Why go to Mars when you can telecommute there instead? | Popular … – Popular Science

Every few weeks, a telepresence robot rolls by my desk. Its usually a co-worker in a distant office on her way to a meeting, or checking in on the progress of physical things in the office from the comfort of her home.

At first, it was surprising to hear the whir of a robot and see a smiling face roll by. But now, its normal. Over the past 40 years, telepresence technologies have gone from being complicated, huge, or non-existent to being so ubiquitous and powerful that theyre used everywhere from operating rooms to your phone.

So, why not send them to space?

Thats the argument put forward in an article published today in Science Robotics. As people discuss the best ways to explore other planets, some wonder if its even necessary to send people to the groundwhy not just send a robot avatar instead, and basically Skype with Mars?

Dan Lester, one of the authors of the paper, says that this is one idea whose time has finally come. Lester has been a proponent of the notion for years, helping to organize scientific meetings on the subject, bringing together planetary scientists, robotics, and telepresence experts in the same space. A longer report based on those meetings will be released towards the end of this summer.

Technologically weve only just achieved the capability to do this kind of thing, Lester says. Forty years ago we simply didnt have these capabilities that we have right now.

NASA specialists already control the Mars rovers using a kind of telepresence, but the distance between here and Mars is so great that even the most basic motions have to be done incrementally. A new systemwhich would see humans sent into orbit above the planet theyre robotically exploringwould have next to no lag time, enabling quick human-like actions on the surface without needing humans to actually land.

The basic idea is this: robots capable of moving around (and of moving things around) with dexterity would be sent to the surface of a planet like Mars or Venus. A human crew would be sent into orbit around the planet to cut down on the delayor latency, as its known. The crew would remotely control the robots on the surface, putting them through their paces and exploring the planet in real time, able to react swiftly if something unexpected pops up.

It's really a different way of looking at space exploration, Lester says. To many people, the word exploration depends on things like danger, risk, courage, and heroism, and if you dont have those things youre not really exploring.

But Lester points out that if the goal of exploration is not creating legends, but gaining knowledge about a place, then telepresence might be an easier, more efficient way to do it.

But why send humans all the way to the planet without touching down? Cutting out that final contact actually saves a lot of hassle. With humans in orbit around a planet instead of on the surface, shelter wouldnt be as much of a problem. After all, weve sent people to spend a year in space orbiting Earth. By contrast, we havent sent people to the surface of another solar system body for more than a few days. Of course, a well-supplied ship capable of withstanding the rigors of a long journey (radiation storms, lack of gravity, limited resources) would be required, but we wouldn't need to worry about also hauling the materials it would take to keep a human alive on the surface. And with no people landing on the planet, a dramatic Mark Watney-style stranding/rescue also becomes less of a possibility.

Were putting human perception and activity where it's hard to put people, Lester says. While Mars is our current focus for human exploration, telepresence could expand our horizons to more hostile and unreachable worlds like Venus, or Europa, where exploring the surface would pose even more safety problems than we'd face on Mars. We could send astronauts into orbit around Venus, or go scuba diving with submarine vehicles in the methane lakes of Titan, no sweat, Lester says.

In addition to being hardier than humans, the robots in question have also improved in recent years. If a surgeon can use a camera and small remote controlled tools to remove an appendix in laparoscopic surgery, its not too much of a jump to think that a robot on Mars could drill into a rock with ease. And other fields, including oceanography, are already sending telepresence robots into the field.

That's not to say that we'll never set foot on another planet. Im not saying that we shouldnt send people, Lester says. If the goal is human colonization of other worlds, Lester agrees that humans are definitely needed. But even there, human telepresence could be a boon, helping set up vital infrastructure before the first colonists land.

Pulling together the technologies that exist into a working and otherworld-ready prototype is one challenge, and making sure that humans can safely operate the tech from space is another. Lester isnt sure how much it would cost or how long it would take for full telepresence to take off. So, it might be a while before astronauts blast off to orbit another planet to drive robots around from the relative comfort of a space habitat. But someday, it might be as normal as a robot driving by your desk.

The rest is here:

Why go to Mars when you can telecommute there instead? | Popular ... - Popular Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson is making an educational video game about space exploration – New York Daily News


Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 2:16 PM

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is lending his increasingly famous name, and his expertise, towards the creation of a space video game that will be part mind-blowing adventure and part lecture hall.

The "awe-inspiring" game, Space Odyssey, based on real physics, real science, will deal with both exploration and colonization with Neil deGrasse Tyson's voice as your guide on various science-based missions.

It gives the gamer the ability to make planets, solar systems and even life. The built-in missions of the game will challenge players to figure out problems and explore while learning actual science.

"Develop planets, colonize worlds, nurture species, mine elements, build robots and discover unique life-forms as you coordinate with others in an intense game of real-time strategy," the Kickstarter for the project says.

DeGrasse Tyson: Blame education for B.o.B's flat-Earth ideas

Based on real-life plans to one day explore further, players begin their "Space Odyssey" journey on Proxima B the closest known planet to Earth outside of our solar system, about four light years away.

Solo gamers or those playing online with friends on a Mac or a P.C. will then learn science-based physics, biology and chemistry while developing an outpost and colony on this planet and advancing the human race in space.

The companies behind the creation of the game, Big Red Button and Space Media Ventures, combine VR (virtual reality) technology with the visions of producers and comic creators who previously worked on other projects like "God of War 3" and the X-Men game, "Wolverine." Tyson will largely consult on the science within the game, ensuring its authenticity.

"I have no patience for people who say, 'I don't want the laws of physics to constrain me,'" Tyson said at a recent E3 video game convention in Los Angeles.

Neil deGrasse Tyson take all the fun out of Star Wars'

The Kickstarter for the project has a goal of $314,159 that its hoping to reach by July 29 it's currently about a third of the way there.

Space Odysseys fundraising site invites gamers and fans to invest in its creation so they can then help "build the game suggest ideas, ask questions and participate in (its) development.

The game is hoping to launch in January 2019.

Read this article:

Neil deGrasse Tyson is making an educational video game about space exploration - New York Daily News

Why the next space explorers could be autonomous robots – Sacramento Bee

Sacramento Bee
Why the next space explorers could be autonomous robots
Sacramento Bee
AI-controlled missions could boost space exploration because communications between spacecraft or instruments and Earth are limited by the speed of light. The further away you send your message, the longer it takes to arrive and receive a signal back.

and more »

See the original post here:

Why the next space explorers could be autonomous robots - Sacramento Bee

New virtual approach to science in space – Arizona State University

June 21, 2017

When Apollo astronauts on the moon spoke with Mission Control on Earth, there was a noticeable time gap between a statement from Tranquility Base and its immediate acknowledgment from Houston. The gap lasted almost three seconds, or 10 times longer than human reaction times would account for.

What was happening? The answer is simple: space. The moon orbits far enough from Earth that light (and radio) take 1.3 seconds each way to travel the distance. At exploration targets farther away, the delay increases; for exploring Mars, signals take between 5 and 40minutes, depending on the varying distance between the two planets.

"During the Apollo missions, the astronauts were making scientific observations and relaying what they saw back to scientists on Earth. Both were collaborating on decisions about observations and which samples to collect and bring back to Earth to yield the most scientific value," said Kip Hodges, Foundation Professor in ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration.

"This worked reasonably well for lunar explorations, but the time delay is likely to dramatically reduce the quality and scientific value of such collaborations in exploring faraway places like Mars."

So far, Hodges notes, fieldwork is being done remotely on Mars by scientists on Earth using robotic tools such as the Curiosity rover. But it's slow.

"Even though signals commanding observations and measurements take only minutes or tens of minutes to reach Mars, a single research activity on Mars, from command to data return, can take a day or more," he said.

In the June 21 issue of the journal Science Robotics, Hodges and collaborators Dan Lester at Exinetics and Robert Anderson of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratorysuggesta new approach to scientific exploration that they call exploration telepresence.

"To the extent that much scientific research is a process where awareness drives action," the authors say, "the communications delay between humans on Earth and planetary exploration sites is limiting."

The ideal is to keep these delays, or "latencies," within the length of human reaction times. One approach is to have the astronaut scientists working directly on the surface of a planet. But landing humans and keeping them safe is an expensive and dangerous strategy.

