This Gene Is a Molecular "Knob" That Fine-tunes Our Cortex’s Electrical Activity – Technology Networks

It works like a very fine "molecular knob" able to modulate the electrical activity of the neurons of our cerebral cortex, crucial to the functioning of our brain. Its name is Foxg1, it is a gene, and its unprecedented role is the protagonist of the discovery just published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.

Foxg1 was already known for being a "master gene" able to coordinate the action of hundreds of other genes necessary for the development of our anterior central nervous system. As this new study reports, the "excitability" of neurons, namely their ability to respond to stimuli, communicating between each other and carrying out all their tasks, also depends on this gene. To discover this, the researchers developed and studied animal and cellular models in which Foxg1 has an artificially altered activity: a lack of activity, as it happens in patients affected by a rare variant of Rett Syndrome, which leads to clinical manifestations of the autistic realm; or an excessive action, as in a specific variant of the West Syndrome, with neurological symptoms such as serious epilepsy and severe cognitive impairment. As deduced by the scientists in the research, the flaw in the "knob" lies in an altered electrical activity in the brain with important consequences for the entire system, similar to what happens in the two syndromes mentioned.

Shedding light on this mechanism, say the researchers, allows to understand more deeply the functioning of our central nervous system in sickness and in health, a fundamental step to assess possible future therapeutic interventions for these pathologies. What has just been published is the latest in a series of three studies on the Foxg1 gene, recently published by the researchers of SISSA on Cerebral Cortex. It is the result of a project begun more than five years ago, which saw the team of Professor Antonello Mallamaci of SISSA in the front line with researchers of the University of Trento and the Neuroscience Institute of Pisa, with the support of the Telethon Foundation, of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune and of the FOXG1 Research Foundation.

"We knew that this gene is important for the development of the anterior central nervous system" explains the Professor Antonello Mallamaci of SISSA, who has coordinated the research. "In previous studies we had already highlighted how it was involved in the development of particular brain cells, the astrocytes, as well as the neuronal dendrites, which are part of the nerve cells that transport the incoming electrical signal to the cell. The fact that it had mutated in patients affected by specific variants of the Rett and West Syndromes in which we see, respectively, an insufficient and excessive activity of this gene, made us explore the possibility that its role was also another. And, from what has emerged, it would appear that way".

According to the study, the activation of the electrical activity of Foxg1 follows a positive circuit. Professor Mallamaci explains: "If the gene is very active there is increased electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. In addition, the neurons, when active, tend to make it work even harder. One process, in short, feeds the other. Obviously, in normal conditions, the system is slowed down at a certain point. "If, however, the gene functions abnormally, or it is found in a number of copies other than two, as it happens in the two syndromes above, the point of balance changes and the electrical activity is altered. All this, in addition to making us understand the mechanisms of the pathology, tells us that Foxg1 functions precisely as a key regulator of the electrical activity in the cerebral cortex".

The next step, explains the professor, will be to understand the role of the mediating genes, namely of some of the many genes whose action is regulated by the master gene Foxg1. This analysis is important to understand in more detail how this gene works under normal and pathological conditions.

Understanding the molecular mechanisms that Foxg1 controls is also important to study what could be the targets on which to intervene for possible therapeutic approaches. "Given that finding a therapy for these illnesses is very difficult, working so in depth you might find, for example, that most problems are caused precisely by some of the "operators" that Foxg1 regulates. And that we should therefore focus our attention on these goals, rather than on the master gene, maybe using drugs that already exist and have been seen to be useful in remedying those specific flaws". In the case of a future approach that would instead correct the anomalies of the FOXG1 gene with the gene therapy, explains Professor Mallamaci, "it is necessary to understand when to intervene, namely from what moment on the pathological effects due to the mutation of this gene become irreversible. To replace the flawed copy with the correct one, it is necessary to intervene before that moment, which might suppose you would have to make a prenatal gene diagnosis and treatment". "The next steps we will take", concludes Professor Mallamaci "will be directed precisely in the direction of a deeper understanding of all these aspects".

Reference: Tigani, W., Rossi, M. P., Artimagnella, O., Santo, M., Rauti, R., Sorbo, T., Ulloa, F. P. S., Provenzano, G., Allegra, M., Caleo, M., Ballerini, L., Bozzi, Y., & Mallamaci, A. (n.d.). Foxg1 Upregulation Enhances Neocortical Activity. Cerebral Cortex.

