The Intellectual We Deserve | Current Affairs

If you want to appear very profound and convince people to take you seriously, but have nothing of value to say, there is a tried and tested method. First, take some extremely obvious platitude or truism. Make sure it actually does contain some insight, though it can be rather vague. Something like if youre too conciliatory, you will sometimes get taken advantage of or many moral values are similar across human societies. Then, try to restate your platitude using as many words as possible, as unintelligibly as possible, while never repeating yourself exactly. Use highly technical language drawn from many different academic disciplines, so that no one person will ever have adequate training to fully evaluate your work. Construct elaborate theories with many parts. Draw diagrams. Use italics liberally to indicate that you are using words in a highly specific and idiosyncratic sense. Never say anything too specific, and if you do, qualify it heavily so that you can always insist you meant the opposite. Then evangelize: speak as confidently as possible, as if you are sharing Gods own truth. Accept no criticisms: insist that any skeptic has either misinterpreted you or has actually already admitted that you are correct. Talk as much as possible and listen as little as possible. Follow these steps, and your success will be assured. (It does help if you are male and Caucasian.)

Jordan Peterson appears very profound and has convinced many people to take him seriously. Yet he has almost nothing of value to say. This should be obvious to anyone who has spent even a few moments critically examining his writings and speeches, which are comically befuddled, pompous, and ignorant. They are half nonsense, half banality. In a reasonable world, Peterson would be seen as the kind of tedious crackpot that one hopes not to get seated next to on a train.

But we do not live in a reasonable world. In fact, Petersons reach is astounding. His 12 Rules for Life is the #1 most-read book on Amazon, where it has a perfect 5-star rating. One person said that when he came across a physical copy of Petersons first book, I wanted to hold it in my hands and contemplate its significance for a few minutes, as if it was one of Shakespeares pens or a Gutenberg Bible. The worlds leading newspapers have declared him one of the most important living thinkers. The Times says his message is overwhelmingly vital, and a Guardian columnist grudgingly admits that Peterson deserves to be taken seriously. David Brooks thinks Peterson might be the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now. He has been called the deepest, clearest voice of conservative thought in the world today a man whose work should make him famous for the ages. Malcolm Gladwell calls him a wonderful psychologist. And its not just members of the popular press that have conceded Petersons importance: the chair of the Harvard psychology department praised his magnum opus Maps of Meaning as brilliant and beautiful. Zachary Slayback of the Foundation for Economic Education wonders how any serious person could possibly write off Peterson, saying that even the most anti-Peterson intellectual should be able to admit that his project is a net-good. We are therefore presented with a puzzle: if Jordan Peterson has nothing to say, how has he attracted this much recognition? If its so obvious that he can be written off as a charlatan, why do so many people respect his intellect?

Before we address the mystery of Petersons popularity, we need to examine his work. After all, if the work is actually brilliant and insightful, there is no mystery: he is recognized as a profound thinker because he is a profound thinker. And many critics of Peterson have been deeply unfair to his work, mocking it without reading it, or slinging pejoratives at him (e.g. the stupid mans smart person or a Messiah-cum-Surrogate-Dad for Gormless Dimwits.) This has irritated Petersons fans, and when articles critical of him are printed, the comments sections are full of people (usually correctly) accusing the writer of failing to take Peterson seriously. An infamous Channel 4 interview with Cathy Newman, in which Newman repeatedly put words in Petersons mouth (so youre saying X), confirmed the impression that progressives are trying to smear Peterson by accusing him of holding beliefs that he does not hold. Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic said Peterson is the victim of hyperbolic misrepresentation and encouraged people to examine what he is actually saying.

But, having examined Petersons work closely, I think the misinterpretation of Peterson is only partially a result of leftists reading him through an ideological prism. A more important reason why Peterson is misinterpreted is that he is so consistently vague and vacillating that its impossible to tell what he is actually saying. People can have such angry arguments about Peterson, seeing him as everything from a fascist apologist to an Enlightenment liberal, because his vacuous words are a kind of Rorschach test onto which countless interpretations can be projected.

This is immediately apparent upon opening Petersons 1999 book Maps of Meaning, a 600-page summary of his basic theories that took Peterson 15 years to complete. Maps of Meaning is, to the extent it can be summarized, about how humans generate meaning. By generate meaning Peterson ostensibly intends something like figure out how to act, but the words definition is somewhat capacious:

Petersons answer is that people figure out how to act by turning to a common set of stories, which contain archetypes that have developed over the course of our species evolution. He believes that by studying myths, we can see values and frameworks shared across cultures, and can therefore understand the structures that guide us.

But here I am already giving Petersons work a more coherent summary than it actually deserves. And after all, if many human stories have common moral lessons was his point, he would have been saying something so obvious that nobody would think to credit it as a novel insight. Peterson manages to spin it out over hundreds of pages, and expand it into an elaborate, unprovable, unfalsifiable, unintelligible theory that encompasses everything from the direction of history, to the meaning of life, to the nature of knowledge, to the structure of human decision-making, to the foundations of ethics. (A good principle to remember is that if a book appears to be about everything, its probably not really about anything.) A randomly selected passage will convey the flavor of the thing:

Procedural knowledge, generated in the course of heroic behavior, is not organized and integrated within the group and the individual as a consequence of simple accumulation. Procedure a, appropriate in situation one, and procedure b, appropriate in situation two, may clash in mutual violent opposition in situation three. Under such circumstances intrapsychic or interpersonal conflict necessarily emerges. When such antagonism arises, moral revaluation becomes necessary. As a consequence of such revaluation, behavioral options are brutally rank-ordered, or, less frequently, entire moral systems are devastated, reorganized and replaced. This organization and reorganization occurs as a consequence of war, in its concrete, abstract, intrapsychic, and interpersonal variants. In the most basic case, an individual is rendered subject to an intolerable conflict, as a consequence of the perceived (affective) incompatibility of two or more apprehended outcomes of a given behavioral procedure. In the purely intrapsychic sphere, such conflict often emerges when attainment of what is desired presently necessarily interferes with attainment of what is desired (or avoidance of what is feared) in the future. Permanent satisfactory resolution of such conflict (between temptation and moral purity, for example) requires the construction of an abstract moral system, powerful enough to allow what an occurrence signifies for the future to govern reaction to what it signifies now. Even that construction, however, is necessarily incomplete when considered only as an intrapsychic phenomena. The individual, once capable of coherently integrating competing motivational demands in the private sphere, nonetheless remains destined for conflict with the other, in the course of the inevitable transformations of personal experience. This means that the person who has come to terms with him- or herselfat least in principleis still subject to the affective dysregulation inevitably produced by interpersonal interaction. It is also the case that such subjugation is actually indicative of insufficient intrapsychic organization, as many basic needs can only be satisfied through the cooperation of others.

Whats important about this kind of writing is that it can easily appear to contain useful insight, because it says many things that either are true or feel kind of true, and does so in a way that makes the reader feel stupid for not really understanding. (Many of the books reviews on Amazon contain sentiments like: I am not sure I understood it, but its absolutely brilliant.) Its not that its empty of content; in fact, its precisely because some of it does ring true that it is able to convince readers of its importance. Its certainly right that some procedures work in one situation but not another. Its right that good moral systems have to be able to think about the future in figuring out what to do in the present. But much of the rest is language so abstract that it cannot be proved or disproved. (The old expression whats new in it isnt true, and whats true isnt new applies here.)

Another passage, in which Peterson gives his theory of law:

Law is a necessary precondition to salvation, so to speak; necessary, but insufficient. Law provides the borders that limit chaos, and allows for the protected maturation of the individual. Law disciplines possibility, and allows the disciplined individual to bring his or her potentialitiesthose intrapsychic spiritsunder voluntary control. The law allows for the application of such potentiality to the task of creative and courageous existenceallows spiritual water controlled flow into the valley of the shadow of death. Law held as an absolute, however, puts man in the position of the eternal adolescent, dependent upon the father for every vital decision, removes the responsibility for action from the individual, and therefore prevents him or her from discovering the potential grandeur of the soul. Life without law remains chaotic, affectively intolerable. Life that is pure law becomes sterile, equally unbearable. The domination of chaos or sterility equally breeds murderous resentment or hatred.

Again: its not that hes wrong when he says that law has a disciplining function, or that too much law is stifling, while not enough is anarchy. But all this stuff about intrapsychic spirits and the flow of spiritual water is just said, never clearly explained, let alone proved. If you asked him to explain it, you would just get a long string of additional abstract terms. (Ironically, Maps of Meaning contains neither maps nor meaning.) Sociologist C. Wright Mills, in critically examining grand theorists in his field who used verbosity to cover for a lack of profundity, pointed out that people respond positively to this kind of writing because they see it as a wondrous maze, fascinating precisely because of its often splendid lack of intelligibility. But, Mills said, such writers are so rigidly confined to such high levels of abstraction that the typologies they make upand the work they do to make them upseem more often an arid game of Concepts than an effort to define systematicallywhich is to say, in a clear and orderly way, the problems at hand, and to guide our efforts to solve them.

Obscurantism is more than a desperate attempt to feign novelty, though. Its also a tactic for badgering readers into deference to the writers authority. Nobody can be sure they are comprehending the authors meaning, which has the effect of making the reader feel deeply inferior and in awe of the writers towering knowledge, knowledge that must exist on a level so much higher than that of ordinary mortals that we are incapable of even beginning to appreciate it. In fact, Peterson is quite open in insisting that he has achieved revelations beyond the comprehension of ordinary persons. The books epigraph is comically grandiose (I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world Matthew 13:35) and Peterson even includes in the book a letter to his father in which he tries to convey the gravity of his discovery:

I dont know, Dad, but I think I have discovered something that no one else has any idea about, and Im not sure I can do it justice. Its scope is so broad that I can see only parts of it clearly at one time, and it is exceedingly difficult to set down comprehensibly in writing. Anyways, Im glad you and Mom are doing well. Thank you for doing my income tax returns.

(Its fun to read the letter for yourself and imagine being Petersons dad trying to figure out what his son is doing with his life.)

Needless to say, when someone is this convinced of their own brilliance, they can be unaware of just how far afield they have drifted from the world of sense and reason. The diagrams and figures in Maps of Meaning are astonishing. They are masterpieces of unprovable gibberish:

How does one even address material like this? It cant be refuted. Are we ruled by a dragon of chaos? Is the dragon feminine? Does the state of preconscious paradise have a voluntary encounter with the unknown? Is the episodic really more explicit than the procedural? These are not questions with answers, because they are not questions with meanings.

The inflating of the obvious into the awe-inspiring is part of why Peterson can operate so successfully in the self-help genre. He can give people the most elementary fatherly life-advice (clean your room, stand up straight) while making it sound like Wisdom. Consider this summary of principles from the end of 12 Rules for Life:

What shall I do to strengthen my spirit? Do not tell lies, or do what you despise.

What shall I do to ennoble my body? Use it only in the service of my soul.

What shall I do with the most difficult of questions? Consider them the gateway to the path of life.

What shall I do with the poor mans plight? Strive through right example to lift his broken heart.

What shall I do with when the great crowd beckons? Stand tall and utter my broken truths.

These are pompous, biblical ways of saying: tell the truth, be true to yourself, see challenges as opportunities, set a good example, and, uh, give confident and long-winded lectures to your adoring crowd of fans. (Note the response to the poor mans plight, which is not to actually help him but to show him what a better person you are so that he will have a model to emulate.) Petersons writing style constantly adds convolutions to disguise the simplicity of his mind; so he wont say the mans cancer metastasized, he will say the man fell prey to the tendency of that dread condition to metastasize. The harder people have to work to figure out what youre saying, the more accomplished theyll feel when they figure it out, and the more sophisticated you will appear. Everybody wins.

A few more Petersonisms:

The multiplicity of possible interpretations is very important. It makes it almost impossible to beat Peterson in an argument, because every time one attempts to force him to defend a proposition, he can insist he means something else. For example, he sees the world as fundamentally divided between the forces of chaos and the forces of order, and explains the difference:

[Chaos is] what extends, eternally and without limit, beyond the boundaries of all states, all ideas, and all disciplines Its the foreigner, the stranger, the member of another gang, the rustle in the bushes the hidden anger of your mother Chaos is symbolically associated with the feminine Order, by contrast, is explored territory. Thats the hundreds-of-millions-of-years-old hierarchy of place, position, and authority. Thats the structure of society. Its the structure provided by biology, tooIts the flag of the nation Its the greatness of tradition, the rows of desks in the school classroom, the trains that leave on time In the domain of order, things behave as God intended.

Its very easy to hear the echoes of authoritarianism, even fascism, in this: strong men create order, which is what God intends, and the social structure is preserved by deference to authority, tradition, hierarchy, flags. (Heck, he even talks about the trains running on time!) But the moment one tries to critique this, to talk about the dangers of adhering to flags and traditions for their own sake, Peterson will angrily insist that you have misunderstood his theory: order is symbiotic with chaos, not superior to it! (Order is not enough.) The feminine is necessary as well, because chaos is associated with possibility itself, the source of ideas, the mysterious realm of gestation and birth. If you try to suggest that he has justified patriarchy, he will tell you that when he refers to the symbolically masculine he does not mean men. But its usually unclear what he does mean, and any attempt to figure it out will be met with a barrage of yet more jargon. (What, for example, are we to make of his interpretation of The Simpsons, which stresses the importance of having a cruel bully around to keep the soft effeminate kids from taking over: Without Nelson, King of the Bullies, the school would soon be overrun by resentful, touchy Milhouses, narcissistic, intellectual Martin Princes, soft, chocolate-gorging German children, and infantile Ralph Wiggums. Muntz is a corrective An endorsement of bullying the weak, surely? But Peterson would deny it.)

