbolition and the Union cannot exist. As the friend of the Union, I openly proclaim it, and the sooner it is known the better. The former may now be controlled, but in a short time it will be beyond the power of man to arrest the course of events.Senate Speech in 1837By Jefferson DavisDo they find in the history of St. Domingo, and in the present condition of Jamaica, under the recent experiments which have been made upon the institution of slavery in the liberation of the blacks, before God, in his wisdom, designed it should be done do they there find anything to stimulate them to future exertion in the cause of abolition ? Or should they not find there satisfactory evidence that their past course was founded in error? 1850 speech

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Abolitionism - United States American History

The News Progress: Obituaries

On Sunday, January 28, 2018, the angels from Heaven heard Clevelands cry and came to take him home. Cleveland Ratliff, Sr. transition from his earthly life at McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Va. He was born on May 6, 1925 in Anson County, North Carolina to the late Gaine B. Ratliff and Laura R. Ratliff. He attended Henry Grove School in Lilesville, N.C.

Cleveland was employed by Corengerie. He was preceded in death by his parents, Gaine B. Ratliff and Laura R. Ratliff; his children: Laura Small, Cleveland Ratliff, Jr., and Brandy Ratliff; two brothers; and four sisters.

He is survived by his wife, Rebecca D. Ratliff; daughters: Roxanne R. Booker (Charles) of Palmyra, Va. and Doralene R. Boswell of Boydton, Va; 13 grandchildren; 27 great grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; sister, Essie Bell McNeil of High Point, N.C.; brother-in-law, Carwell Duncan of Boydton, Va.; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends including special friends Terrell Evans, William Moore, James Young and Odell Oliver,Jr.

Funeral Services were held on Sunday, February 4, 2018 at St. Pauls Baptist Church, Boydton, Va.

Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Carters Funeral Home, Clarksville, Va.

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The News Progress: Obituaries

NanoTech Institute – The University of Texas at Dallas

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On August 20th, the 2013 class of NanoExplorers will presenting their research that they conducted along the researchers of the NanoTech Institute. See this flyer for more information. See the schedule here.

An article covering Ali Aliev's and his collegues work on carbon nanotube thermoacustic transducers has been put online. You can read the whole article here.

The faculty, staff, and students of the Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute at The University of Texas at Dallas welcome the 2013 class of NanoExplorers. We had over 200 highly qualified applicants this year. (see more)

The talk is devoted to recent achievements made by our Russian (NUST MISiS, Moscow) and French (G2Elab, Grenoble) groups in application of original shape memory composites for both microactuation and thermal energy harvesting. Novel prestrained scheme of shape memory composite allows creating actuators able to giant reversible bending deformation. (see more)

The faculty, staff, and students of the Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute at The University of Texas at Dallas welcome the 2012 class of NanoExplorers. We had over 200 highly qualified applicants this year. (see more)

Read about former NanoExplorer Amy Chyao and her work at UT Dallas

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Nihilism Embodiment | Superpower Wiki | FANDOM powered by …

Nihilism EmbodimentPower/Ability to:

Become the embodiment of nihilism.

The ability to become the embodiment of nihilism. Variation of Philosophy Embodimentand Oblivion Embodiment. Opposite to Meaningfulness Embodiment.

Users become the living embodiment of nihilism and gain the ability to feed off of the unimportance of everything in existence. What the user sees is deemed nothing worth while, or of absolute insignificance: the opponent is deemed weak or worthless and can be destroyed by the user.

Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts) represents Nihilism, wielding the power of nothingness.

Yuchi Hirose (Alive: The Final Evolution) took in the Heart of Akuro to completely become the Void, and became completely emotionless as a result.

Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy) is a powerful being who enjoys nothing but chaos and destruction.

Utsuro (Gintama) considers his 500 years of immortality being an empty and meaningless existence; even the mind-reading Batou considers him to be "empty".

Kyurem (Pokmon) represents the absence of yin and yang.

Emo Dandy (Space Dandy) is a parallel version of Dandy whose life is so depressing and meaningless that nothing matters to him anymore, leaving him a personification of emptiness and nihilism.

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Immortality Immorality – TV Tropes

"When one tries to rise above Nature one is liable to fall below it... Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit. What sort of cesspool may not our poor world become?"

Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Creeping Man

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Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Fan Fiction

...having been all but immortal from birth, never knowing vulnerability, far too many of them never developed notions of empathy or restraint, or found them far too late.

Films Animated

Films Live-Action

Teague: The trick isn't living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with yourself forever.

Blackbeard: I'm a bad man.


Kumori: Can you imagine if da Vinci had continued to live, to study, to paint, to invent? That the remarkable accomplishments of his lifetime could have continued through the centuries rather than dying in the dim past? Can you imagine going to see Beethoven in concert? Taking a theology class taught by Martin Luther? Attending a symposium hosted by Einstein? Think, Dresden. It boggles the mind.

"Her only sin was that she loved life and all the meanings of life," said the Stygian girl. "To win life she courted death. She could not bear to think of growing old and shriveled and worn, and dying at last as hags die. She wooed Darkness like a lover and his gift was lifelife that, not being life as mortals know it, can never grow old and fade. She went into the shadows to cheat age and death "

Live-Action TV

Tabletop Games

Video Games

Web Original


Western Animation

Narrator: [singing] Oh Marceline! Why are you so mean?

Marceline: '[singing back] I'm not mean, I'm a thousand years old, and I just lost track of my moral code.

Real Life

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Immortality Immorality - TV Tropes

Immortality, Transhumanism, and Ray Kurzweils Singularity

Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. Vernor Vinge, Technological Singularity, 1983

Futurist and Inventor Ray Kurzweil has a plan: He wants to never die.

In order to achieve this goal, he currently takes over 150 supplements per day, eats a calorie restricted diet (a proven technique to prolong lifespan), drinks ionized water (a type of alkalinized water that supposedly protects against free radicals in the body), and exercises daily, all to promote the healthy functioning of his body; and at 60 years old, he reportedly has the physiology of a man 20 years younger.

But the human body, no matter how well you take care of it, is susceptible to illness, disease, and senescence the process of cellular change in the body that results in that little thing we all do called aging. (This cellular process is why humans are physiologically unable to live past the age of around 125 years old.) Kurzweil is well aware of this, but has a solution: he is just trying to live long enough in his human body until technology reaches the point where man can meld with machine, and he can survive as a cyborg with robotically enhanced features; survive, that is, until the day when he can eventually upload his consciousness onto a harddrive, enabling him to live forever as bits of information stored indefinitely; immortal, in a sense, as long as he has a copy of himself in case the computer fails.

What happens if these technological abilities dont come soon enough? Kurzweil has a back-up plan. If, for some reason, this mind-machine blend doesnt occur in his biological lifetime, Kurzweil is signed up at Alcor Life Extension Foundation to be cryonically frozen and kept in Scottsdale, Arizona, amongst approximately 900 other stored bodies (including famous baseball player Ted Williams) who are currently stored. There at Alcor, he will wait until the day when scientists discover the ability to reanimate life back into him and not too long, as Kurzweil believes this day will be in about 50 years.

Watch a video on Alcor and Cryonics here:

Ray Kurzweil is a fascinating and controversial figure, both famous and infamous for his technological predictions. He is a respected scientist and inventor, known for his accurate predictions of a number of technological events, and recently started The Singularity University here in Silicon Valley, an interdisciplinary program (funded in part by Google) aimed to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders around issues of accelerating technologies.

