Microbiology Class Wins SWI, CDC Contest – NC State News

When the the Small World Initiative and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encouraged students to do something about the antibiotics crisis at the CDCs ninth annual Get Smart About Antibiotics Week, NC State professor Alice Lees Microbiology 360 class answered the call.

It was one of 14 groups from colleges across the country to enter the challenge last November, in association with global activities from the World Health Organization, the European Union, the Pan-American Health Organizations and similar groups in Canada and Australia.

Lees Inquiry in Microbiology: Crowdsourcing Antibiotics course took first place in the challenge. TheCDC commented that the classs entry had excellent depth and reach of impact. They believed the students did a great job recording their impact, which is one of the most important things they do in public health.

The winning class members include:

The class will receive a special tour of the CDC and the CDC museum in Atlanta. They will also receive a mentoring session with Lauri Hicks, a medical epidemiologist and director ofthe CDCs office of antibiotic stewardship. Her expertise is in bacterial respiratory diseases, outbreak investigations and antibiotic resistance and use.

Awinner profilewas posted and their outreach efforts can be seen in thisyoutubevideo.

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Microbiology Class Wins SWI, CDC Contest - NC State News

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