A safer and less expensive approach, according to the authors, may be exploration science using telepresence, a strategy widely used on Earth now for activities as delicate and demanding as surgery.

"Telepresence means humans operating robotic systems from a distance close enough where the delay between human action and the robotic response is a fraction of a second," Hodges explained.

For Mars research, astronauts might go to Mars orbit, but not to the surface. From orbit, the communications travel time would be such that an astronaut/scientist could work with a robotic surrogate, experiencing the surface environment virtually, and doing scientific investigations as if she or he were on the ground.

Moreover, humans in Mars orbit could control instruments in real time at many different sites across the planet. And by preventing contamination of Mars with terrestrial biology, exploration telepresence from orbit also offers advantages overin situhuman explorers.

While the authors add that scientific research by humans working directly on the other planetary surfaces is the ultimate goal, exploration telepresence could be an important next step.

Today we do good science on Mars using long time-delay telerobotics, but we could do much better science much more quickly with humans on the surface, Hodges said. Exploration telepresence would be a reasonable compromise until that day comes."

Moreover, he said, "There are important targets for scientific exploration for which we currently don't have the technology to land humans safely. Exploration telepresence could greatly expand the number of destinations where humans can do great science."

Top photo:When scientists control Mars rover Curiosity, the turnaround time from deciding to examine a rock to getting the raw data back from the rover is one day at a minimum, due to the time delay for sending a command and getting a reply from the rover. But astronaut-scientists in Mars orbit could one day control, in real time, telerobotic landers, rovers and other surrogates all over the Martian surface. Image by NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Continued here:

New virtual approach to science in space - Arizona State University

Ocean Exploration and the Quest to Inspire the Public – HuffPost

Both space and ocean exploration can boast world firsts, extreme risks, unknown challenges, and mind-boggling discoveries that captivate our imagination and advance our understanding of our world and, fundamentally, of ourselves. So why does space exploration and research capture our collective attention and imagination more than ocean exploration and research?

The answer to this question has remained elusive for ocean professionals and enthusiasts alike. A case can be made that until the mid-20th century the oceans held an equal, if not a greater, fascination for the general public as compared to space. What changed? A frequently given reason for this shift in public interest is the 20th century space race, which triggered greater funding for space exploration and resulted in greater outreach. Added to this, space is generally considered to be more exciting and more visible; people need simply to look up into the night sky and see billions of stars and imagine the vast possibilities. Conversely, the oceans remain psychologically distant from the human mind (e.g. Schuldt et al., 2016), only directly visible to those who live along or visit a coast; even then, most people just see the sea surface the wonders that lie beneath remain hidden. But are these the only reasons?

For decades, the ocean community has worked to engage the public in ocean issues by, for example: highlighting the potential solutions for food security or pharmaceutical discoveries; raising the alarm over the damage we are causing and the long-term consequences to our own livelihoods; and making it more relatable by emphasizing the human connection. Some progress has been made but the fact still remains that space, although inaccessible for the majority, is more appealing to the general public than the oceans. Consequently, given the magnitude of discoveries waiting to be made, ocean exploration and research are generally underfunded. This can clearly be seen through a number of metrics including social media, which can be used as a proxy for the level of interest by the public. For example, search engines show at least four times as many hits on space exploration versus ocean exploration (e.g. Schubel, 2016) at any given time.

Lets take a deeper look at how weaving the human element into a narrative makes the story more appealing and relatable for people. In November 2011, NASA launched the Mars Curiosity Rover, a mission that successfully landed a robot 54.6 million kilometers from Earth, on Mars, in August 2012. This phenomenal achievement made front-page news globally and, with each new finding, continued to generate massive global interest. At approximately the same time, in March 2012, Mr. James Cameron, one of the worlds best known movie directors, personally embarked on an extremely dangerous mission to the bottom of the Mariana Trench (~11 kilometers deep and ~300 kilometers from the nearest land). As the third person in human history to do this (Mr. Jacques Piccard and Capt. Don Walsh made this journey for the first time in 1960), it was an incredible testament to human achievement. In one example, we have a robot on a daring mission of exploration and discovery. In the other example, we have a very famous person on a daring mission of exploration and discovery. Both showcase the sense of adventure and human achievement. Yet the epic journey by Mr. Cameron is not as well-known (a Google search shows 251,000 hits for James Cameron reached Mariana Trench) compared to the Mars Curiosity journey (a Google search shows 446,000 hits for Mars Curiosity Rover landed). Clearly, the ingredients for a compelling and memorable story are more complex than the human element alone.

The $7 million Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE is a three-year global competition challenging teams to develop deep-sea robots that will allow us to fully explore a new planet our own planet. The Ocean Discovery XPRIZE has many goals in common with space exploration, and thus it provides us with an opportunity to look into and revisit how we talk about ocean exploration, discoveries, and research and adapt lessons learned from space communications. To begin to address this, a first step is to look at how space stories are portrayed in the general media versus how ocean stories are portrayed. There are a number of clearly identifiable differences:

As an ocean community, we should continue to talk about the importance of issues such as conservation and protection, but to reach a broader audience there are lessons we can learn from the space community. We should take these to heart and turn the tide on ocean communication. And perhaps, as space becomes more commercialized and easier to access, the space community can take lessons from the recent experiences of the ocean community. By inspiring the public we shape public perception, which in turn influences policymakers and, more practically, changes funding levels. We need to embark on a Quest to Inspire the Public about the oceans for the sake of everyone.

This post originally appeared in Marine Technology News online.

Dr. Jyotika Virmani is Senior Director for Planet & Environment at XPRIZE and prize lead for the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. Dr. Virmani has over a decade of professional experience in oceanography. She has a Ph.D. in physical oceanography.

Schubel, J. R., 2016, Positioning Ocean Exploration in a Chaotic Sea of Changing Media. National Ocean Exploration Forum, October 20-21, 2016

Schuldt, J. P., K. A. McComas, and S. E. Byrne. 2016, Communicating about Ocean Health: Theoretical and Practical Considerations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150214. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2015.0214

Tversky, A., and D. Kahneman, 1981, The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice. Science, 211(4481): 453-458. doi: 10.1126/science.7455683

Weiss R. K., and A. Cochrane, 2010, Days of Future Past: Film Visions of Space Exploration, Commercialization and Tourism. IAC-10.E5.3

Both space and ocean exploration can boast world firsts, extreme risks, unknown challenges, and mind-boggling discoveries that captivate our imagination and advance our understanding of our world and, fundamentally, of ourselves. So why does space exploration and research capture our collective attention and imagination more than ocean exploration and research?

The answer to this question has remained elusive for ocean professionals and enthusiasts alike. A case can be made that until the mid-20th century the oceans held an equal, if not a greater, fascination for the general public as compared to space. What changed? A frequently given reason for this shift in public interest is the 20th century space race, which triggered greater funding for space exploration and resulted in greater outreach. Added to this, space is generally considered to be more exciting and more visible; people need simply to look up into the night sky and see billions of stars and imagine the vast possibilities. Conversely, the oceans remain psychologically distant from the human mind (e.g. Schuldt et al., 2016), only directly visible to those who live along or visit a coast; even then, most people just see the sea surface the wonders that lie beneath remain hidden. But are these the only reasons?

For decades, the ocean community has worked to engage the public in ocean issues by, for example: highlighting the potential solutions for food security or pharmaceutical discoveries; raising the alarm over the damage we are causing and the long-term consequences to our own livelihoods; and making it more relatable by emphasizing the human connection. Some progress has been made but the fact still remains that space, although inaccessible for the majority, is more appealing to the general public than the oceans. Consequently, given the magnitude of discoveries waiting to be made, ocean exploration and research are generally underfunded. This can clearly be seen through a number of metrics including social media, which can be used as a proxy for the level of interest by the public. For example, search engines show at least four times as many hits on space exploration versus ocean exploration (e.g. Schubel, 2016) at any given time.

