Practical Nutrition: For a healthier you, get your plate in shape

By: MARY-JO SAWYER | Special Correspondent Published: March 07, 2012 Updated: March 07, 2012 - 12:00 AM

Is your plate in shape? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) wants it to be so you'll be healthier. That's why it has based its National Nutrition Month theme on the USDA's new MyPlate plan.

Get your plate in shape by following the academy's four simple suggestions.

If you don't have veggies at each meal yet, try something simple, such as baby carrots or celery sticks, then move up to a salad. Cook some frozen veggies in the microwave, or steam fresh ones on the stove.

For easy fruits at lunch, include whole fresh fruits, such as apples, bananas, pears or oranges. For dinner, add grapes, berries or fruit cups. To save money, buy fresh produce in season, and check for sales.

Animal protein sources include beef, pork, poultry, fish and eggs. A healthful meat portion is 3 ounces, which is about the size of a deck of cards. If that's smaller than what you currently eat, cut back gradually, while increasing your produce portions.

Nonmeat sources of protein include peanut butter, soy products, dried beans and peas, and tofu. Try the Lentil Chili recipe, which marries meat and nonmeat protein sources. The lentils provide an excellent source of fiber, too.

Try a little stealth nutrition by using white wheat bread for sandwiches, or hiding the whole-grain pasta under the red spaghetti sauce. Or mix the white rice or pasta with their brown varieties, and gradually increase the ratio until you're eating the whole grains most of the time.

After the holidays, many people went to the gym to get in shape. Why not use March as a time to get your plate in shape? Start by making one new change at meals each day.

Lentil Chili

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Practical Nutrition: For a healthier you, get your plate in shape

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