Michael Nugent Atheism, Reason, Skepticism, Happiness

by Michael Nugent on June 7, 2017

For the first time ever, Irish Atheists, Evangelicals and Ahmadiyya Muslims are jointly challenging human rights abuses in Pakistan at the United Nations.

Yesterday we made a written submission to the UN, which is now on the UN website, and in July we will be addressing the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva.

The UN Human Rights Committee will be questioning Pakistan about its human rights record under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland will be raising human rights abuses against our communities and other minorities in Pakistan.

Here is the text of our written submission.

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by Michael Nugent on June 6, 2017

The attack on our friends in the Ahmadi Muslim mosque in Galway yesterday evening was both immoral and senseless.

It was immoral because it was an attack on innocent people, and on the principle of freedom of religion and belief. And it was senseless because the Ahmadi Muslim community are at the forefront of promoting peace and tolerance.

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by Michael Nugent on May 25, 2017

Professor Brian Cox and Robin Ince gave an entertaining, educational and inspirational performance about the origins of the universe and life, at the 3 Arena in Dublin tonight. If you get a chance to see them live, dont miss it!

by Michael Nugent on May 17, 2017

Tomorrow, Thursday 18 May, the Dail will vote on the Equal Participation in Schools Bill that it debated yesterday. Please contact your TDs today and ask them to vote for this.

It is proposed by Solidarity and People Before Profit, and it incorporates proposals from Atheist Ireland and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.

It is an an important step towards secular State-funded schools that respect everybody equally, and the eventual separation of Church and State.

It recognises that Irish schools breach human rights by evangelising religion throughout the whole school day, and not merely by discriminating in access.

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Michael Nugent Atheism, Reason, Skepticism, Happiness

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