Lets take a deeper look at how weaving the human element into a narrative makes the story more appealing and relatable for people. In November 2011, NASA launched the Mars Curiosity Rover, a mission that successfully landed a robot 54.6 million kilometers from Earth, on Mars, in August 2012. This phenomenal achievement made front-page news globally and, with each new finding, continued to generate massive global interest. At approximately the same time, in March 2012, Mr. James Cameron, one of the worlds best known movie directors, personally embarked on an extremely dangerous mission to the bottom of the Mariana Trench (~11 kilometers deep and ~300 kilometers from the nearest land). As the third person in human history to do this (Mr. Jacques Piccard and Capt. Don Walsh made this journey for the first time in 1960), it was an incredible testament to human achievement. In one example, we have a robot on a daring mission of exploration and discovery. In the other example, we have a very famous person on a daring mission of exploration and discovery. Both showcase the sense of adventure and human achievement. Yet the epic journey by Mr. Cameron is not as well-known (a Google search shows 251,000 hits for James Cameron reached Mariana Trench) compared to the Mars Curiosity journey (a Google search shows 446,000 hits for Mars Curiosity Rover landed). Clearly, the ingredients for a compelling and memorable story are more complex than the human element alone.

The $7 million Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE is a three-year global competition challenging teams to develop deep-sea robots that will allow us to fully explore a new planet our own planet. The Ocean Discovery XPRIZE has many goals in common with space exploration, and thus it provides us with an opportunity to look into and revisit how we talk about ocean exploration, discoveries, and research and adapt lessons learned from space communications. To begin to address this, a first step is to look at how space stories are portrayed in the general media versus how ocean stories are portrayed. There are a number of clearly identifiable differences:

As an ocean community, we should continue to talk about the importance of issues such as conservation and protection, but to reach a broader audience there are lessons we can learn from the space community. We should take these to heart and turn the tide on ocean communication. And perhaps, as space becomes more commercialized and easier to access, the space community can take lessons from the recent experiences of the ocean community. By inspiring the public we shape public perception, which in turn influences policymakers and, more practically, changes funding levels. We need to embark on a Quest to Inspire the Public about the oceans for the sake of everyone.

This post originally appeared in Marine Technology News online.

Dr. Jyotika Virmani is Senior Director for Planet & Environment at XPRIZE and prize lead for the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. Dr. Virmani has over a decade of professional experience in oceanography. She has a Ph.D. in physical oceanography.

Schubel, J. R., 2016, Positioning Ocean Exploration in a Chaotic Sea of Changing Media. National Ocean Exploration Forum, October 20-21, 2016

Schuldt, J. P., K. A. McComas, and S. E. Byrne. 2016, Communicating about Ocean Health: Theoretical and Practical Considerations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150214. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2015.0214

Tversky, A., and D. Kahneman, 1981, The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice. Science, 211(4481): 453-458. doi: 10.1126/science.7455683

Weiss R. K., and A. Cochrane, 2010, Days of Future Past: Film Visions of Space Exploration, Commercialization and Tourism. IAC-10.E5.3

The Morning Email

Wake up to the day's most important news.

Read the original here:

Ocean Exploration and the Quest to Inspire the Public - HuffPost

Neil deGrasse Tyson is creating a ‘Space Odyssey’ video game … – ScienceAlert

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is making a video game about space exploration.

Or trying to, anyway - theKickstarter for the projectwent live on June 13 and runs through July 29. At the time of writing, they have raised US$100,121 of the US$314,159 goal (get it?).

The game, called Space Odyssey, would "allow players to travel through the cosmos to scientifically accurate planets, moons and exoplanets based in real science," according to a press release emailed to Business Insider.

Tyson's basic concept seems to be a captivating interactive experience that still follows scientific principles.

"I have no patience for people who say, 'I don't want the laws of physics to constrain me,'" Tysonsaid while discussing the gameat the video game E3 convention in Los Angeles this week.

Space Odyssey

On the Kickstarter page, the team behind the game promises a long list of potential activities: "Develop planets, colonise worlds, nurture species, mine elements, build robots, and discover unique life-forms as you coordinate with others in an intense game of real-time strategy."

Players would supposedly begin by exploring Proxima B, the closest known exoplanet to our own solar system, just over 4 light years away (there arereal-life plans to try to send mini-spacecraftthere).

After exploring the surface of that planet and learning how the science-based physics systems work (with Tyson as your guide), players would be ready to start the main event.

Beginning at a space station, they'd create and terraform a home planet and system, taking into account real aspects of biology and chemistry. That system can include be colonies and outposts - and you can play solo or with friends.

Players would also need to protect their systems from threats, including environmental disaster, space objects, climate change, disease, and the changes brought about by evolution and whatever else may happen to a planet.

Luckily, a digital assistant with Tyson's soothing voice would guide you through all of this.

Players would also be able to design a spacecraft to explore galaxies created by friends or "prominent scientists and fictional world-builders like Tyson, Bill Nye, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, and Peter Beagle," according to the Kickstarter.

Plus, there would be bonus virtual reality (VR) missions, playable on an Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear, according to a fact sheet for the game.

The company behind the game is called Space Media Ventures. The team includes producers who have worked in games, movies, and VR; the comics creator behind Wolverine; and artists who have worked on games like God of War 3.

Tyson's role seems to be largely inspiration and helping ensure that the game stays true to real science.

Mark Murphy, a co-creator of the game and creative director at Space Media Ventures,told Digital Trendsthat Tyson "helped create challenges in the game, and has challenged our creative team to entertain and inspire. He has also brought forward some incredible collaborators to our efforts, an incredible team of scientists, astronauts and explorers."

An ambitious undertaking

Space Odyssey seems to involve building activity similar to Minecraft, space colonisation akin to that in Civilisation: Beyond Earth, elements of exploration like No Man's Sky, and echoes ofElon Musk's favouriterocket-building simulator, Kerbal Space Program. Plus a whole lot of real (and really cool) science.

That's ambitious, especially since the anticipated launch date of Space Odyssey is January 2019.

With all that to design, the Kickstarter funding seems unlikely to be sufficient for the project. But a secondary purpose of the Kickstarter may be to encourage community members to interact with and and influence the game.

"[W]e do have other funding sources for the game; those sources are not contingent on the crowdfund. For us this is a committed community build, we want the people who will be playing our game to have the opportunity to engage while the build is underway," Murphy told Business Insider.

"We are committed to providing an enhanced physics experience which we call experiential physics that will elevate game play regarding modding, mapping and building and expressed action. I think it's fair to say our budget exceeds our community raise goal."

It's hard to say whether everything will really come together by January 2019, but whenever the game gets released, we're excited to play - and learn while doing so.

This article was originally published by Business Insider.

More from Business Insider:

See original here:

Neil deGrasse Tyson is creating a 'Space Odyssey' video game ... - ScienceAlert

Stratasys FDM 3D Printing Supports German Space Exploration Mission to Mars – Business Wire (press release)

MINNEAPOLIS & REHOVOT, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq:SSYS), the 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions company, today announced that the German Aerospace Centre (Das Deutsche Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.) is using Stratasys FDM 3D printing for the production of a fully-working prototype of TransRoPorter (TRP).

TransRoPorter, built at the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics (Institut fr Robotik und Mechatronik), is an exploration robot designed for unmanned flights to Mars and set for launch in four to five years. To successfully explore Mars with a robot, design and functionality are key factors to meeting the objectives of the mission. Using a Stratasys Fortus 900mc Production 3D Printer, the research team 3D printed a working prototype, significantly reducing production times compared to traditional methods. This enables the team to test the design and functionality of the robot under simulated extreme conditions ahead of time.

Dr. Kaj Fuehrer, Head of System Building Technology South (Leiter Systemhaus Technik Sd), is developing and testing the 3D printed robot prototype together with his colleagues Dr. Stefano Seriani und Dr. Armin Wedler. The TransRoPorter is made from two components: the moveable TRP Rover-Unit, made to navigate in unstructured terrain, and the Payload-Module (PM), which carries spare parts, communication technology and scientific tools. To ensure functionality and practicality of the 3D printed prototype, rigorous testing is required.

Fast production

In developing the TransRoPorter prototype, it is essential for the part to fit the design, be customized to exact specifications and have specific material properties. For us it was clear, a prototype made out of metal was too expensive and complex in production, explains Dr. Fuehrer. Therefore the team decided on a 3D printed prototype, which is not only produced faster than the alternative out of metal, but also with less associated costs. The metal alternative also needs to be finished post-production more work with additional costs.