Consider the way Peterson talks about the threat of physicality:

I know how to stand up to a man whos unfairly trespassing against me. And the reason I know that is because the parameters for my resistance are quite well defined, which is: we talk, we argue, we push, and then it becomes physical. If we move beyond the boundaries of civil discourse, we know what the next step is. Thats forbidden in discourse with women. And so I dont think that men can control crazy women. I really dont believe it. I think they have to throw their hands up in. . . Inwhat? Its not even disbelief. Its that the cultural. . . Theres no step forward that you can take under those circumstances, because if the man is offensive enough and crazy enough, the reaction becomes physical right away. Or at least the threat is there. And when men are talking to each other in any serious manner, that underlying threat of physicality is always there, especially if its a real conversation. It keeps the thing civilized to some degree. If youre talking to a man who wouldnt fight with you under any circumstances whatsoever, then youre talking to someone [for] whom you have absolutely no respect. But I cant see any way For example theres a woman in Toronto whos been organizing this movement, lets say, against me and some other people who are going to do a free speech event. And she managed to organize quite effectively, and shes quite offensive, you might say. She compared us to Nazis, for example, publicly, using the Swastika, which wasnt something I was all that fond of. But Im defenseless against that kind of female insanity, because the techniques that I would use against a man who was employing those tactics are forbidden to me. So I dont know. . . It seems to me that it isnt men who have to stand up and say, Enough of this. Even though that is what they should do, it seems to me that its sane women who have to stand up against their crazy sisters and say, Look, enough of that. Enough man-hating. Enough pathology. Enough bringing disgrace on us as a gender.

Now one could interpret this disturbing passage to mean that Peterson is upset that theres a social taboo against him beating up the Toronto woman who calls him a Nazi. In fact, I dont really see how to interpret it differently: he says that hes defenseless against her insanity because the techniques he would use on a man are forbidden. (Why he has no other defenses, such as ignoring her, is unclear.) But Peterson would vigorously object to the idea that hes in any way endorsing violence against women: no, Im simply saying that all human interaction has an underlying threat of physicality. How could you so wilfully and unfairly misinterpret me? And of course, if we challenge Petersons contention that when men are talking to each other in any serious manner there is some underlying threat (Ive just been talking to a fellow Current Affairs editor about Jordan Peterson, and I did not feel potential violence bubbling beneath the surface, except possibly toward my copy of Maps of Meaning), he will retreat to the proposition about how you cant respect a man who would never fight you under any circumstances. After all, any circumstances means he wouldnt even physically intervene to stop you from hurting someone, and how can you respect that? (That is a far cry from theres always an underlying threat, though.) Peterson makes ominous-sounding (and seemingly false) generalizations and yet builds in caveats so that nobody can accuse him of endorsing the thing it sounds like hes endorsing.

This is the same thing that happens with his discussions of nice guys and cruelty. Hell say that people who are too nice will get taken advantage of, and talk about the importance of being capable of cruelty, which certainly sounds like its encouraging people to be sadistic dicks, but then hell insist that actually hes not talking about being cruel hes talking about being able to be cruel (you idiot, how could you not see the difference?) and hes not against nice people, hes just saying that the weak shall perish. And because you can pick your Peterson, those who watch his YouTube videos can take very different messages from the same set of words. A video about hitting women, in which Peterson never endorses hitting women, has the following among its most highly-upvoted comments:

If people who follow you seem to say things like this a lot, you should probably think hard about why youre attracting this kind of audience. Its not that Peterson is endorsing violence, but because hes a Rorschach test who can be interpreted many ways, his lectures about the chaotic female and the necessity of strength and the capacity for cruelty provide ready material to those seeking philosophical rationalizations for aggression.

Peterson is at his murkiest when he is talking about nature. Half the time he seems to be committing the naturalistic fallacy: hell describe tendencies that exist, and imply that these things are therefore good. So hell talk about dominance hierarchies among lobsters, and exhort young men to Look for your inspiration to the victorious lobster. Of course, the animal kingdom is also a place of mutual aid, and for a man to emulate a lobster is like a woman treating the existence of the praying mantis as a license to eat her husband. But Peterson will vacillate between seeming to claim that nature implies a clear and virtuous hierarchical order of things and insisting that he is not precluding criticism of the existing order of things. When he seems to be saying something fallacious (e.g. hierarchies are okay because natural) he will qualify it with a caveat that means he is saying nothing at all (e.g. natural things are sometimes okay but not always). Sam Harris, who is sympathetic to Petersons political stances, has pointed out in exasperation that many of Petersons claims about the foundations of good conduct are either unsupported or do not make sense:

Has human evolution actually selected for males that closely conform to the heroism of St. George? And is this really the oldest story we know? Arent there other stories just as old, reflecting quite different values that might also have adaptive advantages? And in what sense do archetypes even exist? [I]snt it obvious that most of what we consider ethicalindeed, almost everything we valuenow stands outside the logic of evolution? Caring for disabled children would most likely have been maladaptive for our ancestors during any conditions of scarcitywhile cannibalism recommended itself from time to time in every corner of the globe. How much inspiration should we draw from the fact that killing and eating children is also an ancient archetype?

Theres no good reason for turning to evolution and the animal kingdom for moral advice, yet this is what Peterson recommends. Or doesnt. I am dreading the inevitable emails insisting that I just dont understand Peterson, containing copious quotes in which he insists he is saying the opposite of things he seems to be saying elsewhere. (By the way, an amusing aside: a few years ago my colleague Oren Nimni and I wrote a parody of nonsensical academic grand theory called Blueprints for a Sparkling Tomorrow, which literally happens to contain a passage recommending that human beings look to lobsters for moral advice: We therefore propose a substitute outlet for humankinds affections: the arthropod. Anyone who has attended a lobster wedding knows full well the kind of profundity and romanticism of which these divine creatures are capable. Yet the arthropod languishes in Americas batting-cages and seafood joints, stripped of its potential and dismissed in its attempts to make edifying contributions to civic life. Petersons failure to credit us borders on academic malpractice.)

To the extent Peterson has any kind of response to the charges that he is making all of this up, its just that imagination is real:

Whats common across all human experience across all time there are moral, or metaphysical, or phenomenological realities that have the same nature. You cant see them in your life by observing them with your senses, but you can imagine them with your imagination, and sometimes the things that you imagine with your imagination are more real than the things that you see

And when an interviewer asked him why people should believe the myths he cites, Petersons response is that, well, you might as well take something seriously because life is serious, damn it, and a catastrophe awaits you:

INTERVIEWER: Because a lot of people just look at these stories like Tiamat and Marduk or the Christ story and the Bible stories and say, Well, thats just Those are nice stories, but Im not going to take it seriously. Whats the case you make, because I know actually

PETERSON: Well, what are you going to take seriously, then? Youre going to take nothing seriously. Well, good luck with that, because serious things are coming your way. If youre not prepared for them by an equal metaphysical seriousness, they will flatten you. You can be dismissive with regards to wisdom, but that doesnt protect you from the coming catastrophe.

(This is not a persuasive argument.)

I dont mean to say that all of what Peterson says is in the category of the not even wrong. Some of it is actually just wrong. He is an unreliable guide to the facts (e.g. there are far more female physicians than there are male physicians, which is false forthe U.S.,Canada, and the U.K., or his promotion of a bizarre conspiracy theory that Google is manipulating the search results for bikini to include plus-sized models for politically-correct reasons, which they arent.) His reading comprehension skills are limited. Here is Peterson describing an important political awakening he experienced from reading George Orwell, who he says finally convinced him not to be a socialist:

My college roommate, an insightful cynic, expressed skepticism regarding my ideological beliefs. He told me that the world could not be completely encapsulated within the boundaries of socialist philosophy. I had more or less come to this conclusion on my own, but had not admitted so much in words. Soon afterward, however, I read George Orwells Road to Wigan Pier. This book finally undermined menot only my socialist ideology, but my faith in ideological stances themselves. In the famous essay concluding that book (written forand much to the dismay ofthe British Left Book Club) Orwell described the great flaw of socialism, and the reason for its frequent failure to attract and maintain democratic power (at least in Britain). Orwell said, essentially, that socialists did not really like the poor. They merely hated the rich. His idea struck home instantly. Socialist ideology served to mask resentment and hatred, bred by failure. Many of the party activists I had encountered were using the ideals of social justice to rationalize their pursuit of personal revenge.

And here is George Orwell, in The Road To Wigan Pier, which Peterson says convinced him that socialism was folly because socialists were resentful:

Please notice that I am arguing for Socialism, not against it. [] The job of the thinking person, therefore, is not to reject Socialism but to make up his mind to humanize itFor the moment, the only possible course of any decent person, however much of a Tory or an anarchist by temperament, is to work for the establishment of Socialism. Nothing else can save us from the misery of the present or the nightmare of the future [] Indeed, from one point of view, Socialism is such elementary common sense that I am sometimes amazed it has not established itself already. The world is a raft sailing through space with, potentially, plenty of provisions for everybody; the idea that we must all co-operate and see to it that everyone does his fair share of the work and gets his fair share of the provisions, seems so blatantly obvious that one would say that nobody could possibly fail to accept it unless he had some corrupt motive for clinging to the present system. [] To recoil from Socialism because so many socialists are inferior people is as absurd as refusing to travel by train because you dislike the ticket-collectors face.

Orwell flat-out says that anybody who evaluates the merits of socialist policies by the personal qualities of socialists themselves is an idiot. Peterson concludes that Orwell thought socialist policies was flawed because socialists themselves were bad people. I dont think there is a way of reading Peterson other than as extremely stupid or extremely dishonest, but one can be charitable and assume he simply didnt read the book that supposedly gave him his grand revelation about socialism.

Even now, however, I am being too generous to Jordan Petersons intellect. I have been presenting him at his most comprehensible and polished. I have not been giving you the full experience of actually listening to him talk. Sitting through a Jordan Peterson lecture is very different to watching a rapid-fire television interview. Below, please find a fully-transcribed portion of 17 minutes of Petersons speech. This is a random chunk, from the first lecture I happened to click on, a lecture that is ostensibly introducing Maps of Meaning. In the clip, Peterson is in the middle of (again, ostensibly) analyzing how the childrens book Theres No Such Thing As A Dragon displays the archetypes found in classical mythology. I would like you to bear in mind that this is a man the New Yorker calls the internets most revered intellectual and the Guardian says is fast becoming the closest that academia has to a rock star. Also remember that this is a man who advises people to be clear and precise, and says he is very, very, very careful with my words. Oh, and that he wants to completely defund Womens Studies departments because he thinks they churn out meaningless verbiage. Ready? Here we go. (NOTE: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ATTEMPT TO READ THE ENTIRETY OF THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO FEEL WEARY, THEN SCROLL QUICKLY TO THE END.)