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

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This Gene Is a Molecular "Knob" That Fine-tunes Our Cortex's Electrical Activity - Technology Networks

Can gene therapy help develop coronavirus vaccine? Researchers banking on this technology for breakthrough – MEAWW

As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are looking towards gene therapy to find ways to develop vaccines for the Covid-19 virus. Gene therapy itself was developed based on how viruses work.

When a virus attacks a host, it introduces its genetic material into the host cell as part of its replication cycle. The genetic material serves as an instruction manual on how to produce more copies of the virus, hijacking the host body's normal production machinery to serve the needs of the virus. The host cells then produce additional copies of the virus, leading to more host cells being infected.

Like animals, humans have found a way to domesticate viruses as well, i.e., direct the virus's function to achieve favorable results, which is prominent in gene therapy. Such viruses which physically insert their genes into the host's genome could instead be used to carry "good" genes into a human cell. Scientists would first remove the genes in the virus that cause diseases, and replace those genes with genes encoding the desired effect.

All of this sounds quite sci-fi but it has been done numerous times in the past. Peter Kolchinsky, a virologist and a biotechnology investor, compiled how different viruses have been used for gene therapy in the past.

Kolchinsky tweeted, "SARS2 is a scary menace, but did you know that we've domesticated viruses? Like wolves vs dogs, we've tamed them, including some deadly ones, to perform many useful functions (and may help us stop SARS2)."

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has killed millions of people. It works by disabling the host body's immune system until it can't defend the person against common, normally mild pathogens. Kolchinsky explained that HIV's special trick is to integrate its genome into that of the host body's cells.

This feature of HIV is used for gene therapy, as explained before, by replacing a chunk of the virus's genome with the hemoglobin gene to insert it into bone marrow stem cells of patients with sickle cell anemia, whose hemoglobin genes are malfunctioning.

Kolchinsky also tweeted, "Adenoviruses typically cause mild infections, including common colds. These, too, we are trying to use for gene therapies, particularly when we just want to temporarily make a protein in cells. One company is developing such an adenovirus gene therapy for heart disease to induce growth of new blood vessels when old ones are clogged. Another is using this virus to make oral vaccines that would otherwise require injection (eg flu vaccine pill). When we use a virus to deliver code for making something in cells, we call that a virus vector."

There is now a wealth of clinical experience with numerous vector types that include primarily vaccinia, measles, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), polio, reovirus, adenovirus, lentivirus, -retrovirus, adeno-associated virus (AAV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV).

However, as with all other procedures, viral vector-gene therapy has associated risks. Viruses can usually infect more than one type of cell, so, when viralvectorsare used to carrygenesinto the body, they might infect healthy cells as well as cancer cells.

Another danger is that the new gene might be inserted in the wrong location in the DNA, possibly causing harmful mutations to the DNA or even cancer. Moreover, when viruses are used to deliver DNA to cells inside the patient's body, there is a slight chance that this DNA could unintentionally be introduced into the patients reproductive cells. If this happens, it could produce changes that may be passed on if a patient has children after treatment.

One study to help find a vaccine for Covid-19 aims to use the principles behind gene therapy to get the vaccine ready. The researchers' method uses a harmless virus as a vector to bring DNA into the patient's cells. The DNA should then instruct the cells to make a coronavirus protein that would stimulate the immune system to fight off future infections.

While a mass-produced vaccine may still take a while, this study is one of at least 90 vaccine projects around the world trying to find a cure for Covid-19. However, some experts are worried that a vaccine may never be available. According to our previous report, Dr David Nabarro, a professor of global health at Imperial College London, who also serves as a special envoy to the WHO on Covid-19, said, "There are some viruses that we still do not have vaccines against."


Can gene therapy help develop coronavirus vaccine? Researchers banking on this technology for breakthrough - MEAWW

Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market 2020 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Business Impact 2026 Growth Trends by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application,…

A new business intelligence report released by CMI with the title Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Research Report 2020-2027 is designed covering micro level of analysis by manufacturers and key business segments. The Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market survey analysis offers energetic visions to conclude and study market size, market hopes, and competitive surroundings. The research is derived through primary and secondary statistics sources and it comprises both qualitative and quantitative detailing.

