Money & Markets: After the virus, make sure you’ve read the inflationary playbook – E&T Magazine

The global economic machine has taken a battering from the lockdown, and part of the recovery will involve inflation. How well placed are engineers and technologists to ride out the chaos?

Economists used to model their systems like engineers designed refineries, with money flowing around piping, through valves, and in and out of tanks. Its a handy metaphor, but it belongs in its time.

These days it might be better to update the model to our understanding (or lack of it) of quantum physics. Schrdingers cat makes for a good model of the global economy because right now it is both alive and dead at the same time and its going to be a while before we open the box and find the definitive answer.

However you measure the effect of the global lockdown, the economic losses of the last few weeks have been colossal. Sales tax measures suggest a near 50 per cent drop; overall taxes point to 28 per cent, while CO2 emissions show an 18 per cent drop off. So even with a stunningly strong recovery, the net loss to tax revenues in the UK will be hundreds of billions. If the budget is not slashed and the government has promised it wont be those losses will balloon into a bigger and bigger national debt.

The upshot of all this is that the UK, and for that matter pretty much every country on Earth, is going to balloon its public debt to levels that will make a mockery of previous attempts at controlling expenditure so that, for example, the UKs finances next year will look like Italys national debt of last year. All those economic benefits of those years of austerity have gone up in smoke in a few short weeks.

While the UK and Europe have been working flat out to ameliorate their economic woes by exploding their budgets into a series of bailouts, the US has gone all in on a scale only matched by World War Two budgets and it has boosted its money supply at an annualised rate of 100 per cent in the last three months, already banking in an over-30 per cent rise in M1 cash in that time.

As any of us who took GCSE or O-Level Economics will recall, a boost of money supply means a boost in inflation, unless more goods are made to quench the demand triggered by the boosted supply of buying power. Well its a certainty that fewer goods have been made during the lockdown, so a 30 per cent-plus increase in money supply in a few weeks has a South American hyperinflation ring to it. The US is also on the brink of monetising corporate debt the amount that added nine zeros to a German postage stamp in the 1920s. The Germans, if not licking their stamps, are still licking the wounds from that experience, which many blame for the rise of a certain moustachioed landscape painter to power.

Many economists disagree; they say that the money will be stashed just like the cash of the last ten years of QE. The money will be sequestered in ultra-valued bonds, stocks and houses and it wont leak into the hands of the wider population to flush into a buying frenzy that will drive a price rise spiral. That sounds good until you realise that much of the stimulus has gone into the hands of the public in the form of boosted social security payments. The US unemployment payout has been increased by $600 a week, making many people temporarily better off on their sofa watching Netflix or punting stocks on the zero-fee stock trading apps, rather than in their old jobs.

Its a mess, and to my mind it is an inflationary mess, with inflation being the only natural lubricator of the changes ahead for our societies.

Governments cant afford deflation. Recoveries dont happen quickly under deflation. The necessary redistribution of resources that has to now happen doesnt pan out smoothly under deflation. Inflation is the classic path of governance under pressure when crisis strikes, it is the get out of jail free card for rulers since antiquity. However, it is a crazy orthodoxy that inflation is ever so difficult to create, but you can discount that nonsense. If that isnt a huge lie, someone needs to tell Iran, Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

A more nuanced version of the inflation lie is that inflation is caused by the expectation of inflation, and once sparked, its a self-fulfilling loop. That sounds credible until you ask how come they always have banknotes with more zeros to hand as hyperinflation strikes. As the monetarists that killed the inflation of the 1970s tell us: Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.

We are certainly entering into a period of monetary phenomena.

The next few years are going to be grim, but the strategy is the same as in every crisis. Stay employed, be working in the latest thing, buy assets when you see them super cheap.

Engineers and technologists are fortunately at the tip of the value chain and will miss the worse of whats ahead, while Aesops grasshoppers are in for a pretty nasty surprise.

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Money & Markets: After the virus, make sure you've read the inflationary playbook - E&T Magazine

New Process Simplifies the Transmission of Quantum Data – AZoQuantum

Written by AZoQuantumJul 17 2020

Everyone knows that the quantum world can transform communication technology. Quantum technology offers the potential of impenetrable security and unparalleled performance, and is taking its initial steps towards the decisive goal of applications such asextremely encrypted yet virtually fast-as-light financial transactions.

But the potential for quantum computers to interact with each other has been restricted by the resources needed for such kinds of exchanges. This has consequently limited the proportion of data that can be traded, and also the amount of time it can be preserved.

Now, Japan-based researchers have taken a significant step toward dealing with such limitations in resources. The team has published its findings in the Physical Review Letters journal on May 27th, 2020.

To connect remote quantum computers together, we need the capacity to perform quantum mechanical operations between them over very long distances, all while maintaining their important quantum coherence.

Kae Nemoto, Study Author, Professor and Director, Global Research Center for Quantum Information Science, National Institute of Informatics

Nemoto continued, However, interestingly, while quantum computers have emerged at the small scale, quantum communication technology is still at the device level and has not been integrated together to realize communication systems. In this work, we show a route forward.

Quantum data needs to be protected from the considerable level of noise surrounding it, and data is also likely to be lost from the preliminary message. Such a protection process is referred to as quantum error correction, which intertwines a single piece of data over several qubits. Qubits happen to be the most fundamental unit of quantum data.

Individuals can envision a letter shredded into nine pieces, with each piece placed inside an envelope and each envelope delivered to the same kind of destination to be again organized and read.

Similarly, in the quantum realm, the envelopes are sent through photons and each envelope contains a sufficient amount of data to reproduce the whole letter if any of the delivered envelopes are damaged or lost.

The overhead to protect quantum information from noise and loss will be large, and the size of the required devices to realize this will cause serious problems, as we have started to see in today's quantum computer development. As the efforts to realize the quantum internet are occurring worldwide, it is important to think of it as a system, and not simple devices.

Kae Nemoto, Study Author, Professor and Director, Global Research Center for Quantum Information Science, National Institute of Informatics

Along with her research team, Nemoto tackled this problem by employing a procedure known as quantum multiplexing, where they decreased the noise and also the number of resources required to relay the data.

In multiplexing, the data stored inside a pair of individual photons is integrated into a single photon, similar to a couple of envelopes being delivered in a portfolio, and therefore, the data is still protected individually but only a single stamp is required to transmit the information.

In this system, quantum error correction will play an essential role, not only of protecting the quantum information transmitted, but also for significantly reducing the necessary resources to achieve whatever tasks one needs. Quantum multiplexing enables significant resource reduction without requiring new technology to be developed for such quantum communication devices.

William J. Munro, Study Co-Author and Researcher, Basic Research Laboratories, NTT

At present, the scientists are extending their study to large-scale quantum complex network situations.

The quantum revolution has allowed us to design and create new technologies previously thought impossible in our classical world, added Nemoto. Small-scale quantum computers have already shown computing performance better than todays largest supercomputers.

However, many other forms of quantum technology are emerging and one of the most profound could be the quantum internet a quantum-enabled version of todays internetwhich will allow us to network devices together, including quantum computers, Nemoto further stated.

The scientists will next build on the initial steps that they have already adopted to boost the amount of data as well as the storage time.

The study was partly funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the John Templeton Foundation.

Others who contributed to the study are Nicol Lo Piparo, Michael Hanks, Claude Gravel, and William J. Munro, all affiliated with the National Institute of Informatics. In addition, Munro is affiliated with the NTT Basic Research Laboratories as well as the NTT Research Center for Theoretical Quantum Physics.

Lo Piparo, N., et al. (2020) Resource Reduction for Distributed Quantum Information Processing Using Quantum Multiplexed Photons. Physical Review Letters.


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New Process Simplifies the Transmission of Quantum Data - AZoQuantum

Enter the mind of Bruce Lee – KEYT

Bruce Lee, the martial arts icon, was being interviewed by a Hong Kong talk show host when the man asked Lee if he saw himself as Chinese or an American.

Neither, Lee said. I think of myself as a human being.

Forty-three years after his sudden death in July of 1973, more people are starting to think of Lee as something else: A profound thinker whose mind was as supple as his body.

That may seem like an odd claim. Lee was a fighter, not a philosopher, according to popular perception. He left behind some of the most exhilarating fight scenes ever captured on film in movies such as Enter the Dragon and The Chinese Connection.

But his legacy also includes a revolutionary book on the martial arts and Eastern philosophy, and seven volumes of writings on everything from Taoism, quantum physics, psychotherapy and the power of positive thinking.

John Little, who examined Lees papers after the actors death, says he was stunned when he first entered Lees library. He had at least 1,700 heavily annotated books. Thats when he realized that Lee sharpened his mind as much as his body.

The philosophy of Lee is more powerful than the martial arts of Lee, says Little, author of The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee. Everything that Bruce Lee did flowed from his mind and his thinking.

And it flowed from his pride in his Chinese heritage as well.

Lee was a devotee of Alan Watts, a 20th century British philosopher who introduced Eastern thought to Western audiences. Lee would tape Watts lectures and play them back to his martial arts students in class.

Lee, too, saw himself as bridge between the East and the West. He wanted to show Americans the beauty of Chinese philosophy and its culture, his friends and biographers say.

He told me that he could educate people about the East more in films than in books, says Dan Inosanto, one of Lees closest friends and his training partner. Inosanto filmed an insanely exciting fight scene with Lee in Game of Death where both battled one another using Lees signature weapon, nunchakus, a weapon that consists of two sticks connected by a short chain.

Of course, those old enough to remember when Lee was alive didnt go to his films to learn about esoteric Eastern teachings. They wanted to see him kick butt.

And Lee obliged. He hit the American movie screens in the early 1970s like a tsunami.

American audiences had never seen an action star like him before. The liquid grace of his movements; his feline quickness; the weird, high-pitched shrieks he gave off during combat. People squealed in delight so much during his films that a viewer rarely heard all the dialogue.

Lee was a racial pioneer, too. Here was an Asian man who wasnt depicted as a bucktoothed buffoon or fortune-cookie-quoting sage. He was an unabashed sex symbol. Women marveled over his lithe physique; one person said touching his hardened muscles was like touching warm marble.

But Lees mind his grasp of philosophy and his willpower was the engine that powered his physical prowess, says Bruce Thomas, author of Bruce Lee: Fighting Words.

What Lee did was harness energies outside the ordinary energies that are used for daily life, Thomas says. The martial arts were a way a life for him, a genuine path, a means of psychological development and spiritual development.

Another thinker who helped Lee harness those energies was Jiddu Krishnamurti, a philosopher born in India who taught that truth cant be found through any religious tradition or dogma.

In oneself lies the world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand, he wrote. Krishnamurtis emphasis on self-reliance and disdain for mindlessly following tradition shaped Lees approach to the martial arts.

When Lee was alive, the martial arts world was rigidly divided by different fighting styles. He borrowed from virtually all of them to create his own revolutionary fighting called Jeet Kune Do, which he later turned into a book.

Today, Lee is often called the father of MMA, or mixed martial arts, for his willingness to be, as he once said, not one style, but all styles.

Krishnamurti was his go-to thinker, Thomas says. He taught that one must come to the present moment and not be tainted by rituals and dogmas. He took everything Krishnamurti said about religion and applied it to the martial arts.

Lees devotion to philosophy could have just remained an abstract pursuit. But it was also key to his physical speed and power. One martial artist said that Lee had the ability to move from perfect stillness and explode like a firecracker.

Lee could do that because he was able to tap into what ancient Chinese philosophers called chi.

In his book, The Warrior Within, Little described chi as a vast reservoir of free-flowing energy within all people that when channeled to our muscles, can give us great strength and, when channeled to our brain, can give us great insight and understanding.

Lees ability to summon chi at will was the culmination of years of philosophical contemplation and physical training, his biographers and students say.