PETERSON: Mother made some pancakes for Billy, but the dragon ate them all! Mother made some more, but the dragon ate those too. Mother kept making pancakes until she ran out of batter. Billy only got one of them but he said thats all he really wanted anyway. So Ill tell you another story about that. So, when I lived in Boston, I had little kids and my wife took care of some neighborhood little kids because she didnt have a green card and that was she was home with the kids anyways, and anyway, she took care of some other little kids. One of them would only eat hot dogs that was quite funny. Hed only eat hot dogs at his mothers place but at our house he ate all of his lunch and he was perfectly happy about it, so I thought that was quite amusing too. But anyways one day a neighbor came by and the neighbor had a four year old child and the neighbor was looking for someone to take care of the child because her nanny had been in a car accident and couldnt take care of the child temporarily. So the child had sort of been circulating around neighborhood houses for a couple of days and you know people were taking care of him and then he ended up at our house. Which was fine. And so hes a cute little guy and his the mother came to the door and she said shes pushed the boy in he was kind of like this [sulking], he wasnt very happy and she said, He probably wont eat all day but thats okay. And I thought hmm thats a remarkably interesting statement to you know, to put forth as a proposition the first time we meet your son. Its like, he wont eat, all day, which by the way is not okay, its not okay, and youre going to tell us that its okay and youre going to expect that were just going to accept the fact that you think its okay. And thats the whole story, you deliver all that information in one little sentence. So I thought, well thats pretty damn peculiar. I believe she was the psychologist too, which was quite interesting [sniffs]. So okay. So thats fine. So I went out to do something and there was four kids playing in the house and when I came back the little guy was in the porch like where the boots were and everything and he was sort of standing there like this [sulking] and I thought hmm thats not good because theres all these other kids like he should have been in there playing eh? That obviously thats what a child is primed to do! He should have been in there, messing about with I think there was a two year-old and a three year-old and another four year-old. He should have been in there you know causing trouble and having fun and playing but he wasnt, and he was standing on the porch like this [sulking] and he wasnt happy. He wasnt happy. So I looked at him for a bit and then I poked him a couple of times because I thought, you know, if youre interacting with little kids theyre very playful eh? Theyre kind of like puppies and so if you tease them a bit, and tickle them a bit, then usually even if theyre crabby, you know a smile will break out despite their best efforts and then theyll sort of giggle and maybe you know theyll try to whack you away and you know they go into a play routine. And although you may not know it, mammals like us HAVE A PLAY CIRCUIT! You know? So were intrinsically playful which is partly why we can get along with dogs because of course dogs are intrinsically playful and most people know how to play with a dog and you know when a dog wants to play right because it sort of puts its paws down and looks up at you and sort of grins and puts its tail in the air and goes like this its like CLUE IN, PRIMATE you know its time to engage in some playing and you know you basically you know how to do that and even the dog knows how to do that. So Im poking this kid and trying to get him to, smile but theres no damn way you know Im poking him hes just ignoring me like mad and I thought thats not good, you know, because you dont want your four year-old to have learned that you should, that its okay to ignore the adults, or that you should ignore the adults, or that you can ignore the adults. Thats all BAD because the worlds full of adults and they know a lot of things and they control all the resources and so you BETTER GET ALONG WITH THEM PLUS youre going to end up AS an adult for most of your life, so if the general, so if the first rule is adults can and should be ignored then what the hell are you headed for? You know? And its one of the reasons why its really useful to make sure the children respect adults because theyre going to be adults so if they dont respect adults then of course they dont have any respect for what theyre going to BE why the hell grow up? You end up like Peter Pan because thats what Peter Pans about right Peter Pan wants to stay in Neverland, with the Lost Boys, where theres no responsibility because you know, he looks at the future and all he sees is Captain Hook. A tyrant whos afraid of death, thats the crocodile right thats chasing him with the clock in his stomach. And its the same thing as this dragon. So you know KIDS HAVE TO RESPECT ADULTS. Its, youre doing them a disservice if they dont! So okay so fine, Im poking this kid, theres just no damn way, Im not getting anywhere with him and I thought this isnt good. Theres something deeply wrong with this little kid. So thats fine. So then we sit all the kids down for lunch, and the rule is: eat your DAMN lunch and be THANKFUL FOR IT. Because, think about this, Leonard Cohen wrote this song once about I dont remember the song particularly but he talked about the homicidal bitching that goes down in every kitchen about whos going to serve and whos going to eat. Its like, if you havent encountered that then theres something terribly wrong you know because a lot of the tension in households is domestic tension. The tensions between husbands and wives they are husbands wives and children its like just WHO THE HELLS going to do the domestic duties and how and when and the answer cant be well were not going to do them because then you know you eat Cheetos and popcorn and you know for the rest of your life and thats not good. Its gotten to the point in England because the domestic situations have deteriorated the rituals have deteriorated to such a point that about 1/3 of families no longer have a dining room table and you can buy PRE-COOKED hard-boiled eggs, yeah, yeah, right, so its not a good thing, and you might ask yourself why the hell everyone is fat or has an eating disorder and you know part of the reason is that the entire domestic routine around regulating food intake has disappeared thats a terrible thing for people because were social eaters. So you might say, well, if you sit down with a bunch of other people at a table how much should you eat? And the answer is: you should eat on average what everyone else eats. And thats exactly what you do, even if you dont notice it. You know people are so wired into we did experiments like this if you bring undergraduates who dont know each other into a lab and you give them a snack while theyre doing something like watching a movie, they will eat the same number of chips. So you know if one of them eats the whole half the thing, the other will eat half. If one only has one, the other will only have one. The correlation between the food intake, between the dyads was about 0.8 it was staggering. Seemed to be a little higher for extroverts than for introverts, but it was remarkably concordant. You can understand why right? Because human beings share food its like you are not going to be a popular tribesperson if you eat you know 30% of the food when food is in short supply. You better be bloody awake and make sure you dont take more than your share. And you know its a fundamental of human nature to do that. And you know, we also regulate our sense of satiety by cues that are external to us. So regulating our food intake, also because were omnivores turns out to be a tremendously difficult thing and anyways, back to this kid. So, we bring all the kids to the table and theyre sitting around and theyre having lunch and the rule is, as I said, eat what is in front of you and be PLEASED AND HAPPY ABOUT IT. So you might say well why would that also be a rule? Its like okay, put yourself in this position now because youll be in this position. Youre going to cook your damn kid some lunch. And youre going to do that well lets calculate it out because I like doing arithmetic. So lets say it takes you a half an hour a day, and you do it seven days a week. But well multiply that by three because theres three meals so its an hour and a half a day right? So okay fine seven times an hour and a half is roughly ten. So its ten hours a week its forty hours a month right, forty hours a month is a full work week. So forty hours a month times twelve, twelve full work weeks, right? Yes? Thats three full months of 40 hour days of COOKING SOMETHING FOR YOUR DAMN KID. Now, thats a lot of time, and then youre going to do that for 18 years. SO then you might ask yourself what sort of response do you need from your child in order to not feel resentful and miserable about the fact that you have to do that for three bloody months this year. You know you just have to think about this, and this is also why its necessarily to know that inside yourself you carry a monster just like the world outside you carries a monster. Do not think that youre going to be able to maintain a healthy attitude towards your child or towards your food or towards yourself if all you can muster up for the effort of cooking and preparing food is the attitude of a slave and continual punishment from the people youre offering food to. Its like who the hell wants that?! So you want to teach the miserable little blighter that hes lucky that theres any food there at all and that the proper attitude is to say really thank you very much mom or thank you very much dad Im glad that you produced something and then you know you can be all happy about the fact that you were slaving away in the kitchen and you can like your kid! And so you might think well everybody likes their kids. Its like yeah right, no. Thats not true. Thats not true. And now and then you know you read in the newspaper about someone whos, you know, being pushed a little bit too far on some day that theyre unemployed and hungover and you know their relationship is just broken up and they do something absolutely brutal to their child and you think well how could anyone do that its like theres a lot of history of terrible interactions between the mother and the child or the father and the child before something like that happens. So you know if you want to protect your child against the beast thats inside you you might want to teach them to treat you with some respect so that youre much more likely to be a civilized human being around them. So, alright so anyways so this kids sittin there and theres no damn way hes going to eat anything! So we decide were going to feed him, which I am an expert at, because my son, the one who said no all the time he is the most stubborn little cuss you could possibly imagine and one time when he was about nine months old he got ahold of this spoon and it was like he was not going to be fed anymore. So thats fine good you feed yourself. But no, kids, eh? Theyre too damn curious and playful really to feed themselves so you sit them in a high chair and you know they fling the food onto the floor because thats pretty cool and they can watch that over and over you know or they mess around with it or maybe they, you know, put some in moms hair because thats interesting too and they have two or three bites and then theyre not ravenous and then theyre much more interested in playing, and thats fine except that if the kid doesnt eat then it gets crabby and you know whiny and miserable and then it disturbs the mother or the father and then it wont sleep at night its like thats no good. So after about three days of that I took the spoon back from him and he was not happy about that man. Trying to get that little kid to eat once I got the spoon it was like a four hour battle. It was really remarkable. So I have a lot of respect for his ability just to withstand stubbornness you know but Id learned by that time as a parent that like if you want to discipline your child, theres an attitude that you have to take which is I am going to win this. Its like I dont care how stubborn you are I am GOING TO WIN! And because I know Im going to win I am not going to get angry. Im just going to out-stubborn you, so I take up some food and put it in front of him hed go like this [winces] so that was a good trick and so I tried to get the food in there and his teeth were gritted so Id poke him poke poke poke poke and after about ten pokes hed get annoyed and go agh and Id put the food in and he tried to spit it out so Id hold it in. So then that was like three minutes you know and then we did it with another spoonful and you know after about Id say an hour of this my wife had to leave because just you know she couldnt handle it. And about an hour after this he decided that you know it was ok and that he would let me feed him, but like it was brutal, and it was amazing I mean little kids are so damn tough you know theyre really cute and everything and but theyre so tough you just cant believe it so anyways. So we had this kid at the table and he was not going to eat so my wife, who had learned these tricks by this time, decided to feed him. And he had a lot of sort of nine month old or eight month old behaviors because you know kids have different strategies of resistance if they dont want to do something and those strategies get more sophisticated as they get older but and he had some strategies but they werent sophisticated you know like he didnt make jokes or knock the spoon away or get angry or run away or any of those things. He did kind of nine month old things which means he just put his head down and when she put the spoon towards him he just averted his head one way or another so so that was interesting because I knew his parents had given up feeding him when he was about eight or nine months old, because those tricks worked and so thats why she could come to the house and say [in high pitched voice] he probably wont eat all day but thats alright which it ISNT. ITS NOT ALRIGHT. So, fine, so my wife is trying to feed him and he doesnt open his mouth so she pokes him a bit and sooner or later he gets mad and goes AGH and she puts the food in and then she pats him on the head as soon as he swallows it and says look youre being a really good kid you know youre doing a good job and so hes wondering what the hells going on and then it was so interesting because she kept feeding him and he was still doing this [winces] but as she patted him on the head hed be doing this and hed open his mouth, so it was like there was this weird conflict between his habitual behavior and this thing that was being reinforced so then shed you know put the food in and pat him and hed you know hed be kind of happy about that and then hed kind of go back to his routine and then she did that for about I think it was about 20 minutes it wasnt disruptive like all the other kids ate they didnt really notice what was going on. It wasnt a big deal you know but I was watching because I knew something was up because the stupid thing that his mother said and then the fact that he wouldnt play, and he ignored me I thought nah nah theres something really not good here, theres a dragon here, and its a big one So she feeds him and then he finishes the whole bowl! And she says youre a good boy you ate the whole bowl. Jesus, you should have seen what happened to that kid man it just about broke my heart like really, like his eyes got big and he smiled and he was just like he was super thrilled because hed finally accomplished this ABSOLUTE BASIC NECESSITY that he hadnt mastered in FOUR YEARS. He FINALLY GOT IT RIGHT. You think of all the meals he went through, either being ignored or failing, three times a day, for like three years. Nothing but failure and bad responses and you know, hed internalized all that he thought he was a bad kid and then all of a sudden POOF he figured this out and you know got a little reward for it. It was like he just lit up and that whole shell that he had on that he was like using to protect himself when he was in the porch that just melted away. It was like horrifying and amazing at the same time and that he followed my wife around after that, in the house, just like a puppy dog. Like he wouldnt get he would not more than one foot away from her. It was unbelievable and then we went downstairs to watch like a movie with the kids and she sat on her rocking chair and he climbed right up on her lap and grabbed her just like that Harlow monkey grabbed the you know the little soft mother instead of the wiry mother FROUMP he was like this [grasping] and he was like that for like two hours he wouldnt let her go. So then the mother came home and she came downstairs and she looked at what was going on and this kid was like [choking sound] glommed onto my wife and he looked at her and he said oh, super mom. And you know, took her kid, and went home. Its like, Jesus, if you dont think theres a dragon in that story, man, youre not listening to it. It was not good. And her response at the end was terrible. She should have said well how did you get him to eat? Its like what the hell is he doing hugging you? He never does that to me! No way, man, she wasnt going to let that piece of information in, and its no wonder, because the dragon in that story was her, and it was something that she did not want to admit. And she was willing, perfectly willing to sacrifice her child to her failure to realize that she could be a dragon. So that meant that the child was the problem. And thats a hell of a thing to do to a four year-old. So It was not pleasant. It was really not pleasant. In fact, we probably did damage to the child by actually getting him to do something good, eh? Because we opened him up to the possibility that he could behave properly, and be rewarded for that And that gave him hope And so you can bloody well be sure that hope was dispensed with the next day So And thats why Billy doesnt get anything to eat.

Having safely established that Jordan Peterson is an intellectual fraud who uses a lot of words to say almost nothing, we can now turn back to the original question: how can a man incapable of relaying the content of a childrens book become the most influential thinker of his moment? My first instinct is simply to sigh that the world is tragic and absurd, and there is apparently no height to which confident fools cannot ascend. But there are better explanations available. Peterson is popular partly because he criticizes social justice activists in a way many people find satisfying, and some of those criticisms have merit. He is popular partly because he offers adrift young men a sense of heroic purpose, and offers angry young men rationalizations for their hatreds. And he is popular partly because academia and the left have failed spectacularly at helping make the world intelligible to ordinary people, and giving them a clear and compelling political vision.

Peterson first came to international prominence when he publicly opposed Canadas Bill C-16, which added gender expression and identity to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Peterson claimed that under the bill, he could be compelled to use a students preferred gender pronoun or face criminal prosecution, and suggested that social justice activists were promoting a totalitarian ideology. In fact, there was nothing in the bill that criminalized the failure to use peoples preferred gender pronouns (full text), and I share the belief that government legislation requiring people to use particular pronouns would be an infringement on civil liberties. But since thats a position shared by Noam Chomsky and the ACLU, its not a particularly devastating criticism of the left. And when Peterson goes beyond the very narrow issue of compelled speech, his take on social justice isnt much much more sensible than his lecture on Jungian archetypes in the story of the pancake-dragon.

Examine, for example, how in his Channel 4 interview Peterson talks about the totalitarian tendencies of the activists who tried to add gender identity to the human rights bill:

PETERSON: I did compare them to Mao I was comparing them to the left-wing totalitarians. And I do believe

they are left-wing totalitarians.

NEWMAN: Under Mao millions of people died!


NEWMAN: I mean theres no comparison between Mao and a trans activist, is there?

PETERSON: Why not?

NEWMAN: Because trans activists arent killing millions of people!

PETERSON: The philosophy thats guiding their utterances is the same philosophy.

NEWMAN: The consequences are

PETERSON: Not yet!

NEWMAN: Youre saying that trans activists,


NEWMAN: Could leads to the deaths of millions of people.

PETERSON: No, Im saying that the philosophy that drives their utterances is the same philosophy that already has driven us to the deaths of millions of people.

NEWMAN: Okay. Tell us how that philosophy is in any way comparable.

PETERSON: Sure. Thats no problem. The first thing is that their philosophy presumes that group identity is paramount. Thats the fundamental philosophy that drove the Soviet Union and Maoist China. And its the fundamental philosophy of the left-wing activists. Its identity politics. It doesnt matter who you are as an individual, it matters who you are in terms of your group identity.

While Cathy Newman was repeatedly unfair to Petersons views throughout the rest of the interview, here she was perfectly right to be confused: what Peterson is saying makes no sense. He wonders how there could be any difference between transgender activists and Maos China, then is told that the difference is millions of deaths, then denies that transgender activists are going to cause millions of deaths, then says they follow a totalitarian philosophy that drives people to mass murder. The reason hes stuck here is that theres no evidence the Canadian Human Rights Act is about to bring us a gulag archipelago, but thats what his grandiose statements about left-wing totalitarianism imply will happen. So he must either allege Alberta is about to get its own Great Leap Forward or draw a distinction between Maos Red Guards and the University of Toronto LGBTQ center, neither of which he wants to commit to. So we get another heaping dish of Peterson waffle.