Whats keeping Kite Pharma, Inc. (Gilead Sciences, Inc.), Novartis International AG, Juno Therapeutics Inc. (Celgene Corporation), Bluebird Bio, Inc., Spark Therapeutics, Inc., uniQure N.V, Orchard Therapeutics Plc., PTC Therapeutics, Inc., and BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Ahead in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and findings recently released by CMI.

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This report sample includesBrief Introduction to the research report.Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)Top players in the marketResearch framework (presentation)Research methodology adopted by Coherent Market Insights

Market Overview of Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease

If you are involved in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease industry or aim to be, then this study will provide you inclusive point of view. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Applications and major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.

This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Region or Country they should focus in coming years to channelize their efforts and investments to maximize growth and profitability. The report presents the market competitive landscape and a consistent in depth analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:

Historical year 2015 2019

Base year 2019

Forecast period** 2020 to 2027 [** unless otherwise stated]

**Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players.

Regions included:

North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)

Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

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Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report:

Detailed overview of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market

Changing market dynamics of the industry

In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application etc

Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value

Recent industry trends and developments

Competitive landscape of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market

Strategies of key players and product offerings

Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth

A neutral perspective towards Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market performance

Market players information to sustain and enhance their footprint

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Major Highlights of TOC:

Chapter One: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Industry Overview

1.1 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Industry

1.1.1 Overview

1.1.2 Products of Major Companies

1.2 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Segment

1.2.1 Industry Chain

1.2.2 Consumer Distribution

1.3 Price & Cost Overview

Chapter Two: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Demand

2.1 Segment Overview



2.1.3 Other

2.2 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Size by Demand

2.3 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Forecast by Demand

Chapter Three: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market by Type

3.1 By Type

3.1.1 TYPE 1

3.1.2 TYPE 2

3.2 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Size by Type

3.3 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Forecast by Type

Chapter Four: Major Region of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market

4.1 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Sales

4.2 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Revenue & market share

Chapter Five: Major Companies List

Chapter Six: Conclusion

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Key questions answered

o Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

About the Author:

Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.

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Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market 2020 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Business Impact 2026 Growth Trends by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application,...

A Tribute to Max Randell, Gene Therapy Pioneer – PLoS Blogs

I awoke on Monday morning to the sad news that Max Randell had passed away on April 18. He would have been 23 on October 9.

Maxie wasnt expected to live past the age of 8, or even much past toddlerhood, according to some doctors. But gene therapy, and his incredible family, had something to say about that. COVID-19 didnt claim him his body just tired of fighting.

Max Randells legacy is one of hope, to the rare disease community whose family members step up to participate in the clinical trials that lead to treatments. In this time of the pandemic, attention has, understandably, turned somewhat away from the many people who live with medical limitations all the time. Ill explore that story next week.

A Devastating Diagnosis

Max was diagnosed at 4 months of age with Canavan disease, an inherited neuromuscular disease that never touched his mind nor his ability to communicate with his eyes, even though his body increasingly limited what he could do. Fewer than a thousand people in the US have the condition.

Canavan disease is an enzyme deficiency that melts away the myelin that insulates brain neurons. Gene therapy provides working copies of the affected gene, ASPA.

Babies with Canavan disease are limp and listless. Most never speak, walk, or even turn over. Yet their facial expressions and responses indicate an uncanny awareness. A child laughs when his dad makes a fart-like noise; a little girl flutters her fingers as if they are on a keyboard when a friend plays piano. Theyre smart.

Today, with excellent speech, occupational, and physical therapy and earlier diagnosis, people with Canavan disease can live into their teens or twenties. Those with mild mutations live even longer.

Maxs passing is a tragedy, but he taught researchers about gene therapy to the brain. And that may help others.

Gene Therapy for Canavan

Max had his first gene therapy at 11 months of age and a second a few years later, after slight backsliding when clinical trials halted in the wake of the death of Jesse Gelsingerin a gene therapy trial for a different disease.

Ive written about Maxs journey through many editions of my human genetics textbook, in my book ongene therapy, and in several DNA Science posts, listed at the end.

Ive had the honor to attend two of Maxs birthday parties, which celebrate Canavan kids and the organization that his family founded, Canavan Research Illinois. At one party I brought along birthday cards that students whod read my gene therapy book made for him. And his grandma Peggy, who emailed me of his passing this past Monday, showed me how Max communicated with eyeblinks of differing duration and direction.

