How the Army Is Really Using AI – AI Daily

It has always been controversial for the army to implement artificial Intelligence within their task force (particularly with the use of drones) because ethics of it, however artificial intelligence is being implemented within the army in other less controversial ways forget the movie Terminator, artificial intelligence is performing many tedious and manual tasks that would use a lot of time and resources and providing assistance to recognition and conversation systems to predictive analytics pattern matching and autonomous systems.

The army leverage artificial intelligence by (for a more detail example) predicting when vehicle parts may need to be replaced which saves a lot of time, money and increase operational safety. Some programs that leverage data using machine learning include Project Maven that retrieves data from drones and aids to automate some of the work that analysts do again saving time and money. As you can see artificial intelligence is being used to improve the armys efficiency.

See the article here:

How the Army Is Really Using AI - AI Daily

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