Leveraging artificial intelligence to automate data extraction from geotagged images – Geospatial World

CSS Corp is enabling leading mapping companies to accelerate POI extraction from geotagged images through AI-ML led automation

While navigating using a mobiledevice, we often select a source and a destination that are well-known andfrequently visited places, such as hotels, apartment complexes, touristattractions, corporate offices, etc. In mapping parlance, these places are calledpoints of interest (POI). Most location-based applications and services needaccurate POI data to serve their users effectively. Among several ways tocapture POI data, extracting it from geotagged images is one of the mostpopular. Geotagged images contain geographical metadata like latitude,longitude, and place names, etc.

However,mapping companies often find it challenging to get detailed POI data generated from geotaggedimages accurately. Fierce competition in this field has created a demand forhigh quality and freshness of POI data. It necessitates using efficientprocesses that bring reality to the maps in real-time or as soon as possible.

A leading mapping and location dataplatform provider was under immense pressure to scale their services andcapture the market share rapidly. A critical component of their services was seamlessPOI extraction from field-collected geotagged images while maintaining qualityand accuracy benchmarks. Done manually, this process can be tedious andtime-consuming. CSS Corp was able to support them through rapid deployment oftrained resources at scale, empowered with an assisted automation approach,that accelerated the time-to-market for their services. It leveraged itsproprietary Geo.Intelli system which uses artificial intelligence for automatedextraction of POI data from geotagged images, resulting in faster and efficientprocessing.

Geo.Intelli is a smart GIS system thatautomates the geotag extraction for POI location from images and leverages NLPto check the completeness of POI or address name. Its AI-ML based APIs automaticallyextract the relevant data from images, perform a quality check on images, andreject images that are blurred, non-geocoded, or in invalid format. To ensurehigh accuracy, the system automatically cross-validates the extracted data withreference source data like area, city, latitude, longitude, and ZIP Code. Italso allows for multiple POI addition from a single image.

Certain assisted automation processesin the system leverage agents expertise and oversight to deliver high-qualityresults, for example, automated image analyzer with configurable fieldattributes, automated text extraction for additional information, and automatedtranslation/ transliteration processes.

The system also enhances the teamsproductivity with integrated editingand review workflows and progress dashboards for instant reviews and analytics.Once the system extracts the POI, various users like agents, team lead, and QA canedit, review and perform quality checks within the system as per the workflowsset and see the project performance on customized dashboards. Geo.Intelli givesusers multiple export options to download final POI files in the desiredformat.

The system continuously learnsfrom its data and updates its algorithms to get better with every dataextraction. Today, it can extract English text from images with an accuracy ofover 94%. Speaking of benefits to the client, the ability to make faster decisions on key addressattributes accelerated the teams productivity by 25%. Automated quality checkson key fields safeguarded data quality and reduced editing scope by 60%.Overall, the combination of CSS Corps Geo.Intelli system and a highlyskilled team improved the efficiency of POI processing by 22%, enabling theclient to scale their services faster than the competition.

With location-based services andapplications becoming essential for every aspect of businesses, having completeand accurate real-time data in maps becomes crucial. Stiff competition to thetop is prompting location services providers to look for ways to optimize andaccelerate their processes by leveraging AI and automation. CSS CorpsGeo.Intelli is a GIS automation solution that is designed to enable leadingmapping and location players to uplift their user experience with betternavigation while also creating more business opportunities for them.

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Leveraging artificial intelligence to automate data extraction from geotagged images - Geospatial World

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