Ray Kurzweil

Kurzweils most well-known predictions are encapsulated in this event he forecasts called The Singularity, a period of time he predicts in the next few decades when artificial intelligence will exceed human intelligence, and technologies like genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and computer technology will radically transform human life, enabling mind, body and machine to become one.

He is also a pioneer of a movement called transhumanism, which is defined by this belief that technology will ultimately replace biology, and rid human beings of all the things that, well, make us human, like disease, aging, and you guessed itdeath. Why be human when you can be something better? When Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology comes around in the singularity, Kurzweil thinks, being biologically human will become obsolete. With cyborg features and enhanced cognitive capacities, we will have fewer deficiencies, and more capabilities; we will possess the ability to become more like machines, and well be better for it.

Watch A Preview For A Film About Kurzweil entitled Transcendent Man:

Kurzweil outlines his vision of our technological future in his article Reinventing Humanity: The Future of Machine-Human Intelligence for Futurist Magazine, which raises some juicy points to consider from the perspective of ethics and technology. He explains The Singularity, in his own words,:

We stand on the threshold of the most profound and transformative event in the history of humanity, the singularity.

What is the Singularity? From my perspective, the Singularity is a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so fast and far-reaching that human existence on this planet will be irreversibly altered. We will combine our brain powerthe knowledge, skills, and personality quirks that make us humanwith our computer power in order to think, reason, communicate, and create in ways we can scarcely even contemplate today.

This merger of man and machine, coupled with the sudden explosion in machine intelligence and rapid innovation in the fields of gene research as well as nanotechnology, will result in a world where there is no distinction between the biological and the mechanical, or between physical and virtual reality. These technological revolutions will allow us to transcend our frail bodies with all their limitations. Illness, as we know it, will be eradicated. Through the use of nanotechnology, we will be able to manufacture almost any physical product upon demand, world hunger and poverty will be solved, and pollution will vanish. Human existence will undergo a quantum leap in evolution. We will be able to live as long as we choose. The coming into being of such a world is, in essence, the Singularity.

The details of the coming Singularity, Kurzweil outlines, will occur in three areas: The genetic revolution, the nanotech revolution, and strong AI: which means, essentially, machines that are smarter than humans.

The first he describes is the nanotechnology revolution, which refers to a type of technology that manipulates matter on an atomic and molecular scale, potentially allowing us to reassemble matter in a variety of ways. Kurzweil believes nanotechnology will give us the capability to create atomic size robots that can clean our blood cells and eradicate disease; he also thinks nanotechnology will allow us to create essentially anything by assembling it through nanobots (for example, he thinks that nanotechnology will enable us to e-mail physical things like clothing, much like we can currently e-mail audio-files). He explains:

The nanotechnology revolution will enable us to redesign and rebuildmolecule by moleculeour bodies and brains and the world with which we interact, going far beyond the limitations of biology.

In the future, nanoscale devices will run hundreds of tests simultaneously on tiny samples of a given substance. These devices will allow extensive tests to be conducted on nearly invisible samples of blood.

In the area of treatment, a particularly exciting application of this technology is the harnessing of nanoparticles to deliver medication to specific sites in the body. Nanoparticles can guide drugs into cell walls and through the blood-brain barrier. Nanoscale packages can be designed to hold drugs, protect them through the gastrointestinal tract, ferry them to specific locations, and then release them in sophisticated ways that can be influenced and controlled, wirelessly, from outside the body.

In regards to AI, Kurzweil envisions what will eventually become a post-human future, where we upload our consciousness to computers and live forever as stored information:

The implementation of artificial intelligence in our biological systems will mark an evolutionary leap forward for humanity, but it also implies we will indeed become more machine than human. Billions of nanobots will travel through the bloodstream in our bodies and brains. In our bodies, they will destroy pathogens, correct DNA errors, eliminate toxins, and perform many other tasks to enhance our physical well-being. As a result, we will be able to live indefinitely without aging.

Despite the wonderful future potential of medicine, real human longevity will only be attained when we move away from our biological bodies entirely. As we move toward a software-based existence, we will gain the means of backing ourselves up (storing the key patterns underlying our knowledge, skills, and personality in a digital setting) thereby enabling a virtual immortality. Thanks to nanotechnology, we will have bodies that we can not just modify but change into new forms at will. We will be able to quickly change our bodies in full-immersion virtual-reality environments incorporating all of the senses during the 2020s and in real reality in the 2040s.

Now, the idea of becoming nanobot driven robots is hard to wrap ones head around, particurlaly living in a time when people struggle to get their blue-tooths to work correctly. But even though to most people, these predictions seem very extreme, Kurzweil explains why he thinks these changes are coming fast, even if we cant conceive of them now. He explains that, in the vein of Moores law (which describes how the density of transistors on computer chips has doubled every two years since its invention), technology develops exponentially and thus the rate of change is rapidly increasing in the modern day:

We wont experience 100 years of technological advance in the twenty-first century; we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress

How is it possible we could be so close to this enormous change and not see it? The answer is the quickening nature of technological innovation. In thinking about the future, few people take into consideration the fact that human scientific progress is exponential

In other words, the twentieth century was gradually speeding up to todays rate of progress; its achievements, therefore, were equivalent to about 20 years of progress at the rate of 2000. Well make another 20 years of progress in just 14 years (by 2014), and then do the same again in only seven years. To express this another way, we wont experience 100 years of technological advance in the twenty-first century; we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress (again, when measured by todays progress rate), or progress on a level of about 1,000 times greater than what was achieved in the twentieth century.


There are so many questions to ask, its hard to know where to start. Considering The Singularity, many questions arise (the first, which youre probably thinking, is Is this really possible?!) But that question put temporarily aside, some questions seem to be: what are the promise and perils of nanotechnology, and how can we approach them responsibly?What types of genetic engineering, if any, should we pursue, and what types should we avoid? If we really could live forever, should weparticularly if it meant living no longer as humans, but as machines? And what happens to who we are as human beings our beliefs, our religions and faiths, our thoughts about our purpose if we pursue this type of future?

Each of these topics is rife with ethical and existential questions; and discussion of many of them requires scientific knowledge that extends beyond my ability to represent them here. But contemplating these questions broadly, even in spite of extensive knowledge of their specifics, brings into focus some fundamental questions about the principles of human experience, and about the broad issue of our technological future and how to approach it.The more we envision a technologically saturated future, I think, the more our human values are called upon to be revealed as we react, respond, flinch, or embrace the pictures of our future reflected in these predictions. They ask us to consider: what do we value about being human? What do we want to hold on to about being human, and what do want to replace, augment, and transform with technology? Is living as stored information really any life at all?

In addition to these questions, exploring these futuristic issues calls us to consider some of our fundamental principles about technology. A basic yet extremely complex question arises: Should all technology be pursued? In other words, should we ever restrict technological innovation, and say that some technologies, because of their risks to humanity, or to certain human values simply shouldnt be developed?

Reflections on this question bring up the topic of techno-optimism and techno-pessimism, which I wrote about briefly here.

Kurzweil, it seems to go without saying, is a fullfledged techno-optimist, interested in letting technology run its full reign, even if that means leaving everything that is recognizeably human behind. He concedes that we need to be responsible about our use of nanotechnology a technology which some fear could bring about the end of the world (see the grey goo theory) but for the most part is a proponent of full fledged technological expansion. Reflection is important, but no amount should limit technologies:

We dont have to look past today to see the intertwined promise and peril of technological advancement, he says. Imagine describing the dangers (atomic and hydrogen bombs for one thing) that exist today to people who lived a couple of hundred years ago. They would think it mad to take such risks. But how many people in 2006 would really want to go back to the short, brutish, disease-filled, poverty-stricken, disaster-prone lives that 99% of the human race struggled through two centuries ago?