Heres what his mom Ilyce wrote about one yearly gathering:

This year will be the 20th Annual Canavan Charity Ball. Each year as I plan this event Im faced with the undeniable reality that theres a chance Maxie wont be here by the time the day rolls around. With each passing year this fear grows stronger and it becomes increasingly difficult to put into print that our annual event is in honor of Maxies birthday. Ive been talking to Maxie a lot lately about his life. He feels happy, strong, loved, content, productive, and fulfilled and he is looking forward to his upcoming 21st birthday. Im excited to celebrate this incredible milestone.

Maxs parents and brother Alex have had the unusual experience of time, of being able to watch their loved one as the years unfolded following gene therapy. They were able to see more subtle improvements than can the parents whose children have more recently had gene therapy to treat a brain disease. Parents watch and wait and hope that language will return, or that a child will become more mobile or less hyperactive, depending on the treated condition. The changes may be subtle, or slow, or restricted and thats what Max taught the world.

For him, the viruses that ferried the healing genes into his brain seem to have gathered at his visual system. His parents noticed improvements in the short term, just before his first birthday, as well as long term.

Within two to three weeks, he started tracking with his eyes, and he got glasses. He became more verbal and his motor skills improved. His vision is still so good that his ophthalmologist only sees him once a year, like any other kid with glasses. She calls him Miracle Max, Ilyce told me in 2010.

In 2016 I heard from Ilyce again:

I wanted to give you an update on Maxie. Hes going to be 19 on October 9th. He graduated from high school in June and is beginning a work program on Monday. Its been very exciting to watch him grow into a young man!

Max had an appointment with his ophthalmologist this week and his vision continues to improve. His doctor said that the gene is still active in his brain because his optic nerve shows absolutely no signs of degeneration and looks the same each year. I wish we could have been able to express the gene throughout more of his brain, but I am grateful for the treatments because of the progress hes made.

Even though gene therapy wasnt a cure for Max, the things we are experiencing definitely give me a lot of hope that once the delivery system is perfected, I can see a potential cure for Canavan disease in the future. Just knowing that the gene is still there 15 years later gives me confidence that a one-time gene transfer would actually work!

Maxs gene therapy circa 2002 targeted less than 1% of brain cells, with fewer viral vectors than are used to deliver healing genes in todays clinical trials. But it looks like some of the vectors may have made their way beyond the optic nerves, judging by the interest in math he had in high school and his critical thinking skills.

A Choice of Gene-Based Therapies

When the Randell family decided to pursue gene therapy, it was pretty much the only game in town. Thats changed.

Only two gene therapies have been approvedin the U.S. But a search at yielded 602 entriesdeploying the technology. The list still rounds up the usual suspects of years past mostly immune deficiencies, eye disorders, or blood conditions, with a few inborn errors of metabolism.

But one clinical trial mentions the gene-editing tool CRISPR, which can replace a mutant gene, not just add working copies as classical gene therapy does. TheCRISPRtrial is an experiment on stem cells removed from patients with Kabuki syndrome, which affects many body systems.

Spinal muscular atrophy now has two FDA-approved treatments, one an antisense therapy (Spinraza) that silences a mutation and the other (Zolgensma) a gene therapy that infuses copies of the functioning gene. Without treatment, the destruction of motor neurons in the spinal cord is usually lethal by age two.

In 2018, FDA approved the first drug based on RNA interference (RNAi), yet another biotechnology. It silences gene expression, which is at the RNA rather than the DNA level of the other approaches. Onpattro treats the tingling, tickling, and burning sensations from the rare condition hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis.

When I wrote my book on gene therapy in 2012, the technology was pretty much the only choice of research to pursue besides protein-based therapies like enzyme replacement. Now families raising funds for treatments for single-gene diseases can add antisense, RNAi, and CRISPR gene editing to the list of possibilities.

In any battle, a diversity of weapons ups the odds of defeating the enemy.

RIP Max Randell.

DNA Science posts:

Fighting Canavan: Honoring Rare Disease Week

A Brothers Love Fights Genetic Disease

Gene Therapy for Canavan Disease: Maxs Story

Celebrating the Moms of Gene Therapy

To support research:Canavan Research Illinois

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A Tribute to Max Randell, Gene Therapy Pioneer - PLoS Blogs

Merck KGaA to spend $110M on new gene therapy facility in California – BioPharma Dive

Dive Brief:

Merck KGaA, like other contract manufacturers such as Lonza, is betting the next big wave of demand will be for complex production of gene therapies and other products such as viral vaccines and immunotherapies. The gene therapy market will grow to about $10 billion by 2026 from $1 billion in 2018, the company said, citing estimates from Biotech Forecasts.