Lee once described what it felt like to summon these energies within himself:

I feel I have this great creative and spiritual force within me that is greater than faith, greater than ambition, greater than confidence Whether it is the Godhead or not, I feel this great force, this untapped power, this dynamic something within me.

Lee also unleashed those energies through positive thinking. He was a fan of Norman Vincent Peale and read books such As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. He would also jot down homespun aphorisms in his spare time like, Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.

Lees philosophical beliefs could have been confined to books, but they were refined by events in his life that would have broken lesser people.

First, he had to deal with racism from both sides.

He was born in San Francisco, but grew up in Hong Kong in an affluent family. His father was an opera star and Lee became a childhood actor who appeared in at least 20 Chinese films. Lee started studying martial arts when he was 13 but his instructor stopped personally teaching him when he learned that Lees mother was part White, biographers say.

That experience shaped in part his decision to teach the martial arts to Westerners after he moved to America when he turned 18, some say. Teaching the martial arts to Westerners was taboo at the time, but Lee didnt care, says Doug Palmer, who was one of Lees first students in America.

I think the fact that he [Lee] was part white had something to do with it, Palmer says about Lees decision to teach Westerners. He himself had to overcome obstacles in Hong Kong because he was part white.

Lee then encountered racism from Hollywood.

He had gone to Hollywood with an idea for a television drama about the martial arts. They took his idea but rejected him for a role in the series because they thought he looked too Chinese for an America audience. They gave his role to an American actor and dancer. The drama would eventually become a hit television show called Kung Fu.

Lee also suffered a crippling back injury during training. Doctors told him he would never walk properly again and could never practice the martial arts. It was a low moment in his life. He was bedridden with a wife and two young children to support. At one point he only had $50 in the bank. He could have fallen into a debilitating depression but he overcame his injury through positive visualization, and he used that time to write his groundbreaking book, Jeet Kune Do, says Thomas, one of his biographers.

He healed himself, Thomas says.

Lees belief in the power of positive thinking comes through in a letter he wrote to a friend during that shaky period in his life.

He wrote:

I mean who has the most insecure job than I have? What do I live on? My faith in my ability that Ill make it. Sure my back injury screwed me up good for a year but with every adversity comes a blessing Look at a rain storm; after its departure everything grows.

Lee eventually broke through. He went to Hong Kong to make a series of films that caught Hollywoods attention. He then returned to Hollywood to make Enter the Dragon, which became a huge hit.

But Lee never lived long enough to see the culmination of all of his work.

Just days before the American release of Enter the Dragon, in 1973, Lee died in Hong Kong from an allergic reaction to pain medication he had taken. He was 32. Lees son, Brandon, who would follow him into the martial arts and film, would later die in 1993 from a freak accident with a prop gun on a movie set.

Lees friends still miss him. They talk less about his fighting ability and more about what fun he was to be around: his restless questioning, his optimism, his goofy sense of humor and his loyalty to friends.

He was a very charismatic person, says Palmer, who is now an attorney in Seattle. He could dominate most situations. You walk into a room and in most cases he would dominating the conversation.

Lees influence transcends the martial arts, Inosanto says.

I got letters after he died from people from almost all walks of life, from musicians to skateboarders they all said he influenced him, Inosanto says.

Lees global popularity is matched by only one other person, Inosanto says.

Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee are the most recognizable faces in the world, Inosanto says. I was very lucky to have stumbled onto him. I never had a dull moment with him.

Lees family is introducing the martial artist to a new generation today.

Lees widow, Linda Lee Cadwell, and his daughter, Shannon Lee, established the Bruce Lee Foundation to share the art and philosophy of Lee. It gives out scholarships to students who embody Lees passion for learning and provides martial arts training to underprivileged youth.

Lees legacy is expanding in other ways too. There are now more authors writing not so much about Lees fighting ability but his resilience as an example to anyone who wants to express their individuality and overcome obstacles in life.

At the foot of Lees grave site in Seattle is a stone tablet with an inscription that reads: Your inspiration continues to guide us toward personal liberation.

Lees legacy is now bigger than any punch he ever threw.

See the rest here:

Enter the mind of Bruce Lee - KEYT

‘Palm Springs’ brings notion of repeated reality to life – The Daily Cardinal

As our COVID-riddled state rolls back openings and braces for whatever the months ahead hold, these past few weeks of Summer: Live from Wisconsin Quarantine! have started to feel like theyre simply repeating the same events every single day. Over and over and over again.

Hulus Palm Springs takes that notion literally and somehow makes us want to stick around.

In the largest Sundance Film Festival sale ever made, Palm Springs tells the story of family black sheep Sarah, an unlucky maid of honor who awakens on the morning of November 9 the day of her sisters wedding and prepares for whatever the fateful day entails. Played to the absolute piping brim of her Im a disappointment glory by How I Met Your Mother titular actress Cristin Milioti, Sarah quickly draws the attention of wedding guest and surprising toast giver Nyles, portrayed by Lonely Island and Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Andy Samberg, becoming smitten with his seemingly uncanny ability to predict everything exactly the way it will happen before it even happens.

The meet-cute between both parties ensues, the preparations for a night of romance abound before suddenly, all hell suddenly breaks loose. Nyles is struck by an arrow from a homicidal maniac, Sarah follows him towards a glowing cave, and before we know it, she wakes up in the same bed on November 9, all over again.

Unbeknownst to Sarah, Nyles has led her into a time loop, one in which hes been stuck for so long he stopped counting the days, and provides her the rules for how the new world operates. From a series of lackluster suicide attempts to a bucket list of crazy activities, the pair is forced to navigate whatever can be found in this new world for only the both of them, quickly recognizing theres no escaping their inevitable reset or budding romance along the way.

The beauty of Palm Springs doesnt lie in the formula a pattern weve seen perfectly patented through the 1993 classic Groundhog Day and more recently updated in films like Blumhouses Happy Death Day and television series like Netflixs Russian Doll.

Nyles isnt trying to convince other people that hes trapped like Phil Conners (Bill Murray) does, and theres no redeeming quality that has to be found inside either character before they can escape. Rather, its the unique blend of the formula we see here part and parcel existential comedy about the nothingness of repeating the same day and padding provided through will they or wont they romantic comedy tropes that works perfectly to let both characters recognize what theyve found in each other, saving the movie and preventing it from being a bad version of both. It causes viewers to ponder whether or not we would be content repeating the same day if it meant we got to spend it with someone we came to love, and once the twist comes youll be shocked to discover why Sarah feels the need to escape the cycle for good.

While the twists and turns of the narrative keep the engine moving, the performances on both sides make the on-screen romance far better than one couldve ever hoped. Samberg adopting more of a frat boy persona over his typical parody schtick brings a perfect level of hysterical hopelessness into the time loop situation, dialing up his chops for the moments of insanity and tapping into some more serious emotions once he recognizes the feelings hes developed for Sarah.

Had I not watched Lonely Island videos thousands of times in middle school much to the disappointment of my teachers and peers I wouldve never guessed he had the ability to change directions. Not to mention his chemistry with Milioti who brings her own manic energy to the screen and Sambergs performance propels the storyline far beyond anything a lower-tier comedian might have provided towards the role. Im excited to see him continue to tackle more projects like this as Nine Nine seemingly comes to a conclusion within the next few years and he hopefully lines himself up for the potential of a late-career Adam Sandler route for adult romantic comedies or just a few more Lonely Island videos, I would be fine with that.

Many of the supporting performances, from television legends like Peter Gallagher and teen stars like Camila Mendes, warrant some attention in Springs. They make or break a high-concept oftentimes, and while the starring pair does a great job keeping fans involved no one provides a fastball quite like Oscar-winner J.K. Simmons in roughly 8-10 minutes of screen time. Coming down from the clouds, and the occasional Travelers Insurance commercial, to play a wedding guest named Roy who develops a strange obsession, well call it with Nyles, Simmons adds yet another eccentric character to his lengthy resume as a supporting comedy player. He perfectly flips the switch between smarmy and sarcastic during the wedding scenes and genuinely warm hearted with his suburban family towards the end of the film, and it consistently blows my mind how frequently he finds new ways to deliver. Any role he takes could fall anywhere between Tom Hanks and a creepier version of Bryan Cranston making his performance in Springs one of the most surprising and enjoyable parts of the entire movie.

All in all, Palm Springs needs to be watched with as few spoilers and as open of a mind as humanly possible letting you sink your teeth into the concept and really imagining how you would really feel living the same day over and over again. Dont look up spoilers, dont deep dive quantum physics on YouTube and suspend disbelief for just a few or 90 moments and you might just find your new favorite comedy movie of the summer and rest of the year.

You can find Palm Springs streaming on Hulu right now.

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'Palm Springs' brings notion of repeated reality to life - The Daily Cardinal

The universe’s clock might have bigger ticks than we imagine –

The smallest conceivable length of time might be no larger than a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second. That's according to a new theory describing the implications of the universe having a fundamental clock-like property whose ticks would interact with our best atomic timepieces.

Such an idea could help scientists get closer to doing experiments that would illuminate a theory of everything, an overarching framework that would reconcile the two pillars of 20th-century physics quantum mechanics, which looks at the smallest objects in existence, and Albert Einstein's relativity, which describes the most massive ones.

Related: The 18 biggest unsolved mysteries in physics

Most of us have some sense of time's passage. But what exactly is time?

"We don't know," Martin Bojowald, a physicist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, told Live Science. "We know that things change, and we describe that change in terms of time."

Physics presents two conflicting views of time, he added. One, which stems from quantum mechanics, speaks of time as a parameter that never stops flowing at a steady pace. The other, derived from relativity, tells scientists that time can contract and expand for two observers moving at different speeds, who will disagree about the span between events.

In most cases, this discrepancy isn't terribly important. The separate realms described by quantum mechanics and relativity hardly overlap. But certain objects like black holes, which condense enormous mass into an inconceivably tiny space can't be fully described without a theory of everything known as quantum gravity.

In some versions of quantum gravity, time itself would be quantized, meaning it would be made from discrete units, which would be the fundamental period of time. It would be as if the universe contained an underlying field that sets the minimum tick rate for everything inside of it, sort of like the famous Higgs field that gives rise to the Higgs boson particle which lends other particles mass. But for this universal clock, "instead of providing mass, it provides time," said Bojowald.

By modeling such a universal clock, he and his colleagues were able to show that it would have implications for human-built atomic clocks, which use the pendulum-like oscillation of certain atoms to provide our best measurements of time. According to this model, atomic clocks' ticks would sometimes be out of sync with the universal clock's ticks.

This would limit the precision of an individual atomic clock's time measurements, meaning two different atomic clocks might eventually disagree about how long a span of time has passed. Given that our best atomic clocks agree with one another and can measure ticks as small as 10^(minus19) seconds, or a tenth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, the fundamental unit of time can be no larger than 10^(minus 33)seconds, according to the team's paper, which appeared June 19 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

"What I like the most about the paper is the neatness of the model," Esteban Castro-Ruiz, a quantum physicist at the Universit Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium who was not involved in the work, told Live Science. "They get an actual bound that you can in principle measure, and I find this amazing."

Research of this type tends to be extremely abstract, he added, so it was nice to see a concrete result with observational consequences for quantum gravity, meaning the theory could one day be tested.

While verifying that such a fundamental unit of time exists is beyond our current technological capabilities, it is more accessible than previous proposals, such as the Planck time, the researchers said in their paper. Derived from fundamental constants, the Planck time would set the tiniest measureable ticks at 10^(minus 44) seconds, or a ten-thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, according to Universe Today.

Whether or not there is some length of time smaller than the Planck time is up for debate, since neither quantum mechanics nor relativity can explain what happens below that scale. "It makes no sense to talk about time beyond these units, at least in our current theories," said Castro-Ruiz.

