Gemma Dawson 2011 ANB Fitness Model Championships – Fitness Model U30 – Video

Gemma Dawson 2011 ANB Fitness Model Championships - Fitness Model U30
Presented by Natural Bodz Magazine, Powerzone Nutrition,Bodchua Cosmeceuticals I went to Queensland to compete in a Fitness Model Competition, to have a holiday (Gold Coast who wouldnt), to catch up with friends. I came away with so many good memories, connections and experiences that will stay with me forever. I returned in 2012 and place in the top 5 in the Open Model Tall Division (4th). As I love the championships so much, I will be there again in 2013. Please continue to follow my passions whether they be fitness, fun, work, life, love Email Blog I LOVE TRAINING and will continue to get improve with everyday that passes All registration and event details http://www.anbasiapacific.comFrom:Gemma DawsonViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:36More inSports

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Gemma Dawson 2011 ANB Fitness Model Championships - Fitness Model U30 - Video

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