"Viral vector manufacturing has transitioned from a niche industry to the cornerstone of the future of biopharmaceuticals," said Udit Batra, head of Merck KGaA'slife science business, in a statement.

The German company has been on a spending spree in recent years, announcing plans to invest 1 billion euros in its global headquarters in Darmstadt, more than $400 million in two sites in Switzerland,and $70 million in a research and development hub expansion in Billerica, Massachusetts.

Carlsbad is already home to a Merck KGaA facility that has been involved in gene therapy since 1997, about the time that researchers beginning studying the potential for such treatments in people. At present, the site has 16 modular viral bulk manufacturing clean room suites and two fill/finish suites, Merck KGaA said.

With the new facility, the Carlsbad location will have 27 suites used in different parts of the manufacturing process and will support production at the 1000-liter scale using single-use equipment, Merck KGaA said.

The company also has a manufacturing facility in Glasgow that produces intermediates and final products for gene therapy and viral vaccines.

Merck KGaA, established in 1688, is majority owned by descendants of the original founder and had sales of 16.2 billion euros last year. The U.S. pharmaceutical giant Merck was once a subsidiary but is no longer associated with its German namesake.

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Merck KGaA to spend $110M on new gene therapy facility in California - BioPharma Dive

Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Affinia Therapeutics Establish Multi-Year Collaboration to Discover and Develop Novel AAV Capsids for Genetic Therapies |…

DetailsCategory: More NewsPublished on Monday, 27 April 2020 15:42Hits: 68

Affinia Therapeutics proprietary AAV vector technology to be used in Vertexs genetic therapy efforts with focus on Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy type 1 and cystic fibrosis

BOSTON, MA & WALTHAM, MA, USA I April 27, 2020 I Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (Nasdaq:VRTX) and Affinia Therapeutics announced today that the two companies have entered into a strategic research collaboration to engineer novel adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids to deliver transformative genetic therapies to people with serious diseases. Affinia Therapeutics proprietary AAVSmartLibrary and associated technology provides capsids for improved tissue tropism, manufacturability and pre-existing immunity. The collaboration will leverage Affinia Therapeutics capsid engineering expertise and Vertexs scientific, clinical and regulatory capabilities to accelerate the development of genetic therapies for people affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and cystic fibrosis (CF).

This collaboration with Affinia Therapeutics will enhance our existing capabilities in discovering and developing transformative therapies for people with serious diseases, said Bastiano Sanna, Executive Vice President and Chief of Cell and Genetic Therapies at Vertex. Affinia Therapeutics innovative approach to the discovery and design of AAV capsids brings yet another tool to our Vertex Cell and Genetic Therapies toolkit, and were excited to partner with them to bring together their technology platform with our research and development expertise.

At Affinia Therapeutics, were setting a new standard in genetic therapy by leveraging our platform to methodically engineer novel AAV vectors that have unique therapeutic properties, said Rick Modi, Chief Executive Officer. Vertex is an established leader in developing transformative medicines for genetic diseases and renowned for its scientific rigor. We are thankful for the scientific validation this partnership brings and look forward to working closely with them to advance life-changing, differentiated genetic therapies and make a meaningful difference to those affected by these diseases.

About the Collaboration

Under the terms of the agreement, Affinia Therapeutics will apply its vector design and engineering technologies to develop novel capsids with improved properties. The agreement provides Vertex an exclusive license under Affinia Therapeutics proprietary technology and intellectual property (IP) in DMD and DM1 with an exclusive option to license rights for CF and an additional undisclosed disease. The scope of the agreement covers all genetic therapy modalities in these diseases. Affinia Therapeutics will be eligible to receive over $1.6 billion in upfront and development, regulatory and commercial milestones, including $80 million in upfront payments and research milestones that will be paid during the research term, plus tiered royalties on future net global sales on any products that result from the collaboration. Affinia Therapeutics will be responsible for the discovery of capsids that meet certain pre-determined criteria. Vertex will be responsible for and will fund the design and manufacturing of genetic therapies incorporating the selected capsids, preclinical and clinical development efforts, and commercialization of any approved products in the licensed diseases.