In the planning of this project, we always preferred 3D printing technology, he continues. It became evident to us that using 3D printing for the production of the TransRoPorter was truly the least expensive, fastest and most elegant solution. Everyone involved in the project is delighted with the outcome.

Optimizing functionality

In addition to the time and cost savings, the functionality of the prototype was critical to Dr. Fuehrer and his team. Our prototypes are often very complex and typically push the boundaries of what is possible, says Dr. Fuehrer. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate production method and material, so that we can achieve the desired functionality without any limitations.

Using the Stratasys Fortus900mc Production 3D Printer, the research team are 3D printing large parts in FDM thermoplastic materials. According to Dr. Fuehrer, the ASA material was ideally suited for testing the TransRoPorter prototype, enabling the team to produce a strong enough Box to contain all the technology safely within.

It was extremely important that the fit was right, that the box could be mounted to the tracks and the docking port worked, he explains. Utilizing Stratasys FDM 3D printing technology, we found that the material basically has no distortion. The decision for ASA material was consciously made, as it is ideal for our purposes and handling.

Stefano Seriani adds: The stability of the ASA material also played a large role for us. We needed a fully functional prototype that could perform in all tests and withstand the strain of the design. The tough and rigid properties of the Stratasys material were therefore an ideal fit to test the TransRoPorters functionality for its journey to Mars.

Gaining valuable knowledge

According to Dr. Fuehrer, 3D printing also supports other strategic goals. A new technology leads to new thought processes. Over the past few years, many colleagues are already thinking in 3D and are involving additive manufacturing into plans for other projects they are starting with. This new knowledge has opened them up to a new set of possibilities within product development.

Andy Middleton, President Stratasys EMEA, concludes: We are proud to support the German Aerospace Centre (Das Deutsche Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt) in achieving its mission to Mars. The project is a prime example of how our FDM 3D printing technology and materials can enable designs to be tested quickly in extreme conditions, particularly important in aerospace where complex geometries are required and each part needs to be qualified. We look forward to seeing how additive manufacturing will be adopted further along the development of the TransRoPorter.

For additional news and images, please visit the Stratasys newsroom.

About Stratasys

For nearly 30 years, Stratasys Ltd. (NASDAQ:SSYS) has been a defining force in 3D printing and additive manufacturing, shaping the way things are made. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Rehovot, Israel, the company empowers customers across vertical markets, including Aerospace, Automotive, Healthcare, Education, and Consumer Products, by enabling new approaches for design and manufacturing. Stratasys solutions offer design freedom and manufacturing flexibility, reducing time-to-market and lowering development costs, while improving products and communication. Subsidiaries include MakerBot, Solidscape, and Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, which offers 3D printed parts on demand. The company also offers Expert Services in North America, and the Thingiverse and GrabCAD communities, with over 4 millionfree, 3D printable design files. Stratasys has 1,200 granted or pending additive manufacturing patents and has received more than 30 technology and leadership awards. Online at: http://www.stratasys.com or http://blog.stratasys.com/. Follow us on LinkedIn.

Stratasysand FDM are registered trademarks, and theStratasyssignet is a trademark ofStratasys Ltd.and or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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See the original post:

Stratasys FDM 3D Printing Supports German Space Exploration Mission to Mars - Business Wire (press release)

Stephen Hawking Says Space Exploration Will Elevate Humanity – Immortal News





Renowned theoretical physicist and professor Stephen Hawking has encouraged the worlds biggest nations to send astronauts to the moon by 2020.

In addition, there should be a lunar base in 30 years, and people should be able to make it to the Mars to live on the Red Planet by 2025, the BBC reports. Hawking said that the aims now should be to restore space programs, create new alliances and provide humanity with a sense of purpose.

Hawking was speaking at the Starmus Festival, an event that celebrates science and the arts, being held in Trondheim, Norway. He said,

Spreading out into space will completely change the future of humanity.

He added, I hope it would unite competitive nations in a single goal, to face the common challenge for us all. A new and ambitious space program would excite (young people), and stimulate interest in other areas, such as astrophysics and cosmology.

Aside from discussing space travel, Hawking likewise addressed the issue of spending to solve problems on Earth instead of focusing on space, and delivered a sharp criticism of US President Donald Trump. He said, I am not denying the importance of fighting climate change and global warming, unlike Donald Trump, who may just have taken the most serious, and wrong, decision on climate change this world has seen.

Space travel and exploration is necessary to ensure the survival of humanity, Hawking said, precisely because of problems like climate change and dwindling natural resources. He explained, We are running out of space and the only places to go to are other worlds. It is time to explore other solar systems. Spreading out may be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans need to leave Earth.

There is no long-term future for humans on Earth, Hawking said. Either this planet will be hit by an asteroid, or the sun will eventually eat it. Travelling to other planets would elevate humanity, he said. Whenever we make a great new leap, such as the Moon landings, we bring people and nations together, usher in new discoveries, and new technologies.

He closed by saying, If humanity is to continue for another million years, our future lies in boldly going where no one else has gone before. I hope for the best. I have to. We have no other option.

Read the rest here:

Stephen Hawking Says Space Exploration Will Elevate Humanity - Immortal News

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Is Creating a ‘Space Odyssey’ Video Game About Space Exploration – ScienceAlert

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is making a video game about space exploration.

Or trying to, anyway - theKickstarter for the projectwent live on June 13 and runs through July 29. At the time of writing, they have raised US$100,121 of the US$314,159 goal (get it?).

The game, called Space Odyssey, would "allow players to travel through the cosmos to scientifically accurate planets, moons and exoplanets based in real science," according to a press release emailed to Business Insider.

Tyson's basic concept seems to be a captivating interactive experience that still follows scientific principles.

"I have no patience for people who say, 'I don't want the laws of physics to constrain me,'" Tysonsaid while discussing the gameat the video game E3 convention in Los Angeles this week.

Space Odyssey

On the Kickstarter page, the team behind the game promises a long list of potential activities: "Develop planets, colonise worlds, nurture species, mine elements, build robots, and discover unique life-forms as you coordinate with others in an intense game of real-time strategy."

Players would supposedly begin by exploring Proxima B, the closest known exoplanet to our own solar system, just over 4 light years away (there arereal-life plans to try to send mini-spacecraftthere).

After exploring the surface of that planet and learning how the science-based physics systems work (with Tyson as your guide), players would be ready to start the main event.

Beginning at a space station, they'd create and terraform a home planet and system, taking into account real aspects of biology and chemistry. That system can include be colonies and outposts - and you can play solo or with friends.

Players would also need to protect their systems from threats, including environmental disaster, space objects, climate change, disease, and the changes brought about by evolution and whatever else may happen to a planet.

Luckily, a digital assistant with Tyson's soothing voice would guide you through all of this.

Players would also be able to design a spacecraft to explore galaxies created by friends or "prominent scientists and fictional world-builders like Tyson, Bill Nye, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, and Peter Beagle," according to the Kickstarter.

Plus, there would be bonus virtual reality (VR) missions, playable on an Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear, according to a fact sheet for the game.

The company behind the game is called Space Media Ventures. The team includes producers who have worked in games, movies, and VR; the comics creator behind Wolverine; and artists who have worked on games like God of War 3.

Tyson's role seems to be largely inspiration and helping ensure that the game stays true to real science.

Mark Murphy, a co-creator of the game and creative director at Space Media Ventures,told Digital Trendsthat Tyson "helped create challenges in the game, and has challenged our creative team to entertain and inspire. He has also brought forward some incredible collaborators to our efforts, an incredible team of scientists, astronauts and explorers."

An ambitious undertaking

Space Odyssey seems to involve building activity similar to Minecraft, space colonisation akin to that in Civilisation: Beyond Earth, elements of exploration like No Man's Sky, and echoes ofElon Musk's favouriterocket-building simulator, Kerbal Space Program. Plus a whole lot of real (and really cool) science.

That's ambitious, especially since the anticipated launch date of Space Odyssey is January 2019.

With all that to design, the Kickstarter funding seems unlikely to be sufficient for the project. But a secondary purpose of the Kickstarter may be to encourage community members to interact with and and influence the game.