Because the universe itself began as a massive object in a tiny space that then rapidly expanded, Bojowald said that cosmological observations, such as careful measurements of the cosmic microwave background, a relic from the Big Bang, might help constrain the fundamental period of time to an even smaller level.

Originally published on Live Science.

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The universe's clock might have bigger ticks than we imagine -

Read Before Pontificating on Quantum Technology – War on the Rocks

Quantum technology and quantum computing more specifically has become quite the popular topic in national security circles. The extraordinary level of interest emerges from the potential impacts of quantum computers on information security and general issues of international strategic technological advantage. While academic strength in quantum computing research is globally distributed, U.S. industry maintains substantive international leadership. The most significant technical demonstration of state-of-the-art quantum computing was reported by Google this year, and the first cloud-based quantum-as-a-service offerings are available from IBM and Rigetti, with forthcoming services announced by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft.

With these developments, quantum computing has been identified as a possible target technology for export controls as well as foreign-investment review in emerging tech companies. And the new U.S. National Quantum Initiative is framed around strategic competition and even directly addresses the notion of a technological race with China.

And so now, you Madam, Mister, or Doctor National Security Professional need to understand and speak intelligently about how this technology impacts your portfolio. Where should you begin and how? What are the important lessons to embrace and pitfalls to avoid as you begin your educational journey?

It is easy to find yourself going down the wrong path; there are many new analysts offering expert advice on the technology underlying quantum computing. Many of them merit your skepticism. A combination of technical complexity and competitive media positioning has led to a wide variety of pervasive misconceptions in the field. Watching these flawed and false narratives take off in the national security world that I have worked in for years at DARPA, working with the intelligence community, and now at my own company has been frustrating. And so, as someone with 20 years of experience designing, building, and optimizing quantum computing hardware, I aim to offer friendly advice and insights that arent readily available otherwise.

Learn the Basics

Following many years in which information was found only in specialist technical journals, high-quality educational resources supporting new entrants to the field are finally emerging. I offer some of the better ones below. Turn to them in order to gain proficiency in the underlying technology at either a contextual or technical level, no matter what level of technical expertise you have (or lack).

Q-CTRL the organization I founded and lead has produced an introductory video series for those who have limited background knowledge and are seeking to orient themselves in the field. This is a great place to start if youve encountered various keywords in quantum computing such as qubit, NISQ, or quantum advantage and now want to understand their meaning and context at a high level.

Quantum Computing for the Very Curious is an excellent online e-book introducing quantum computing in an accessible but technical fashion. Its prepared by Michael Nielsen, one of the most recognized textbook authors in the field, and covers material from qubits to universal quantum computing.

The online Qiskit textbook from IBM provides a detailed technical overview of this material, with a focus on programming quantum computers for future quantum developers.

Various supporting tools exist to help build intuition for quantum computing, including BLACK OPAL from my organization, the IBM Quantum Experience, and the Quantum User Interface from the University of Melbourne.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technologys xPRO offers an online course in quantum computing built and taught by actual leading practitioners, such as Peter Shor, Will Oliver, and Isaac Chuang (not consultants, dabblers, or marketers).

Finally, if youd like a broader overview of the intersection between quantum technology and national security, I wrote a primer on quantum technology for national security professionals with Richard Fontaine in these virtual pages.

Start with the History

Many in national security circles became familiar with quantum information and quantum technologies only in the last few years. Understanding the origins of U.S. government activity in the field is essential to evaluating the national security landscape around quantum computing today.

The history of the field is traced back to early intelligence community investments in open university research, following public announcements surrounding the development of Shors algorithm (an algorithm potentially enabling quantum computers to attack public key cryptosystems, named after Peter Shor). Since the late 1990s, the vast majority of participants in the international research field has been supported by competitive programs sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Office and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (and its predecessor organizations, the Advanced Research and Development Activity and the Disruptive Technology Office). Ultimately, this targeted, highly competitive funding has been foundational to the development of the international quantum computing research community.. Very broadly, this technical leadership (as measured by recognizable research programs and/or publicly acknowledged funding) has come from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, the Netherlands, and Canada. Much more recently, China has risen independently as it has made quantum information matter of national priority. Singapore and Russia have also made strategic investments in quantum technology.

What should we take from this history? First, openness, collaboration, and international engagement with allied nations have been central to the success we have seen in building this technological discipline. This success, a global public good, is the result of American international leadership. And it therefore risks being undermined by aggressive actions to curtail international collaboration, especially as so much exploratory science remains to be undertaken. Emerging nationalist sentiment seeking to limit international support for research among allies or to add new export control regimes on immature technologies are regressive. Second, the U.S. defense and intelligence communities have played a critical and irreplaceable role in the field. Todays U.S. National Quantum Initiative is seeking to establish expanded research activity through programs administered by new organizations, including the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy through the national labs. The foundational leadership from within the Department of Defense and the intelligence community places the United States at a strategic advantage in knowledge and internal capability within government. Finally, aside from long-term research and development efforts at industrial organizations such as IBM, large-scale industry-led programs have only emerged since about 2013 at Microsoft, Google, and other tech giants, often grown by acquiring academic research teams. Similarly, the boom in quantum technology startups largely derived from academic programs has been growing for about five years. Notably, all of the relevant industrial research leaders and efforts have had substantial overlap with Army Research Office and IARPA programs. This makes clear both the connectivity of personnel running these programs with research leaders, and demonstrates how these government funding initiatives have been instrumental in seeding todays quantum industry.

True Technical Expertise Is Out There, So Reach Out

Maybe youve been asked to write a memo on something at the intersection of national security and quantum technology. Or maybe youre an international security scholar looking to research and write about the implications of the second quantum revolution. Why not collaborate with, or at least reach out to, someone with technical expertise? Quantum computing is not an easy field to understand, even for sharp minds with a deep understanding of other technical topics. So, look (and ask) before you leap.

Most contemporary leaders in the field have built their entire careers in quantum computing and have come up through advanced Ph.D.-level training programs at major universities around the world. Looking across the growing quantum computing startup ecosystem, almost every chief executive officer, chief technology officer, or other sort of senior executive has come from a senior academic appointment. Similarly, the broad U.S. industrial sector in quantum computing is heavily populated with seasoned experts in the field. Many of us have worked with the U.S. defense and the intelligence communities for years. And this cross-sector collaboration means there are a number of practitioner-experts working in government. Substantive expertise exists within various organizations, including the National Security Agencys Laboratory for Physical Sciences, the Sandia National Laboratories, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (having generated multiple Nobel laureates in quantum physics), the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and the Army Research Office.

Unfortunately, growth in the field has led to a commensurate growth in the number of consultants and analysts claiming to be experts in quantum computing. Most of these voices are amateur observers, although there are a small number of formally trained experts who have crossed into analytical positions in defense contracting, management consulting, or the like. Third-party business analysts can bring valuable insights into the shape of emerging commercial markets or opportunities for quantum computing to contribute in novel sectors. Use caution when looking to such consultants for expert technical advice on the utility or functionality of quantum computers. As a general matter, beware the LinkedIn profile claiming expertise in quantum computing without evidence!

How to See Through the Hype

The level of true potential for quantum technology in national security and more broadly is profound and fully justifies major investments such as the U.S. National Quantum Initiative. However, this level of promise has inevitably led to hype in the popular media, company press releases, venture-capital newsletters, and (international) government program announcements. It is essential that in making an informed assessment you seek the truth beyond the hype.

The most important leading message is that quantum technology is a deep-tech field and represents a long-term strategic play; the benefits may be enormous in the national security space, but timescales to delivery remain measured in years and decade. We have recently seen an acceleration of commercial and public-sector interest and activity and there is no doubt that this is furthering progress but there has not been an obvious fundamental change in the pace of technological development. Quantum computing has been described erroneously as just engineering at this stage, where all we need to do to realize quantum advantage for useful problems is execute. While there is much room to incorporate lessons from the engineering community, creativity and serendipity remain essential.

Expert leaders in our community feel confident that within five to 10 years we may realize quantum advantage for a problem of general commercial interest. This would certainly be a profound demonstration, but it is supported by the (consistent) rate of progress since the early 2000s and the relatively small scale of machine we believe is needed to achieve this goal. By contrast, codebreaking using Shors algorithm remains a multi-decadal play because the scale of the system required is likely to be gigantic (thousands of high-performing logical qubits, each capable of performing billions of operations).

This highlights another essential piece of advice for quantum novices: caveat emptor. Question the messenger when reading media reports about technological breakthroughs. In many cases commercial and nationalist motives have clouded the landscape of media reporting on the true state of progress in the field. This is especially true at the intersection of quantum computing and national security for obvious reasons. For instance, in their excellent report, Elsa B. Kania and John Costello explain that quantum technology has clearly become a matter of national priority in China, but that it has become difficult to discern real progress from strategic hyperbole in state media. Unfortunately, the same can be true for corporate media releases closer to home. Many journalists have repeated press-release pronouncements without applying the skepticism the topic demands. National security professionals might then use such articles as a source, leaving an important debate ill-served. It is therefore important that such professionals seek validation of claims via primary-source information. This is of utmost importance in understanding the intersection between national security and quantum technology, as misunderstandings of the capabilities of the underlying technology can completely change the associated security implications.

As an example of such a negative impact on national security assessments, the combination of a rise in corporate and nationalist marketing and credulous media reporting has led to many misleading lay descriptions of how quantum technology operates in the security space. The research area perhaps most subject to misrepresentation is quantum communications, which has become an area of major Chinese investment and clear technical leadership. Quantum communications uses concepts of quantum physics (such as the destructive nature of measurement) in order to offer information security. In particular, these systems are theoretically provably secure a term that has a specific quantitative technical definition relating to the probability of eavesdropping in a nominally successful round of communication. This suggestive nomenclature has led to the broad use of popular terms such as unhackable communications or unbreakable quantum security. But these claims are specious. People have translated a technical definition (provably secure) into an accessible but incorrect lay term (unhackable or unbreakable) when, in fact, there is an entire subfield dedicated to cryptographic attacks on quantum communications systems. None of this means that advances in quantum communications wouldnt be enormously valuable, but it does reveal the shallow nature of some aspects of the popular narrative.

On a final and lighter note, its my pleasure to inform you that quantum radar is not likely to be an imminent threat to stealth technology as is sometimes claimed by Chinese media. There is global research interest in the application of quantum illumination to suppress certain kinds of technical noise in radar systems. It is possible that China has built functional prototypes and could in principle be far ahead of the United States and its allies, but there is no evidence that this has made Chinas radars able to detect stealthy or low-observable aircraft in ways they could not before. Public-domain, state-of-the art research from a Canadian team also publicly claiming they hope to defeat stealth technology does not support such claims. Demonstrated benefits show approximately two times improvement in imaging quality using quantum illumination at one-meter imaging distance in a laboratory. This is far from field-deployable, and a factor of two times improvement in imaging even if it did carry over to realistic distances and conditions does not necessarily render low-observable aircraft vulnerable. Nonetheless, media reporting on this topic has been breathless, even within national security publications. Unfortunately, the primary source material which could be used to raise doubts about claims surrounding quantum radar is highly technical and inaccessible to most analysts. While highly specific, this example illustrates how a lack of understanding of the technical material coupled with nationalistic media releases and credulous journalists can produce deleterious strategic assessments.

The advice I offer here is broad and aims to help national security professionals seeking to build a knowledge base in quantum technology. This is an essential undertaking for anyone seeking to engage meaningfully with this emerging and high-impact field.

Michael J. Biercuk is a professor of quantum physics and quantum technology at the University of Sydney and a chief investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems. In 2017, he founded Q-CTRL, a quantum technology company for which he serves as CEO.

