Cyborg strikes in Injustice 2 Shattered Alliances promo – Blastr

What's a Justice League party without the superhuman abilities of Vic Stone and his machine-made machismo? As the mounting wave of marketing makes landfall ahead of the worldwide release of NetherRealm's Injustice 2, a new reveal video confirms we'll see Cyborg's steel swagger joining the fray.

This first of a two-part plot preview begins to explain the highly anticipated fighting game's "Shattered Alliances" storyline. I sure am digging the Man of Steel's sleek suit of armor on display here!

Here's the official description for Injustice 2's "Shattered Alliances Part 1" trailer:

Every villain is the hero of his own story. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today revealed a new trailer focusing on Superman's character and background story for Injustice 2. Players will get the chance to learn more about how Superman and his Regime are working to rise to power once again, becoming one of Earth's greatest threats.

Injustice 2 will be available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on May 16.

(via Coming Soon


Cyborg strikes in Injustice 2 Shattered Alliances promo - Blastr

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