Here again he tries to explain the Soviet-transgender connection, again using the argument that any collective or group-based political action is following the same philosophy that rounded up and executed the kulaks:

[Liberalism] got flipped so that the world was turned into one group against another. Power struggle from one group against another, and then the social justice warrior types and the lefties, even the Democratic party, started categorizing everybody according to their ethnic, or sexual, or racial identity, and made that the canonical element of their being. And thats an absolutely terrible thing to do! It leads to, in the Soviet Union when that happened, for example, when they introduced that idea along with the notion of class guilt So for example, when the Soviets collectivized the farms, they pretty much wiped out, or raped and froze to death all of their, all their competent farmersthey called them kulaksand they attributed class guilt to them, because they were successful peasants, and they defined their success as oppression and theft. They killed all of them pretty much, shipped them off to Siberia and froze them to death, and they were the productive agricultural to the Soviet Union, and then in the 1930s in the Ukraine because of that, about six million Ukrainians starve to death.

I think its worth remembering here what anti-discrimination activists are actually asking for: they want transgender people not to be fired from their jobs for being transgender, not to suffer gratuitously in prisons, to be able to access appropriate healthcare, not to be victimized in hate crimes, and not to be ostracized, evicted, or disdained. Likewise, the social justice claims on race are about: trying to fix the black-white wealth gap, trying to reduce racial discrimination in job applications, trying to reduce race-based health disparities and educational achievement gaps, and reducing the unfair everyday biases that make life harder for people of color. This is the sort of thing the left is focused on. Read the Democratic Party platform or the Black Lives Matter policy agenda. Disagree with them! But Peterson spares himself from having to actually engage in substantive debates on policy questions, by writing off the left as a bunch of brainwashed totalitarian postmodernist neo-Marxists. (Others have pointed out the ways in which this misses the incredibly important contemporary conflict between leftism and identity-based liberalism, a conflict that is hugely important to understanding the left.)

In fact, Peterson doesnt seem to really understand what politics are to begin with. He says he is against ideology despite constantly opining on social questions by applying an elaborate personal Theory of Everything. When a questioner asked him what he thought people should do to effect change, given his opposition to student activism, his answer was telling:

This happened in the 60s, as far as I can tell, that we got this misbegotten idea that the way to conduct yourself as a responsible human being was to hold placards up to protest to change the viewpoints of other people and thereby usher in the utopia. I think thats all appalling, I think its appalling. And I think its absolutely absurd that students are taught that thats the way to conduct themselves in the world. First of all, if youre nineteen or twenty or twenty one, you dont bloody well know anything. You havent done anything. You dont know anything about history, you havent read anything, you havent supported yourself for any length of time. Youve been entirely dependent on your state and on your family for the brief few years of your existence. And the idea that you have any wisdom to determine how society should be reconstructed when youre sitting in the absolute lap of luxury protected by processes you dont understand lets call that a bad idea The idea that what you should do to change the world is to find people you disagree with and shake paper on sticks at them, its just

Activism, then, is arrogant brats holding paper on sticks, a peculiar and appalling phenomenon he believes started in the 60s. Nevermind that what he is talking about is more commonly known as the Civil Rights Movement, and the paper on sticks said We shall overcome and End segregated schools on them. And nevermind that it worked, and was one of the most morally important events of the 20th century. Peterson, who is apparently an alien to whom political action is an unfathomable mystery, thinks its been nothing but fifty years of childish virtue-signaling. The activists against the Vietnam War spent years trying to stop a horrific atrocity that killed a million people, and had a very significant effect in drawing attention to that atrocity and finally bringing it to a close. But the students are the ones who dont know anything about history.

Here is where Jordan Petersons self-help routine connects with his politics. Peterson seemingly discourages all serious political involvement. He says cultivating the self and reading great books is more important than any possible political action. Dont focus on changing the world, focus on tidying up your life. After all, the meaning of life is to be found in the adoption of individual responsibility and when you win everything, everyone around you wins too because it means you shine a light on the whole world 12 Rules For Life makes it explicit: stop questioning the social order, stop assigning blame for problems to political actors, stop trying to reorganize things.

Have you taken full advantage of the opportunities offered to you? Are you working hard on your career, or even your job, or are you letting bitterness and resentment hold you back and drag you down? Have you made peace with your brother? Are there things that you could do, that you know you could do, that would make things around you better? Have you cleaned up your life? If the answer is no, heres something to try: start to stop doing what you know to be wrong. Start stopping today Dont blame capitalism, the radical left, or the iniquity of your enemies. Dont reorganize the state until you have ordered your own experience. Have some humility. If you cannot bring peace to your household, how dare you try to rule a city? Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.

Note: perfect. And since ones house can never be in perfect order, one can never criticize the world. This is, most obviously, an invitation to total depoliticization and solipsism. But its also a recipe for making miserable people even more miserable. Blame yourself. Why havent I fixed this? I suck. Well, its certainly possible that you suck. (Most of us do!*) But the world also does have injustices in it. A lot, in fact. Peterson speaks to disaffected millennial men, validating their prejudices about feminists and serving as a surrogate father figure. Yet hes offering them terrible advice, because the individual responsibility ethic makes one feel like a failure for failing. Oh, sure, his rules about standing up straight and petting a cat when you see one are innocuous enough. But you shouldnt tell people that their problems are their fault if you dont actually know whether their problems are their fault. Millennials struggle in part because of a viciously competitive economy that is crushing them with debt and a lack of opportunity. Sure, Peterson might train guys to be more brutal and tough-minded, and a few of them will do better at the competition. But if you cant pay your student loans, or your rent, and you cant get a better job, what use is it to tell you that you should adopt a confident lobster-posture?

But here the left and academia actually bear a decent share of blame. Why is Jordan Petersons combination of drivel and clich attracting millions of followers? Some of it is probably because alt-right guys like that he gives a seemingly scientific justification for their dislike of social justice warriors. Some of it is just that self-help always sells. Another part of it, though, is that academics have been cloistered and unhelpful, and the left has failed to offer people a coherent political alternative. Jordan Peterson is right that people are adrift and in need of meaning. Many of them lap up his lectures because he offers something resembling insight, and promises the secrets to a good life. Its not actually insight, of course; its stuff everybody already knows, dressed up in gobbledegook. But it feels like something. Tabatha Southey was cruel to call Jordan Peterson the stupid mans smart person. He is the desperate mans smart person, he feeds on angst and confusion. Who else has a serious alternative? Where are the other professors with accessible and compelling YouTube channels, with books of helpful advice and long Q&A sessions with the public? No wonder Peterson is so popular: he comes along and offers rules and guidance in a world of, well, chaos. Just leave it to Dad, everything will be alright.

This is a fruitless path, though. Thats not just because Peterson is a charlatan. If he was just offering up his brand of hearty intellectual stew, as the Chronicle of Higher Education called it, going around sprinkling in ideas from philosophy, fiction, religion, neuroscience, and a disturbing dream his 5-year-old nephew had one time, we could just laugh at him. But the Peterson way is not just futile because its pointless, its futile because ultimately, you cant escape politics. Our lives are conditioned by economic and political systems, like it or not, and by telling lost people to abandon projects for social change, one permanently guarantees they will be the helpless victims of forces beyond their control or understanding. The genuinely heroic path in life is to band with others to pursue the social good, to find meaning in the collective human striving to better our condition. No, not by abandoning the idea of the individual and seeing the world purely in terms of group identity. But by pooling our individual talents and efforts to produce a better, fairer, and more beautiful world.

This much should be obvious from even a cursory reading of him: If Jordan Peterson is the most influential intellectual in the Western world, the Western world has lost its damn mind. And since Jordan Peterson does indeed have a good claim to being the most influential intellectual in the Western world, we need to think seriously about what has gone wrong. What have we done to end up with this man? His success is our failure, and while its easy to scoff at him, its more important to inquire into how we got to this point. He is a symptom. He shows a culture bereft of ideas, a politics without inspiration or principle. Jordan Peterson may not be the intellectual we want. But he is probably the intellectual we deserve.

*Just kidding. Youre great.

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Thanks to Addison Kane for transcribing Petersons speech.

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Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus


Pathological Spine Fracture

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Rich Peterson is a respected Bay Area regulatory strategist and problem-solver, with a unique breadth of experience that spans business, government, nonprofit, philanthropic and political endeavors.

Over the last two decades, Rich has cultivated an expansive roster of meaningful relationships with local, state and federal elected leaders, appointed commissioners, senior staff, as well as business, community and nonprofit leaders. He has served in important public oversight and fiduciary roles for the City and County of San Francisco, and on behalf of numerous private nonprofits and philanthropies. His counsel is routinely sought by industry leading companiesincluding such clients as AT&T, CH2M/Jacobs, Genentech, Grocery Outlet, Hearst, LaSalle, Oceanwide Holdings, Prologis, Republic Services, Uniqlo, and Veritas Investmentswho trust his expert guidance to navigate successfully through the Bay Areas political and regulatory landscape.

Richs efforts in 2010 and 2011 on behalf of his firms client, bond insurer MBIA, Inc., were instrumental in brokering a successful financial compromise with the City and the Asian Art Museum. His guidance helped to identify and ultimately achieve a win-win scenario that few initially thought possible, restructuring Museum finances to save it from bankruptcy, while avoiding the needless costs and PR headaches of a possible legal dispute.

In 2012, Rich facilitated key government approvals that ensured the successful, on-schedule opening of global retailer Uniqlos first West Coast storewhich would be the largest store opening in San Franciscos history. He similarly worked in 2012 to guide the new owners of Market Street Place through a variety of regulatory and political challenges facing their project. Today, the 250,000-square-foot retail complex is poised to figure as a key cornerstone in the revitalization of the Citys Mid-Market area.

In 2013, Rich helped secure key approvals at San Franciscos Planning Commission on behalf of value grocer, Grocery Outlet, as it opened its first San Francisco store in the Citys Richmond district. In addition, Rich helped facilitate approvals at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the Board of Supervisors on behalf of engineering leader CH2M/Jacobs related to engineering and design aspects of the Citys newest wastewater treatment facility. He provided ongoing regional political strategy to biotech leader, Genentechan original firm clientmost recently in connection with its private transportation system.

In 2014, Rich assisted Veritas InvestmentsSan Franciscos largest residential property ownerthrough a multitude of permit processes as well as community-engagement opportunities that reflect the fast-growing companys values. He also worked on behalf of several neighborhood organizations to facilitate a series of successful votes (all unanimous) before the Recreation & Park Commission, SFPUC, and the Board of Supervisors to convert a long abandoned reservoir into a spectacular new five acre park on Russian Hill, overlooking the Bay. He continued to assist Grocery Outlet through its San Francisco expansion, with the opening of its newest location in Visitacion Valley. Rich also advised CPMC (Sutter Health) on political strategy and community development efforts as it considers the redevelopment of its 5-acre California Campus.

In 2015, Rich helped LaSalle Hotel Propertiesone of the nations largest hotel companiesto maintain critical private automobile access to its Hotel Villa Florence on Powell Street. The move successfully carved out an exception for guests of the popular Union Square hotel within SFMTAs planned closure of the street to private vehicles. Rich also began his engagement with Beijing-based developer Oceanwide Holdings, LTD in its highly complex entitlement process for its proposed 2.25 million square foot, twin-tower, mixed-use project. The Oceanwide Center development is the largest single project within San Franciscos ambitious new Transbay Development District. Rich further continued to assist longtime firm client, the Hearst Corporation, on a variety of important regulatory and community matters. He served at the Mayors request as Chairman of the City Hall Centennial celebration, personally raising the funds necessary to support a series of events and improvement projects for the Citys most important building. The free public celebration of San Francisco City Halls 100-year milestone was attended by an estimated 30,000 residents and visitors.

In 2016, Rich continued to manage the firms entitlement work on behalf of the massive $1.5 billion Oceanwide Center project, securing successful and on-time approvals at the Recreation and Park Commission, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors. The focus has now turned to facilitating its timely and on-budget construction. Additionally, Rich is leading the public affairs efforts for San Francisco-based Prologis, the worlds leading developer and operator of industrial and logistics space, on its proposed 1M+ million square foot, four-building, multi-story manufacturing and distribution facility, the San Francisco Gateway. He also facilitated the opening of two more Grocery Outlets, most recently in the Citys politically complicated Mission District.

In 2017, Rich helped longtime client CH2M/Jacobs in a fiercely competitive bid process, winning the contract to serve as the prime design and engineering contractor for the Port of San Francisco to rebuild three miles of the City's seawall. Ultimately, San Franciscos seawall rebuild will cost upwards of $5 to $10 billion over the next 20 years, making it perhaps the most expensive single municipal project in Bay Area history. Rich further assisted Hines, a leading international developer, together with Hines partner Urban Pacific Development, in their ongoing efforts to secure the necessary entitlements for their 61-story condo, office and hotel project at 542-550 Howard Street, which will also include an accompanying 500-unit housing project located just three blocks east. Together, these projects are the largest remaining elements in the massive, transformative Transbay District. Rich also continued his ongoing work as lead local adviser to Prologis on political strategy and community engagement in relation to is its proposed state-of-the-art San Francisco Gateway distribution and logistics center that the San Francisco Chronicle praised as a potential blue collar salvation for jobs that have long been disappearing from the City.

From December 2007 to May 2010, Rich served as an appointed Trustee to the San Francisco Employees Retirement System, also known as SFERS. Acting as the elected Board President in his final year, Richs leadership of SFERS oversaw the approximately $20 billion public pension fund for some 55,000 current and retired employees of the City and County of San Francisco.