Image: National Institute of Standards and Technology (Photo by Y. Colombe)

See original here:

Read Before Pontificating on Quantum Technology - War on the Rocks

The universe might have a fundamental clock that ticks very, very fast – Science News

Like a metronome that sets the tempo for a musician, a fundamental cosmic clock may be keeping time throughout the universe. But if such a clock exists, it ticks extremely fast.

In physics, time is typically thought of as a fourth dimension. But some physicists have speculated that time may be the result of a physical process, like the ticking of a built-in clock.

If the universe does have a fundamental clock, it must tick faster than a billion trillion trillion times per second, according to a theoretical study published June 19 in Physical Review Letters.

In particle physics, tiny fundamental particles can attain properties by interactions with other particles or fields. Particles acquire mass, for example, by interacting with the Higgs field, a sort of molasses that pervades all of space (SN: 7/4/12). Perhaps particles could experience time by interacting with a similar type of field, says physicist Martin Bojowald of Penn State. That field could oscillate, with each cycle serving as a regular tick. Its really just like what we do with our clocks, says Bojowald, a coauthor of the study.

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Time is a puzzling concept in physics: Two key physics theories clash on how they define it. In quantum mechanics, which describes tiny atoms and particles, time is just there. Its fixed. Its a background, says physicist Flaminia Giacomini of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada. But in the general theory of relativity, which describes gravity, time shifts in bizarre ways. A clock near a massive object ticks slower than one farther away, so a clock on the surface of the Earth lags behind one aboard an orbiting satellite, for example (SN: 12/10/18).

In attempts to combine these two theories into one theory of quantum gravity, the problem of time is actually quite important, says Giacomini, who was not involved with the research. Studying different mechanisms for time, including fundamental clocks, could help physicists formulate that new theory.

The researchers considered the effect that a fundamental clock would have on the behavior of atomic clocks, the most precise clocks ever made (SN: 10/5/17). If the fundamental clock ticked too slowly, these atomic clocks would be unreliable because they would get out of sync with the fundamental clock. As a result, the atomic clocks would tick at irregular intervals, like a metronome that cant keep a steady beat. But so far, atomic clocks have been highly reliable, allowing Bojowald and colleagues to constrain how fast that fundamental clock must tick, if it exists.

Physicists suspect that theres an ultimate limit to how finely seconds can be divided. Quantum physics prohibits any slice of time smaller than about 10-43 seconds, a period known as the Planck time. If a fundamental clock exists, the Planck time might be a reasonable pace for it to tick.

To test that idea, scientists would need to increase their current limit on the clocks ticking rate that billion trillion trillion times per second number by a factor of about 20 billion. That seems like a huge gap, but to some physicists, its unexpectedly close. This is already surprisingly near to the Planck regime, says Perimeter physicist Bianca Dittrich, who was not involved with the research. Usually the Planck regime is really far away from what we do.

However, Dittrich thinks that theres probably not one fundamental clock in the universe, but rather there are likely a variety of processes that could be used to measure time.

Still, the new result edges closer to the Planck regime than experiments at the worlds largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, Bojowald says. In the future, even more precise atomic clocks could provide further information about what makes the universe tick.

See the article here:

The universe might have a fundamental clock that ticks very, very fast - Science News

Enter the mind of Bruce Lee – KTVZ

Bruce Lee, the martial arts icon, was being interviewed by a Hong Kong talk show host when the man asked Lee if he saw himself as Chinese or an American.

Neither, Lee said. I think of myself as a human being.

Forty-three years after his sudden death in July of 1973, more people are starting to think of Lee as something else: A profound thinker whose mind was as supple as his body.

That may seem like an odd claim. Lee was a fighter, not a philosopher, according to popular perception. He left behind some of the most exhilarating fight scenes ever captured on film in movies such as Enter the Dragon and The Chinese Connection.

But his legacy also includes a revolutionary book on the martial arts and Eastern philosophy, and seven volumes of writings on everything from Taoism, quantum physics, psychotherapy and the power of positive thinking.

John Little, who examined Lees papers after the actors death, says he was stunned when he first entered Lees library. He had at least 1,700 heavily annotated books. Thats when he realized that Lee sharpened his mind as much as his body.

The philosophy of Lee is more powerful than the martial arts of Lee, says Little, author of The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee. Everything that Bruce Lee did flowed from his mind and his thinking.

And it flowed from his pride in his Chinese heritage as well.

Lee was a devotee of Alan Watts, a 20th century British philosopher who introduced Eastern thought to Western audiences. Lee would tape Watts lectures and play them back to his martial arts students in class.

Lee, too, saw himself as bridge between the East and the West. He wanted to show Americans the beauty of Chinese philosophy and its culture, his friends and biographers say.

He told me that he could educate people about the East more in films than in books, says Dan Inosanto, one of Lees closest friends and his training partner. Inosanto filmed an insanely exciting fight scene with Lee in Game of Death where both battled one another using Lees signature weapon, nunchakus, a weapon that consists of two sticks connected by a short chain.

Of course, those old enough to remember when Lee was alive didnt go to his films to learn about esoteric Eastern teachings. They wanted to see him kick butt.

And Lee obliged. He hit the American movie screens in the early 1970s like a tsunami.

American audiences had never seen an action star like him before. The liquid grace of his movements; his feline quickness; the weird, high-pitched shrieks he gave off during combat. People squealed in delight so much during his films that a viewer rarely heard all the dialogue.

Lee was a racial pioneer, too. Here was an Asian man who wasnt depicted as a bucktoothed buffoon or fortune-cookie-quoting sage. He was an unabashed sex symbol. Women marveled over his lithe physique; one person said touching his hardened muscles was like touching warm marble.

But Lees mind his grasp of philosophy and his willpower was the engine that powered his physical prowess, says Bruce Thomas, author of Bruce Lee: Fighting Words.

What Lee did was harness energies outside the ordinary energies that are used for daily life, Thomas says. The martial arts were a way a life for him, a genuine path, a means of psychological development and spiritual development.

Another thinker who helped Lee harness those energies was Jiddu Krishnamurti, a philosopher born in India who taught that truth cant be found through any religious tradition or dogma.

In oneself lies the world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand, he wrote. Krishnamurtis emphasis on self-reliance and disdain for mindlessly following tradition shaped Lees approach to the martial arts.

When Lee was alive, the martial arts world was rigidly divided by different fighting styles. He borrowed from virtually all of them to create his own revolutionary fighting called Jeet Kune Do, which he later turned into a book.

Today, Lee is often called the father of MMA, or mixed martial arts, for his willingness to be, as he once said, not one style, but all styles.

Krishnamurti was his go-to thinker, Thomas says. He taught that one must come to the present moment and not be tainted by rituals and dogmas. He took everything Krishnamurti said about religion and applied it to the martial arts.

Lees devotion to philosophy could have just remained an abstract pursuit. But it was also key to his physical speed and power. One martial artist said that Lee had the ability to move from perfect stillness and explode like a firecracker.

Lee could do that because he was able to tap into what ancient Chinese philosophers called chi.

In his book, The Warrior Within, Little described chi as a vast reservoir of free-flowing energy within all people that when channeled to our muscles, can give us great strength and, when channeled to our brain, can give us great insight and understanding.

Lees ability to summon chi at will was the culmination of years of philosophical contemplation and physical training, his biographers and students say.

Lee once described what it felt like to summon these energies within himself:

I feel I have this great creative and spiritual force within me that is greater than faith, greater than ambition, greater than confidence Whether it is the Godhead or not, I feel this great force, this untapped power, this dynamic something within me.

Lee also unleashed those energies through positive thinking. He was a fan of Norman Vincent Peale and read books such As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. He would also jot down homespun aphorisms in his spare time like, Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.

Lees philosophical beliefs could have been confined to books, but they were refined by events in his life that would have broken lesser people.

First, he had to deal with racism from both sides.

He was born in San Francisco, but grew up in Hong Kong in an affluent family. His father was an opera star and Lee became a childhood actor who appeared in at least 20 Chinese films. Lee started studying martial arts when he was 13 but his instructor stopped personally teaching him when he learned that Lees mother was part White, biographers say.

That experience shaped in part his decision to teach the martial arts to Westerners after he moved to America when he turned 18, some say. Teaching the martial arts to Westerners was taboo at the time, but Lee didnt care, says Doug Palmer, who was one of Lees first students in America.

I think the fact that he [Lee] was part white had something to do with it, Palmer says about Lees decision to teach Westerners. He himself had to overcome obstacles in Hong Kong because he was part white.

Lee then encountered racism from Hollywood.

He had gone to Hollywood with an idea for a television drama about the martial arts. They took his idea but rejected him for a role in the series because they thought he looked too Chinese for an America audience. They gave his role to an American actor and dancer. The drama would eventually become a hit television show called Kung Fu.

Lee also suffered a crippling back injury during training. Doctors told him he would never walk properly again and could never practice the martial arts. It was a low moment in his life. He was bedridden with a wife and two young children to support. At one point he only had $50 in the bank. He could have fallen into a debilitating depression but he overcame his injury through positive visualization, and he used that time to write his groundbreaking book, Jeet Kune Do, says Thomas, one of his biographers.

He healed himself, Thomas says.

Lees belief in the power of positive thinking comes through in a letter he wrote to a friend during that shaky period in his life.

He wrote:

I mean who has the most insecure job than I have? What do I live on? My faith in my ability that Ill make it. Sure my back injury screwed me up good for a year but with every adversity comes a blessing Look at a rain storm; after its departure everything grows.

Lee eventually broke through. He went to Hong Kong to make a series of films that caught Hollywoods attention. He then returned to Hollywood to make Enter the Dragon, which became a huge hit.

But Lee never lived long enough to see the culmination of all of his work.

Just days before the American release of Enter the Dragon, in 1973, Lee died in Hong Kong from an allergic reaction to pain medication he had taken. He was 32. Lees son, Brandon, who would follow him into the martial arts and film, would later die in 1993 from a freak accident with a prop gun on a movie set.

Lees friends still miss him. They talk less about his fighting ability and more about what fun he was to be around: his restless questioning, his optimism, his goofy sense of humor and his loyalty to friends.

He was a very charismatic person, says Palmer, who is now an attorney in Seattle. He could dominate most situations. You walk into a room and in most cases he would dominating the conversation.

Lees influence transcends the martial arts, Inosanto says.

I got letters after he died from people from almost all walks of life, from musicians to skateboarders they all said he influenced him, Inosanto says.

Lees global popularity is matched by only one other person, Inosanto says.

Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee are the most recognizable faces in the world, Inosanto says. I was very lucky to have stumbled onto him. I never had a dull moment with him.

Lees family is introducing the martial artist to a new generation today.

Lees widow, Linda Lee Cadwell, and his daughter, Shannon Lee, established the Bruce Lee Foundation to share the art and philosophy of Lee. It gives out scholarships to students who embody Lees passion for learning and provides martial arts training to underprivileged youth.

Lees legacy is expanding in other ways too. There are now more authors writing not so much about Lees fighting ability but his resilience as an example to anyone who wants to express their individuality and overcome obstacles in life.

At the foot of Lees grave site in Seattle is a stone tablet with an inscription that reads: Your inspiration continues to guide us toward personal liberation.

Lees legacy is now bigger than any punch he ever threw.

Continue reading here:

Enter the mind of Bruce Lee - KTVZ

Epigenetics and pandemics: How allopathy can turn into a curse from a cure – The Times of India Blog

As a Gen-X child, I am lucky to have watched the birth of genetics and also its golden period when there was a phase (similar to that experienced by classic physics during Newtonian era) that we had a feeling that we were on the verge of unveiling the ultimate secret of life.

When Watson and Crick discovered DNA, the code of life, it was a serendipitous shock as scientists felt that they now have a key to understand everything about life.

As genetics moved forward, it appeared as if each life-form was constructed using a set of instructions and nothing more, and the quest was all about reading that code.