We may romanticize the past, but up until fairly recently most of humanity lived extremely fragile lives in which one all-too-common misfortune could spell disaster. Two hundred years ago, life expectancy for females in the record-holding country (Sweden) was roughly 35-five years, very brief compared with the longest life expectancy today-almost 85 years for Japanese women. Life expectancy for males was roughly 33 years, compared with the current 79 years. Half a day was often required to prepare an evening meal, and hard labor characterized most human activity. There were no social safety nets. Substantial portions of our species still live in this precarious way, which is at least one reason to continue technological progress and the economic improvement that accompanies it. Only technology, with its ability to provide orders of magnitude of advances in capability and affordability has the scale to confront problems such as poverty, disease, pollution, and the other overriding concerns of society today. The benefits of applying ourselves to these challenges cannot be overstated.

But another, more technologically conservative view is important to consider, one characterized by thinkers who question whether these technologies should be proliferated, or even pursued at all.

William Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, famously countered Kurzweils predictions in his article, Why The Future Doesnt Need Us. He opens his article discussing his meeting with Kurzweil:

I had always felt sentient robots were in the realm of science fiction. But now, from someone I respected, I was hearing a strong argument that they were a near-term possibility

From the moment I became involved in the creation of new technologies, their ethical dimensions have concerned me, but it was only in the autumn of 1998 that I became anxiously aware of how great are the dangers facing us in the 21st century. I can date the onset of my unease to the day I met Ray Kurzweil, the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the blind and many other amazing things.

I had always felt sentient robots were in the realm of science fiction. But now, from someone I respected, I was hearing a strong argument that they were a near-term possibility. I was taken aback, especially given Rays proven ability to imagine and create the future. I already knew that new technologies like genetic engineering and nanotechnology were giving us the power to remake the world, but a realistic and imminent scenario for intelligent robots surprised me.

Joy then discusses how these technologies (namely nanotechnology and artificial intelligence) pose a new, unparralleled threat to humanity, and that as a result, we shouldnt pursue them in fact, we should purposefully restrict them, on the principle that the amount of harm and threat they pose to humanity itself outweighs what benefit they could bring.

Accustomed to living with almost routine scientific breakthroughs, we have yet to come to terms with the fact that the most compelling 21st-century technologies robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology pose a different threat than the technologies that have come before. Specifically, robots, engineered organisms, and nanobots share a dangerous amplifying factor: They can self-replicate. A bomb is blown up only once but one bot can become many, and quickly get out of control.

Failing to understand the consequences of our inventions while we are in the rapture of discovery and innovation seems to be a common fault of scientists and technologists; we have long been driven by the overarching desire to know that is the nature of sciences quest, not stopping to notice that the progress to newer and more powerful technologies can take on a life of its own.

We are being propelled into this new century with no plan, no control, no brakes. Have we already gone too far down the path to alter course? I dont believe so, but we arent trying yet, and the last chance to assert control the fail-safe point is rapidly approaching. We have our first pet robots, as well as commercially available genetic engineering techniques, and our nanoscale techniques are advancing rapidly. While the development of these technologies proceeds through a number of steps, it isnt necessarily the case as happened in the Manhattan Project and the Trinity test that the last step in proving a technology is large and hard. The breakthrough to wild self-replication in robotics, genetic engineering, or nanotechnology could come suddenly, reprising the surprise we felt when we learned of the cloning of a mammal.

He closes his essay saying:

Thoreau also said that we will be rich in proportion to the number of things which we can afford to let alone. We each seek to be happy, but it would seem worthwhile to question whether we need to take such a high risk of total destruction to gain yet more knowledge and yet more things; common sense says that there is a limit to our material needs and that certain knowledge is too dangerous and is best forgone.

Neither should we pursue near immortality without considering the costs A technological approach to Eternity near immortality through robotics may not be the most desirable utopia, and its pursuit brings clear dangers. Maybe we should rethink our utopian choices.

Another view that counters Kurzweils is presented by Richard Eckersley, focused a bit less on the scientific dangers and more on the threat to human values:

Why pursue this(Kurzweils) future?The future world that Ray Kurzweil describes bears almost no relationship to human well-being that I am aware of. In essence, human health and happiness comes from being connected and engaged, from being suspended in a web of relationships and interestspersonal, social and spiritual that give meaning to our lives. The intimacy and support provided by close personal relationships seem to matter most; isolation exacts the highest price. The need to belong is more important than the need to be rich. Meaning matters more than money and what it buys.

We are left with the matter of destiny: it is our preordained fate, Kurzweil suggests, to advance technologically until the entire universe is at our fingertips. The question then becomes, preordained by whom or what? Biological evolution has not set this course for us; Is technology itself the planner? Perhaps it will eventually be, but not yet.

We are left to conclude that we will do this because it is we who have decided it is our destiny.

Joy and Eckersley powerfully warn against our pursuit of a Kurzweil-type future. So we may be able to have the technical ability to achieve machine-like capacities; does that mean we should? This technological future, though perhaps possible, should not be preferable. The technologies that Kurzweil speaks of are dangerous, presenting a new type of threat that we have not before faced as humans and the risks of pursuing them far outweigh the benefits.

We may find ourselves equipped with the capacity to alter ourselves and the world, and yet unable to handle or control that immense power

If we are to continue down Kurzweils path, we may be able to pursue remarkable things conceived of mostly so far in science fiction a future where we are no longer humans at all, but artifacts of our own technological creations. But if we are to heed Joys and Eckersleys views, we would practice saying enough is enough we would say we have sufficient technology to live reasonably happy lives, and by encouraging the development of these new technologies, we might be unleashing entities of pandoras box that could put humanity in ruins forever. We would say, Yes, there is tremendous promise in these technologies; but there is more so a tremendous risk. We need to hold fast to the human values of restraint and temperance, lest we find ourselves equippedwiththe capacity to alter ourselves and the world, and yet unable to handle or control that immense power.

So the camps seem to be these: Kurzweil believes technology reduces suffering, and that we should pursue it for that reason to any end even until we are no longer human, but become technology ourselves. (Indeed, he feels we have a moral imperative to pursue them for this reason.) Joy believes there are too many dangers in this type of future. And Eckersley asks, why would we want this future, anyway? I am left thinking about a number of things:

First, I am intrigued by Kurzweils unwavering love for technology because it seems to me like technology has both its strengths and its weaknesses, and that such faith in a technological system greatly overinflates the capacities of technology to cure all of the worlds problems while overlooking its very real drawbacks.I wonder about putting so much faith in technology, to solve all our ills, and replace all our deficiencies. Is it really such a healing, improving force? Would it really be possible to achieve this technological utopia without some potentially disastrous consequences?

I also cant help but wonder what role technology, as its own force, plays in this debate. People often fear about rebellious robots or artificially intelligent beings taking over; but is technology already, in a sense guiding us, in control of us, instead of us controlling it? It seems harder and harder to resist the grip of technology, even as we face a future that, as Joy says, no longer needs us. Isnt there something a bit strange about humans contemplatingand preferring a post-human future? Does it indicate, in some sense, that technology has already overtaken man, and is gearing us down a path until it fully reigns supreme?

If we arent drawing the line at genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, does that mean we will never actually draw a line?