From January 2004 through October 2007, Rich served as an appointed commissioner to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, or SFRA. He was elected to three consecutive terms as president by his fellow commissioners. From 1948 through 2011, the SFRA was the primary driver of economic renewal in the City, with its main function being the direct promotion of economic vitality through the removal of urban blight in certain, dedicated, redevelopment Plan areas. Key projects completed or significantly advanced during his term include: Mission Bay, Yerba Buena Center, the St. Regis Hotel, and the Hunters Point Shipyard.

Personally, Rich is also recognized as among the most active and productive political organizers in the Bay Area, having assisted a multitude of local, state and federal candidates, and local and state ballot measures over the last 15 years. Rich served as a Finance Committee Chair for both of former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsoms mayoral campaigns, and he also served as president of Mayor Newsoms Inaugural Committee following his reelection in 2007. More recently, he has been acknowledged as one of the late Mayor Ed Lees largest fundraisers.

Rich has been an active volunteer over the last 20 years on behalf of an array of non-profit causes. Of particular note are his efforts on behalf of Town School for Boys, where he serves as a trustee; SPUR, San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, which he serves as a director; The Guardsmen, which he formerly served as a director; At the Crossroads, where he sits on the capital campaign Advisory Board and assists with fundraising; and UCSFs Pediatric Epilepsy Center.

For the two decades Rich has also been an active investor in Silicon Valley multi-family real estate, and holds a current California real estate Broker license. He is married to Tanya Peterson, the President and Executive Director of the San Francisco Zoological Society (SF Zoo). They reside in The Presidio with their twin children.

A native San Franciscan, Rich has spent his entire life actively involved in the business, civic, philanthropic and social affairs of the Bay Area. Rich received his Bachelor of Sciences in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1990.

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Drew Peterson – Murderer – Biography

Former police sergeant Drew Peterson was convicted in the 2004 murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. He was also named a suspect in 2007 in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson.

Convicted killer Drew Peterson was born on January 5, 1954. After high school, he married and went into the U.S. Army. Peterson went through several more marriages after joining the Bolingbrook Police Department in Illinois in 1977. He became a suspect in the 2007 disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, and was later convicted in the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio.

Convicted murderer Drew Peterson's romantic life seemed to have a happy start. He attended Willowbrook High School in Villa Park, Illinois. A cross-country team member, Peterson dated Carol Hamilton (later Carol Brown), and took her to his senior prom. He graduated in 1972, and joined the military soon after.

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Peterson served in the U.S. Army from 1972 to 1976, spending most of his time as a military police officer. While in the army, Peterson married his high school sweetheart Carol. The couple had two sons together. He joined the Bolingbrook Police Department in 1977. Three years later, Carol and Drew divorced, amicably by all accounts.

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After his marriage to Carol ended, Peterson dated Kyle Piry. After four months, though, Piry broke it off. She later claimed that he abused his position as a police officer to harass her.

In 1982, Peterson married Vicki Connolly. The couple seemed content at first. They helped each other raise their children from previous relationships and ran a bar together for a time. "When it was good, it was wonderful, it was great. But when it was bad, it was really bad," Connolly later told the Chicago Tribune.

Connolly said that Peterson became unfaithful and controlling. She even claimed that he bugged their home so that he could keep track of her. Peterson also ran into trouble at work. He had been an undercover narcotics officer for several years when he investigated for misconduct in 1985. The Bolingbrook Fire and Police Commission decided that Peterson was guilty of disobedience and failing to report a bribe, among other infractions. He was fired, but he was reinstated the following year after appealing his case.

Peterson's marriage to Connolly fell apart in 1992 over his infidelities. He was having an affair with Kathleen Savio, and he and Connolly divorced that year. Not long after the divorce, Savio and Peterson married and eventually had two sons together, Thomas and Kristopher.

The union did not remain happy for long, however. Savio got an order of protection from Peterson in 2002, claiming that he had physically abused her. The couple divorced in 2003, without finalizing their financial arrangements. That October, Peterson married for the fourth time. He wed Stacy Cales, who was 30 years younger than him. Peterson and Cales had been having an affair during his marriage to Savio.

Peterson and Savio were set to resolve their outstanding issues regarding their divorce in April 2004. But Savio never made it to the hearing. She was found dead in her bathtub on March 1, 2004. Her hair was damp, but the bathtub was dry. At the time, Savio's death was ruled an accidental drowning. Many of her family members, however, believed that Savio had been murdered.

On October 28, 2007, Drew Peterson's fourth wife, 23-year-old Stacy Peterson, disappeared. She was supposed to go to her sister's place to help do some painting that day, but she never showed up. Drew Peterson said that he received a phone call from his wife that night, claiming that she had left him for another man. Her family reported her missing, insisting that Stacy would never have abandoned her two children. Friends also said that Stacy had been preparing to leave her husband.

Authorities and volunteers conducted an extensive search, but they found no trace of Stacy Peterson. Meanwhile, Drew Peterson quickly became a suspect in the case. He seemed unconcerned about his wife's disappearance, joking around with the media and making flippant remarks about Stacy. On the Today show, he brushed off any talk of Stacy wanting to leave him. "I'm not trying to be funny here, but Stacy Peterson would ask me for a divorce ... on a regular basis, and it was based on her menstrual cycle."

Stacy's disappearance led investigators to revisit the death of Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio. In November 2007, her body was exhumed and re-examined. The second report on her death, released in February 2008, declared it a homicide.

In 2009, Drew Peterson was indicted on two counts of first-degree murder in the death of Kathleen Savio. He was taken into custody that May and remained behind bars before his trial. Much of the case against Peterson relied on information that Savio gave to other people. Usually such hearsay evidence isn't allowed in court cases, but the Illinois legislature passed a special law in 2008 to make exceptions in certain cases.

Even with this new law in place, a Illinois court prohibited the use of eight of the 14 second-hand statements by prosecutors. Prosecutors appealed that decision in 2011, but an appellate court upheld the ruling.

In January 2012, a movie based on Peterson's story aired on Lifetime. The film, Untouchable, starred Rob Lowe as Drew Peterson.

On September 6, 2012, 58-year-old Peterson was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. According to an article by The Associated Press, the 12 jurors assigned to the case came to a guilty verdict upon hearing incriminating testimony against Peterson by several witnesses. The guilty verdict was announced after two days and more than 13 hours of deliberation by jury members.Peterson had faced a maximum 60-year prison term (the state of Illinois does not have the death penalty), but in February 2013, he was sentenced to 38 years. "I did not kill Kathleen!" Peterson shouted upon hearing the sentence in court.Family members of Stacy Peterson stated that they hoped Peterson's murder conviction in Salvo's case would lead to new developments in Stacy's case, which is still under investigation. At the time of Peterson's conviction, Stacy Peterson's body had still not been found by detectives.

In February 2015, Peterson was charged with trying to arrange a hit on James Glasgow, Will County States Attorney. Stemming from activities occurring over a yearlong period from September 2013 and December 2014, Peterson was charged with one count of solicitation of murder for hire and one count of solicitation of murder. In March 2016, Illinois Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal by Peterson to throw out his conviction. The case is scheduled for sometime in 2017.

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Drew Peterson - Murderer - Biography

Welcome to Congressman Collin Peterson | Congressman Collin …

Latest News Rep. Peterson's Newsletter 8/3/2018

Medicare Cost Plan Transition, Disaster Assessment Meetings, 60 Years of Agricultural Research, Minnesota Small Business Association, Congressional Roundtable Discussion, Lower Sioux Head Start, Farmers Union Meetings in the 7th, Forever GI Bill Expands VA Educational Benefits, Life Saving Skills Resources.

Meeting of House and Senate Agriculture Committee Leadership, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, Agriculture Committee Hearing Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Minnesota FFA, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Meetings in the 7th, Clay County/Moorhead Joint Law Enforcement Center, Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission Annual Meeting.

Joint Press Conference on Protecting Medicare for Minnesota Seniors, Farmers from the 7th, Minnesota Biofuels Association, National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia, Moorheads Railway Underpass Groundbreaking, Hot Dog Luncheon, Minnesota Corn Growers Association, Results: The Power to End Poverty, National Guard Tour Camp Ripley, Best Small Minnesota Hospital Workplace, Soil Day, Daycare Facility Opens in Buffalo Lake, Disaster Loan Deadline Clay, Norman, Traverse and Wilkin Counties, Lauren A. Peterson.

Medicare Cost Plans, Agriculture Industry Meetings, Rock nRoll Hall of Fame, Ben Anderson, Flood Loan Deadline Approaching, Northwest Regional Development Commission, Farmers Share Supper.

Storm Damage in the 7th, Melrose Princess Jennifer Munoz, Advocacy in Marshall, and A Capitol Fourth.

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Welcome to Congressman Collin Peterson | Congressman Collin ...

Peterson Kraemer Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc. :: Home

Dealing with death and planning a funeral are not things most people are familiar or comfortable with. When someone you love dies, the emotional pain and stress youre feeling can make even the simplest of decisions seem impossible to make. It is hard to know what to do or where to begin. That is where the experienced and compassionate staff of Peterson/Kraemer Funeral Home can step in and ease your burden. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to guide and support you every step of the way.

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Every life lived is unique and meaningful. Creating a personalized funeral or memorial service to celebrate that life is a vital part of the healing process for those left behind. Our goal is to combine our years of experience with your memories and ideas to create a tribute that appropriately honors the life of your loved one and also helps you begin the journey toward healing.

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Dealing with the death of a loved one is probably one of the most difficult things well face in our lives. Planning your funeral arrangements in advance is a way to ease the emotional and, if desired, even the financial burden that inevitably comes when death occurs. You can take the time to research and discuss all your options with your family and have the peace of mind knowing the choices you make are well-informed and not entered into under the stress of grief.

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Peterson Kraemer Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc. :: Home

Lamont Peterson – Next Fight, Fighter Bio, Stats & News

Lamont Peterson was just 7 years old when his 11 siblings and mother were forced onto the streets of Washington, D.C. At 10, he met trainer Barry Hunter, who helped turn Peterson and his brother Anthony into world-class fighters. Following an impressive amateur career, Peterson won a world title at 140 pounds, and now the former champion has become a two-division champion by earning a crown at 147 pounds.

Quiet, poised and humble, Peterson doesnt show any outward signs of the ferocity that can make a fighters career.

Thats because he had to master those emotions long ago in order to carve out a career for himself.

Peterson, and his 11 siblings, who include brother and fellow pro boxer Anthony Peterson, grew up in Washington, D.C.

They were forced to the streets when Peterson was just 7 years old after their father went to jail, leaving their mother to raise the 12 children on her own.

Not long after that, Peterson's mother often was unable to care for the family, leaving the kids to fend for themselves.

"You'd play with your friends and you'd have fun all day, and then you knew at the end of the day, once it got to a certain time, your friends were going to go home, Peterson told CNN in 2012. They'd be in their bedswarm, and you knew that you weren't.

When Peterson was 10 years old, he met trainer Barry Hunter, who helped turn the youngsters life around.

Hunter took Lamont and Anthony Peterson under his wing and guided them both to successful amateur careers.

Peterson won the 2000 Junior Olympic title at 132 pounds, then fought his way to a Golden Gloves championship in 2001 at age 17.

It was a promising start for the rising star, who went on to score amateur wins over Rock Allen, Andre Dirrell and Willy Blain.

Once he went pro in 2004 at age 20, Peterson fought throughout the South and Midwest to pile up a perfect 26-0 record.

With Hunter still training him as a professional, Peterson got a shot at the interim 140-pound title in April 2009 against a familiar foe: Blain.

The result was the same in the rematch, with Peterson scoring a seventh-round TKO.

His championship reign would be short-lived, though, as he lost a unanimous decision to Timothy Bradley just eight months later.

Peterson battled his way back to another title shot in December 2011 against two-time champion Amir Khan.

Peterson won a 12-round split decision in Washington, D.C.

Following a 14-month layoff, Peterson returned to the ring, and defended histitle with an eighth-round TKO of Kendall Holt in Washington, D.C., in February 2013.

Peterson fought again just three months later, losing for just the second time as a professional when Lucas Matthysse stopped him in the third round of their nontitle bout in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Peterson bounced back in his next fight, winning a 12-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Dierry Jean in January 2014 to retain histitle.

He successfully defended his championshipagain in August 2014, when he gained a 10th-round TKO of Edgar Santana in Brooklyn, New York.

Peterson returned to the ring in Brooklyn, New York, on April 11, 2015, for a 143-pound catch-weight fight against Danny Garcia that was aired live on NBC.

After a slow start, Peterson became more active as the fight progressed and dominated the final five rounds on the referees' scorecards. However, Garcia won a slim 12-round majority decision, gaining a 115-113 edge from two of the judges, while the third scored it 114-114.

Im not sure I gave him the first half, Peterson said in the ring after the fight. Just because I was moving a lot doesnt mean I was losing rounds. I came on strong. It was a close fight and the judges gave him a decision.

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Lamont Peterson - Next Fight, Fighter Bio, Stats & News

Peterson Law Firm PA | Fort Mill, SC

Why is it so important to have an attorney handle your estate planning?Estate planning involves much more than a set of documents.

When it comes to planning your estate, the first thing to keep in mind is the fact that you have an estate, no matter how small. Whether your anticipated estate is big or small, your loved ones are counting on you to plan for their safety and financial wellbeing. Your home, your life insurance, your retirement, your automobile, your family heirlooms and personal belongings, and even a future inheritance are all assets that require planning to ensure surviving family members (including any minor children) can access and benefit from them effectively and in a timely way on your death or disability.

A good estate planning attorney can help you: (1) identify all of the property and people in your life requiring protection; (2) evaluate your familys financial needs, wants, and abilities; (3) evaluate alternative cost effective ways and methods to provide for and protect your family in the event of your death or disability; and (4) choose, design, and implement the appropriate estate plan that is right for you.