"[W]e do have other funding sources for the game; those sources are not contingent on the crowdfund. For us this is a committed community build, we want the people who will be playing our game to have the opportunity to engage while the build is underway," Murphy told Business Insider.

"We are committed to providing an enhanced physics experience which we call experiential physics that will elevate game play regarding modding, mapping and building and expressed action. I think it's fair to say our budget exceeds our community raise goal."

It's hard to say whether everything will really come together by January 2019, but whenever the game gets released, we're excited to play - and learn while doing so.

This article was originally published by Business Insider.

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson Is Creating a 'Space Odyssey' Video Game About Space Exploration - ScienceAlert

Donald Trump sees new opportunities for space exploration … – Washington Times


Bill Gates first noticed parallels between President John F. Kennedy and President-elect Donald Trump after speaking with the newly electd president: But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trumps] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation.

Indeed, there may be more to Mr. Gates JFK-space reference than just a metaphor.

The Cold War with Russia greeted JFK upon becoming president in 1961, including the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in his first 100 days. Currently, Donald Trump is experiencing real Cold War-style tensions with China, Russia and their client states.

Over the last decade North Korea has developed a nuclear weapon and ballistic missile capability that threatens its neighbors and (eventually) the U.S. Recalling obvious parallels with the 1960s, Robert Litwak (Woodrow Wilson International Center) and others call this a Cuban Missile Crisis in slow-motion.

In 1957 the shock of the century occurred when Russia unexpectedly launched the first artificial satellite (Sputnik) into orbit. The American publics firm belief in its national security and technological superiority was severely shaken. In 1962 Russia secretly placed nuclear missiles in Cuba that were aimed at the U.S. Miraculously World War III was avoided, but significantly, the Cuban Missile Crisis intensified bilateral competition in the 1960s space race. In an effort to lower tensions JFK proposed a joint U.S.-Russia mission to the Moon in his September 1963 speech to the United Nations.

Its challenging to identify potential 21st-century Sputnik moments. For example, in December 2013 China became the first nation in the 21st century to land a rover on the Moon. While it attracted some Cold War-style concern in the space community, there was no Sputnik-level arousal in the American public.

When China launched a spacecraft that flew around the Moon and then successfully soft-landed back in China on Nov. 1, 2014, the event was lost in the intense media coverage of the 2014 U.S. elections. In fact, including its growing space station, China was signaling its capability to send spacecraft and soon humans to the Moon at least, a mini-Sputnik moment, considering Chinas successful anti-satellite program.

For North Korea, the Sputnik moment and Cuban Missile Crisis analog may soon converge. But Mr. Trumps new relationship with China will hopefully encourage them to reduce nuclear tensions. By analogy with our 1960s Russia/Cuba experience, this could easily stimulate momentum toward the Moon either in competition with China or possibly ISS-style cooperation.

In any case, the water ice (billions of gallons) at the lunar poles is a strategic resource that can accelerate scientific, technological and commercial development of the Moon as well as Earth-Moon space. And as of now, it remains unclaimed.

Both JFK and Mr. Trump inherited slow economies. President Eisenhowers average annual growth over his term was 2.5 percent plus a very sluggish recovery from the 1958 recession, and President Obamas average was 2.0 percent per year, including the slowest recovery since World War II. JFKs bold solution was a dramatic tax-cut plan for both individuals and businesses: In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low, and the soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut rates now.

JFKs tax reform package worked; according to Larry Kudlow, The U.S. economy grew by roughly 5 percent yearly for nearly eight years. And Mr. Trump is following in JFKs economic footsteps.

Mr. Trumps charisma, vision, and style are reminiscent of JFK and he may be able to lead this generation to Mars and beyond. Indeed game-changing, 1960s-style decades (Maslow Windows) featuring major economic and technology booms, great human explorations, and geopolitical stress appear about twice per century back to Lewis and Clark.

They are often triggered by a Sputnik moment and a large economic boom, and powered by the societal ebullience it creates. Although definite signs of unusual optimism are visible in the markets, corporate profits, and numerous surveys, we may not know until later this year when they will expand into a transformative JFK-style boom.

Bruce Cordell was formerly with General Dynamics. He teaches Human Spaceflight at the University of Southern California.

Original post:

Donald Trump sees new opportunities for space exploration ... - Washington Times

Cosmosphere looks to future of space exploration with medical-focused camp – The Hutchinson News

Adam Stewart @hutchnewsadam

Astronaut Scott Kelly had to spend about a year aboard the Intenational Space Station for researchers to learn about the long-term effects of space flight on the human body.

About 10 teenagers learned some of those same lessons last week during the Cosmosphere's first-ever Space Rx camp.

Its so unique, and everybody in the industry is talking about the next big thing Mars, Mimi Meredith, vice president of development at the Cosmosphere said.

But sending astronauts to Mars, which at its closest is more than 100 times farther away than the moon, will require addressing the effects of long-term space flight on the human body. Meredith said that will require more than engineers and astronauts it will take nutritionists, physical therapists and all sorts of other medical professionals.

Tracey Tomme, Cosmosphere vice president for education, said the idea for Space Rx came around three years ago when someone told her about a non-space medical camp. Hutchinson Regional Medical Center and the Hutchinson Clinic both embraced the idea, she said. But the planned camp didnt see enough enrollees a year ago.

That changed this year, however. All of the campers signing up, coindentally, turned out to be girls.

In addition to trips to medical facilities to hear from doctors and other health care professionals, the group also got a cooking class at Apron Strings, focused on foods that would work well in weightlessness which includes avoiding foods that generate a lot of crumbs, Tomme said.

Camp counselor Savannah Kipfer, a University of Kansas aerospace engineering student, said she was surprised to learn how big the effects of prolonged spaceflight could be, including how much bone density could be lost.

Tomme credited Sandy Heisler and Kris Friesen for helping create the camp and find presenters, who included Jeremy Patterson, Dr. Ryan Amick, Dr. Michael Hagley, Mark Hall, Dr. Christopher Kain, Dr. Steve Marshall, Dr. Michael Schekall, Dan Jones, Denise Pounds, Katy Price and Kris Lehnhardt.

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Cosmosphere looks to future of space exploration with medical-focused camp - The Hutchinson News

Presidential Visions for Space Exploration: From Ike to Trump

By Mike Wall, Space.com Senior Writer | April 28, 2017 04:00pm ET

Credit: NASA

Kennedy's speech, which came just six weeks after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to reach outer space, had a huge impact on NASA and space exploration. It jump-started the agency's Apollo program, a full-bore race to the moon that succeeded on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong's boot crunched down into the gray lunar dirt.

Kennedy, of course, isn't the only leader who had a vision for the nation's space program. Since NASA's founding in 1958, every president from Eisenhower to Obama has left his mark. Take a look at how each U.S. commander-in-chief helped shape and steer American activities in space.

Editor's note: This slideshow was updated on April 28, 2017.

Credit: NASA

However, Eisenhower didn't get too swept up the short-term goals of the space race. He valued the measured development of unmanned, scientific missions that could have big commercial or military payoffs down the road.

For example, even before Sputnik, Eisenhower had authorized a ballistic missile and scientific satellite program to be developed as part of the International Geophysical Year project of 1957-58. The United States' first successful satellite, Explorer I, blasted off Jan. 31, 1958. By 1960, the nation had launched and retrieved film from a spy satellite called Discoverer 14.

Credit: NASA

The Soviets had launched Sputnik I in 1957, and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had become the first person in space on April 12, 1961, just six weeks before the speech. On top of those space race defeats, the U.S. plan to topple the Soviet-backed regime of Cuban leader Fidel Castro the so-called Bay of Pigs invasion had failed miserably in April 1961.

Kennedy and his advisers figured they needed a way to beat the Soviets, to re-establish American prestige and demonstrate the country's international leadership. So they came up with an ambitious plan to land an astronaut on the moon by the end of the 1960s, which Kennedy laid out in his speech.

The Apollo program roared to life as a result, and NASA embarked on a crash mission to put a man on the moon. The agency succeeded, of course, in 1969. By the end of Apollo in 1972, the United States had spent about $25 billion on the program well over $100 billion in today's dollars.