I am also left wondering, in part because of the aforementioned reason, whether it is possible to forego the development of certain technologies, as Joy suggests, given our current track record and inclinations towards the use of technology. It always seems with technology that if we have the capacity to do something, then we inevitably will. Is it possible to stop the development of technology, especially if that means also giving up some of its potential benefits? And if we arent drawing the line at genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, does that mean we will never actually draw a line? What does that say about human nature that we forever seek this sort of technological progress, even when it robs us of what we currently conceive of as making us human? Are there core values to being human that will persevere, or are we really just a fleeting blip in the evolutionary climb towards becoming transhumans?

Concluding Thoughts

The ideas Kurzweil puts forth as his vision of our future really forces one to consider what things about being human seem worth holding onto (if any). And even if his predictions dont materialize in the way or the time frame he anticipates, it does seem undeniable that we are at a critical turning point in our species history. Indeed, the decisions we choose to make now in regards to these fundamentally reshaping technologies will affect generations to come in a profound way generations whose lives will be radically different based on what roads we choose to go down in regards to genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology.

But making these choices is not strictly a technical task, concerned merely with what we are able to, technologically speaking, accomplish; rather, it really requires us to decideour core beliefs about what makes a good life; to consider what is worth risking about being human beings, not only to alleviate suffering but also to engage in these self-enhancing technologies that will supposedly make us stronger, smarter, and less destructible; and to grapple with these fundamental questions of life and death that are not technological issues but rather metaphysical ones. Indeed, its no small philosophical feat to reshape and change the human genome; its no small feat to create artificial beings smarter than human beings; and its no small feat to eradicate what has, since the birth of mankind, defined our human experience: the fleeting nature of life, and the inevitability of death. Taking this power and control into our own hands requires not just the capability to achieve extended life from a technical standpoint, but a completely redefined scope of who we are, what we want, and what our purpose is on this planet.

There are questions, of course, about the moral decision of living forever. What would we do about overpopulation would we stop procreating completely? Does a person living now have more of a right to be alive than a person who hasnt been born yet? Where would we derive purpose from in life if there was no end point? These would all be real questions to consider in this type of scenario; and they are questions that would require real reflection. With a reshaped experience of what it means to be human, we would be required to make decisions about our lives that weve never even had to consider making before.

But if Kurzweil is correct, then never have we had such power over our own destinies. In Kurzweils world, there is no higher power or God divining our life course, nor is there an afterlife or Heaven worth gaining entrance to. The biological and technical underpinnings of life are, in his view, manipulatable at our will; we can defy what some might call our God- given biology and we can become our own makers. We can even make our own rules. And along with that power, would come the responsibility to answer some very weighty philosophical questions, for nothing else would be determining those answers for us.

My question is, do we really want that responsibility? Are we really equipped to handle that type of power? And furthermore, does getting caught up in all the ways these technologies could enhance our lives in getting caught up in the idea that all technological innovation is definitively progress are we less and less able to step back and ask the philosophical and ethical questions about if this isreally what a good life looks like?


When you envision our technological future, do you share Kurzweils dreams? Joys fears? Eckersleys questions about our human values being lost?

Should we place limits on certain technologies, given the dangers they present? Are there any types of technologies we simply shouldnt pursue?

Go here to read the rest:

Immortality, Transhumanism, and Ray Kurzweils Singularity

Cryonics: Putting Death on Ice – Visual Capitalist

There is a potent thread winding its way through generations of human culture. From Ancient Egyptian rituals to Kurzweils Singularity, many paths have sprung up leading to the same elusive destination: immortality.

Today, the concept is as popular as its ever been, and technological advances are giving people hope that immortality, or at very least radical life extension, may be within reach. Is modern technology advanced enough to give people a second chance through cryonics?

Todays infographic, courtesy of Futurism, tackles our growing fascination with putting death on ice.

Robert C. W. Ettingers seminal work, The Prospect Of Immortality, detailed many of the scientific, moral, and economic implications of cryogenically freezing humans for later reanimation. It was after that book was published in 1962 that the idea of freezing ones body after death began to take hold.

One of the most pressing questions is, even if were able to revive a person who has been cryogenically preserved, will the persons memories and personality remain intact? Ettinger posits that long-term memory is stored in the brain as a long-lasting structural modification. Basically, those memories will remain, even if the brains power is turned off.


There are three main steps in the cryogenic process:

1) Immediately after a patient dies, the body is cooled with ice packs and transported to the freezing location.

2) Next, blood is drained from the patients body and replaced with a cryoprotectant (basically the same antifreeze solution used to transport organs destined for transplant).

3) Finally, once the body arrives at the cryonic preservation facility, the body is cooled to -196C (-320.8F) over the course of two weeks. Bodies are generally stored upside-down in a tank of liquid nitrogen.

At prices ranging from about $30,000 to $200,000, cryopreservation may sound like an option reserved for the wealthy, but many people fund the procedure by naming a cryonics company as the primary benefactor of their life insurance policy. Meanwhile, in the event of a death that doesnt allow for preservation of the body, the money goes to secondary beneficiaries.

Even if we do eventually find a way to reanimate frozen humans, another important consideration is how those people would take care of themselves financially. Thats where a cryonics or personal revival trust comes into play. A twist on a traditional dynastic trust, this arrangement ensures that there are funds to cover costs of the cryopreservation, as well as ensure the grantor would have assets when theyre unthawed. Of course, there are risks involved beyond the slim possibility of reanimation. The legal code in hundreds of years could be vastly different than today.

If you created a trust for specific purposes in 1711, it is unlikely it would function in the same way today.

Kris Knaplund, Law Professor, Pepperdine University

At last count, there are already 346 people in the deep freeze, with thousands more on the waiting list. As technology improves, those numbers are sure to continue rising.

Time will tell whether cryonically preserved people are able to cheat death. In the meantime? The cryonics industry is alive and well.

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Read this article:

Cryonics: Putting Death on Ice - Visual Capitalist

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Go here to read the rest:

Store Nootropics Expert

Quantum computing: A simple introduction – Explain that Stuff

by Chris Woodford. Last updated: March 9, 2018.

How can you get more and more out of less and less? The smaller computers get, the more powerful they seem to become: there's more number-crunching ability in a 21st-century cellphone than you'd have found in a room-sized, military computer 50 years ago. Yet, despitesuch amazing advances, there are still plenty of complex problemsthat are beyond the reach of even the world's most powerfulcomputersand there's no guarantee we'll ever be able to tacklethem. One problem is that the basic switching and memory units ofcomputers, known as transistors, are now approaching the point wherethey'll soon be as small as individual atoms. If we want computersthat are smaller and more powerful than today's, we'll soon need todo our computing in a radically different way. Entering the realm ofatoms opens up powerful new possibilities in the shape of quantumcomputing, with processors that could work millions of timesfaster than the ones we use today. Sounds amazing, but the trouble isthat quantum computing is hugely more complex than traditionalcomputing and operates in the Alice in Wonderland world of quantumphysics, where the "classical," sensible, everyday laws of physics no longer apply. What isquantum computing and how does it work? Let's take a closer look!

Photo: Quantum computing means storing and processing information using individual atoms, ions, electrons, or photons. On the plus side, this opens up the possibility of faster computers, but the drawback is the greater complexity of designing computers that can operate in the weird world of quantum physics.