A good plan helps to ensure that your assets are distributed and available to your chosen family members if there is a fatality or an accident or medical condition that leaves you disabled or otherwise incapacitated. A good plan with a Medical Power of Attorney and Financial Power of Attorney in place keeps you (and your family) out of probate court if you suffer from an accident or medical condition. If you have minor children, it is all the more urgent that a good plan is in place.

We can help you create a new plan, modify an existing plan, or simply confirm your existing plan does what you think it does. Most importantly, we can help you ensure your estate plan conforms to applicable laws and protects the financial futures of those who need your protection. Estate planning and probate can be confusing, often overwhelming, and affected by laws that are different in every state and seem to change daily. We are here to guide you through these complicated processes and areas of law. Contact Peterson Law Firm, P.A. for an estate planning consultation. For additional estate planning information, click here.

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Peterson Law Firm PA | Fort Mill, SC

Welcome to Peterson Machinery Sales

Since 1980, we have used our extensive experience in manufacturing and engineering to evaluate customer needs and provide the correct used machine for the application. With nearly 1,000 used metal working machines in stock, we have the largest inventory in Arizona and New Mexico. Our inventory includes presses, fabricating machines, and machine tools, as well as forklifts, cranes, and material handling equipment. Centrally located in Casa Grande, AZ we can demonstrate many machines under power at our 100,000 sq/ft warehouses. Most machines have been reconditioned and are ready for shipment, installation, and production.

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Contact Us Today.

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Welcome to Peterson Machinery Sales

New Evidence In Laci Peterson Case May Prove Her Husband …

1. Scott and Laci Peterson

Scott Peterson and Laci Rocha first met at the Pacific Caf in Morro Bay, California, where Scott worked. They quickly fell in love as students at California Polytechnic State University, where he majored in agricultural business and she majored in ornamental horticulture. The duo becameengaged in December of 1996 and married on August 9, 1997.


For the first few years of marriage, they put off having children. Once they decided to try, it turned out getting pregnant wasnt easy. However, sheeventually conceived in May of 2002. Tragically, their baby wouldnt have a chance to be born.

Laci Peterson disappeared at some point between 8:30 pm on December 23, 2002, and 10:15 am on December 24Lacis half-sister Amy was at the house on the evening of the 23rd and cut Scotts hair. Later that the evening, Laci spoke with her mother Sharon on the phone.

That was the last anyone heard from her. The next morning, a neighbor found the Petersons family dog roaming the neighborhood returned her to the yard. Scott had been gone on a fishing trip during the day.

Scott Peterson returned home on December 24 to discover that Laci was not at home. Lacis car was parked in the driveway and her purse and keys were still in the house. Some reports claim that Scott washed his clothes, tidied up around the house, ate and meal and took a shower upon his return.

At 5:20 pm he called his mother-in-law Sharon to ask if Laci was with her. She wasnt. By 6 pm that same day Lacis mother called the police to report her missing. The search was on.

Laci, now eight-months pregnant, was missing. According to Scott, Laci had planned to go to the grocery store to stock up for Christmas and take the dog for a walk at a nearby park. Family, friends and concerned neighbors began searching for Laci immediately, fearing that something had happened to her.

Over 900 people were involved in the searches within the first two days of Lacis disappearance. However, she was still nowhere to be found. Now policebecame more involved andemployed the use of an official search crew.

Police organized not only on-foot searches but also deployed patrol cars, SUVs, helicopters, boats, search dogs and horseback units. They thought the disappearance of an eight-month pregnant woman on Christmas Eve washighly suspicious and suspected foul play. At a press conference, one Modesto detective stated that her running away without telling anyone was completely out of character for her.

As the days went on, people began searching more furiously. Rewards were offered in the amount of $25,000, then increased to $250,000, and then finally $500,000. Over 1,500 volunteers assisted with the search efforts. Still, all the searches failed to uncover a single clue.

Family and friends were devastated by Lacis disappearance. Not only did they want to find her alive and well, they wanted to find out who was responsible. They ruled outthe possibility that Laci ran away. There was really only one option left. Sadly, that option meant that she was possibly already dead. Police investigated possible suspects, known criminals and neighborhood burglars, but no one fit.

Whispers were already swirling about the possibility that the husband Scott had been involved somehow. Statistically speaking, nearly half of all murdered women are killed by their romantic partners. Lacis family was vehemently opposed to such accusations. They couldnt for a moment believe that Scott had anything to do with it. Scott had their full support, for now

Police considered Scott Peterson a suspect in the case but they kept the information hidden from the public mostly due to Lacis family and their insistence that he was innocent. Then something happened that turned the entire case upside-down.

On January 17, 2003, evidence that Scott was having an affair surfaced. A picture of him with another woman was taken while he was on a supposed business trip. Or at least thats what he told his wife Laci.

In a shocking development, Scotts mistresses came forward to tell her story and what she knew of Scott Peterson. The woman, named Amber Frey, told the police how she was in a romantic relationship with Scott and she had no idea that he was married with a pregnant wife.

She described how he had told her that he had lost his wife and would be spending his first Christmas alone. This was before Lacis disappearance, 14 days before. The news spread like wildfire and destroyed Scotts public image.

Lacis family was devastated by the news. According to her mother Sharon, Laci never mentioned anything about an affair or any marital issues. They believe that she was unaware of her husbands indiscretions. As the details came pouring out, it was revealed that Scott had multiple extramarital affairs.

A relative of Scotts actually described him as a sex addict. Lacis family immediately withdrew their support of Scott, and even worse, they began to believe that he may have actually killed her based on the comment about losing his wife. It was later revealed that Laci knew about at least one of Scotts affairs.

The Modesto police began working with Amber Frey in attempt to trick Scott Peterson into confessing. Amber agreed to let the police wiretap her phone. Over 300 phone conversations between Amber and Scott were recorded. Amber relentlessly asked about details of his missing wife, to which Scott replied that he didnt do it and that for her protection couldnt go into details. I am not an evil person. I would never hurt anyone, Scott said.

For a period of a few weeks Scott even pretended to be in Europe. He described in detail being at a New Years Eve celebration at the Eiffel Tower and even faked phone interference to make his lie more believable. He later confessed that he had lied and apologized to Amber. No confession was ever recorded.

On April 13, 2003, a couple walking their dog in the San Francisco bay area discovered a human fetus on the shoreline. The gruesome finding was located close to where Scott Peterson launched his boat on December 24th for a fishing trip, the same day that his eight-month pregnant wife disappeared.

The fetus was male and still had all its limbs and organs. Experts estimated that the fetus was around 33 to 38 weeks old based on bone measurements. But was it Laci Petersons child?

The fetus was, in fact, Lacis unborn child which the couple planned on naming Connor. The very next day Lacis body washed ashore not far from where Connor was found. She was wearing cream-colored maternity pants and a maternity bra. The body was severely mutilated.

Both forearms were missing, the left leg from the knee down was missing and the body was decapitated. Due to the condition of the body, it wasnt possible to determine the cause of death nor the time of death.

The news devastated Lacis family who had been praying that their daughter and the babywere still alive. Forensic experts determined that Lacis head and limbs were likely removed prior to her body being dumped.

Reports indicated that Laci suffered multiple injuries, including two cracked ribs at or near the time of death. The most gruesome revelation was that all of Lacis internal organs had been removed from her body, apart from the uterus.

The murder of Laci Peterson received enormous press coverage with interviews, commentators, and analysts weighing in with their opinions. All of them had one thing in common: they clearly thought Scott Peterson was the killer. Scott became an easy target after news of his numerous extra-marital affairs broke.

His affairwith Amber Frey continued during the search for his missing wife. One of the recorded calls to Amber was placed during a vigil for the missing Laci Peterson. Foxs Geraldo Rivera referred to Scott as a rat caught in the trap.

Modesto police initially considered a few other possible suspects but all had strong alibis or zero motive. That left Scott as the sole prime suspect. Police had a few theories as to why he would murder Laci. Police proposed that he might have killed Laci for either the insurance money, not wantingto be a father, or the desire to date other women.

With Scott being the only suspect in the murder, it was clear that he would be going to trial. But would he get a fair trial considering the massive waves of negative press already calling him a killer?

Just days after the bodies of Laci and Conner Peterson were found, police arrested Scott in the parking lot of a golf course where he had been golfing with his father and brother. Suspiciously, Scotts hair and newly-grown goatee had been dyed blond.

Futhermore, his car was stuffed with a number of strangeitems. Inside thevehicle were around $15,000 in cash, several changes of clothes, four cell phones, camping equipment and survival gear. Authorities immediately assumed that he was planning on fleeing the country.

Scott Peterson claimed that he had been living in his car to avoid media attention which had been stalking him relentlessly. Not only had the media been following him, he was now the most hated person in Modesto, if not the entire country.

Scott was faced with public scorn and violence. Most people seemedconvinced that he was the murderer even before being arrested. As for his changed appearance, Scott claimed that his hair had been bleached accidentally by pool chlorine.

By the time the trial came around, the story of Laci Petersons murder had dominated headlines for over a year. Finding someone who didnt already know the story and didnt already consider Scott guilty was near impossible. It took over nine weeks to select a jury for the case and nearly 1,600 candidates were considered as prospective jurors.

Over 50% of the potential jurors interviewed admitted that they already thought Scott Peterson was guilty of murdering his wife and child. The selected jury, six men and six women, were ordered to avoid news coverage of the case. Was that even possible?

The trial itself was moved from Modesto, considered a hostile place toward Scott, to Redwood City, on the San Francisco peninsula. The move, however, wouldnt do much good since San Francisco is the main media hub of Northern California.

Not a person in the country hadnt heard about the Scott Peterson case. One detective told People Magazine that the case was all over the place. I dont know where you would go to find people that didnt know about it maybe Burma.

Very little direct evidence connecting Scott to the murder of Laci existed. The prosecution theorized that Scott killed Laci in their home then transported her to the marina in his truck on the night of the 23rd or morning of the 24th and proceeded to dump her body into the harbor. No physical evidence was ever presented to support this argument.

Forensic teams found no blood, urine, or tissue of any kind in Scotts truck, nor in his home. Police officers found a mop and bucket at Scotts house which they believed he used to clean up the crime scene but that too contained zero evidence that a murder had been committed.

The Prosecution argued that Scott, alone, transported Lacis body in his boat, weighed down by four concrete anchors, and dumped her body into the bay. The prosecution did not attempt to recreate the crime by attempting to dump a body or weights out of the boat. The defense team, however, did.

In a demonstration, the defense pushed a mannequin of Lacis weight with four anchors attached to it out of the exact same boat as Scotts. Experts determined that it was not possible to do this without the boat capsizing. The state objected to the evidence and the demonstration was excluded from court evidence.

The only physical evidence found was a fragment of hair matching Lacis on a pair of pliers in the boat. Experts concluded that the fragment could have been transferred indirectly to the boat from Scotts clothing, which Laci sometimes wore. Additionally, no evidence of blood was found on the pliers.

Instead of direct physical evidence, the prosecution turned to circumstantial evidence and character profiling to prove that Scott Peterson murdered his wife. In fact, almost all of the evidence presented by the state would be circumstantial.

With no direct evidence that the murder occurred at the Peterson residence and no evidence that Lacis body had been transferred in Scotts truck, the prosecution relied on dog scent evidence to fill the evidentiary void for the bodys transfer to the marina. Two different tracking dogs were used to trail Lacis scent using different items.

One dog detected Lacis scent at the Berkley marina and the other did not. The defense argued that the scent the first dog picked up could have easily been that of Scott Peterson due to cross-contamination. The prosecution argued that that the dog picking up the scent was proof of Scotts guilt, simple as that.

The state prosecution attempted to establish the date and time of Lacis death based on the fetal development of her unborn son. A fetal development expert was brought in to testify. Based on two ultra-sound examinations, the expert estimated that Connor died on December 23, 2002.

The expert also admitted, however, that Connor may have died a day or two before or after the 23rd. The last main piece of circumstantial evidence was the movements of the water in the San Francisco Bay.

An expert witness charted how Connors body could have traveled through the water from the exact location whereScott had been fishing on the 24th, but could not produce such a chart for Lacis body. The expert identified a highly probable location where Lacis body could have been dumped.

That same area was searched multiple times by search divers with sonar equipment in the weeks after Lacis disappearance and found nothing. During cross-examination the expert was asked if he had ever studied anything about bodies and their movements in the San Francisco Bay. The expert conceded that he had not.

Mistress-turned-police-spy Amber Frey was called in as a main character witness in the case against Scott Peterson. On the stand, Amber revealed that Scott had lied to her about almost every aspect of his life, including the fact that he was married.

During the police investigation, Amber agreed to let the police wiretap her phone. Nearly 12 hours of recorded conversations between the two were played in court. Her testimony was highly damaging to Scott as it painted him as a sex-crazed serial liar to the jury, especially since he continued the relationship even after his wife went missing.

Even before the trial started, the potential jurors were under extreme pressure for a guilty verdict. As the trial moved forward and the months went by, that pressure only grew. At least three jurors were dismissed during the trial proceedings, some due to misconduct and other for undisclosed reasons. A few of the jurors even received death threats saying that Scott must be found guilty or else.

The judge presiding over the case, Judge Alfred A. Delucchi, also decided not to sequester the jury and instead asked the jury not to discuss the case or watch news coverage of it. Scotts defense attorney objected, saying that it was a child-like belief thinking that the jury could avoid the sensational media that had already deemed Scott guilty of murder.

Even though in criminal cases the state prosecutor isnt required to establish a motive in order to convict a suspect, they did so, possibly due to a lack of physical evidence. Their argument for his motive was three-fold.

