Letter: Heros examined

Published: Friday, September 12, 2014 at 04:31 PM.

The left has an interesting set of heroes, including but not limited to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, John Maynard Keynes, Che Guevara and Margaret Sanger. A scant exploration of some of these individuals is quite revealing. Marx, for example, was a drunkard who was unable to care for his wife and children. Three of his six children died in infancy from starvation, and he failed to attend his wifes funeral. Fair enough only 12 people attended his. Keynes was a reprobate and pedophile.

However, perhaps the most notorious and evil figure embraced by the left is Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Successive presidents of the group have failed to denounce Sanger or her agenda, and many leftist politicians have embraced the legacy of Sanger proudly carries on the courageous tradition of Margaret Sanger. They are either ignorant of Sangers background, they choose to ignore it, or they embrace it.

At one time Sanger denounced marriage as a degenerate institution but seemed to reconcile with it later when she married a multi-millionaire. She opened a birth control clinic in Brownsville, N.Y., which had a large Slavic, Italian, Jewish and Latino population. Sanger said these groups were dysgenic and diseased races that needed to have their reckless breeding curbed.

In her publication, The Pivot of Civilization, she praised the cause of eugenics, openly calling for the eradication of human weeds, for the segregation of morons, misfits and the maladjusted, and for the forced sterilization of genetically inferior races.

Her association with the KKK has been well documented. How ironic that so many Planned Parenthood clinics are located in poor and minority neighborhoods. After all, they are merely walking down the path that Mrs. Sanger carved out for us.

No amount of whitewashing can change the history and foundation of Planned Parenthood. And dont forget your tax dollars help fund this spurious organization and its proud heritage. One would doubt that God would bless Planned Parenthood, regardless if it were the president of the United States uttering those words.

Nancy Murdoch, Havelock

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Letter: Heros examined

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