You probably think of a computer as a neat little gadget that sits on your lap and lets you send emails, shop online, chat to your friends, or play gamesbut it's much moreand much lessthan that. It's more, because it's a completely general-purposemachine: you can make it do virtually anything you like. It'sless, because inside it's little more than an extremely basiccalculator, following a prearranged set of instructions called aprogram. Like the Wizard of Oz, the amazing things you see in front of youconceal some pretty mundane stuff under the covers.

Photo: This is what one transistor from a typical radio circuit board looks like. In computers, the transistors are much smaller than this and millions of them are packaged together onto microchips.

Conventional computers have two tricks that they do really well: they can storenumbers in memory and they can process stored numbers with simple mathematical operations (like add and subtract). They can do more complex things by stringing together the simple operations into a series called an algorithm (multiplying can bedone as a series of additions, for example). Both of a computer's keytricksstorage and processingare accomplished using switchescalled transistors, which are like microscopic versions of theswitches you have on your wall for turning on and off the lights. Atransistor can either be on or off, just as a light can either be litor unlit. If it's on, we can use a transistor to store a number one(1); if it's off, it stores a number zero (0). Long strings of onesand zeros can be used to store any number, letter, or symbol using acode based on binary (so computers store an upper-case letter A as1000001 and a lower-case one as 01100001). Each of the zeros or ones is called a binary digit (or bit) and, with a string of eight bits, you can store 255 differentcharacters (such as A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and most common symbols).Computers calculate by using circuits called logic gates,which are made from a number of transistors connected together. Logicgates compare patterns of bits, stored in temporary memories calledregisters, and then turn them into new patterns of bitsandthat's the computer equivalent of what our human brains would calladdition, subtraction, or multiplication. In physical terms, thealgorithm that performs a particular calculation takes the form of anelectronic circuit made from a number of logic gates, with the output from one gate feeding in as the input to the next.

The trouble with conventional computers is that they depend onconventional transistors. This might not sound like a problem if yougo by the amazing progress made in electronics over the last fewdecades. When the transistor was invented, back in 1947, the switchit replaced (which was called the vacuum tube) was about asbig as one of your thumbs. Now, a state-of-the-art microprocessor(single-chip computer) packs hundreds of millions (and up to twobillion) transistors onto a chip of silicon the size of yourfingernail! Chips like these, which are called integrated circuits, are an incredible feat of miniaturization. Back in the1960s, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore realized that the power ofcomputers doubles roughly 18 monthsand it's been doing so eversince. This apparently unshakeable trend is known as Moore's Law.

Photo: This memory chip from a typical USB stick contains an integrated circuit that can store 512 megabytes of data. That's roughly 500 million characters (536,870,912 to be exact), each of which needs eight binary digitsso we're talking about 4 billion (4,000 million) transistors in all (4,294,967,296 if you're being picky) packed into an area the size of a postage stamp!

It sounds amazing, and it is, but it misses the point. The moreinformation you need to store, the more binary ones and zerosandtransistorsyou need to do it. Since most conventional computers canonly do one thing at a time, the more complex the problem you wantthem to solve, the more steps they'll need to take and the longerthey'll need to do it. Some computing problems are so complex thatthey need more computing power and time than any modern machine couldreasonably supply; computer scientists call those intractableproblems.

As Moore's Law advances, so the number of intractable problemsdiminishes: computers get more powerful and we can do more with them.The trouble is, transistors are just about as small as we can makethem: we're getting to the point where the laws of physics seem likelyto put a stop to Moore's Law. Unfortunately, there are still hugelydifficult computing problems we can't tackle because even the mostpowerful computers find them intractable. That's one of the reasonswhy people are now getting interested in quantum computing.

Things on a very small scale behave like nothing you have any direct experience about... or like anything that you have ever seen.

Richard Feynman

Quantum theory is the branch of physics that deals with the world ofatoms and the smaller (subatomic) particles inside them. You mightthink atoms behave the same way as everything else in the world, intheir own tiny little waybut that's not true: on the atomic scale, the rules change and the "classical" laws of physics we take for granted in our everyday world no longer automatically apply. As Richard P. Feynman,one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, once put it: "Things on a very small scale behave like nothing you have any direct experience about... or like anything that you have ever seen." (Six Easy Pieces, p116.)

If you've studied light, you may already know a bit about quantumtheory. You might know that a beam of light sometimes behaves asthough it's made up of particles (like a steady stream ofcannonballs), and sometimes as though it's waves of energy ripplingthrough space (a bit like waves on the sea). That's called wave-particle dualityand it's one of the ideas that comes to us from quantum theory. It's hard to grasp thatsomething can be two things at oncea particle and awavebecause it's totally alien to our everyday experience: a car isnot simultaneously a bicycle and a bus. In quantum theory, however,that's just the kind of crazy thing that can happen. The most striking example of this is the baffling riddle known as Schrdinger's cat. Briefly, in the weird world ofquantum theory, we can imagine a situation where something like a catcould be alive and dead at the same time!

What does all this have to do with computers? Suppose we keep on pushingMoore's Lawkeep on making transistors smaller until they get to thepoint where they obey not the ordinary laws of physics (likeold-style transistors) but the more bizarre laws of quantummechanics. The question is whether computers designed this way can dothings our conventional computers can't. If we can predictmathematically that they might be able to, can we actually make themwork like that in practice?

People have been asking those questions for several decades.Among the first were IBM research physicists Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett. Landauer opened the door for quantumcomputing in the 1960s when he proposed that information is a physical entitythat could be manipulated according to the laws of physics.One important consequence of this is that computers waste energy manipulating the bits inside them(which is partly why computers use so much energy and get so hot, even though they appear to be doingnot very much at all). In the 1970s, building on Landauer's work, Bennett showed how a computer could circumventthis problem by working in a "reversible" way, implying that a quantum computer couldcarry out massively complex computations without using massive amounts of energy.In 1981, physicist Paul Benioff from Argonne National Laboratory tried to envisage a basic machine that would work in a similar way to an ordinary computer but according to the principlesof quantum physics. The following year, Richard Feynman sketched out roughly how a machine using quantum principles could carry out basiccomputations. A few years later, Oxford University's David Deutsch(one of the leading lights in quantum computing) outlined thetheoretical basis of a quantum computer in more detail. How did thesegreat scientists imagine that quantum computers might work?

The key features of an ordinary computerbits, registers, logic gates,algorithms, and so onhave analogous features in a quantum computer.Instead of bits, a quantum computer has quantum bits or qubits,which work in a particularly intriguing way. Where a bit can storeeither a zero or a 1, a qubit can store a zero, a one, bothzero and one, or an infinite number of values in betweenandbe in multiple states (store multiple values) at the same time!If that sounds confusing, think back to light being a particle anda wave at the same time, Schrdinger's cat being alive and dead, or acar being a bicycle and a bus. A gentler way to think of the numbersqubits store is through the physics concept of superposition(where two waves add to make a third one that contains both of theoriginals). If you blow on something like a flute, the pipe fills upwith a standing wave: a wave made up of a fundamental frequency (thebasic note you're playing) and lots of overtones or harmonics(higher-frequency multiples of the fundamental). The wave inside thepipe contains all these waves simultaneously: they're added togetherto make a combined wave that includes them all. Qubits usesuperposition to represent multiple states (multiple numeric values)simultaneously in a similar way.

Just as a quantum computer can store multiple numbers at once, so it canprocess them simultaneously. Instead of working in serial (doing aseries of things one at a time in a sequence), it can work inparallel (doing multiple things at the same time). Only when youtry to find out what state it's actually in at any given moment(by measuring it, in other words) does it "collapse" into one of its possible statesandthat gives you the answer to your problem. Estimates suggesta quantum computer's ability to work in parallel would make it millions of times faster thanany conventional computer... if only we could build it! So howwould we do that?

