ct.gov-connecticut’s official state website


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I'm committed to keeping you up-to-date and in-the-know as we tackle what are arguably the biggest challenges this state has ever seen.

I will continue to advocate for all Connecticut's citizens as our administration works to put state government's fiscal house in order.

Access Connecticut Government Services, Faster & Easier.

We are excited to reveal the new CT.gov! Take a quick tour to learn about the new layout and features!

Welcome to the new CT.gov! A lot has changed and we are excited to show you around. This page was created to help users understand the new layout and features.

Feature 1 of 6

Prominently listed on the CT.gov homepage, these allow the user access to the most frequently accessed services in State Government by visitors of the site.

Feature 2 of 6

Highlighted topic specification navigation is categorized to allow for the visitor to quickly navigate to a subtopic in only two clicks to display additional results.

Feature 3 of 6

Allows users to select their preference for viewing site information.

Feature 4 of 6

Search is now also available at the topic level to allow for the visitor to have a customized search experience within a targeted specific topic.

Feature 5 of 6

Online polls are available on certain pages throughout the site, these allow for the user to report if the page they are on is helpful or not. If the user does not want to interact with the poll, simply clicking the small icon in the upper right hand corner will minimize the poll to the bottom of the browser window.

Feature 6 of 6

We welcome and encourage your feedback regarding the new CT.gov redesign. Please feel free to respond to our online polls and survey as you navigate through the new site. Thank you.

More here:

ct.gov-connecticut's official state website

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