First, the prosecutor argued that Scott allegedly killed his wife for financial reasons. They argued that the family was in debt and he wanted to cash in on Lacis life insurance policy. Second, Scott allegedly killed Laci because he didnt want to be a father. Third, it was said thatScott allegedly killed Laci because he wanted to date other women, evident by his multiple affairs.

The Scott Peterson trial was deemed the trial of the decade by the media. It received unprecedented coverage and Scotts lawyer called it a complete media lynching of his client. Ever since news broke about Scotts affairs, the media turned on Scott.

As the only suspect in the case, he was automatically deemed guilty. According to his lawyer, the coverage of his clients trial surpassed that of the O.J. Simpson murder trial. With the verdict due within days, would the negative publicity affect the outcome of the trial?

On November 12, 2004, Scott Peterson was found guilty of murder. He was convicted of first degree murder for Lacis death and second degree murder of theirunborn son, Conner. The jury also recommended Scott receive the death penalty. The presiding judge agreed and sentenced Scott to death by lethal injection. Judge Alfred A. Delucchi called the murder of Laci Peterson cruel, uncaring, heartless, and callous.

In addition to the conviction, a judge ruled that Lacis $250,000 life insurance policy would go to her mother. Scott was shocked by the sentencing, having thought that there was no way he could be proven guilty with such a lack of evidence. He immediately moved to appeal the decision.

Crowds of people all around the country took to the streets celebrating the guilty verdict. In many ways the trial was treated in the media like a reality TV show, for viewing pleasure. A number of jurors were interviewed after the trial and asked why they felt so certain that Scott was guilty.

One juror cited a lack of remorse for the loss of his wife and unborn child. Another was convinced because the bodies had washed ashore near the same area where Scott fished. But the most agreed upon reason was that Scott was a proven liar, based on his affairs and the testimony of Amber Frey.

Scott Peterson was sent to San Quentin prison state prison, located around 10 miles from where the bodies of Laci and Conner were discovered in the San Francisco Bay. On October 31, 2007 the California 5th District Court ruled to uphold the trial courts decision.

There are currently over 700 death row inmates in California. The last execution in the state was in 2006. Almost all of the inmates are likely to die of natural causes before the state gets around to executing them.

Scott Peterson maintains that he is innocent and blames the media and his lawyer for the guilty verdict he received. His trial, however, is far from over. Scott has one last option left: petitioning for habeas corpus (unlawful imprisonment)and getting a retrial.

I wasnt the last one to see Lacithat day, Scott says. There were so many witnesses who saw her walking in the neighborhood after I left. The police failed to find my family.

Lacis mother Sharon wrote a book in 2006 called For Laci: A Mothers Story of Love, Loss, and Justice. The book is a biography and memoir about Lacis life and her tragic death. The proceeds of the book go to a search and rescue fund which Sharon founded. Scotts once-time mistress Amber Frey subsequently wrote a book detailing her experience, angering Lacis family.

Seven of the trial jurors also wrote a book together about the case. Furthermore, numerous TV series and movies had been made about the sensational murder trial. There is certainly no lack of people monetizing off the case. But as we said, its not over yet. What exactly is Scott trying to challenge? And does he have a legitimate case against the states decision?

Scott Petersons new lawyer submitted an almost 300 page habeas corpus petition detailing evidence that wasnt presented to the jury, mistakes made by his then lawyer, and issues with the circumstantial evidence presented against him.

Scotts main claim is that he was denied a fair trial due to the media portraying him as a cold-hearted monster and that there was never any hard evidence against him. The document categorically broke down the trial and raised many questions about whether Scott is actually guilty or just the only person they could pin the murder on.

One of the most striking points in the case is that no physical or forensic evidence wasever presented that could linkScott Peterson to the murder of his wife. Only a singular hair fragment from Laci was found on a pair of pliers in Scotts boat, but experts agreed that it could have easily been transferred by his clothes.

Additionally, there are no eyewitnesses in the case nor have there been any confessions to the murder. Scott fully cooperated with the authorities after Lacis disappearance and even assisted in the search efforts. Despite his guilty verdict, it was definitely clear that things were wrong with the trial.

Scotts petition also claims that the jury was pressured by the public as result of the media encouragementto reach a guilty verdict, no matter the actual evidence. It even claims that a stealth juror lied in order to be picked as a juror. Richelle Nice, juror number five in the murder trial, also known as Strawberry Shortcake due to her red hair, was assaulted when she was four and a half months pregnant. According to Scotts defense team this would have disqualified her as a juror due to Laci also being pregnant.

Reports also showed that this juror volunteered to stay on the trial even though her employer wouldnt pay her compensation, something that gives jurors an automatic pass from being forced to serve. As a result she went into severe debt and reportedly even borrowed money from a fellow juror. The revelation led many to believe that she wanted to be on the jury for the sole purpose of making sure Scott received a guilty verdict.

After Laci went missing dozens of people called into the Modesto Police Department claiming to have seen Laci on the morning of the 24th. Some reported seeing her after Scott had already left, which meant that Scott couldnt have killed Laci. Some of the tips were from different states but many reported seeing her on the street where she lived and were reported by neighbors. Police, however, only followed up on three of the tips via phone call, stating that they just didnt have the budget or manpower to follow up on such cases.

Had one of these witnesses been properly questioned or called to the stand during the trial, Scott could have potentially walked free. Scotts petition points to this as a key flaw in his lawyers defense.

Another theory not originally mentioned in court was that Laci was murdered by a man robbing a house next door. According to an eyewitness, Laci witnessed a man named Steven Todd breaking into the house next door and Laci confronted him while on a walk with her dog. Other witnesses confirmed seeing a van in front of the house after Scott had already left on his fishing trip.

The location of Scotts fishing trip was televised shortly after Lacis disappearance, giving the real killer ample time to plant the body in the same area, framing Scott and aligning the approximate timelines of Scotts trip and the murder. Scotts lawyer attempted to earn a retrial based on the new evidence but it was denied.

Currently, Scott Peterson is still on death row at San Quentin prison. His last and final petition for retrial is still being considered by the Supreme Court of California. Should the case go back to trial in a less chaotic media storm, what would the outcome be?

Some say the entire case is an example of the perversion of the American legal system. Scott Petersons conviction was less a tribute to the efficacy of the legal system, saidan investigative series on the case by A&E, than it was a case study for the overwhelming power of modern media to deliver the facts of news in a way that creates irresistible tabloid fodder.

Sources: CNN,Oxygen

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New Evidence In Laci Peterson Case May Prove Her Husband ...

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Oscar Peterson – Wikipedia

Oscar PetersonBackground informationBirth nameOscar Emmanuel PetersonBorn(1925-08-15)August 15, 1925Montreal, Quebec, CanadaDiedDecember 23, 2007(2007-12-23) (aged82)Mississauga, Ontario, CanadaGenresJazz, bebop, hard bop, third stream, bluesOccupation(s)Musician, composerInstrumentsPiano, clavichord, electric piano, synthesizer, organ, vocalsYears active19452007LabelsRCA Victor, Mercury, MPS, Pablo, Telarc, VerveAssociated actsLouis Armstrong, Count Basie, Ray Brown, Clark Terry, Roy Eldridge, Herb Ellis, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Norman Granz, Benny Green, Coleman Hawkins, Barney Kessel, Milt Jackson, Niels-Henning rsted Pedersen, Joe Pass, Ben Webster, Ulf

Oscar Emmanuel Peterson, CC, CQ, OOnt (August 15, 1925 December 23, 2007) was a Canadian jazz pianist and composer. He was called the "Maharaja of the keyboard" by Duke Ellington, but simply "O.P." by his friends.[1][2] He released over 200 recordings, won eight Grammy Awards, and received numerous other awards and honours. He is considered one of the greatest jazz pianists,[3] and played thousands of concerts worldwide in a career lasting more than 60 years.

Peterson was born to immigrants from the West Indies; his father worked as a porter for Canadian Pacific Railway.[4] Peterson grew up in the neighbourhood of Little Burgundy in Montreal, Quebec. It was in this predominantly black neighbourhood that he found himself surrounded by the jazz culture that flourished in the early 20th century.[5] At the age of five, Peterson began honing his skills with the trumpet and piano. However, a bout of tuberculosis when he was seven prevented him from playing the trumpet again, so he directed all his attention to the piano. His father, Daniel Peterson, an amateur trumpeter and pianist, was one of his first music teachers, and his sister Daisy taught young Oscar classical piano. Peterson was persistent at practising scales and classical tudes daily, and developed his virtuosity thanks to such arduous practice.

As a child, Peterson also studied with Hungarian-born pianist Paul de Marky, a student of Istvn Thomn, who was himself a pupil of Franz Liszt, so his early training was predominantly based on classical piano. Meanwhile, he was captivated by traditional jazz and especially boogie-woogie, and learned several ragtime pieces. At that time Peterson was called "the Brown Bomber of the Boogie-Woogie".[6]

At the age of nine Peterson played piano with control that impressed professional musicians. For many years his piano studies included four to six hours of daily practice. Only in his later years did he decrease his practice to just one or two hours daily. In 1940, at fourteen years of age, Peterson won the national music competition organized by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. After that victory, he dropped out of the High School of Montreal, where he played in a band with Maynard Ferguson,[7] and became a professional pianist working for a weekly radio show and playing at hotels and music halls.

Some of the artists who influenced Peterson's music during the earlier type of years were Teddy Wilson, Nat "King" Cole, James P. Johnson, and Art Tatum, to whom many compared Peterson in later years.[8] One of his earliest exposures to Tatum's musical talents came in his teen years when his father played a recording of Tatum's "Tiger Rag" for him. Peterson was so intimidated by what he heard that he became disillusioned about his own playing, to the extent of refusing to play the piano at all for several weeks. In his own words, "Tatum scared me to death", and Peterson was "never cocky again" about his mastery at the piano.[9] Tatum was a model for Peterson's musicianship during the 1940s and 1950s. Tatum and Peterson eventually became good friends, although Peterson was always shy about being compared with Tatum and rarely played the piano in Tatum's presence.

Peterson also credited his sistera piano teacher in Montreal who also taught several other Canadian jazz musicianswith being an important teacher and influence on his career. Under his sister's tutelage, Peterson expanded into classical piano training and broadened his range while mastering the core classical pianism from scales to preludes and fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach.[10]

Building on Tatum's pianism and aesthetics, Peterson also absorbed Tatum's musical influences, notably from piano concertos by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff's harmonizations, as well as direct quotations from his 2nd Piano Concerto, are scattered throughout many recordings by Peterson, including his work with the most familiar formulation of the Oscar Peterson Trio, with bassist Ray Brown and guitarist Herb Ellis. During the 1960s and 1970s Peterson made numerous trio recordings highlighting his piano performances; they reveal more of his eclectic style, absorbing influences from various genres of jazz, popular, and classical music.

An important step in Peterson's career was joining impresario Norman Granz's labels (especially Verve) and Granz's "Jazz at the Philharmonic" project. Granz discovered Peterson in a peculiar manner. As the impresario was being taken to Montreal airport by cab, the radio was playing a live broadcast of Peterson at a local night club. Granz was so smitten by what he heard that he ordered the driver to take him to the club so that he could meet the pianist. In 1949, Granz introduced Peterson in New York City at a Jazz at the Philharmonic show at Carnegie Hall.[6]

So was born a lasting relationship: Granz remained Peterson's manager for most of his career. This was more than a managerial relationship; Peterson praised Granz for standing up for him and other black jazz musicians in the segregationist south of the 1950s and 1960s. For example, in the documentary video Music in the Key of Oscar, Peterson tells how Granz stood up to a gun-toting southern policeman who wanted to stop the trio from using "white-only" taxis.[11]

In the course of his career, Peterson developed a reputation as a technically brilliant and melodically inventive jazz pianist and became a regular on Canadian radio from the 1940s. His name was already recognized in the United States. However, his 1949 debut at Carnegie Hall was uncredited: owing to union restrictions, his appearance could not be billed.[12] Through Granz's Jazz at the Philharmonic, he was able to play with the major jazz artists of the time.

Peterson made numerous duo performances and recordings with bassists Ray Brown, Sam Jones, and Niels-Henning rsted Pedersen, guitarists Joe Pass, Irving Ashby, Herb Ellis, and Barney Kessel [13], pianists Count Basie [14], Herbie Hancock [15], Benny Green[16], and Oliver Jones, trumpeters Clark Terry[17] and Louis Armstrong[18], and many other important jazz players. His 1950s duo recordings with Ray Brown mark the formation of one of the longest lasting partnerships in the history of jazz.

According to pianist/educator Mark Eisenman, some of Peterson's best playing was as an understated accompanist to singer Ella Fitzgerald and trumpeter Roy Eldridge.[19]

Peterson redefined the jazz trio by bringing the musicianship of all three members to the highest level. The trio with Ray Brown and Herb Ellis was, in his own words, "the most stimulating" and productive setting for public performances as well as in studio recordings. In the early 1950s, Peterson began performing with Ray Brown and Charlie Smith as the Oscar Peterson Trio. Shortly afterward the drummer Smith was replaced by guitarist Irving Ashby, formerly of the Nat King Cole Trio. Ashby, who was a swing guitarist, was soon replaced by Kessel.[20] Kessel tired of touring after a year, and was succeeded by Ellis. As Ellis was white, Peterson's trios were racially integrated, a controversial move at the time that was fraught with difficulties with segregationist whites and blacks.