In reality, qubits would have to be stored by atoms, ions (atoms withtoo many or too few electrons), or even smaller things such as electronsand photons (energy packets), so a quantum computer would be almost like a table-topversion of the kind of particle physics experiments they do atFermilab or CERN. Now you wouldn't be racing particles round giantloops and smashing them together, but you would need mechanisms forcontaining atoms, ions, or subatomic particles, for putting them into certainstates (so you can store information), knocking them into other states (so you canmake them process information), and figuring out what their states are after particularoperations have been performed.

Photo: A single atom can be trapped in an optical cavitythe space between mirrorsand controlled by precise pulses from laser beams.

In practice, there are lots of possible ways of containing atoms and changing their states usinglaser beams, electromagneticfields, radio waves, and an assortment of other techniques.One method is to make qubits usingquantum dots, which are nanoscopically tiny particles of semiconductors inside which individual charge carriers, electrons and holes (missing electrons), can be controlled. Another methodmakes qubits from what are called ion traps: you add or take awayelectrons from an atom to make an ion, hold it steady in a kind of laser spotlight(so it's locked in place like a nanoscopic rabbit dancing in a very bright headlight),and then flip it into different states with laser pulses. In another technique,the qubits are photons inside optical cavities (spaces betweenextremely tiny mirrors). Don't worry if you don't understand; not many people do. Since the entirefield of quantum computing is still largely abstract and theoretical, the only thing we really need to knowis that qubits are stored by atoms or other quantum-scale particles that canexist in different states and be switched between them.

Although people often assume that quantum computers must automatically bebetter than conventional ones, that's by no means certain. So far,just about the only thing we know for certain that a quantum computer could do better than anormal one is factorisation: finding two unknown prime numbers that,when multiplied together, give a third, known number. In 1994,while working at Bell Laboratories, mathematician Peter Shor demonstrated an algorithm that a quantum computercould follow to find the "prime factors" of a large number, whichwould speed up the problem enormously. Shor's algorithm reallyexcited interest in quantum computing because virtually every moderncomputer (and every secure, online shopping and banking website) usespublic-key encryption technology based on the virtual impossibility of finding prime factors quickly (it is, in other words, essentiallyan "intractable" computer problem). If quantum computers couldindeed factor large numbers quickly, today's online security could berendered obsolete at a stroke. But what goes around comes around,and some researchers believe quantum technology will lead tomuch stronger forms of encryption.(In 2017, Chinese researchers demonstrated for the first timehow quantum encryption could be used to make a very secure video callfrom Beijing to Vienna.)

Does that mean quantum computers are better than conventional ones? Notexactly. Apart from Shor's algorithm, and a search method called Grover's algorithm, hardly any other algorithms have been discovered that wouldbe better performed by quantum methods. Given enough time andcomputing power, conventional computers should still be able to solveany problem that quantum computers could solve, eventually. Inother words, it remains to be proven that quantum computers aregenerally superior to conventional ones, especially given the difficulties ofactually building them. Who knows how conventional computers might advancein the next 50 years, potentially making the idea of quantum computers irrelevantand even absurd.

Photo: Quantum dots are probably best known as colorful nanoscale crystals, but they can also be used as qubits in quantum computers). Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.

Three decades after they were first proposed, quantum computers remainlargely theoretical. Even so, there's been some encouraging progresstoward realizing a quantum machine. There were two impressivebreakthroughs in 2000. First, Isaac Chuang (now an MIT professor, but then working at IBM'sAlmaden Research Center) used five fluorine atoms to make a crude,five-qubit quantum computer. The same year, researchers at LosAlamos National Laboratory figured out how to make a seven-qubitmachine using a drop of liquid. Five years later, researchers at theUniversity of Innsbruck added an extra qubit and produced the firstquantum computer that could manipulate a qubyte (eight qubits).

These were tentative but important first steps.Over the next few years, researchers announced more ambitious experiments, addingprogressively greater numbers of qubits. By 2011, a pioneering Canadiancompany called D-Wave Systems announced in Nature that it had produced a 128-qubitmachine; the announcement proved highly controversialand there was a lot of debate over whether the company's machines had really demonstrated quantum behavior.Three years later, Google announced that it was hiring a team of academics (including University of Californiaat Santa Barbara physicist John Martinis) to develop its own quantum computers based on D-Wave's approach.In March 2015, the Google team announced they were "a step closer to quantum computation," having developeda new way for qubits to detect and protect against errors.In 2016, MIT's Isaac Chuang and scientists from the University of Innsbruckunveiled a five-qubit, ion-trap quantum computer that could calculate the factors of 15; one day, a scaled-up version of this machine mightevolve into the long-promised, fully fledged encryption buster.

There's no doubt that these are hugely important advances.and the signs are growing steadily more encouraging that quantumtechnology will eventually deliver a computing revolution.In December 2017, Microsoft unveiled a completequantum development kit, including a new computer language, Q#, developed specifically forquantum applications. In early 2018,D-wave announced plans to start rolling out quantum power to acloud computing platform.A few weeks later, Google announced Bristlecone, a quantum processorbased on a 72-qubit array, that might, one day, form the cornerstone of a quantum computer that could tackle real-world problems.All very exciting! Even so, it's early days for the whole field, and mostresearchers agree that we're unlikely to see practical quantumcomputers appearing for some yearsand more likely several decades.

Read the original here:

Quantum computing: A simple introduction - Explain that Stuff


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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

7:30 am Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 Welcome Keynote and State of the Neurotechnology Industry

The Neurotechnology Industry Organization and guest speakers provide an annual review of trends and developments in neuropharmaceuticals, neurodevices, and neurodiagnostics.

Panelists: Alison Fenney, Member, Board of Directors, Neurotechnology Industry Organization

Harry Tracy, President, NI Research

James Cavuoto, Editor & Publisher, Neurotech Reports

9:00 Investing in Neurotech Panel

A diverse panel of private, public and strategic investors will discuss their investment strategies. What does it take to get a neurotech company funded? What are the benefits and risks of business models in devices, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and information technology? What are todays deal terms and valuations? What are the best exit strategies and how is neurotech comparing to other industries?

Moderator: Joshua Pinto, Vice President, Healthcare Investment Banking, Credit Suisse

Panelists: Rahul Ballal, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Versant Ventures

Laura Tadvalkar, Senior Associate, MP Healthcare Venture Management

Paulina Hill, Principal, Polaris Partners

Jamil Beg, Principal, 5AM Ventures

William Robb, Founding Partner, NovaQuest Capital Management

10:00 Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing

10:40 Treatments for Alzheimers and Cognitive Disorders

As the population ages, the market for neurodegenerative disorders is exploding. Current treatments stabilize symptoms only for a short period of time. What is on the horizon for symptom improvement and disease modification from drug and device companies? Can earlier or more accurate diagnosis improve outcomes?

Moderator: Michael Gold, Vice President, Development Neurosciences, AbbVie

Panelists: Christopher U. Missling, President and CEO, Anavex Life Sciences

Leen Kawas, President and CEO, M3 Biotechnology

Michael Mullan, CEO, Archer Pharmaceuticals

Casey Lynch, CEO, Cortexyme

Carlos Buesa, CEO, Oryzon

11:40 Developments on the Horizon for Pain and Epilepsy

Drugs and devices with novel mechanisms of action are on the horizon to decrease side effects and improve efficacy in treatment resistant populations for epilepsy and neuropathic pain. Hear from leading companies on their approaches.

