A Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer's Disease – Video

18-10-2011 17:49 A presentation by Steve Blake, Sc.D.. Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Care for its victims costs more than the expense of heart disease and cancer combined. This class and slide show is based on the latest scientific research from leading journals worldwide. Find out which two nutrients are crucial for lowering the buildup of amyloid plaques. You will learn how to lower your risk by increasing your intake of antioxidant fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Lowering saturated fats in the diet can result in better blood flow to the brain. See studies that show which supplements and medical plants have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk and progression of this common dementia. Dr. Blake has just returned from presenting this information about Alzheimer's disease to teaching hospitals on the East Coast. Steve Blake has a doctorate in holistic health and a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. His area of interest is nutritional biochemistry. He offers classes at the University of Hawaii VITEC program. Dr. Blake is the author of the 2008 McGraw Hill college textbook Vitamins and Minerals Demystified. He has just completed writing Understanding Dietary Fats and Oils: A Scientific Guide to their Health Effects. He is also the author of Healing Medicine. He has a huge database on medicinal plant use around the world. Dr. Blake programmed the Diet Doctor 2011, software for graphing dietary nutrients. He is often heard on radio and ...

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A Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer's Disease - Video

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