Lung Institute | Stem Cell Treatment Basics

Stem cells are the building blocks of lifeessential to every organism. They self-renew and replicate, with the ability to form anytype of tissue in the body. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning that cells from one part of the bodycan transform their function to that ofother types of tissue, a quality known as plasticity. Plasticityis the key function of stem cells in regenerative medicine.

The Lung Institute offers stem cell treatment for many major pulmonary conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosisand interstitial lung disease. The Lung Institute usesautologous stem cells, cells derivedfrom the patients own body. These versatilecells are extractedfrom one of the following tissues:

Adult stem cells canform many types of differentiated cells, so when theyare returned to the patient, they can promote the healing of lung tissuepotentially leadingto improved lung function.

The stemcellsare harvested from the patients own blood or bone marrow. The stem cells are separated and returned to the patient intravenously. Once the cells are returned to the patient, they can begin to promote healing.

When something, such as medication, blood, or stem cells, is introduced to your body through an IV, it goes directly to the right side of the heart. Within a heartbeat or two, it is pushed straight to the lungs. Then your blood distributes the item throughout the body. However, this processchanges a little when it comes to stem cells. During studies conducted for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers found that stem cells go through this process but get trapped when they arrive in the lungs. This is commonlycalled the pulmonary trap, and although itmay not be good news for someone who wishes to see those cells move throughout the body, its a happy occurrence forthose looking to slow down the progression ofa chronic lung disease.

If you would like to find out more about treatment optionsand to see if you qualify, contact our patient coordinators today at (800) 729-3065to schedule afree consultation.

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Lung Institute | Stem Cell Treatment Basics

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