As genetic expression was presumed to be based only on the code available in the DNA, it was felt that body construction and pathology it will lead to was completely and totally governed by the code with no real way of altering it. For example, if you have a gene with a specific error, say one more (third) copy of chromosome 21, you have no escape from developing Downs syndrome.

As genetics offered a very clear cause-and-effect relationship model, it made allopathy feel very happy with itself, because it strengthened the belief that doctors already had thanks to discovery of pathogens that cause diseases.

So, the early days of genetics was also the golden age of allopathy that was already empowered by antibiotics that killed pathogens and cured diseases and now knew that finding a way to correct genetic errors would cover the rest of the systemic malaises.

Unfortunately for us today, both these optimistic beliefs of allopathy have taken a severe beating, and allopathy is now on the verge of breakdown.

As evolution has started blunting the edge of antibiotics, allopathy is now desperately trying to find newer toxins to be a step ahead of the pathogens that are fast developing resistance, but it looks like a hopeless quest now.

While evolution is beating allopathy (on a front it had arguably won some great battles), on the genetic front, the situation is not looking too good thanks to a newly discovered concept called epigenetics.

In the early years of genetics, DNA looked like an instruction manual written in a linear way to build a life-form. Each protein had its code and each process had a fixed assembly line, so there was a clear one-to-one relationship and hence the comfort of predictable cause-and-effect logic that science thrives on was available.

Unfortunately, scientists soon realised that the book of life was not as simple or linear. It was actually a book that you have to keep flipping through because it had multiple options for a given decoding.

The science of epigenetics is based in this new understanding that DNA code is read by life depending on the given situation.

In simple terms, it is like a book where you read the instructions of what to do on the page 32 if a man coming at you is wearing a white shirt; but, if he is wearing a blue short, you need to read the instructions on page 245.

Similarly, the book of genes gets read depending on external circumstances, and hence genetics is now added with an epi, i.e. outside of to describe it more correctly.

So, epigenetics did what quantum physics did to classical physics. It destroyed the hope of having a deterministic view of a life-form, and what nCovid19 has done today is to tell that secret to the whole world.

While biology or genetics is not mainstream information that the masses are aware of, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, the whole world saw how the great allopathy that claimed having the best cause-and-effect understanding of human body and its diseases actually failed completely in answering even the most simple questions.

It is about time allopathy recognises that the local cause-and-effect model it is pursing is not the only way to look at health and healthcare.

There are deeper and bigger systems at play in each illness and hence the brute-force cure of antibiotics or same-treatment-for-everyone cant be looked at as a future of healthcare.

We need a new allopathy that is ready to grow beyond the current idea of local cause-and-effect and widen its scope to understand the larger global systems that impact behaviour of the micro-systems it is focusing on.

If allopathy is not re-invented soon, it will cause far too many disruptions in larger systems (like what antibiotics have done to the web of life) and if they are agitated to cascade (as we can see with the HIV or coronavirus pandemics) into a problem, they have the power to send our species down the path of existence in a jiffy.

Allopathy may have cured a billion individuals in its golden age, but it is about to turn into a curse from a cure for human species at large. It needs to grow into becoming a holistic system that recognises the idea of optimisation in this chaotic interwoven universe instead of struggling to find cause-and-effect relationships in local systems.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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Epigenetics and pandemics: How allopathy can turn into a curse from a cure - The Times of India Blog

Cristin Milioti on the Palm Springs Ending, Working with Andy Samberg –

Warning: Palm Springs spoilers ahead.

Cristin Milioti is an actors actor. A theater kid to her core (and not just because shes a regular at Maries Crisis in the Village when living in New York), she broke out nearly a decade ago starring in the Broadway musical, Once. Over the past ten years, her craft transcended mediums, as she landed roles in The Sopranos, FXs TV adaptation of Fargo, and Martin Scorseses The Wolf of Wall Street. Of course, she never entirely left the stage behind: In 2015 she starred in David Bowies bizarrely sensational off-Broadway musical, Lazarus.

This month, its back to film for Milioti in the delightful, time-bending Palm Springs, streaming now on Hulu. Milioti plays Sarah, the no-bullshit, wine-drinking thirty-something (in another world, shes your new best friend) who meets Nyles (Andy Samberg) at her younger sisters wedding. After an ill-fated evening walk into a beckoning desert cave, Sarah wakes up only to realize its still the morning of her sisters wedding. So begins life with Nyles in this infinite time loop, where every new day reveals more about Sarah and her past. Between Samberg and Milioti, hilarity ensues, of course: theres a dance montage, a chaotic hook-up, and a slew of ridiculous death scenes. (Because, hot tip, you cant die in a time loop!) But as the days go on (and on) and their relationship develops, its clear that the films message is about something much more relevant. And not just because viewers can relate to the monotony of life in the time of quarantine and lockdownswhere every day feels the same for manybut because it explores what it means to be forced to sit with your flaws. Its a film ripe for fan theories, which seem as infinite in number as the days in their alternate universe.

Recently, the actress sat down with to discuss the existential comedy (she prefers this description over "rom-com"), the problematic love stories of our youth, and why shell never ever share her personal opinions on that ending.

I knew Andy and was always a huge fan of his. I was called in to have a general [meeting] with our fantastic producer, Becky Sloviter. She was working with [The Lonely Island's production company] Party Over Herethat's who produces Pen15, which is an incredible show. And Tim Robinson's, I Think You Should Leave

Its incredible. So I met with them to see if we were interested in possibly collaborating with each other, either with me writing something or acting in something. It was just sort of a, "Hi, here's where I'm from," sorta thing. It was supposed to be a half hour and it turned into three hours. We talked about every single subject under the sun, and I left there sort of feeling like, What a blast, what a great group of people. A couple of days later, they emailed me the script and asked if I'd be interested, and I read it and flipped out for it. I told them I would love to, I would be so interested and then I never heard anything. I assumed that they had gone to someone very fancy. Months and months and months passed, and I would check in on it every now and then, and I sort of had to let it go. And then I was on a trip in Africa with my best friend and we had no Internet. I never looked at my phone and I checked it once every five days to make sure that everyone in my family was happy and alive. And one day, I had 10 voicemails and a bunch of emails and texts being like, You got this movie! Are you alive? Where are you? It was really thrilling.

Christopher Willard

I was first attracted by the people who were involved, obviously. I really clicked with Andy and I really clicked with Becky. I thought Andy Siaras script was brilliant, and I'd never read anything like it. I really kind of went on the same journey that I hope the viewer goes on, which is the amount of left turns and surprises. But the role of Sarah I really flipped for because she's so human. She's a complete spectrum of a human being. You see the good and the bad and the ugly. And she is allowed to be flawed and she is allowed to be as funny and as irreverent as Nyles, and that really appealed to me. She's not like the strong woman trope or the manic pixie trope. She's just a human. And that's the stuff that I have always wanted to play. And I love that. I love how flawed she is. And she's majorly flawed. She does a lot of really shady stuff. And you also feel for her.

She has real fire in her too. I got to show so many different sides of her. I really, really loved playing her. I think also one of the things that I love about iteven though I know it's sort of marketed as a romcom, I've always thought of it as an existential comedythat this is a story about two people who are desperately trying to run away from themselves, and are put in a situation where they can't. She is just boiled in her own shame and anger, and she refuses to take responsibility or any culpability for why she has ended up in the position that she's in. And I'm not just talking about the time loop, I mean in her life. She's always throwing blame, she's always drinking it away, or fucking it away, or whatever. But she goes on this journey of realizing that you have to save yourself, that you have to govern your own shit, that no one is going to swoop in and save you.

Weddings are marketed to us and relationships are marketed to us, especially as young women, that the Knight on the horse comes to get you.

I think a lot about the romances that I watched as a kid. I mean, Jesus The Little Mermaid. Think about that. They take away her voice, and then she's finally with the guy she's with, and then they're like, You have to say goodbye to your family. And then she says goodbye to her whole family and just waves goodbye into the sunset. Pretty Woman, same thing, deeply problematic. Julia Roberts, incredible queen of cinema. However. They just never deal with, I don't know, any of the PTSD she'd have from being a streetwalker. Like a street prostitute. And there's just this implication that once you meet that person, you can finally have yourself, that you're waiting for this person to give you yourself. I think what I love about this film is that [Sarah] chooses [Nyles]. They choose each other, and they're there, warts and all. They see all sides of each other. Without giving anything away, at one point she says, I will be okay without you. She finally takes responsibility. She truly pulls herself up by her bootstraps and stops feeling sorry for herself and stops making excuses. And I think that's universal. We all go through times in our lives where we are trying to escape ourselves and something I like to think of for Sarah and Nyles is that there's no walking off into the sunset moment. They're going to continue to be in the process of this.

Weddings are marketed to us and relationships are marketed to us, especially as young women, that the Knight on the horse comes to get you. It doesn't leave any room for humanity. We're all flawed, and we're all struggling with stuff, and we're all processing things. And we're all evolving at all timesif we're lucky. We all have our history and our traumas and our vulnerabilities and our joys and our dreams and our hopes. It's positive and negative qualities, if you can even call them that. I think they just are what they are.

Oh my God, I have a trove of opinions and I would never speak to them. Because I think that's one of the most beautiful parts about the film. There are many moments of ambiguityor not even ambiguitybut something that is left up to the viewer's interpretation. In terms of the end, I have a wildly different opinion about what it is than Andy. And Andy has a different opinion than Andy Siara and Max [Barbakow, the director]. And all of our opinions are valid. That's my favorite type of stuff to consume as a viewer. I love digging inside of the gray area of life. It's the most uncomfortable. I think when you can portray that in a movie or TV or in a book or in a songIm all for it.

Jessica Perez

That it just sparks joy. I find it to be dark and weird and funny and moving. And I think that even if we weren't in a situation as a human species where many of us, it seems, are repeating the same day over and over. I think that all of us can relate to wanting to run away, and wanting to escape, and wanting to not sit in the shit.

Sit in the discomfort of your past, of your present, of the fears you have about the future. I think that the only way out is through. And if people are able to take that away, Amen. And if they laugh while it happens and if they're moved and if they're made to have discussions about what this part means, and what this part might mean, and what this signifiesall the better.

Theres the logic of the time loop itself, which they did a bunch of painstaking research on. The physicist I speak to in the movie is an actual quantum physicist who worked with them on this monologue that my character used to have. Three pages that explained everything about how a time loop works. I did a ton of research so that I would really understand every single thing I was saying. And the monologue kept changing depending on the physicist theyd talk to. They would send the monologue along to physicists who would add things in there. I was just rehearsing it constantly. In the shower, while cooking, while taking my dog for a walk, just speaking these theories to myself out loud so that I really understood. And we filmed it. And it was a three-page speech, including a drawing that I did. I think that part is still in there a little bit. I draw on a mirror with lipstick. Well that used to be the whole thing of me making that drawing and explaining each single part of it and different theories and all this stuff. And it was all cut. But it was moot, you know?

Jessica Perez

There were a couple of things like that. There used to be a speech my character gave about how marriage is a sham. It was just a lot about how it was a product of the patriarch, and the biggest wool that's pulled over women's eyes is that they're made to think that. I remember when I saw it, I was like, Nooo! But then I also kind of understood, You know she feels that way. I think its the same thing with the quantum physics speechit didn't matter. All that matters is the journey these people are going on.

Another thing about the time loop mechanism: Its very open to interpretation about how long they're in there, you know, with a giant asterisk. I mean, I don't even want to say that. Its so hard to do press for this film without spoiling it.

Right. Watching it with an audience at Sundance for the first timewe watched it in a movie theater with 400 people. And no one knew anything about it. We'd done two days of press and had gone above and beyondmuch to the chagrin of like everyone who interviewed uswhere they were like, What is this about? And we were like, We can't tell you. We would talk about how much fun it was to filmwe could like talk about things that were sort of vague, almost adjacent. And it was so worth it. This is why I'm always so reticent to discuss it. When that audience saw it, watching them go through all the reactions to this film was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life. Because it was the same reaction I had when I read it. All the turns, all the things that are funny, all the things that are sad, all the things that are shockinghearing a group of 400 people react in that way was incredible.