Credit: NASA

As Senate majority leader in the late 1950s, he had helped raise the alarm regarding Sputnik, stressing that the satellite launch had intiated a race for "control of space." Later, Kennedy put Johnson, his vice president, in personal charge of the nation's space program. When Johnson became commander-in-chief after Kennedy's assassination, he continued to support the goals of the Apollo program.

However, the high costs of Johnson's Great Society programs and the Vietnam War forced the president to cut NASA's budget. To avoid ceding control of space to the Soviets (as some historians have argued), his administration proposed a treaty that would outlaw nuclear weapons in space and bar national sovereignty over celestial objects.

The result was 1967's Outer Space Treaty (OST), which forms the basis of international space law to this day. The OST has been ratified by all of the major space-faring nations, including Russia and its forerunner, the Soviet Union.

Credit: NASA.

By the late 1960s, NASA managers had begun drawing up ambitious plans to set up a manned moon base by 1980 and to send astronauts to Mars by 1983. Nixon nixed these ideas, however. In 1972, he approved the development of the space shuttle, which would be NASA's workhorse space vehicle for three decades, starting in 1981.

Also in 1972, Nixon signed off on a five-year cooperative program between NASA and the Soviet space agency. This deal resulted in 1975's Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, a joint space mission between the two superpowers.

Credit: NASA

Ford also signed off on the creation of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in 1976. The OSTP advises the president about how science and technology may affect domestic and international affairs.

Credit: NASA

While Carter wanted to restrict the use of space weapons, he signed a 1978 directive that stressed the importance of space systems to national survival, as well as the administration's willingness to keep developing an antisatellite capability.

The 1978 document helped establish a key plank of American space policy: the right of self-defense in space. And it helped the United States military view space as an arena in which wars could be fought, not just a place to put hardware that could coordinate and enhance actions on the ground.

Credit: NASA

Consistent with his belief in the power of the free market, Reagan wanted to increase and streamline private-sector involvement in space. He issued a policy statement to that effect in 1982. And two years later, his administration set up the Office of Commercial Space Transportation, which to this day regulates commercial launch and re-entry operations.

Reagan also believed strongly in ramping up the nation's space-defense capabilities. In 1983, he proposed the ambitious Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which would have used a network of missiles and lasers in space and on the ground to protect the United States against nuclear ballistic missile attacks.

Many observers at the time viewed SDI as unrealistic, famously branding the program "Star Wars" to emphasize its supposed sci-fi nature. SDI was never fully developed or deployed, though pieces of it have helped pave the way for some current missile-defense technology and strategies.

Credit: NASA

Bush had big dreams for the American space program. On July 20, 1989 the 20th anniversary of the first manned moon landing he announced a bold plan called the Space Exploration Initiative. SEI called for the construction of a space station called Freedom, an eventual permanent presence on the moon and, by 2019, a manned mission to Mars.

These ambitious goals were estimated to cost at least $500 billion over the ensuing 20 to 30 years. Many in Congress balked at the high price tag, and the initiative was never implemented.

Credit: NASA

According to the policy, the United States' chief space goals going forward were to "enhance knowledge of the Earth, the solar system and the universe through human and robotic exploration" and to "strengthen and maintain the national security of the United States."

This latter sentiment was consistent with other space policy statements from previous administrations. However, some scholars argue that the 1996 document opened the door to the development of space weapons by the United States, though the policy states that any potential "control" actions would be "consistent with treaty obligations."

Credit: NASA

Bush also dramatically shaped NASA's direction and future, laying out a new Vision for Space Exploration in 2004. The Vision was a bold plan, calling for a manned return to the moon by 2020 to help prepare for future human trips to Mars and beyond. It also instructed NASA to complete the International Space Station and retire the space shuttle fleet by 2010.

To help achieve these goals, NASA embarked upon the Constellation program, which sought to develop a new crewed spacecraft called Orion, a lunar lander named Altair and two new rockets: the Ares I for manned missions and the Ares V for cargo. But it was not to be; Bush's successor, President Barack Obama, axed Constellation in 2010.

Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

A year later, Obama announced his administration's space policy, which represented a radical departure from the path NASA had been on. The new policy canceled George W. Bush's Constellation program, which the Augustine Commission had found to be significantly behind schedule and over budget. (Obama did support continued development of the Orion spacecraft for use as a possible escape vehicle at the space station, however.)

In place of Constellation, Obama's policy directed NASA to focus on getting humans to an asteroid by 2025 and then on to Mars by the mid-2030s. This entails, in part, developing a new heavy-lift rocket, with design completion desired by 2015.

The new policy also seeks to jump-start commercial spaceflight capabilitites. Obama's plan relies on Russian Soyuz vehicles to ferry NASA astronauts to the space station in the short term after the space shuttles retire in 2011.

But over the long haul, Obama wants this burden shouldered by private American spaceships that have yet to be built. So Obama promised NASA an extra $6 billion over five years, which the agency would use to help companies develop these new craft.

Credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA

In March 2017, Trump and White House officials rolled out a 2018 "skinny budget" request that proposed a $19.1 billion budget for NASA, a slight decrease of 0.8 percent over 2017 funding levels. The budget request does call for the cancellation of NASA's Obama-era Asteroid Redirect Mission, as well as ending four Earth science missions, including the Deep Space Climate Observatory already in orbit. NASA's Education Office would be eliminated under that plan.

The White House is proposing an increase in spending on planetary science, $1.9 billion (up from $1.63 billion) to support NASA's 2020 Mars rover and Europa Clipper mission, but did not include funding in its proposal for a Europa landing mission.

More details on Trump's space policy plan are expected to accompany the White House's full 2018 budget request in May 2017.

In the meantime: See what the first 100 days of Trump's administration have meant for space exploration.

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Michael was a science writer for the Idaho National Laboratory and has been an intern at Wired.com, The Salinas Californian newspaper, and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. He has also worked as a herpetologist and wildlife biologist. He has a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology from the University of Sydney, Australia, a bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona, and a graduate certificate in science writing from the University of California, Santa Cruz. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Mike on Google+.

See the original post here:

Presidential Visions for Space Exploration: From Ike to Trump

These ‘4D’ printed objects could make it easier to bring stuff to outer space – Mashable

These '4D' printed objects could make it easier to bring stuff to outer space
"That's the reason there's a heavy amount of interest right now in researching the use of tensegrity structures for outer space exploration," Paulino added. "The goal is to find a way to deploy a large object that initially takes up little space." This ...

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These '4D' printed objects could make it easier to bring stuff to outer space - Mashable

Here’s How Current Trends Are Changing Space Exploration as We Know It – Interesting Engineering

Ever since we first looked up at the stars, weve been trying to find ways to get there. We managed to make it to the moon in the 1960s and have an established presence in orbit for the better part of the last 30 years. Weve watched the technologies change and advance and followed along every step of the way. Now, as we get closer to our goal of reaching the Red Planet, current trends in technology and engineering are transforming our old ideas about space exploration.

[Image Source: NASA]

How is space exploration changing and how could it impact our first steps into the universe? Lets have a look.

Anyone can take a telescope and point it at the sky, but it takes a skilled hand and a sharp mind to find something in all that black. Traditionally, telescopes relied on mirrors and the principles of light refraction. New technologies, however, are shaking that up, enabling astronomers to see further and more clearly than ever before.

Modern telescopes rely on spectrography, enabling bundles of squeezed light to be transmitted to the computers and analyzed.

These new advanced technologies have enabled us to make some of the most amazing discoveries of our time, like the Trappist 1 system a seven-planet system that is potentially habitable just 39 light years away from our own little blue dot. Theres no way wed have been able to see that amazing new system relying on the just light we could capture with our simple telescopes.

3D printing isnt just for toys and trinkets anymore. Here on earth, its been used for everything from creating custom replacement parts to building prosthetic limbs for amputees. It could change the way new tools and replacement parts for satellites are created. It may even have implications for the International Space Station.

In 2014, the ISS used a 3D printer to build a ratcheting wrench. According to NASA, it took less than a week to design the ratchet, have the design approved by the engineers and build the ratchet itself the last part took only four hours.

This technology could potentially change the way rockets and supply runs like SpaceXs Dragon shuttle are packed. Instead of sending up bulky replacement parts that take up space, may or may not be needed and add additional weight to the rocket, NASA or SpaceX can send up the components needed for a 3D printer.