Moderator: Robert H. Ring, Founder & President, Auts Consulting and Advisory Solutions

Panelists: Gregory T. Mayes, President, CEO & Founder, Engage Therapeutics, Inc.

Stephen Collins, CEO, Biscayne Neurotherapeutics

Ana Maiques, CEO, NeuroElectrics

Louis Mayaud, CSO, Mensia Technologies

12:40 pm Networking Luncheon

2:00 Internal and External Research and Development

Pharmaceutical and device companies are looking to provide complete solutions that span from prevention to treatment. Functions across the value chain will be kept in house or partnered. This panel of experts will discuss how they approach collaborations with other companies, academic groups, research institutes, and platform companies.

Moderator: Christine de los Reyes, Vice President, Strategic Planning & Business Development, Alopexx Enterprises, LLC

Panelists: Jeff Erb, Senior Director, Strategy and Business Development, Medtronic

Isaac Veinbergs, Head, External Innovation, Sanofi

Eric Schaeffer, Senior Director, Neuroscience Innovation, Johnson & Johnson Innovation

3:00 Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing

3:45Targeting Orphan Diseases

Orphan disorders are a hot area of investment due to perceived benefits with regulatory agencies, ready access to patients, and premium pricing. This session will gather companies developing treatments for ALS, lysosomal storage disorders, Huntingtons, and more.

Moderator: Daniel Burch, Global Medical Officer, PPD Biotech

Panelists: Marc Martinell, CEO, Minoryx

Andrew Lim, CEO, Circumvent Pharmaceuticals

Lynn Durham, CEO & Founder, Stalicla

Michael Panzara, Franchise Lead, Neurology, WAVE Life Sciences Ltd.

Pushkal Garg, Chief Medical Officer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

David B. Clissold, Director, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.

4:45 Strategic Development of Your Product Outside of the US: The Australian Advantage

Tina Soulis, PhD, CEO, Neuroscience Trials Australia

This session will focus on case studies to demonstrate the approval process, regulatory framework, tax advantages, networks and overall capabilities that exist in Australia that could be used as part of a strategic development plan to save time, effort and cost when planning your studies.

5:00 Emerging Company Showcase - Learn More About Our Participants

The third annual Emerging Company Showcase offers the stage to young neurotech companies to pitch their drug, device, diagnostic, or software to an audience of investors, CEOs, and executives in the field.

Moderator: Carla Lema Tome, Advisor, Neurotechnology Industry Organization

Participants: Lowry Curley, CEO, AxoSim, Inc

Dan Rizzuto, CEO, Nia Therapeutics

Shawn Ritchie, CEO and CSO, Med-Life Discoveries LP

Sefi Epel, CEO, Brainmarc

Visar Berisha, Co-Founder, CSO, Aural Analytics

Julie Collens, CEO, Vivid Genomics

Devon Greco, Founder and CEO, Narbis

Kumar Sripathirathan, CEO, DEHA

Steven Prawer, Director, Cofounder, CTO, iBIONICS

Eliav Shaked, Founder & CEO, RetiSpec

6:00 Welcome Reception with Exhibit Viewing

7:00Close of Day

Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8:00 am Continental Breakfast

8:45Keynote Presentation

Stephanie Fertig, MBA, Director, NINDS Small Business Programs, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

9:00 Partnering and Licensing in Neurotech Panel

Big pharma, biotech and medtech need to act to capitalize new innovations that provide solutions to the global demands in healthcare. This insider panel will discuss their areas of interest for in-licensing novel therapeutics, devices and diagnostics and what they look for in a partner.

Moderator: John Reppas, Director, Public Policy, Neurotechnology Industry Organization

Panelists: Murali Gopalakrishnan, Head, Neuroscience Search and Evaluation, AbbVie

Robert Bagdorf, Vice President, Biopharmaceuticals Search and Evaluation, Pfizer

Matt Gunderman, Director, Business Development, Boston Scientific

10:00 Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing

10:40 Parkinsons and Other Movement Disorders

Current treatments for movement disorders can improve functioning, but suffer from side effects and off period, especially as the disease progresses. A number of novel pipeline pharmaceuticals and devices seek to address these issues. This session will explore how disease modifying treatments alter the course of movement disorders, and how companion diagnostics can be leveraged to provide the most optimal outcomes for patients.

Moderator: Julie G Pilitsis, Chair Dept of Neuroscience & Experimental Therapeutics, Professor of Neurosurgery, Albany Medical College

Panelists: Ralph Kern, COO and CMO, BrainStorm Therapeutics

Randall W. Moreadith, CEO, Serina Therapeutics

Michael Almstetter, CEO, Origenis

Nader Yaghoubi, President and CEO, PathMaker Neurosystems Inc.

Jim DeMesa, CEO, Emerald Health Pharmaceuticals

11:40 Next-Generation Psychiatry

Schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, addiction, ADHD and other psychiatric illnesses represent a large portion of the neurotech market. Development of promising next-generation treatments is challenging. Novel devices and diagnostics are poised to change the treatment landscape. This session will gather the most innovative treatments for mental health disorders.

Moderator: Manuel Lopez-Figueroa, Venture Partner, Bay City Capital

Panelists: Remy Luthringer, CEO, Minerva Neurosciences

Stephen Brannan, CMO, Karuna Pharmaceuticals

Atul Mahableshwarkar, Vice President, Clinical Development, BlackThorn Therapeutics

Michael J. Detke, CMO, Embera Therapeutics

Eric J. Messika, President and CEO, Coronis Neurosciences Ltd.

12:40 pm Networking Luncheon

2:00 Frontiers in Neurotechnology

In this session, we will hear from companies on the cutting edge. Novel neurostimulation devices are being developed for new markets. Closed loop systems create the promise of reduced side effects and more targeted treatment. New technology is yielding benefits in delivery of therapeutics to brain. This session will preview next generation products and companies in neurotechnology.

Moderator: Daniel OConnell, Founding member & Managing Partner, NeuroVentures; President and Chief Executive Officer, Acumen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Go here to read the rest:


Active and Passive Nihilism – Academy of Ideas

The following is a transcript of this video.

We are approaching the end of our journey through Nietzsches ideas on nihilism.

In this lecture we will examine the important but often overlooked emotional dimension of nihilism and introduce how individuals, especially today,utilize secular means to avert nihilism. We will then look at someof Nietzsches key ideas about nihilism which we have yet to cover; including his view of nihilism as a mere transitional stage, along with his interesting demarcation between active and passive nihilism.

In his book Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche made a comment which seems especially relevant to nihilists:

Gradually it has become clear to me what every great philosophy so far has been: namely, the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir. (Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche)

This seems to be especially true of one who tries to defend nihilism; nihilistic philosophical arguments are usually invented afterwards to defend feelings of despair and dread over the utter futility of life, rather than being what leads one to such a position in the first place.

Victor Frankl emphasizes this point; nihilism, he states, cannot be treated as an abstract problem, rather, it is an existential problem that arises when ones existence in the world becomes problematic. As he puts it:

nihilism as it is experienced the actual existential sense of the meaningless and futility of life is not the product of an intellectual theory. (Viktor Frankl)

As has been noted in previous lectures, in order for a meaning or purpose in life to be satisfactory, and thus to prevent the onset of the emotional feelings associated with nihilism, most individuals need to be convinced that the purpose they believe in is objective. In other words, they must believe that such a purpose is not the arbitrary creation of one or a handful of individuals but rather that it exists written in the fabric of the universe so to speak. Nietzsche emphasized the point that historically human beings have been granted this assurance through teachings espoused by what he called a superhuman authority.