About Affinia Therapeutics

At Affinia Therapeutics, our purpose is to develop gene therapies that can have a transformative impact on people affected by devastating genetic diseases. Our proprietary platform enables us to methodically engineer novel AAV vectors and gene therapies that have remarkable tissue targeting and other properties. We are building world-class capabilities to discover, develop, manufacture and commercialize gene therapy products with an initial focus on muscle and central nervous system (CNS) diseases with significant unmet need.

About Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Vertex is a global biotechnology company that invests in scientific innovation to create transformative medicines for people with serious diseases. The company has multiple approved medicines that treat the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) a rare, life-threatening genetic disease and has several ongoing clinical and research programs in CF. Beyond CF, Vertex has a robust pipeline of investigational small molecule medicines in other serious diseases where it has deep insight into causal human biology, including pain, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and APOL1-mediated kidney diseases. In addition, Vertex has a rapidly expanding pipeline of genetic and cell therapies for diseases such as sickle cell disease, beta thalassemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Founded in 1989 in Cambridge, Mass., Vertex's global headquarters is now located in Boston's Innovation District and its international headquarters is in London, UK. Additionally, the company has research and development sites and commercial offices in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America. Vertex is consistently recognized as one of the industry's top places to work, including 10 consecutive years on Science magazine's Top Employers list and top five on the 2019 Best Employers for Diversity list by Forbes. For company updates and to learn more about Vertex's history of innovation, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

SOURCE: Vertex Pharmaceuticals

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Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Affinia Therapeutics Establish Multi-Year Collaboration to Discover and Develop Novel AAV Capsids for Genetic Therapies |...

Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy – Telangana Today

London:A common eye condition, glaucoma, could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy, which would improve treatment options, effectiveness and quality of life for many patients, say researchers.

Glaucoma affects over 64 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye and progressively damages the nerves responsible for sight.

Current treatments include either eye drops, laser or surgery, all of which have limitations and disadvantages.

At present, there is no cure for glaucoma, which can lead to loss of vision if the disease is not diagnosed and treated early, said study researcher Dr Colin Chu from the University of Bristol in the UK.

For the findings, published in the journal Molecular Therapy, the research team tested a new approach that could provide additional treatment options and benefits.

The researchers designed a gene therapy and demonstrated proof of concept using experimental mouse models of glaucoma and human donor tissue.

The treatment targeted part of the eye called the ciliary body, which produces the fluid that maintains pressure within the eye.

Using the latest gene-editing technology called CRISPR, a gene called Aquaporin 1 in the ciliary body was inactivated leading to reduced eye pressure.

We hope to advance towards clinical trials for this new treatment in the near future. If its successful it could allow a long-term treatment of glaucoma with a single eye injection, which would improve the quality of life for many patients whilst saving the NHS time and money, Chu said

The researchers are currently in discussion with industry partners to support further laboratory work and rapidly progress this new treatment option towards clinical trials.


Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy - Telangana Today

Regenxbio Is A Leader In Gene Therapies – A Case Where The Platform Is Worth More Than The Pipeline – Seeking Alpha

Editor's note: Seeking Alpha is proud to welcome Numenor Capital as a new contributor. It's easy to become a Seeking Alpha contributor and earn money for your best investment ideas. Active contributors also get free access to SA PREMIUM. Click here to find out more

Regenxbio (RGNX) is a pioneer in gene therapies with a wide set of licensing agreements and an internal pipeline. The company focuses on adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapies for gene replacement and antibody delivery pursuing markets in retinal, neurodegenerative, and liver diseases. With a market cap of ~$1.3B (enterprise value of ~$1B), ~$400M of cash on the balance sheet, and ~$35M in revenue, Regenxbio is well-positioned to complete its milestones around manufacturing and clinical development into 2020.

The core investment thesis for Regenxbio is described below.

Validated technology platform to develop successful AAV gene therapies:

Strong financial position:

Undervalued internal assets:

From its 52-week high, Regenxbio's stock is down over 40%. The stock reached a low point from COVID-19 development. This is likely due to a lack of near term catalysts for the stock. With additional data for their lead asset in wet AMD coming in the first half of 2020, the initiation of phase II trials for the asset, and the sales ramp up for Zolgensma, the stock has a few potential catalysts coming up. As a result, there is an attractive entry point for investors to become an owner in Regenxbio.

