Environmental officials investigating Yale School of Medicine – WTNH Connecticut News (press release)

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NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) Environmental officials are still trying to figure out what caused four people to get sick at the Yale School of Medicine on Tuesday.

Officials with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) told News 8 that they responded to 333 Cedar Street in New Haven Tuesday afternoon for a report of two unconscious females. The building is a part of the Yale School of Medicine.

New Haven Fire Chief John Alston says just before 2:40 p.m., the call came in for three people feeling sick. Responders found two people in a lab and one in a clerical office. One person fainted and one person felt faint and weak. Chief Alston says another person had already left sick and went home. They were brought back to be examined.

DEEPs Emergency Response Unit took air samples and other materials for sampling and could not detect anything that would have made the people feel ill. The DEEP ERU recommended that the Yale Medical School get an industrial hygienist for further testing.

Officials said all of them drank from the same coffee maker, but nothing was found in air and other samples.

The four victims have been released from the hospital.

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Environmental officials investigating Yale School of Medicine - WTNH Connecticut News (press release)

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