REVOLUTION interview with Adam Shapiro: New Revelations About Israel’s Massacre – Bay Area Indymedia

The Hindu
REVOLUTION interview with Adam Shapiro: New Revelations About Israel's Massacre
Bay Area Indymedia
Adam Shapiro is a co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement, which initiated and organized the Freedom Flotilla that attempted to break Israel's ...
A Moral Path Toward GazaWashington Post (blog)
Israels VengeanceBefore It's News
Iranian Ship Depart To Gaza, Israel Investigate The Flotilla AttackPalestine News Network
Allentown Morning Call -The Guardian -Veterans Today Network
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Substation Battery Rack Grounding

We have two different schools on this subject:

One: Substation DC battery rack metals should be better without bonding/grounding to the substation ground grid, because during the fault the substation area elevate on potentials so the grounding may affect the battery functionality.

Call for families to get inquiry into high death rate at hospital – The Guardian

The Guardian
Call for families to get inquiry into high death rate at hospital
The Guardian
The data, which was not in the public domain, was extracted from 116 trusts through freedom of information requests. Some hospitals had higher numbers of ...
Download the data behind Sarah Boseley's surgery statistics investigationThe Guardian (blog)
Huge disparity in NHS death rates revealedThe Guardian
Safety in numbers for hospital patientsThe Guardian -Public Service
all 15 news articles »

Speed of Light

Okay, I know several people who have been waiting for me to get off my duff and talk about the speed of light.  This is Frank’s post, since he solved the riddle first Saturday.

To just blurt it out, the-speed-of-light-is-exactly-299,792,458-meters-per-second-in-a-vacuum.  That means that light will travel 299 million, 792 thousand, 458 meters in a second.  That’s about 300,000 kilometers per second, and about 186,000 miles per second.  The speed of light has been fixed with the increased accuracy of the definition and measurement of the meter.  The meter is defined as the distance light will travel in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458ths of a second.

Doesn’t that just give you goose bumps?  Take a look at this:

This is to scale. As you watch it, about 1.25 sec will pass as the little beam of light goes from the Earth to the Moon. That's how long it really takes.

To understand the speed of light, it might help to understand what exactly light is.  And what it is not.  I’m not going into the history of light, because I think everybody deserves to sit in college philosophy classes and suffer (I had to).  You go read Aristotle, I’ll read Einstein.  Believe it or not, there have been theories on the subject of light since the 6th century BCE.  As early as this the ancient Hindus were kicking around atomic theory.  By the 5th century BCE the Greeks were jumping in with some pretty interesting theories.  By 55 BCE, Lucretius (a Roman) wrote:

The light & heat of the sun; these are composed of minute atoms which, when they are shoved off, lose no time in shooting right across the interspace of air in the direction imparted by the shove.” – On the nature of the Universe

Remember, this was 55 BCE.  There wasn’t anything even close to a telescope hanging around at the time.  This is also an interesting attempt to nail the concept of light down to the physical world, and get it out of the realm of religion.  Unfortunately, 55 BCE is believed to have been the year of Lucretius’s death (at the age of 43), so perhaps it didn’t work out so well for him.

Light exists as a wave-particle duality.  This isn’t really that special, because all matter is believed to exist in the same state of duality.  This whole concept is the foundation of quantum mechanics, and you’re just going to have to trust me here.  Just imagine a tiny little packet called a photon traveling through space as a wave, and you’re there.  That’s light.  What you “see” is only how your brain interprets the nerve impulses which have been fired by the photons.  You know that light exists much wider, deeper, and larger than we can see without some seriously expensive equipment.  Here is what you don’t see:

Light spectrum by Philip Ronan, all rights reserved.

There have been several good attempts to measure the speed of light through history.  In 1676 Danish Physicist Ole Romer used a telescope to watch the motions of Jupiter and Io, and calculated that it took 22 minutes for light to traverse the diameter of the orbit of the Earth.  Of course, nobody knew the size of the diameter of the orbit of the Earth.  If they had, Ole’s calculations would have set the speed of light at 227,000,000 m/s.  I have to say, that’s a pretty decent working hypothesis.