Watching [the audience] go through all the reactions to this film was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life.

And little did we know that was the last time wed all be in a movie theater together. Though it was not the last movie I saw.

The last movie I saw in theaters was The Hunt starring my brilliant genius friend, Betty Gilpin. Oh my gosh, she's amazing. And she did such an incredible job in that film. And that was the last movie I saw in theaters. Because that was the weekend of shut down.

Obviously, the montage was as fun as it looks. That was a blast, for sure. But I do think that campfire scene Andy said in an interview we did a week ago, that it felt hypnotic. And I thought that was such an apt description for it, because it did. We shot that at three in the morning, out in the middle of the desert. The cameras were weirdly far away from us. And we could get so lost in that scene and in the journey of those people. It really felt like we could sort of let go. Wed also spent so much time with the characters by then. It just felt so, so beautiful. That was such a beautiful scene to get to shoot together. That was one of my favorite memories. And the dance sequence. But I gotta say, the dramatic stuff that we do was a blast. It doesn't feel like a blast in the current moment when you're going to those places, but we were so in sync as a pair, and I think that we would really just throw down.

Courtesy of Hulu

Was it fun to meet that challenge?

Well, that's one of my favorite moments of the film, that scene. Because to me, youre in the process of really examining some stuff about yourself. One of the things I love about this film is they really gave a lot of thought to how someone would try to escape the monotony of waking up every day. Which you could say is a metaphor for one's life, maybe at certain times. And you fight it. You fight, you fight, you fight. Then you acquiesce. Then you do a bunch of drugs. Youre partying hard. You're like,Well, who cares? Doesn't matter. And then you start getting a little uncomfortable. Then you start getting into the mud. And that's what that scene is. And so I loved it.

I also feel like it's also such a window into who those people are. So it is a type of fun. Definitely while doing it I'm not like, Woohoo! I love going to these places! I love acting, so I do love going to those places, for sure. But I don't know if I would categorize it as it's a very specific type of fun. It's not even fun. I don't know. It's very hard to describe it. But I loved us going toe to toe in that scene.

You guys have great chemistry.

I was very blessed. That was something that came very easy to us because we're also friends.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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What is the most important phrase in all science according to the Nobel Prize for Physics Richard Feynman and why – Explica

.What would be your message?

If, in some cataclysm, all scientific knowledge were destroyed but we had the opportunity to pass on a single sentence to the next generations of creatures, what should that sentence be?

That is the question that physicist Richard Feynman posed on the shoulders of some undergraduate students one day in 1961, in one of his legendary lectures given at the California Institute of Technology or Caltech.

If you are taking pity on the poor students, put aside the pity.

Not only did Feynman himself answer the question immediately, but they were fortunate enough to stand before who is widely regarded as the most influential physicist since Albert Einstein.

On top of that, he was the most charismatic, fun and irreverent teacher they could have had.

In short, one of the most extraordinary scientists of the 20th century and someone to whom it hurts to compare.

He was born in 1918, during the Depression, into a working class family outside of New York, USA and, at age 17, he won a math contest in which his talent in that subject was clear .

That same year, he went to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, and then moved to Princeton, achieving a top score on the mathematics and physics entrance exam, an unprecedented feat.

But soon after, he received sad news: Arline Greenbaum, his girlfriend, had tuberculosis, a disease for which there was no cure at the time. Feynman decided to marry her so that he could take care of her.

Science Photo LibraryRichard and Arline married in 1942, when he was 24 years old and she, 22, under the shadow of a disease that was incurable at the time.

Soon, another threat loomed over the couple: A few months before Richard and Arline were married, the United States was embroiled in World War II, after the Pearl Harbor bombing.

Feynman was asked to join a top-secret project based at a government laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Code-named Manhattan, their goal was to build an atomic bomb.

Germany was the intellectual center of theoretical physics and we had to make sure that they did not rule the world. I felt like I should do it to protect civilizationFeynman said.

Extraordinary physicists of the stature of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, and Enrico Fermi combined their intellectual abilities, but the challenge of developing an atomic bomb so quickly was a titanic task.

A fundamental problem was the large volume of calculations required. Without computers, everything had to be done manually, greatly hampering progress.

Science Photo LibraryAs part of the Manhattan Project, Feynman made human computer equipment work at an inhuman pace.

Feynman devised a way to do calculations in parallel, reducing problem solving time exponentially.

He became a key member of the team, but he also made a name for himself by playing tricks like opening locks behind which top-secret documents were kept just to show that he could.

When he was in Los lamos, he received the sad news that his wife, who was confined to a nearby sanitarium, died.

She was 25 years old. He, 27 and a broken heart.

Shortly after, he was forced to face the reality of what he had helped create.

.The devastation left behind by the bomb he had helped create.

The bomb exploded over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. It killed more than 80,000 people. Three days later, a second bomb was detonated, in Nagasaki.

Feynman was deeply disturbed to have contributed to the deaths of so many.

In the months after the double trauma, was plunged into a dark depression.

In the fall of 1945, Feynman was invited to become a professor in the Physics Department at Cornell University.

He was still shocked by the events of that summer, but reflected and remembered that I used to enjoy physics and mathematics because I played with them, so I decided that I was going to do things just for fun.

Science Photo LibraryHaving fun was a priority.

While Feynman was rediscovering the fun in physics, science was in crisis.

New discoveries about atoms had caused confusion in physics.

The old assumptions about the world were wrong and there was a new problem area called Quantum Mechanics.

Quantum mechanics, in many ways, was the most profound psychological shock that physicists have had in all of history.

Isaac Newton was not right: you can know everything there is to know about the world, and yet you cannot predict with perfect precision what will happen next.

Quantum mechanics had revealed the problems of anticipating the behavior of atoms and their electromagnetic forces.

And since they are the fundamental building blocks of nature, everything else was also in doubt.

.Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces of the known universe and it is everywhere.

Think about it: everything that happens around you, apart from gravity, is due to electromagnetism.

When two atoms come together to form a molecule, that is electromagnetism, so all chemistry is electromagnetism. And if all chemistry is electromagnetism, then all biology is electromagnetism.

Literally everything around us is a manifestation of electromagnetism in one way or another.

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To try to make sense of electromagnetism and subatomic matter, a new field called quantum electrodynamics or QED, for its acronym in English.

The problem was that while sometimes it seemed to work, other times it didnt make any sense. He was confusing the smartest physicists on the planet, even QEDs father Paul Dirac.

Science Photo LibraryEnglish theoretical physicist Paul Dirac (left) conversing with Feynman in 1962 at the International Conference on Relativistic Theories of Gravitation in Warsaw, Poland. Dirac and Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 and 1965, respectively.

Feynman had read a book by Dirac, describing problems that no one knew how to solve.

I didnt understand the book very well. But there, in the last paragraph of the book, it said: Some new ideas are needed hereso I started thinking of new ideas, Feynman recalled in an interview.

Typically, Feynman approached the matter in an unconventional way: with drawings.

He found a pictorial way of thinking, inventing a brilliant way to bypass the complicated calculations necessary for QED.

The result were Feynman diagrams, which put the finishing touches on QED, the most numerically accurate physical theory ever invented.

The diagrams turned out to be so useful that today they are applied in completely different fields to particle physics, such as calculating the evolution of galaxies and large-scale structure in the Universe.

Drawing, in fact, would later become another of his hobbies, in addition to playing bongos, which for him were what the violin for Einstein and the piano for Werner Heisenberg.

He decided to learn to draw in his fourth decade of life, helped by an artist friend, and was so enthusiastic that he adopted a topless bar as his secondary office, where he sketched the girls and physics equations.

But it was the QED related drawings that made him deserving of the Nobel Prize in Physics, which he shared with Julian Schwinger and Shinichiro Tomonaga, in 1965.

.Although he accepted the Nobel Prize and had fun at the gala dancing with Gweneth Howarth, his third wife and mother of their two children, Feynman always said that the true award was the pleasure of discovery and seeing that it is useful to other people.

Among those who live in the quantum world, Feynman is also known for works that amaze us, such as the theory of quantum electrodynamics and the physics of superfluidity of subcooled liquid helium.

Let us stay with knowing that he was one of the pioneers in the field of quantum computing and that introduced the concept of nanotechnology.

And his involvement in 1986, when he was already fatally ill, in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster investigation, when he revealed what NASA was reluctant to accept: the cause of the ships disintegration 73 seconds after its launch put him in the center of public attention.

The phrase with which he summarized his conclusions became famous: For a successful technology, reality must prevail over public relations, since you cant fool nature

But it was his solution to another problem related to physics, this time in university classrooms, that would reveal his gift for spreading the science that would make him famous in the outside world.

In the early 1960s, Caltech was struggling as it failed to attract students to physics classes. Looking for ways to get them excited about the subject, they asked Feynman to redo the curriculum.

His work was a series of lectures that were so engaging that they were edited and published under the title The Feynman Lectures of Physics, one of the most popular physics books in history.

It was in the first of those classes that, after confirming that if they wanted to be physicists, they would have a lot to study (200 years on the fastest developing field of knowledge that exists) and warn them that it would take many more years to learn it (Theyll have to go to graduate school!), He wondered where to start and asked them that question.

But, What was for Feynman the statement that would contain the most information in the fewest words?

BBCCaltech made all of Feynmans legendary lectures available to the public on the website The Feynman Lectures on Physics

I think it is the atomic hypothesis (or the atomic fact, or whatever you want to call it) that all things are made of atoms: small particles that move in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are within walking distance, but repelling when trying to press them against each other


In that single sentence there is an enormous amount of information about the world, if only a little imagination and thought is applied

If you know that all matter is made of atoms that are constantly moving, you can start to understand phenomena like temperature, pressure and electricity.

They all have to do with the speed at which the atoms are moving and how many and / or what parts of them are doing it.

ANDit can only lead you to discover, for example, the power of steam, the pressure of gases, weather patterns and inventing things like motors, telephones and electric light.

Science Photo LibraryWith his lively and lucid explanations, Feynman made abstract concepts tangible, and his warm presence inspired (and continues to inspire thanks to books and films) the interest and wonder of even the most science-averse.

The final part of his sentence, which refers to the way atoms interact with each other (attracting and repelling each other) reveals the chemistry to you.

Once you understand how Atoms come together to form molecules, you can do it to create antibiotics, vaccines, gasoline and air mixed together form an explosive mixture (combustion engines), batteries, asphalt, steel and even the essence of life: amino acids, carbohydrates, DNA.

For all that Feynman chose that phrase as a legacy for creatures to start again, after everything was lost (and to spark his students interest in physics).

Of course, that is not the only answer.

In fact, there are those who criticize it, such as neuroscientist Daniel Toker who pointed out in an article that strictly speaking, the atomic hypothesis turns out to be false, because according to the theory of the quantum field, a discipline in which Feynman played a key role in development, () subatomic particles are not actually particles, but simply local excitations of quantum fields.

Fortunately, science is not a dogma and as it develops it constantly throws up new possibilities.

Six decades later, the question remains intriguing. And the spirit of the second part of Feynmans answer, eternal.

It will always be urgent to bequeath to the new generations clues so that, with a little imagination and thought, they can discover the world.

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What is the most important phrase in all science according to the Nobel Prize for Physics Richard Feynman and why - Explica

Pure math takes PhD across the world – University of Victoria News

Discovering pure mathematics

Nine years after transferring to UVic as an undergraduate student, Chris Bruce is leaving with a PhD in Mathematics and a prestigious NSERC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship.

In that time, he has proven himself to be an exceptional mathematician.