Any tools or replacement parts that are needed, even if its something that breaks unexpectedly, can be designed and printed in a matter of hours.

Since the cost of launching these rockets is directly tied to the weight of the cargo, finding ways to reduce that weight makes it easier to reduce costs and keep the rockets flying.

Big data is a buzzword in nearly every industry, and space exploration is no exception. There is so much data coming in from multiple sources every single day that it would take a human being lifetimes to process all of it. Thats where computer processing and analysis comes in.

Computers can sort through the data in a fraction of the time that it would take a human being, finding patterns and important data points wed likely miss. Astronomers are still trying to process data that reaches as far back as the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe, and computers are the only way to do that.

NASA is already using big data to sort through the information that its been gathering from the Curiosity rover currently stationed on Mars. In the not too distant future, one of the space agencys radio telescopes is expected to bring in more than 700 terabytes of data every single second that its online. By comparison, one terabyte will hold 20 Blu-ray quality movies or 250,000 high-resolution pictures.

While we dont have enough data to start making any sort of predictions, in time, the use of big data, when paired with predictive algorithms, could allow us to make predictions about celestial events.

Technology has always shaped the world we live in. From the invention of the wheel to the fabrication of the first internal combustion engine, weve always strived to make the world adapt to us and reach beyond our world.

The advances weve made in the 50 years since we first walked on the moon might seem small were still using rockets to get us off the planet, after all but every step weve taken for space exploration will make it easier once we start leaving our planet behind and heading out into the universe.

Whenever we feel alone, we look up and out into the universe and wonder if were the only ones out there. It wont be long before we can walk there ourselves and become the space-faring species that weve dreamed of for so long.

Sources: BusinessInsider, Phys, NASA

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Here's How Current Trends Are Changing Space Exploration as We Know It - Interesting Engineering

Neil deGrasse Tyson Making Space Exploration Game | The Mary Sue – The Mary Sue

Neil deGrasse Tyson regularly critiques the scientific accuracy of movies on Twitter, but hes putting his money where his mouth is with a scientifically-minded space exploration video game called Space Odysseywell,your money, technically, since its on Kickstarter. Im sure Tyson would appreciate the clarification.

Of course, hes a busy guyand not exactly a game developerso a team has been assembled to assist him with the project, which will feature Tyson as a holographic guide in-game. The games Kickstarter page says, The Space Odyssey team is composed of creators of comic books such as Wolverine, conceptual illustrators for games such as God of War and Final Fantasy & of course, world-renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and his StarTalk All-Stars.

The gameplay sounds a lot likeNo Mans Sky, in that it will involve exploration, colonization, mining, and discovering alien species. Much of it will necessarily involve futurismbased on Concepts of Nanotechnology, Optogenetics, Singularity, Magnetic Transportation, Dark Matter, Compressed Time, Hydrogen Power, Solar Sails, Ramjet Fusion and more, since we dont exactly have the technology to be out exploring among the stars just yet.

However, the game mechanics will be driven by science, and the planetsyou explore willdemonstrate whatdifferent planets might really be likeincluding Proxima B, a real exoplanet recently discovered relatively close toour solar system. Theres tons more to the game, both in single-player and online, like creating your own planet complete with unique chemistry and guiding it through natural disasters and dangers from other objects in space.

It seems like a hugely ambitious project, which is probably why its relatively low $314,159 Kickstarter goal is aimed at funding a community input aspect rather than being the games main funding source. Were excited to see how it all turns out, and our only regret is that we probably wont live long enough to actually visit planets outside our solar system and report all the gamesinaccuracies back to Tyson on Twitter.

(via Business Insider, image: Kickstarter)

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Neil deGrasse Tyson Making Space Exploration Game | The Mary Sue - The Mary Sue

Toledo’s deep space exploration – Toledo Blade





In 1946, Lyman Spitzer, Jr., a young astrophysicist from Toledo, proposed putting telescopes in space. Fifty-seven years later, I watched as the Spitzer Space Telescope took off from Cape Canaveral, Fla., and disappeared into the night sky.

I was part of the large team that built this great NASA observatory named in memory of the Toledo native. Designed to observe the universe in infrared light, Spitzer continues to make new discoveries, including the recent detection of a star with seven Earth-sized planets.

Today, University of Toledo researchers and students use Spitzer and NASAs other space telescopes by downloading the data and engaging in the exploration of the universe from the Ritter Planetarium and Observatory. My students and I study the birth of stars and planets cloaked in dark clouds of gas and dust.

Infrared light, which we cannot see with our own eyes, penetrates these clouds and allows us a view of star birth in action. The Earths atmosphere, however, glows with infrared light. By launching telescopes into space, we can observe the infrared sky unhindered by the atmospheres glow.

Working with an international team, we observe stars less than one million years old and in the process of growing considered infants in the lifespan of a star. Our goal is to understand how the clouds of gas collapse into stars and planets, as well as to better understand the birth of our own solar system 4.6 billion years ago.

To make sense of the universe, astronomers at UT use observations made with many different telescopes on Earth and in space. Each observation is a piece of a cosmic jigsaw puzzle.

My graduate students use the Discovery Channel Telescope in Arizona to take the temperatures of infant stars. That opportunity is made possible by UTs 10-year partnership with Lowell Observatory. On our UT campus, a team of undergraduates observes stars orbited by disks of hot gas using Ritter Observatory in an effort to understand the origin of the disks. One student recently discovered a companion star orbiting one of those stars.

Sometimes, more than one telescope is used. A UT researcher worked with an international team to combine the light from four telescopes to create sharp pictures of the powerful wind from a star 100 times more massive than our sun.

An undergraduate on my team also compared data from two space telescopes made six years apart and discovered a burst of energy from a young star consuming a big gulp of gas.

In recognition of our robust efforts in research, UT was invited in 2016 to join the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, or AURA, as one of 47 institutions, including Ohio State University and Yale University, tasked in the oversight of many of our nations telescopes. The students and researchers at UT are privileged to have such high-tech telescopes at our disposal. But you dont need to look at the stars to see how space exploration benefits our daily lives.

Consider the GPS in your smart phone. It is the product of 400 years of discovery, from Newtons laws to Einsteins relativity and quantum physics.

Space exploration also places our world into a vast cosmic context. Back at Ritter, I am preparing for the next big space telescope the James Webb Space Telescope, which will be launched in 2018. I cant predict what we will find with this new telescope, but I can predict, confidently, that the universe will continue to astonish us.

Tom Megeath is a professor of physics and astronomy at UT and a member of the executive committee for NASAs Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group. He invites everyone to come to Ritter Planetarium on UTs Main Campus Friday nights to join in exploration.

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Toledo's deep space exploration - Toledo Blade

Star Trek Legacy Lives On in Space Exploration [Video] – Scientific American

Fifty years ago Star Trek beamed into television sets for the first time, igniting an international passion for an imagined future that has played out in movies, books and conventions ever since. Today devoted fans speak the Klingon language and the residents of Riverside, Iowa, claim dibs on the future birthplace of Capt. James Tiberius Kirkand many scientists trace their spacefaring curiosities back to this fantasy. The shows impact on the breadth of scientific imagination has proved as fathomless as space itself. Director Craig Thompson takes on the challenge of exploring Star Treks vast web of influence in the upcoming documentary The Truth Is in the Stars. Thompson discussed Star Treks influence on culture and scientific advancement in a live Webcast Wednesday night. He was joined by three other panelists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario. Perimeter director Neil Turok, Perimeter researcher Avery Broderick and rocket scientist Natalie Panek expounded on the lasting impact Star Trek has made on them and on society.

Watch the video to hear what insights this collaboration of scientific and artistic minds has on an iconic fiction fixture that continues to inspire science. The discussion is part of Perimeters public lecture series presented by BMO Financial.

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Star Trek Legacy Lives On in Space Exploration [Video] - Scientific American

Neil deGrasse Tyson launches Kickstarter for space exploration video game – Blastr

Some of the earliest popular video games were not just for fun, but were educational tools, too. After all, what child of the '80s doesn't know what dysentery is, thanks to a trail in the Pacific northwest? Now, world-reknowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is hoping to bring that concept back, with an engaging space exploration game that includes real science as the basis for its worlds and missions. Neil deGrasse Tyson Presents: Space Odyssey officially launched as a Kickstarter project at the E3 video game convention, where Tyson served as a panelist about world-building in media.