In The Will to Power he explains:

The nihilistic question for what? is rooted in the old habit of supposing that the goal must be put up, given, demanded from outside by some superhuman authority. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche)

But belief in otherworldly sources for the answers to our existential questions has for many over the past century been harder and harder to swallow.

However, this need to find apurpose to ones life is an unrelenting force, and today individuals are increasingly finding ways of averting nihilism which do not involve beliefs in the supernatural. Instead many are utilizing what can be seen as a secular alternative for finding meaning and purpose in life.

This alternative, which is a modern phenomenon, is the participation in mass movements. Such participation often includes supporting a political party or leader, a war, or just strongly identifying ones self with their nation.

In the early 20th century, which as we mentioned in the previous lecture was the generation which Nietzsche prophesized would witness the rise of nihilism, this secular way of averting nihilism was taken to the extreme, and often resulted in totalitarianism and other revolutionary movements.

The two most infamous mass movements of the early to mid 20th century were Nazism and Communism. In an article titled The Hungry Sheep published in the early 1950s an astute writer described the appeal of communism and showed how it provided followers with a purpose:

From the outside, the communist may look like an ant in an anthill, but to himself he may seem to be a comrade helping to carry out a great design what in another context would be called the Will of God

The author says later in the article in regards to those who joined thecommunist movement:

For the first time they belong to something, to a cause good or bad as it may be, but something at any rate which transcends their narrow personal interests and opens up a world in which each has his part to play and all can pull together.

Through the feeling that one is an active and contributing member of ones society, it is possible for many to obtain, to one degree or another, the existential certitude regarding the meaning of life which religions used to provide.

We will now proceed to examine some more of Nietzsches key ideas regarding nihilism. As we have already noted in previous lectures, Nietzsche himself went through a period of nihilism, writing that he had lived through the whole of nihilism, to the end, leaving it behind, outside himself. Through the process of enduring and eventually overcoming nihilism, Nietzsche obtained intimate knowledge regarding its nature.

Nietzsche didnt think of nihilism as a satisfactory philosophical position so much as he thought of it as a disease, calling it pathological. Like any disease, those afflicted with nihilismshould strive to rid themselves of it and for this reason, thought Nietzsche, nihilism could be considered as a transitional stage in ones life. If one is stricken by nihilism they must use it to their advantage and learn the lessons which it has to offer, but ultimately it should not be the stopping point in ones philosophical journey.

The reason for Nietzsches view of nihilism as a transitional stage was because he saw the nihilistic conclusion that life is meaningless as mistaken; a mistake resulting from an erroneous generalization. Nihilists, after coming to the realization that the beliefs they had previously held regarding the meaning of life are false, all too often take this to imply that all beliefs in regards to lifes meaning are equally delusional. Instead of merely rejecting their old set of beliefs and continuing the search, theysee the search as futile and give up on trying to find meaning altogether.

This erroneous generalization is similar to the line of reasoning taken by anindividual who has their heart broken and proceeds to claim that love does not exist. The nihilist, in a similar manner,ashamed at themselves for believing in a meaning to life which they now understand to be false, makes the erroneous claim that there is no meaning to life whatsoever.

Nihilism, Nietzsche wrote, represents a pathological transitional stage (what is pathological is the tremendous generalization, the inference that there is no meaning at all. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche).

It is when the nihilist realizes the error in his reasoning that nihilism becomes a transitional stage. Nietzsche arrived at this insight when he realized that the search for meaning and value in life is not futile, it is just that human beings have traditionally looked for meaning in the wrong places.

In fact, not only did he think it was possible to live a meaningful life, but Nietzsche thought all previous interpretations of existence had greatly underestimated just how meaningful human lives could be.

As we have discussed in earlier lectures, traditionally meaning has been found in a true world, apart from this earthly existence. But the benefit for the nihilist who rejects true world beliefs is that they are then forced to search for meaning on this earth, if they are to have any hope overcoming the nihilistic disease. Those bold enough to undertake such a task, would according the Nietzsche, soon find that life is far more valuable than they ever could have imagined.

He wrote:

In sum: the world might be far more valuable than we used to believe; we must see through the naivet of our ideals, and while we thought that we had accorded it the highest interpretation, we may not have given our human existence a moderately fair value. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche)

Nietzsche didnt think everyone in a state of nihilism was capable of curing themselves. He in fact differentiated between two types of nihilists; those who have the strength to overcome it, and those who do not. The former he called active nihilists, while the latter he called passive nihilists.

Nihilism. It is ambiguous: A. Nihilism as a sign of increased power of the spirit: as active nihilism. B. Nihilism as decline and recession of the power of the spirit: as passive nihilism. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche)

The passive nihilist is the individual, who when confronted with nihilism, sees it as an endpoint or a sign to stop the search for meaning. In short, this type of individual lacks the strength to make anything of their life, and unfortunately many who reach this stage will, as we discussed earlier, out of sheer desperation attach themselves to some form of mass movement in a final attempt to find an objective purpose to life.

Eric Hoffer, in his book The True Believer, provides an intriguing analysis of such an individual.

To the frustrated a mass movement offers substitutes either for the whole self or for the elements which make life bearable and which they cannot evoke out of their individual resources. (The True Believer, Eric Hoffer)

Like the passive nihilist, the active nihilist experiences the existentialconfusion and disorientation which accompanies the feeling that life is utterly futile and meaningless. However, instead of succumbing to this despair or diving blindly into a mass movement in order to soothe ones fears, as the passive nihilist does, Nietzscheenvisioned the active nihilist as an individual who charges forward and consciously destroys all the beliefs which previously gave meaning to their lives.

[Nihilism] reaches its maximum of relative strength as a violent force of destruction as active nihilism. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche)

After ridding one self of all the beliefs and attachments which previously gave their life meaning, the active nihilist stands alone in the universe, a true independent free spirit able to create meaning instead of having it imposed on him by an authority figure. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche poetically emphasizes this point:

A new pride my ego taught me, and this I teach men: no longer to bury ones head in the sand of heavenly things, but to bear it freely, an earthly head, which creates a meaning for the earth. (The Will to Power, Friedrich Nietzsche)

In the next lecture, the final of this series, we will investigate some of the ideas Nietzsche thought could help one overcome nihilism and thus allow them to create a fulfilling and meaningful life. We will investigate such fascinating topics as Nietzsches attempt torevalue suffering.

Good Places to Start Ones Study of NihilismThe Specter of the Absurd: Sources and Criticisms of Modern Nihilism (1988) Donald CrosbyThe Self Overcoming of Nihilism (1990) Keiji NishitaniThe Dark Side: Thoughts on the Futility of Life from the Ancient Greeks to the Present (1994) Alan PrattThe Banalization of Nihilism: Twentieth Century Responses to Meaninglessness (1992) Karen Carr

Nietzsche and NihilismThe Will to Power Friedrich NietzscheThe Affirmation of Life: Nietzsche on Overcoming Nihilism (2009) Bernard ReginsterNietzsche: A Collection of Critical Essays (1973) Robert Solomon

Other Nihilistic WorksThe Trouble with Being Born Emile CioranA Short History of Decay Emile CioranThe Plague Albert CamusThe Fall Albert CamusThe Rebel Albert Camus

Further Readings


See original here:

Active and Passive Nihilism - Academy of Ideas