4 tips for transforming your customer communications with AI – VentureBeat

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are not just tools for streamlining customer engagement. They represent an opportunity for companies to completely rethink how they build context around each individual, ultimately creating a better experience and a more loyal customer.

By tapping into the potential of these new technologies, brands can cost-effectively enable and empower sophisticated, relevant types of two-way communications with existing and potential customers. These technologies also change how brands can use digital channels to reimagine their essential communications such as bills, statements, tax documents, and other important information. Traditionally, these touchpoints were static, generic mailings created to address the widest audience. They lacked personalization and relevance. They were informational, but not engaging.

An important brand message no longer needs to be a common document that looks the same to everyone who receives it. Personalized essential communications bring additional value to the customer. Brands can offer more than a sum-total utility or service bill, by including a customers usage compared to the previous billing period or year and providing tips on how to cut down on their use and cost. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

With some strategic planning and investment, businesses can tap into machine learning and AI to transform customer communications by following these four steps:

Consumer expectations for how they engage with brands continue to evolve. Customers now demand that every piece of communication is tailored to their individual needs and preferences. These technologies enable brands to meet and exceed these constantly rising expectations.

Its no surprise that first on the list of Gartners top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017 is AI and advanced machine learning. These solutions can sift through, analyze, and respond to volumes of data at a speed no number of humans can rival. As these technologies continue to advance, they have the power to benefit both companies and the customers they serve. They represent an opportunity for companies to completely rethink how they build context around each individual to create a better experience and a more loyal customer.

How will you embrace these new technological innovations to catapult your business into the next year and beyond?

Rob Krugman is the Chief Data Officer at Broadridge, a customer communication and data analytics company.

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4 tips for transforming your customer communications with AI - VentureBeat

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