NUTRITION MATTERS: Get creative with a healthy lunchbox

YOU probably know by now the importance of balanced nutrition and making informed food choices on the path to improving your health. One major obstacle in your daily diet, however, is eating poor lunches at work. A lack of time, group pressure and deadlines cause many people to resort to eating unhealthy fast foods or munching a boring homemade sandwich.

One way of offsetting that is with a nutritionally creative lunchbox.

Healthy eating does not happen in a vacuum. It requires good planning of meals followed by purposeful shopping.

Lunch is the second most important meal after breakfast, as it is essential in generating your energy levels through regulating your blood glucose levels throughout the day. This improves your performance and has a positive effect on appetite and weight control.

A nutritionally balanced lunch not only avoids the need for inappropriate snacking late in the afternoon but also helps you enjoy a lighter dinner.

Packed with fibre, anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, a nutritionally balanced lunch consists of the following food items:

1. The right kind of protein

That means low-fat protein foods rich in omega-3 fat, such as low-fat or fat-free yoghurt, white fish, fatty fish (peppered mackerel, sardines, pilchards, salmon or tuna) low -fat cheese, chicken (without the skin), soya beans, tofu and lean cold meats (pastrami, roast beef or ham).

2. The right kind of carbohydrates

That means whole-grain, high-fibre, low-GI starches such as wild or brown rice, bulgur wheat, quinoa, stampkoring, canned chickpeas, lentils and beans, as well as wholewheat crackers and heavy seed breads.

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NUTRITION MATTERS: Get creative with a healthy lunchbox

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