ANSI Seeks Organizations to Take Part in International Standards Development Work on Microbiology

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ANSI Seeks Organizations to Take Part in International Standards Development Work on Microbiology New York September 30, 2013

All U.S. stakeholder organizations in relevant fields and industries are strongly encouraged to get involved and help influence the development of standards in this important field. Participants will have the opportunity to assist with the development of international standards on food-related microbiology that will have a significant impact on both food and animal feeds.

ISO TC 34/SC 9 is responsible for the development of International Standards on topics connected to food-related microbiology. The subcommittee is actively at work on standards, including recently approved efforts to begin development of standards on microbiological methods for the detection of Salmonella and Bacillus cereus emetic toxin in food and animal feeds, among other projects. The U.S. TAG to TC 34/SC 9 is responsible for advising ANSI on voting positions relevant to proposed and in-development standards, and carrying out detailed discussions related to these documents.

As the U.S. member body to ISO, ANSI accredits U.S. TAGs to develop and transmit U.S. positions on ISO technical activities. ANSI currently serves as the U.S. TAG Administrator to TC 34/SC 9, with financial and technical support from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Organizations interested in joining the TAG or seeking to obtain additional information about TC 34/SC 9, the U.S. TAG, and related activities should email Additional information will be provided to all those who notify ANSI that they are interested in participating on the U.S. TAG.

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ANSI Seeks Organizations to Take Part in International Standards Development Work on Microbiology

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