Blockchain simplified: How it eliminates the middleman – Big Think

Building better foodMicroorganisms are at the heart of the upcoming disruption, as they were when humanity began domesticating plants and animals 10,000 years ago by manipulating the evolution of microorganisms via the breeding of their macro-organisms. Within about a thousand years, we were controlling microorganisms through fermentation, producing bread, cheese, alcohol, and preserving our fruits and vegetables. And so things have basically stood for thousands of years, harvesting the nutrients on which we depend through the time- and cost-intensive breeding, extracting, and consuming of the macro-organisms in which microorganisms reside.It's the microorganisms, though, that we're really after they're the specific source of the nutrients we seek, and today, we have tools for directly accessing them, unplugged from their macro-organisms. We can build nutrients ourselves, programming complex molecules using precision fermentation (PF).In the biological sense, food is simply packages of nutrients, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Of these, proteins the large molecules that are needed by all cells to function properly are the most important. They are, quite literally, the building blocks of life. RethinkX report

(RethinkX report)

Protein functions

(RethinkX report)

Image source: P Stock/Shutterstock

Image source: RethinkX report

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Blockchain simplified: How it eliminates the middleman - Big Think

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