Some Local Businesses on the Brink of Bankruptcy During Pandemic – YourErie

On the brink of bankruptcy, as even more restrictions hit restaurants, some might not last if there is another round of closings during the pandemic.

John Buchna with the Erie Downtown Partnership said people need to be responsible to keep the area in the green phase and that it will keep businesses open with many restaurants staying afloat for now, but they might not get hit hard until the end of the year.

There are organizations like ours and many others that are looking to find ways to help, but in this case from a retail standpoint, the best things we can do is, other than practice our safety, is supporting that business, said Buchna.

Buchna said many downtown businesses rely on the people that live there most.

A lot of the downtown businesses are build around the density of a downtown, communities across the nation, its just how it is built. When you dont have the large employers or you dont have the large density of population, from a safety standpoint you dont really have the big customer base, he added.

The owner of Dominicks said his business was on the brink of bankruptcy and may close down for good if there is another round of closings.

Its horrible we were on that brink, we were right there, probably a week or so from shutting down the doors for good and we felt that we owed our customers that due diligence of letting them know where we were at, said Dominicks Diner Owner Tony Ferraro.

Ferraro said that happened a month before the county went green and so far they have not received any funds or loans.

Buchna said some businesses are actually benefiting during the pandemic such as big shopping stores like Walmart.

He added their issue is a lack of inventory, not customers.

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Some Local Businesses on the Brink of Bankruptcy During Pandemic - YourErie

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