Acer Team Unlimited Susan interviewed by Clair Levander 4BC Gardening Program.wmv – Video

Acer Team Unlimited Susan interviewed by Clair Levander 4BC Gardening Program.wmv
Susan #39;s on a quest with her new Acer AspireS7 laptop, as 1 of 5 finalists, to have her dream project win $25000 to make it HAPPEN! Support her organic gardening, learning about life cycles and microbiology 4 science dream to develop Apps for children and school gardening programs. VOTE for a climate change-free future with more humus in soils and nutritionally dense, organic foods. Follow @susan_acer_tu and OR

By: Susan McKinnon

Excerpt from:
Acer Team Unlimited Susan interviewed by Clair Levander 4BC Gardening Program.wmv - Video

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