Bumps on the scalp: Causes, symptoms, and treatments – Medical News Today

A variety of health issues can cause bumps to form on the scalp, including folliculitis, acne, head lice, and eczema.

Many causes of bumps in this area are harmless, but receiving a prompt diagnosis and treatment can address any concerns and resolve the issue quickly.

In this article, learn about the health conditions that can lead to bumps on the scalp and when to contact a doctor.

Acne that forms on the scalp can be similar to acne in other areas. A person may have raised bumps, whiteheads, or blackheads, which may be itchy, sore, or tender.

Scalp acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells or oil. If a person has oily hair or adds certain products to their hair, they might be more susceptible to scalp acne.

Factors that may contribute to scalp acne include:

If scalp acne develops consistently, wash the hair more thoroughly, and try hypoallergenic hair products.

If the issue persists or gets worse, contact a dermatologist for specific guidance.

Learn more about treatments for scalp acne.

Folliculitis is a common infection that develops in hair follicles. It can look similar to acne and causes raised, round, inflamed, and itchy bumps.

The infection develops when bacteria enter damaged follicles, and the underlying cause may involve:

To relieve any pain and help the skin heal, apply a warm compress to the area three or four times a day, for 20 minutes at a time.

If the issue worsens, or the cause is unclear, contact a dermatologist.

Itchiness is the most common symptom of head lice, but bumps on the scalp can also indicate their presence.

Have someone closely examine the area for white eggs or moving lice.

Treatment for head lice typically involves using medicated shampoo and combing the area to kill and remove the bugs and their eggs.

Learn more about treatment for head lice here.

There are many types of eczema, and two that can affect the scalp include:

This type of eczema can develop anywhere on the body, including the scalp.

It causes the skin to become inflamed. On a person with darker skin, the affected areas may become darker, grayish, or purplish. On a person with lighter skin, the areas may redden.

In children, it typically affects the hands, backs of the knees, insides of the elbows, scalp, and face.

Adults with this chronic form of eczema on the scalp may notice color changes such as redness, as well as swelling and greasy scaling.

Beyond the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis can affect the:

For eczema on the scalp, try medicated shampoos, creams, or ointments.

Learn more about the treatments for scalp eczema.

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen or irritant.

When this issue develops on the scalp, hair products containing fragrances or specific chemicals may be responsible.

When the scalp reacts to an irritant or allergen, such as a chemical, it can cause itchiness, a burning sensation, and sometimes blistering.

The reaction can occur within minutes of contact with the irritant.

It is important to avoid further contact with products that may be responsible. Also, a doctor may prescribe topical steroids.

These fluid-filled cysts most commonly develop on the scalp. They form in the hair follicles and contain excess keratin, a protein that occurs in the hair, nails, and skin.

The cysts are typically large and smooth, and they may be tender. Sometimes, more than one occurs in one area.

Pilar cysts typically go away on their own. To reduce the swelling and any tenderness, try applying a warm, clean washcloth to the area.

If a cyst becomes infected, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Also, a doctor may recommend the surgical removal of a cyst.

Learn more about the treatments for pilar cysts here.

Hives are a rash consisting of itchy, raised bumps. The rash forms as part of an allergic response, and it can affect any part of the body, including the scalp.

Hives usually go away on their own within a few days. However, a doctor can prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids.

Learn more about the treatments for hives.

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, and it can form on the scalp. Healthcare professionals may refer to this as tinea capitis.

Symptoms include:

Tinea capitis is more common in children than adults.

Creams, powders, and lotions do not work for ringworm on the scalp. Instead, a doctor prescribes an oral antifungal medication that a person must take for 13 months.

Melanomas can appear on the scalp, as can:

Unlike the other bumps or blemishes described above, lumps caused by skin cancer continue to change shape and size.

If any bumps on the scalp may indicate cancer, contact a dermatologist immediately.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor will describe the treatments, including surgical and nonsurgical options.

A person can treat most of the health issues that cause bumps on the scalp at home, with care strategies, such as using warm compresses or switching shampoos, and over-the-counter medications.

However, contact a healthcare provider about any unusual growths or symptoms of ringworm or atopic dermatitis.

Also, if any scalp issue persists or worsens, consult a dermatologist.

Bumps on the scalp can result from a variety of health issues, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, pilar cysts, hives, or ringworm.

Some causes of bumps, such as skin cancer, require urgent medical attention. But often, a person can address the issue at home.

If any lump, bump, or blemish on the scalp is concerning, or if home care is ineffective, contact a dermatologist or another healthcare professional.

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Bumps on the scalp: Causes, symptoms, and treatments - Medical News Today

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