Im delighted to bring the wonders of space to everyone, and one of the most potent ways to accomplish this is through the visual and immersive power of gaming, said Tyson in a press release. Im excited to be part of the creative team bringing this educational game to life that is based on real science and driven by real physics. Space Odyssey embodies a shared vision of creators, storytellers and science lovers who want to get people of all ages into space and exploration in ways that encourage curiosity and imagination.

The game launched on Kickstarter this week with packages ranging from $29 to $10,000 that all offer the actual game with an estimated delivery of the end of 2018, plus perks like in-game items being named after you, special concept art and signed items, and more. The goal is around $314,000, and they have 43 days to reach that at press time.

As for the actual gameplay, the project is an ambitious one, hoping to send gamers across the galaxy, with the first stop being Proxima b, about 4.2 light years from Earth. There, you'll be able to customize your own ship, complete physics-based missions and challenges, and create personalized challenges. You'll be able to colonize and truly world-build, as you seek to bring these virtual worlds to life, with robots you can design and task out, and options for both single-player and multiplayer challenges and competitions. The goal is to put the galaxy in your hands, with not just exploring, but cultivating new worlds and life.

Tyson will be there as the voice of your digital assistant (and a helpful holographic projection), providing science facts and helpful hints along your journey. An all-star group of scientists including Bill Nye, Janna Levin, Charles Liu, Carolyn Porco, Loretta Falcone, Astronaut Mike Massimino, and more will contribute to the game and its database, and writers like Peter Beagle, Larry Niven, and head writer Len Wein (you may have heard of a couple characters he co-created like Wolverine, Swamp Thing, and several other X-Men characters) will bring the story to life.

Big Red Button Entertainment, known primarily for VR projects, is working on the game, and yes, that means some missions will be VR enabled. Section Studios is working on the visuals for the game, while Starbreeze works on the structure of the game itself. They're really creating multiple games in one, with spacecraft piloting, "Metroidvania" style planet-based missions, VR missions, and all the customization, as well.

The plan is to expand not just the game itself, but also move into other media, like books, comic books, and cartoons. But first, they need to meet the Kickstarter goal and make the game itself.

Check out the concept art for Space Odyssey below, and head to Kickstarter to join in the fun.

See original here:

Neil deGrasse Tyson launches Kickstarter for space exploration video game - Blastr

NASA Prepares for Future Space Exploration with International Undersea Crew – Space Daily

NASA will send an international crew to the floor of the Atlantic Ocean this summer to prepare for future deep space missions during the 10-day NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 22 expedition slated to begin June 18.

NEEMO 22 will focus on both exploration spacewalks and objectives related to the International Space Station and deep space missions. As an analogue for future planetary science concepts and strategies, marine science also will be performed under the guidance of Florida International University's marine science department.

NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren will command the NEEMO 22 mission aboard the Aquarius laboratory, 62 feet below the ocean surface near Key Largo Florida. Lindgren was part of space station Expeditions 44 and 45 in 2015, where he spent 141 days living and working in the extreme environment of space. He conducted two spacewalks on his first spaceflight.

Lindgren will be joined by ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Pedro Duque; Trevor Graff, a Jacobs Engineering employee working as a planetary scientist at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston; and research scientist Dom D'Agostino from the University of South Florida and the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition.

"The close parallels of inner and outer space exploration will be clearly demonstrated during this undersea mission," NEEMO Project Lead Bill Todd said.

"The daily seafloor traverses, or extravehicular activities in space jargon, are jam packed with technology and operations concept testing, as well as complex marine science. In the interior of Aquarius, aquanauts and astronauts will tackle an array of experiments and human research related to long duration space travel."

Objectives for the crew include testing spaceflight countermeasure equipment, technology for precisely tracking equipment in a habitat and studies of body composition and sleep. The crew also will assess hardware sponsored by ESA that will help crew members evacuate someone who has been injured on a lunar spacewalk.

The NEEMO crew and two professional habitat technicians will live in Florida International University's Aquarius Reef Base undersea research habitat 6.2 miles (5.4 nautical miles) off the Florida coast.

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NASA Prepares for Future Space Exploration with International Undersea Crew - Space Daily

Op-ed | Mars mania is completely rational – SpaceNews

Arabella Wojnar, left, Bianca Wojnar, and Valentina Wojnar, right, pose for a photograph with a model of a spacecraft and alien during the Mars New Year celebration Friday, May 5, 2017, in Mars, Pennsylvania. The town is hosting two days of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) activities. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

This commentary originally appeared in the May 22, 2017 issue of SpaceNews magazine.

In April, NASAs robotic probe Cassini attracted widespread media coverage as it neared the end of its expedition of Saturn and its moons. While NASA celebrates the remarkable success of Cassini, it is hard not to look towards the future and ask, whats next?

For the White House, the answer remains Mars. Recently, President Donald Trump showed his enthusiastic support for NASAs mission to the red planet during a call with astronaut Peggy Whitson, boldly declaring, we want to try and do it during my first term. But, beyond the impossibility of such a near-term goal, is there sufficient motivation for a manned mission to Mars? Or is our nations money better spent on more affordable, reliable, and safer robotic missions like Cassini?

Before answering these questions, it is important to understand the common rationales behind manned space exploration. As determined by the National Academies government-funded Committee on Human Spaceflight in their 2014 investigation, Pathways to Exploration, these rationales can be broken up into two categories: pragmatic and aspirational.

Pragmatic rationales represent the practical reasons such as economic benefits, scientific discovery, or technological advancement. Aspirational rationales, on the other hand, are more intangible reasons like a shared human destiny to explore or the survival of the human race.

In researching these two categories, the committee determined human space exploration is rationalized only by a combination of both pragmatic and aspirational justifications. They conclude, the aspirational rationales, when supplemented by the practical benefits associated with the pragmatic rationales, do argue for a continuation of our nations human spaceflight program. Ultimately, their conclusion relies on our ability to see evidence of the practical benefits and to prove the legitimacy of the aspirational ones.

When searching for evidence of practical technological and economic benefits, it is common practice for NASA and its proponents to point towards so-called spin-off technologies. Created through commercial licensing of NASA inventions, these spin-offs include, among many other common household technologies, quartz-crystal clocks, MRIs, cordless power tools and solar panels.

Obviously, spin-offs play an important role in our modern society, but it is unclear whether their development is dependent on manned missions. To the committee and other experts in the field, it seems that similar technological advancements could be stimulated through inexpensive robotic missions or other government-funded programs on Earth.

The fate of human space exploration, therefore, rests more in our ability to demonstrate the validity of the aspirational rationales. The philosophical and emotional aspects of these rationales, however, make them nearly impossible to prove universally true. Alternatively, public opinion polls seem to illustrate strong support of NASA and human space exploration in the United States, suggesting the actuality of the aspirational rationales.

Support for previous human spaceflight missions are approaching unanimous. Since 1979, when fewer than 50 percent of U.S adults reported the moon landing was worth it, support has risen, reaching 71 percent in 2009. This support also extends to NASAs Mars endeavors. A Boeing-sponsored poll in 2013 found that 75% of Americans Strongly Agree or Agree that it is worthwhile to increase NASAs percentage of the federal budget to 1 percent to fund a mission to Mars. And, 67 percent of Americans agreed the United States should send both humans and robots to Mars.

Given this apparent mandate that space exploration should include humans, experts have offered their alternatives to traditional manned missions. Sociologist William Bainbridge proposes that we transport human personalities through space embodied in information systems. But it is unlikely this idea will hold the same emotional value with the populace.

For now at least, it seems that with the practical and aspirational benefits, NASA should continue to fund manned exploration of deep space. After all, exploration is a human endeavor and, therefore, should include humans. As for Cassini, if anything, it showed the world that there are plenty of interesting places for humans to visit and study.

Micah Roschelle is an engineering student and space enthusiast at Columbia University.

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Op-ed | Mars mania is completely rational - SpaceNews