Several things are believed to be apart from the speed of light “speed limit”; most interestingly tachyons and quantum entanglements.  In the case of quantum entanglements, since you can’t pin down the exact position of a subatomic particle at any given moment, no information or mass is actually transmitted, therefore it doesn’t violate the speed limit (gotcha!).  Tachyons are tiny little critters, hypothetical really, that are limited to the space portion of the energy-momentum graph.  They can’t go slower than too fast, in other words.  They lose energy and cease to exist.

What you do see, by Ibrahim Lujaz, all rights reserved.

I’m sure as our knowledge of the universe around us increases, we’ll get a better understanding of light, it’s speed limit, and what is or is not bound to it.  I’ve been told that for every “law”, there is something which exists outside of it.  Thanks, Frank.

How Do You Like Your iPad: Chocolate-Covered, or in Typewriter Disguise? | Discoblog

ipadWhat pairs well with chocolate? A pricey tablet computer, of course.

Stefan Magdalinski debated what to get for his sweetheart for her June birthday. Eventually, he decided on a candy Apple: He ordered his wife a chocolate-covered iPad.

As told on Magdalinski’s blog and reported by Mashable, what makes this feat more impressive is that he orchestrated the gift’s shipment from the U.K. to South Africa, calling two friends at a British chocolatier with an unusual question:

“Could you freeze an iPad in chocolate carbonite, and have it survive?”

The proof is in the chocolate. A gift that involved both an interesting customs discussion and a very confused wife ended in sweet success. Magdalinski: “no iPads were harmed in this production.”


Counting your calories? Other iPad combinations might better fit your tastes. As described on the blog CrunchGear, nostalgic Apple-users have gutted older computers to give them a new, touchable face.

And for those that want to hearken back a bit further, the blog Gizmodo recently described another iPad vision almost as romantic as chocolates, an iPad typewriter.

Luckily, none of these combinations required blending.

Related content:
Discoblog: Will The iPad Blend? Watch and Find Out.
Discoblog:  iPad Arrives—Some Worship It, Some Critique It, HP Tries to Kill It
Discoblog: Hey Baby, Wanna Come Over and Try My New iPad?

Images: Ahead Robot / Stefan Magdalinski

Doctor, your dinner’s in the oven. Mmmmm, mmmm! | Bad Astronomy


First, there’s going to be a remake of "Fright Night", an actually pretty good vampire flick from the 1980s. I’m generally opposed to most remakes, but I think that this isn’t such an awful idea, since the premise itself is a good one. However, the remake’s director is the same guy who did "Lars and the Real Girl", which was… well, I’ll just say I didn’t like it and leave it at that.


Guess Who they tapped for the part of Vincent, the fey late-night movie host who winds up becoming a real vampire hunter? David Tennant!

Oh yeah. I’ll watch that. The original role was played by Roddy McDowall, who was great. Tennant is a pretty good fit to that role, too.

Given who played the original role, I wonder what’s next for Tennant after this? I’m thinking Cornelius in a "Planet of the Apes" sequel. Ook ook.

Why Isn’t The Rest Of America Upset About This?

Keith's note: With the exception of national publications such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc. and space-related media, why does it seem that the only local/state level newspapers and TV stations that are paying attention to the current space policy food fight are in Texas, Alabama, Florida, Utah, and Colorado? Where is the outrage in the rest of the country? Why isn't there more widespread condemnation? Is this just about losing jobs? Or do most Americans just not care about space?

If the rhetoric that Obama space policy opponents fling about is correct in its prediction of dire consequences for America, then where's the national outrage?

Lockheed Martin Moves Forth on Orion Contract Changes

Orion Budget is Cut 20 Per Cent with 600 Jobs Eliminated and Progress Slowed, Ken Kremer

"The impact of termination liability on the contract has necessitated a 20 percent reduction across the program within Lockheed Martin as well as our subcontractors and suppliers", says Cleon Lacefield, Lockheed Martin vice president and Orion program manager. Lacefield told me that "Orion procurements are being reduced to allow work to continue within the budget limitations and about 600 positions among the Lockheed Martin and subcontractor workforce are being moved off of the program to adjust staffing needs."