Eating Out: Conference offers nutrition experts a full plate of new ideas

Nobodys perfect, and thats especially true when it comes to eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.

All these years and we still know that balance, variety and moderation are the keys to good nutrition, and that includes enjoying occasional splurges, said dietitian Jill Melton, editor of Relish Magazine.

Melton and more than 8,000 other nutrition experts gathered at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2012 Food & Nutrition Conference in Philadelphia to learn the latest research and sample the best new healthy food products.

Heres a taste of what they learned:

Whats on your plate?

The U.S. Department of Agricultures nutrition icon, MyPlate, which has replaced the food pyramid, is receiving rave reviews from dietitians.

Its an easy visual. People easily see that half their plate should be fruits and vegetables whether theyre eating at home or at a restaurant, said dietitian Roberta Duyff, the author of The Complete Food and Nutrition Guide.

Dr. Robert Post, deputy director of the USDAs Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, said MyPlates meal planning tool called SuperTracker will soon allow users to include their favorite foods to calculations.

If you have your own version of a turkey avocado sandwich, Post said, you can create it with SuperTracker and save it in your profile.

Write it if you bite it.

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Eating Out: Conference offers nutrition experts a full plate of new ideas

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