League Casters Compare Future Of Healthcare To Death By Cyborg Man-Crab – Kotaku

The uncertain future of our nations health care system, or being ground to death by a giant cyborg?

In a talk show-stylesegment that aired between games one and two of TSM vs. FlyQuest in todays League Championship Series matches, Josh Jatt Leesman and Sam Kobe Hartman-Kenzler debated which is more terrifying: the League of Legends champion Urgots newly reworked ultimate, or the future of American healthcare. (The segment was recorded and published to YouTube two days prior to airing on the LCS stream.)

For reference, the Urgot ultimate launches a hook into enemies, which tethers them to the horrific melding of man and machine. If the enemys health drops below a certain threshold, Urgot drags them in, shoots them in the face and grinds them up in his ab-gears.

American healthcare, meanwhile, has had millions of Americans on the edge of their seat, wondering if their current plans will still be effective the next day.

On Thursday afternoon, the Senate is expected to vote on whats been dubbed the skinny repeal, a

The segment is meant to be lighthearted, so Kobe and Jatt debate the two with a comedic back-and-forth. Both seem to land on the Urgot ultimate, one claiming that by definition, its more terrifying (a successful Urgot ultimate applies a fear effect to nearby enemies).

A few responses on social media noted the strange jump from League analysis into politics, though This Or That has certainly never shied away from riffing on controversial subjects.

So, this or that?

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League Casters Compare Future Of Healthcare To Death By Cyborg Man-Crab - Kotaku

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