Oscar Peterson at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival is widely regarded as the landmark album in Peterson's career, and one of the most influential trios in jazz.[citation needed] Their last recording, On the Town with the Oscar Peterson Trio, recorded live at the Town Tavern in Toronto, captured a remarkable degree of emotional as well as musical understanding between three players.[21] All three musicians were equal contributors involved in a highly sophisticated improvisational interplay. When Ellis left the group in 1958, Peterson and Brown believed they could not adequately replace Ellis. Ellis was replaced by drummer Ed Thigpen in 1959. Brown and Thigpen worked with Peterson on his albums Night Train and Canadiana Suite. Brown and Thigpen left in 1965 and were replaced by bassist Sam Jones and drummer Louis Hayes (and later, drummer Bobby Durham). The trio performed together until 1970. In 1969 Peterson recorded Motions and Emotions, featuring orchestral arrangements of pop songs such as The Beatles' "Yesterday" and "Eleanor Rigby". In the fall of 1970, Peterson's trio released the album Tristeza on Piano. Jones and Durham left in 1970.

In the 1970s Peterson formed another trio with guitarist Pass and Niels-Henning rsted Pedersen on bass. This trio emulated the success of the 1950s trio with Brown and Ellis, gave acclaimed performances at numerous festivals, and made best-selling recordingsmost notably The Trio, which won the 1974 Grammy for Best Jazz Performance by a Group, and the 1978 double album recorded live in Paris. On April 22, 1978, Peterson performed in the interval act for the Eurovision Song Contest 1978, broadcast live from the Palais des congrs de Paris. In 1974 Oscar added British drummer Martin Drew, and this quartet toured and recorded extensively worldwide. Pass said in a 1976 interview: "The only guys I've heard who come close to total mastery of their instruments are Art Tatum and Peterson".

A quartet was a less permanent setting for Peterson, after the trio or duo, as it was hard to find equally powerful musicians available for a tightly knit arrangement with him. After the loss of Ellis his next trio eventually consisted of a drummer instead of a guitaristfirst Gene Gammage for a brief time, then Thigpen. In this group Peterson became the dominant soloist. Later members of the group were Louis Hayes, Bobby Durham, Ray Price, Sam Jones, George Mraz, Martin Drew, Terry Clarke and Lorne Lofsky.[3]

Peterson often formed a quartet by adding a fourth player to his existing trios. He was open to experimental collaborations with jazz stars, such as saxophonist Ben Webster, trumpeter Clark Terry, and vibraphonist Milt Jackson among others. In 1961, the Peterson trio with Jackson recorded the album Very Tall.

From the late 1950s, when Peterson gained worldwide recognition as one of the leading pianists in jazz, he played in a variety of settings: solo, duo, trio, quartet, small bands, and big bands. However, his solo piano recitals and recordings were rare, until he chose to make a series of solo albums titled Exclusively for My Friends. These solo piano sessions, made for the Musik Produktion Schwarzwald (MPS) label, were Peterson's response to the emergence of such stars as Bill Evans and McCoy Tyner.

Some cognoscenti[who?] assert that Peterson's best recordings were made for MPS in the late 1960s and early 1970s. For some years subsequently he recorded for Granz's Pablo Records after the label was founded in 1973.[22] In the 1990s and 2000s he recorded several albums accompanied by a combo for Telarc.

In the 1980s he played successfully in a duo with pianist Herbie Hancock. In the late 1980s and 1990s, after a stroke, Peterson made performances and recordings with his protg Benny Green.

Peterson wrote pieces for piano, trio, quartet, and big band. He also wrote several songs, and made recordings as a singer. His best-known compositions may be "Canadiana Suite" and "Hymn to Freedom", the latter composed in the 1960s and inspired by the civil rights movement in the United States.

Peterson taught piano and improvisation in Canada, mainly in Toronto. With associates, he started and headed the Advanced School of Contemporary Music in Toronto for five years during the 1960s, but it closed because concert touring called him and his associates away, and it did not have government funding.[23] Later, he mentored the York University jazz program and was the Chancellor of the entire university for several years in the early 1990s. He also published his original jazz piano etudes for practice. He additionally asked his students to study the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, especially The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Goldberg Variations, and The Art of Fugue, considering these piano pieces essential for every serious pianist. Among his students were pianists Benny Green and Oliver Jones.[24]

Peterson had arthritis since his youth, and in later years could hardly button his shirt. Never slender, his weight increased to 125kg (276lb), hindering his mobility. He had hip replacement surgery in the early 1990s.[25] Although the surgery was successful, his mobility was still inhibited. Somewhat later, in 1993, Peterson suffered a serious stroke that weakened his left side and sidelined him for two years. Also in 1993, incoming Prime Minister and longtime Peterson fan and friend Jean Chrtien offered Peterson the position of Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, but, according to Chrtien, he declined, citing the health problems from his recent stroke.[26]

After the stroke, Peterson recuperated for about two years. He gradually regained mobility and some control of his left hand. However, his virtuosity was never restored to the original level, and his playing after his stroke relied principally on his right hand.[27] In 1995 he returned to public performances on a limited basis, and also made several live and studio recordings for Telarc. In 1997 he received a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement and an International Jazz Hall of Fame Award. His friend, Canadian politician and amateur pianist Bob Rae, said that "a one-handed Oscar was better than just about anyone with two hands."[28]

In 2003, Peterson recorded the DVD A Night in Vienna for Verve, with Niels-Henning rsted Pedersen, Ulf Wakenius and Martin Drew. He continued to tour the U.S. and Europe, though at most one month a year, with a couple of days' rest between concerts to recover his strength. His accompanists were Wakenius (guitar), Pederson or David Young (bass), and Alvin Queen (drums).

Peterson's health declined rapidly in 2007. He had to cancel his performance at the 2007 Toronto Jazz Festival and his attendance at a June 8, 2007, Carnegie Hall all-star performance in his honour, owing to illness. On December 23, 2007, Peterson died of kidney failure at his home in Mississauga, Ontario.[29][30]

Peterson was married four times: to Lillie Fraser (1944, two sons, three daughters, marriage dissolved); Sandra King (marriage 1958, dissolved 1976); Charlotte Huber (1977, one daughter; marriage dissolved); and Kelly Green (1987,[citation needed] one daughter).[31][32]

He had seven children, the youngest of whom was Cline (born 1991), his daughter by Kelly Green.

Peterson was a smoker, both of cigarettes and the pipe, and regularly tried to break the habit; but each time he stopped smoking he put on weight. Peterson loved to eat and cook, and remained a very large man throughout his entire life.[33]

Begone Dull Care is an abstract film presentation of Peterson's music, directed by Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart, and released in 1949 by the National Film Board of Canada.[34]

In 1984, Peterson received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Berklee College of Music.

Peterson's work earned him eight Grammy awards over the years and he was elected to the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1978. He also belongs to the Juno Awards Hall of Fame and the Canadian Jazz and Blues Hall of Fame. In 2013, Peterson was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame.

Peterson received the first Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Achievement Award from Black Theatre Workshop (1986), Roy Thomson Award (1987), a Toronto Arts Award for lifetime achievement (1991), the Governor General's Performing Arts Award (1992), the Glenn Gould Prize (1993), the award of the International Society for Performing Artists (1995), the Loyola Medal of Concordia University (1997),[35] the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award (1997), the Praemium Imperiale World Art Award (1999), the UNESCO Music Prize (2000), the Toronto Musicians' Association Musician of the Year award (2001), and an honorary LLD from the University of the West Indies (2006).

In 1999, Concordia University in Montreal renamed their Loyola-campus concert hall Oscar Peterson Concert Hall in his honour.[36]

In 2005, Peterson celebrated his 80th birthday at the HMV flagship store in Toronto, where a crowd of about 200 gathered to celebrate with him. Longtime admirer and fellow Canadian Diana Krall sang "Happy Birthday" to him and also performed a vocal version of one of Peterson's songs, "When Summer Comes". The lyrics for this version were written by Elvis Costello, Krall's husband. Canada Post unveiled a commemorative postage stamp in Peterson's honour. The event was covered by a live radio broadcast by Toronto jazz station JAZZ.FM.

Peterson received the BBC-Radio Lifetime Achievement Award, London, United Kingdom.[37]

"Technique is something you use to make your ideas listenable", he once told jazz writer Len Lyons. "You learn to play the instrument so you have a musical vocabulary, and you practice to get your technique to the point you need to express yourself, depending on how heavy your ideas are".

"Some may criticize Peterson for not advancing, for finding his niche and staying with it for an entire career, but while he may not be the most revolutionary artist in jazz, the documentary Music in the Key of Oscar demonstrates that breaking down barriers can be accomplished in more ways than one".[38] "He was a crystallizer, rather than an innovator".[27]

"His hands could do things few piano players can do", said pianist Bill King, who studied with Peterson at his music school. Because Peterson was a big man, standing six feet, three inches, he could stretch his hands over a keyboard in a way few musicians can match.[39]

Ray Charles, in Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues - Piano Blues (2003), commented that Peterson was the only other piano player who could come close to the technical skills of Art Tatum, praising his abilities with "Oscar could play like a motherfucker!"

Piano manufacturer Bsendorfer released a limited edition Oscar Peterson Signature Edition Piano in honour of the 90th anniversary of Peterson's birth. Each of the 12 pianos of this limited edition has built-in Yamaha Disklavier E3 technology that will play 12 compositions recorded by Peterson in 1980. The recordings captured key and pedal data of those performances and were then remastered for the Peterson Limited Edition so that the Disklavier can play one of these musical compositions as Peterson would have done in 1980.[40]

One of the signature pianos is located in the lobby of the Arts Commons (formerly, Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where it will be used by performers and also to play the 12 recorded performances by Peterson. The piano was inaugurated at a gala performance on April 2, 2016, by Tommy Banks and the Peterson performances. Peterson's widow, Kelly, was in attendance and said that tears came to my eyes the first time I heard Oscars notes resonate from the piano. [41]

In 2008, Peterson was awarded, posthumously, the Special Achievement Award at the SOCAN Awards in Toronto.[42]

While Peterson was recognized as a great jazz pianist both at home in Canada and internationally, he was also regarded in Canada as a distinguished public figure. His notable personage is evident in the acclaim and awards he received, particularly in the latter two decades of his life.

He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada (the country's highest civilian state order for talent and service) in 1972, and promoted to Companion of the order (the highest degree of merit and humanity), in 1984. He was also a member of the Order of Ontario, a Chevalier of the National Order of Quebec, and an officer of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France.

From 1991 to 1994, Peterson was chancellor of York University in Toronto. The chancellor is the titular head of the university. Weeks after his death, the Province of Ontario announced a C$4million scholarship for the "Oscar Peterson Chair" for Jazz Performance at York University with an additional C$1million to be awarded annually in music scholarships to underprivileged York students in tribute to Peterson.[39]

Peterson's niece, television journalist Sylvia Sweeney, produced a documentary film, In the Key of Oscar, about Peterson in 1992.

Unlike most other jazz musicians, Peterson was networked with Canadian elites in the later years of his life. For example, former Ontario premier Bob Rae recalled that in 2007, himself, Ontario Chief Justice Roy McMurtry, and former Ontario premier Bill Davis celebrated McMurtry's retirement with Peterson, his wife, and their wives.[44]

Peterson received honorary doctorates from many Canadian universities: Carleton University, Queen's University, Concordia University, McMaster University, Mount Allison University, the University of Victoria, the University of Western Ontario, York University, the University of Toronto, and the Universit Laval, as well as from Northwestern University and Niagara University in the United States. Concordia University's main concert hall and performing arts venue is named after Peterson.

In 2004, the City of Toronto named the courtyard of the Toronto-Dominion Centre Oscar Peterson Square. In 2005, the Peel District School Board in suburban Toronto opened the Oscar Peterson school in Mississauga, Ontario, two miles from his home. Peterson said, "This is a most unexpected and moving tribute".[45] He visited the school several times and donated electronic musical equipment to it.[27] Soon after Peterson's death, the University of Toronto Mississauga opened a major student residence in March 2008 as "Oscar Peterson Hall".[46] He won the Civic Award of Merit, the City of Mississauga's highest honour, in 2003. He moved to Mississauga c.1971.[47]

Former Canadian prime minister Jean Chrtien wanted in 1993 to put Peterson forward to the Governor General of Canada for appointment to the post of Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, but Peterson felt that his health could not stand up to the many ceremonial duties that this position would require. "He was the most famous Canadian in the world", said Chrtien. Chrtien also said that Nelson Mandela glowed when meeting Peterson. "It was very emotional. They were both moved to meet each other. These were two men with humble beginnings who rose to very illustrious levels".[48]

A memorial concert, held on January 12, 2008, filled the 2500-seat Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto. People had queued for more than three hours to get in. Governor General Michalle Jean reported at the concert that "thousands" more could not get in. Among the performers were Grgory Charles, Herbie Hancock, Quincy Jones, Phil Nimmons and singers Audrey Morris and Nancy Wilson. The "Oscar Peterson" quartet played key pieces; they were Monty Alexander, Jeff Hamilton, Ulf Wakenius and Dave Young. All toured with Peterson during his late "one-handed" period, except Alexander. The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, University of Toronto Gospel Choir[49] and Sharon Riley & the Faith Chorale, under the direction of Andrew Craid along with opera soprano Measha Brueggergosman closed the show, singing an excerpt from Peterson's "Hymn to Freedom".[28][50]

A movement was begun on Facebook to rename the Lionel-Groulx Metro station, a transfer station between Montreal's Green Line and Orange Line, in honour of Oscar Peterson. The Montreal Transit Corporation, however, refused to end its moratorium on renaming Metro stations. The city's policy on landmark tributes is to wait at least a year after a public figure's death.[51][52][53][54]

An Ontario school named Oscar Peterson Public School was opened in Stouffville in the Regional Municipality of York on April 30, 2009,[55] and commenced operation in the 200910 school year. In June 2010 a life size bronze statue of Peterson was unveiled in Ottawa by Queen Elizabeth II during her royal tour of Canada.[56]

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Peterson-Warren Academy : Peterson-Warren Academy Inkster MI

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With a fifty year history, Peterson-Warren Academy alumni are serving God and humanity across the globe as lawyers, pastors, engineers, physicians, entrepreneurs, educators, world-class musiciansand more.

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