Born and raised in Victoria, Bruce started his undergraduate degree at Camosun College, and had quite a different path in mind. I thought Id major in business or economics, he says. He had already started an online business, selling parts for mountain bikes. But after transferring to UVic and taking an introduction to abstract algebra course, he knew his path was changing.

He explores connections between two areas of mathematics algebraic number theory, an ancient field of mathematics which deals with prime numbers, rational numbers, and their generalizations, and operator algebras, a relatively new field of math that was originally developed to model systems in quantum physics.

If you can come up with a strong enough connection between these two areas, you can give new approaches to solving problems and potentially solve some of the worlds most famous unresolved problems in pure mathematics, such as the Riemann hypothesis or Hilbert's 12th problem.

While one might imagine mathematics as being a solitary activity at a desk, Bruces experiences belie that.

Working with peoplediscussing problems and having a back and forth of ideas, working on a proofthat is the most enjoyable part of mathematics for me, Bruce says. To that end, he started a graduate-level seminar in his department, giving graduate students, post-docs and visitors a chance to present to their peers.

During his undergraduate degree, he completed a semester in Moscow. Since then, hes taken courses at the University of Wollongong in Australia, attended workshops at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Germany, and developed collaborations in the United Kingdom and Japan.

Once Bruce is able to travel internationally, hell be continuing onto Queen Mary, University of London, with a prestigious NSERC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, a prize which provides the best applicants with $70 000 per year in funding for two years.

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Pure math takes PhD across the world - University of Victoria News

Light From Inside the Tunnel: Advance in Steering and Monitoring the Light-Driven Motion of Electrons – SciTechDaily

Light emission (blue) from the current associated with light-induced electronic tunneling inside a transparent dielectric material due to excitation with a strong optical field (red). Credit: University of Rostock, B. Liewehr

Steering and monitoring the light-driven motion of electrons inside matter on the time-scale of a single optical cycle is a key challenge in ultrafast light wave electronics and laser-based material processing.

Physicists from the Max Born Institute in Berlin and the University of Rostock have now revealed a so-far overlooked nonlinear optical mechanism that emerges from the light-induced tunneling of electrons inside dielectrics. For intensities near the material damage threshold, the nonlinear current arising during tunneling becomes the dominant source of bright bursts of light, which are low-order harmonics of the incident radiation.

These findings, which have just been published in Nature Physics, significantly expand both the fundamental understanding of optical non-linearity in dielectric materials and its potential for applications in information processing and light-based material processing.

Our current understanding of non-linear optics at moderate light intensities is based on the so-called Kerr non-linearity, which describes the non-linear displacement of tightly bound electrons under the influence of an incident optical light field. This picture changes dramatically when the intensity of this light field is sufficiently high to eject bound electrons from their ground state. At long wavelengths of the incident light field, this scenario is associated with the phenomenon of tunneling, a quantum process where an electron performs a classically forbidden transit through a barrier formed by the combined action of the light force and the atomic potential.

Already since the 1990s and pioneered by studies from the Canadian scientist Franois Brunel, the motion of electrons that have emerged at the end of the tunnel, which happens with maximal probability at the crest of the light wave, has been considered as an important source for optical non-linearity. This picture has now changed fundamentally.

In the new experiment on glass, we could show that the current associated with the quantum mechanical tunneling process itself creates an optical non-linearity that surpasses the traditional Brunel mechanism, explains Dr. Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin from the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, who supervised the experiment.

In the experiment, two ultrashort light pulses with different wavelengths and slightly different propagation directions were focused onto a thin slab of glass, and a time- and frequency-resolved analysis of the emerging light emission was performed.

Identification of the mechanism responsible for this emission was made possible by a theoretical analysis of the measurements that was performed by the group of Prof. Thomas Fennel, who works at the University of Rostock and at the Max Born Institute in the framework of a DFG Heisenberg Professorship. The analysis of the measured signals in terms of a quantity that we termed the effective non-linearity was key to distinguish the new ionization current mechanism from other possible mechanisms and to demonstrate its dominance, explains Fennel.

Future studies using this knowledge and the novel metrology method that was developed in the course of this work may enable researchers to temporally resolve and steer strong-field ionization and avalanching in dielectric materials with unprecedented resolution, ultimately possibly on the time-scale of a single cycle of light.

Reference: Origin of strong-field-induced low-order harmonic generation in amorphous quartz by P. Jrgens, B. Liewehr, B. Kruse, C. Peltz, D. Engel, A. Husakou, T. Witting, M. Ivanov, M. J. J. Vrakking, T. Fennel and A. Mermillod-Blondin, 29 June 2020, Nature Physics.DOI: 10.1038/s41567-020-0943-4

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Light From Inside the Tunnel: Advance in Steering and Monitoring the Light-Driven Motion of Electrons - SciTechDaily

Free will and determinism – Economic Times


In classical physics, everything is mechanistic, pre-determined and, therefore, predictable and controlled, in a world where sensory experiences are perceived as reality. But quantum physics says that pre-determined behaviour could be subject to change when there is molecular uncertainty. Are we products of the determinate variables in particle physics and so live a pre-destined, pre- determined life? Or could we exercise free will and change things?

George Ellis, professor in the department of mathematics, University of Cape Town, says that while on the one hand we talk of the predictable, mechanistic universe that classical physics is premised on, on the other hand, we have quantum physics at the micro level, where Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle overturns the theory of determinism. A mechanistic universe with a physically determined trajectory may submit to uncertainties where nothing can be predicted with certainty.

In the biological universe too, it is not only physical DNA that determines lifes trajectory. Yes, scientists did discover that the DNA molecule contains codes that indicate our genetic inheritance from our forefathers. Yet, it is seen that not all those who are carrying information that predisposes them to specific conditions show evidence of its manifestation. Why?

This is because there are other parameters and changing conditions that come into play, like nurture, the environment, mental attitude and free will. This is what spiritual masters call the art of altering your karma through exercise of free will, you could redesign your destiny.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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Free will and determinism - Economic Times

Armijo: Are we living in ‘The Matrix’? – Vail Daily News

For those who are unfamiliar, the film The Matrix made its debut in 1999. As a 19-year-old teen excited to see the next big-budget action movie of the summer, I was not looking to be changed by a film. The Matrix is a science fiction film starring Keanu Reeves as a hacker and corporate shlub who feels as though he is stuck on the hamster wheel of life. The main character is then contacted by a secret group who wakes up certain individuals to the fact that reality is actually a simulation we are all living in.

I was 19 and dreading the prospect of following societys path from school, to college, to a career, marriage, and death. It just seemed so prefabricated and soulless to me, so I could entirely relate to the main character. I had always felt out of place in this world and knew there was more I was destined for than to sit behind a desk for a quarter of my life until I was old enough to stop working and retire. The idea that we are living in a simulation was much more stimulating to me.

This idea that we are living in a simulation has been considered by many researchers over the years. Quantum physics states without thought, our universe would cease to exist which is a nod to the idea that we are actually creating the reality around us. This will seem very far fetched for a lot of people, yet many of these same people have no trouble believing in a supreme being who created us and everything around us.

As recently as 2015, physics professor Jim (James) Gates discovered binary code while researching superstring theory. Let me just clarify by saying binary code is a set of 1s and 0s which are used in computer programming and superstring theory is an attempt to explain all the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory of tiny vibrations of superstrings (minute particles of matter)

The simplest way to state this is that computer programming language has been discovered in the smallest particles of our universe. This means that, yes, it is very likely we are living in a type of simulation. Isnt that incredible?

So what does this all mean for those of us who are not studying physics or are not scientific researchers? It means we have the opportunity to completely change the programming to something we most want in our lives. If you want to have more free time, money, or vacations, you can do so. It means that which we see with our physical eyes is not actually the truth but only a perception of what we believe to be true and it is up to us to decide to either accept it or reject it.

What about the negative things we are receiving from the media? Isnt this all truth? Well, it is only if we decide to accept it as truth. We have all heard stories of people being diagnosed with terminal illnesses in which they were given only a short time to live but somehow tested free and clear of all illness only a short while later. How can this be? The simple answer is because these people refused to accept the reality their health practitioner tried to give them. Many people try to fight against cancer, AIDS, MS, etc. but this is wrong. There is a very famous quote by Carl Jung that states, what we resist not only persists but grows in size.

This means when we try and fight these illnesses and ailments, we unintentionally give them more power over us. Think of someone who wronged you in the past that you may have never gotten over. This person is like cancer in your mind and every time you think of them, you feel overwhelming emotions of anger and frustration which is effectively giving that person more power over you.

What is the correct way to change something you are not satisfied with your life? It is to focus on the opposite. Everything in this universe is based upon polarity (i.e. up and down, hot and cold, north and south, positive and negative, etc.). We must focus on the opposite of the things we do not want in this life to create change. If you want to overcome an illness, then you must focus on health and healing. If you want to get out of debt then focus on an abundance of money and not debt (otherwise you will create more debt). If you want to get over a bad relationship then focus on a positive, loving relationship.

When we begin to understand the power we have in this universe comes from within and not from without, miracles become commonplace. There are so many people looking at todays current situation and panicking due to a loss of income, loss of business, loss of freedoms, and so on and wondering when the outside world will begin to help them. Unfortunately, there will not be anyone coming to help out. We have more power than weve ever given ourselves credit to change this situation to something beneficial for all.

It is time for you to decide how you want to live your life. We can literally change the program to a life we desire which allows us a happier more enjoyable state of being. Do you want to live in fear, panic, and anxiety or do you want to live a life of beauty, abundance, and love? It is your choice and only your choice.

Chad Armijo lives in Edwards and is the founder of, Elev8te SEO, and creator of the Mind Muscle Mastery program. He holds two masters degrees from Colorado State University in Business Management and Adult Teaching. In addition, he is a Master Certified NLP Life/Business Success Coach and Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist as well as a Pilates instructor. Find him on Facebook (@lifecoachingvail) or Instagram (@carmijo12) or email him at

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Armijo: Are we living in 'The Matrix'? - Vail Daily News

New Theory Suggests Time May Be Bigger Than We Imagine | TechQuila – TechQuila

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Time and all physical quantities have a unit. These units vary in magnitude and may be arbitrarily defined. Some might be illogical as well (no offence to imperial system supporters). In physics, however, units hold a very special place. In addition to their usual role, units can also lead physicists to some higher truths about the Universe in which we live.

One of the best examples of this is the Planck length. It is a base unit in the system of Planck units. It is defined by three fundamental constants: the speed of light, Plancks constant, and the Gravitational constant. It is coincidentally also the smallest distance about which current physics can make meaningful statements.

A new theory that has emerged recently suggests that the smallest conceivable length of time might be no larger than a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second. This theory sheds some light on the concept that there might be an inbuilt clock in the universe or at least a fundamental clock-like property.

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The implication of the new theory could have some far-reaching consequences. It could help in the formation of a Theory of Everything, a noble attempt by physicists to resolve the disagreements of the two pillars of modern physics, quantum mechanics, and relativity.

The other more docile implications of this discovery are intriguing in their own right. The biggest question that this theory throws in our faces is, what is time? While for the general public, time might not be a very complicated topic; for scientists, it is the most complex of all.

The short answer to this question is that we do not know. Time described by quantum mechanics is an ever-flowing continuum of events, whereas, for relativity, it is the same as any other physical dimension, which can contract and expand.

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The concept of time having quantized ticks is not new. The quantum gravity model proposes that time is quantized and has a certain tick rate. This minimum tick rate is the Universal minimum tick rate, and no time measurement can be smaller than that. This theory has some implications for the atomic clocks that we use in modern equipment.

The theoretical conclusion of such a theory would be that two atomic clocks would eventually disagree with each other. The new theory uses this concept and the actual physical measurements from real atomic clocks to put a bound on the smallest possible tick of time.

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The model is beautiful as well as eye-opening as it is abstract but also uses physical evidence for its arguments. The sheer implications of this theory on the future course of physics is yet to be determined. However, it would not be insignificant in the least.

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New Theory Suggests Time May Be Bigger Than We Imagine | TechQuila - TechQuila

When it comes to books, hes listening – The Boston Globe

BOOKS: What have you been listening to that youve liked recently?

HAMBLIN: Theodore Dreisers An American Tragedy. I dont know if I like it. Im still thinking about it. Ive been listening to Robert Caros The Power Broker. I picked that up because Ive been thinking about how the infrastructure of New York may change because of the pandemic. Just like everyone else, I think thats an amazing book.

BOOKS: What were some of your pre-pandemic best reads?

HAMBLIN: I really enjoyed In the Land of Men by Adrienne Miller. Its about being a female editor at Esquire in the 90s and editing David Foster Wallace. The media coverage of the book was weirdly meta. The media described it as being a book about Wallace but it was about how these giant male literary characters overlooked Miller. My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh was beautifully written and fun. I like fiction that is grounded in reality, but which is also extremely absurd.

BOOKS: Do you read books about science and medicine?

HAMBLIN: Not at all, because its what I do all day. I used to, books like Siddhartha Mukherjees The Emperor of all Maladies. Now I feel that I cant immerse myself in books about science, partly because I see all the mechanisms. I enjoy fiction because I have no idea how to do it. Fiction still looks like magic.

BOOKS: How would you describe the books you pick?

HAMBLIN: Voice and humor are the most important things to me. I love Hunter S. Thompsons work, especially Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72. He was very informative for me in understanding what it was that drew me to reading, that there is real person on the other side and the voice doesnt sound too polished. Thats what I like about social media, that authenticity, the sense that you are getting a first draft of history. Thompsons work has that energy and authenticity.

BOOKS: How did you discover audio books?

HAMBLIN: I finally got into this in college, and I cant say it was a sophisticated reading list. It was stuff like Stephen Hawkings A Brief History of Time. I was curious about the universe. I knew if I had a hard time reading I would have a hard time understanding a book about quantum physics. One of the first long books that I became deeply immersed in was Larry McMurtrys Lonesome Dove. I think I consider it my favorite because for most of my childhood I didnt think I could read a book that long. I remember not wanting to put Lonesome Dove down.

BOOKS: How did you survive high school?

HAMBLIN: I was in a public school in Indiana and I was an athlete and wanted to be a doctor. I didnt appreciate the value of literature. Id do my assignments and just get through them. I always did the worst on reading sections of standardized tests.

BOOKS: Were there any classics that ever grabbed you then?

HAMBLIN: No. I loved The Great Gatsby when I eventually listened to it. Ive listened to it about ten times. I had read it in high school but missed a question on a test about the color of the light at the end of Daisys dock. I thought that was a wildly unfair question. Now, I get it.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter @GlobeBiblio. Amy Sutherland is the author, most recently, of Rescuing Penny Jane'' and she can be reached at


When it comes to books, hes listening - The Boston Globe

Standard Chartered and Universities Space Research Association join forces on Quantum Computing – PRNewswire

LONDON andMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Standard Chartered Bank and Universities Space Research Association (USRA) have signed a Collaborative Research Agreement to partner on quantum computing research and developing quantum computing applications.

In finance, the most promising use cases with real-world applications include quantum machine learning models (generating synthetic data and data anonymisation) and discriminative models (building strong classifiers and predictors) with multiple potential uses such as credit scoring and generating trading signals. As quantum computing technology matures, clients should benefit from higher quality services such as faster execution, better risk management and the development of new financial products.

Kahina Van Dyke, Global Head of Digital Channels and Client Data Analytics at Standard Chartered, said: "Similar to other major technological advancements, quantum computing is set to bring widespread benefits as well as disrupt many existing business processes. This is why it's important for companies to future-proof themselves by adopting this new technology from an early stage. The partnership with USRA gives us access to world-class academic researchers and provides us with a unique opportunity to explore a wide range of models and algorithms with the potential to establish quantum advantage for the real-world use cases."

Bernie Seery, Senior VP of Technology at USRA noted that "This partnership with the private sector enables a diversity of research through a competitively selected portfolio of quantum computing research projects involving academic institutions and non-profits, growing an ecosystem for quantum artificial intelligence that has already involved over 150 researchers from more than 40 organizations that produced over 50 peer-reviewed publications over the last seven years."

Alex Manson, Global Head of SC Ventures, Standard Chartered's innovation, fintech investment and ventures arm, stated: "The world is currently in the process of identifying commercial use cases where quantum computer capabilities will surpass classical computers. We have a conviction that some of these use cases will transform the way we manage risks in financial services, for example by simulating portfolios and exponentially speeding up the generation of market data. We will work with USRA to identify such use cases in financial services, with a view to implementing them within our bank, as well as potentially offering this service to other market participants over time."

Mark Johnson, Vice President, Processor Design, Development and Quantum Products at D-Wave said: "Quantum computing research and development are poised to have a profound impact on the industries responsible for solving today's most complex problems. That's why researchers and businesses alike are looking to quantum computing today to start demonstrating tangible value. We're proud to work with USRA and Standard Chartered Bank as they improve global access to quantum systems and undertake essential research and development."

At USRA's Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Dr. Davide Venturelli, Associate Director for Quantum Computing, notes that quantum annealing is implementing a powerful approach to computing, featuring unique advantages with respect to other traditional and novel approaches, that should be studied, theoretically and experimentally, to advance the state of art of computing technologies for the benefit of nearly all disciplines.

Standard Chartered's team, led by Dr. Alexei Kondratyev, Global Head of Data Science and Innovation, and USRA have collaborated in quantum computing research since 2017. An earlier success in investigating the quantum annealing approach to computational problems in portfolio optimisation use cases led to this strategic partnership, where USRA will continue to support fundamental academic research in quantum physics and artificial intelligence and Standard Chartered will focus on future commercial applications.

In 2012, USRA partnered with NASA to found the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL): the space agency's hub to evaluate the near-term impact of quantum technologies. With QuAIL, the USRA team has investigated the physics, the engineering and the performance of multiple generations of quantum annealing processors built by D-Wave Systems. It has also participated in U.S. government research programs that looked into application of quantum annealing for combinatorial optimization, aviation, earth science and machine learning. NASA Ames Research Center is currently hosting a D-Wave 2000Q annealing system, thanks to the support of this partnership.

Standard Chartered and USRA intend to develop this initial collaboration beyond quantum annealing to all unconventional computing systems that could provide an advantage to applications of interest, such as gate-model noisy-intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) processors and Coherent Ising machines.

For more information, contact: Standard Chartered: Group Media Relations Contact: Shaun Gamble, [emailprotected] Tel: +44 2078855934

USRA: PR Contact: Suraiya Farukhi, [emailprotected] Technical Contact: David Bell, [emailprotected]

About USRA

Foundedin 1969, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences at the request of the U.S. Government, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a nonprofit corporation chartered to advance space-related science, technology and engineering. USRA operates scientific institutes and facilities, and conducts other major research and educational programs, under Federal funding. USRA engages the university community and employs in-house scientific leadership, innovative research and development, and project management expertise.RIACS is a USRA department for research in fundamental and applied information sciences, leading projects on quantum computing funded by NASA, DARPA, the US Airforce and NSF.

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About Standard Chartered

We are a leading international banking group, with a presence in 59 of the world's most dynamic markets, and serving clients in a further 85. Our purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity, and our heritage and values are expressed in our brand promise, Here for good.

Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges as well as the Bombay and National Stock Exchanges in India.

For more stories and expert opinions please Follow Standard Chartered onTwitter,LinkedInandFacebook.

SOURCE Universities Space Research Association

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Standard Chartered and Universities Space Research Association join forces on Quantum Computing - PRNewswire

Hollywood Wants to Kill You: The Peculiar Science of Death in the Movies – Chemistry World

Rick Edwards and Michael BrooksAtlantic Books2019 | 282pp | 12.99ISBN 9781786496928

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Can you really die from insomnia? How would a tree kill an antelope? Why should you stay out of the water? And particularly relevant in the current climate why should we be terrified of pig farms?

These are just a few of the questions answered in Hollywood Wants to Kill You. In the book, Rick Edwards and Michael Brooks take some of the greatest disaster movies ever made and turn them into case studies for the various ways in which all we are all doomed.Brooks did PhD in quantum physics, but now works as a journalist, co-hosting the podcast Science(ish) together with fellow journalist Edwards.

Each chapter examines a different way to die: nuclear fallout, viral epidemic, massive superstorms, killer robots, giant predators and so many more. For each genre of death and destruction, Edwards and Brooks take key storylines from some of your favourite films and dissect what Hollywood got right. I have to admit, learning about the physiological effects of sleep deprivation makes Freddy Krueger much more scary (although he was already quite scary thanks to the knives and the creepy nursery rhyme).

The book is interspersed with engaging mini side-stories about real-world examples of Hollywood storylines. For example, in an incident reminiscent ofThe Day of the Triffids, 3000 antelopes died suddenly on a South African game ranch killed by acacia trees. The trees had produced antelope-killing levels of tannins, warning each other of the hungry herbivores by emitting volatile compounds. These stories, in addition to the authors playful cartoon-style commentary,create a mix of realism and whimsy throughout, making the book fun and entertaining.

As you might expect from a book about movies, there are quite a few spoilers, but I dont think thats a negative it gave me ideas for several films to watch and analyse. Besides, if you didnt already know that Armageddon was about a totally plausible story of deep-sea drillers going into space then maybe this isnt the book for you.

Id recommend for bedtime reading, but its actually quite hard to put down and apparently not sleeping is bad for you.

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Hollywood Wants to Kill You: The Peculiar Science of Death in the Movies - Chemistry World

The fundamental clock of the Universe is much faster than we imagined – InTallaght

As a metronome keeps the tempo for a musician, a fundamental clock which holds the time of the entire Universe. Typically time is seen as a dimension, similar to spatial ones, but according to some theorists it could derive from a physical process, like a clock.

If the Universe possessed a fundamental clock this should tick more than one million billion billion times per second.

Second particle physics, the latter can obtain properties by interacting with fields: the particles acquire a mass by interacting with the Higgs field, carried by the homonymous boson. In the same way bodies could feel the passage of time in a similar way, interacting with an oscillating field, each oscillation would correspond to a tick of the clock.

Time is a difficult concept to handle in physics: for quantum mechanics, it is a background, an entity external to the particles we want to describe; for General Relativity it is a dimension comparable to the 3 spatial ones and whose flow can be altered by the presence of a gravitational field.

The problem of time is quite important, says Flaminia Giacomini, of the Perimeter Institute of Waterloo in Canada, about the possibility of unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Studying the different mechanisms that can reproduce time, including the fundamental clock, can help the creation of new theories (for now, no time travel, however).

Theories are very important but need to be proven experimentally; scientists, therefore, speculated the effects of the fundamental clock on atomic clocks.

If the fundamental metronome is too slow, atomic clocks would quickly go out of sync and tick at irregular intervals. This does not happen, in fact, atomic clocks are the most precise method to measure the passage of time and, evidently, the eventual fundamental stopwatch must oscillate very quickly. How much?

Physicists suspect that there is a limit on the parts into which a second can be divided. Quantum mechanics prohibits divisions smaller than 10 to minus 43, the Planck scale. An interval equal to Plancks time seems reasonable for a possible fundamental clock.

To test their idea, researchers need to increase the oscillation frequency of current atomic clocks about 20 billion times. A considerable but not impossible increase, at least according to some scientists, and perhaps the Large Hadron Collider, the closest instrument to the Planck scale currently available, could help.


The fundamental clock of the Universe is much faster than we imagined - InTallaght