Figure 1: RGNX daily chart (Source: Capital IQ)

The opportunity is that Regenexbio's licensing agreement with AveXis (NVS) on a medicine called Zolgensma to cure spinal muscular atrophy can potentially alone earn Regenxbio $3B-$4B in revenue. Zolgensma is an AAV gene therapy that delivers a transgene of SMN1 to cure the disease. About 20K people in the US have the disorder. With the medicine being priced at a little over $2M per patient, the market potential is well over $40B.

In 2014, Regenxbio licensed their AAV technology to AveXis to cure spinal muscular atrophy. The deal included various milestone payments to Regenxbio and importantly a mid-single to low double-digit royalties on net sales.

This one deal alone beyond the 20 similar deals Regenxbio has and its internal pipeline makes the company an attractive business. A simple DCF analysis with various assumptions, with the most important being including a capital expenditure of $400M for the clinical work with their flagship internal product, supports that Regenxbio is undervalued:

Figure 2: DCF model for RGNX (Source: Internal)

All the modeling done doesn't really help anyone figure out why this opportunity exists? Why is Regenxbio undervalued? Doubts around the Zolgensma scale up? Worries that capital from licensing deals will be wasted on an internal drug pipeline?

It's unprecedented that a drug company's platform is worth a lot more than the internal pipeline of drugs. From Regenxbio's latest corporate presentation, the company's main internal program, RGX-314, is focused on wet AMD:

Figure 3: Overview of Regenxbio's main asset (Source: Corporate Presentation)

RGX-314 is an AAV therapy for wet AMD. The slide describes the problem (leaky blood vessels in the eye) and how large it is (~2M patients) along with the vector (AAV8) and delivery cargo (anti-VEGF Fab). However, the company doesn't mention Eylea or other wet AMD medicines that are already approved. Regenxbio alludes to issues around delivery of drugs like Eylea (REGN), but doesn't go too deep on this slide or the presentation in general about how competitive their RGX-314 program will really be amongst clinicians.

An important point for any gene therapy is delivery whether it's a transgene or a CRISPR protein. A major reason why Regenxbio focused on wet AMD and ophthalmology in general is that delivering something to the eye is a lot easier than delivering something to the brain. RGX-314 is undergoing a phase I/II trial focused on establishing safety; the pivotal trial will come later. For the phase I portion, the company met their primary endpoint and showed safety so far. They have also shown how increasing doses of their gene therapy reduces the number of injections. This is going to be an important experiment and data set to argue for clinicians to switch over from something like Eylea.

The real value in Regenxbio is in its AveXis deal and the various licensing partnerships:

Figure 4: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Figure 5: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Figure 6: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

This business model is enabled by Regenxbio's core technology focused on AAV7-10 and natural or close-to-natural variants:

Figure 7: Overview of Regenxbio's platform (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Over the next two years, the key milestones are:

The business can continue to strike up more licensing deals and expand current ones. The margin of safety here is that Regenxbio is undervalued just for its deal with AveXis and its various licensing deals that provide periodic payments based on progress and potentially more royalties if the drugs are approved and commercialized.

This seems to be a case where the market is focusing on the company's internal pipeline. Regenxbio's headline drug is interesting but unlikely to be competitive. Whereas, the business has a wonderful platform and licensing business that is being ignored. Simple valuations show these cash flows are not being fully appreciated. As a result, Regenxbio is going to grow revenue without any additional work and still has the potential to strike again through the 20 or so deals it has.

Figure 8: Key upcoming milestones for Regenxbio (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Regenxbio's lead candidate is focused on wet age related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is a severe form of macular degeneration, a condition in which layers of macula get progressively thinner. The wet form is caused by abnormal blood vessels grown under the macula and retina where leaky blood vessels cause problems with vision, ultimately leading to blindness. The current standard-of-care is an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy. Patients require monthly injection of anti-VEGF to stop the growth of leaky blood vessels. Wet AMD is not a genetic disease, but it is a large and established market for Regenxbio to capture.

To frame the market opportunity of wet AMD, a few facts are helpful:

196 million people worldwide & 288 million by 2040 have AMD

10% have wet AMD, but is the leading cause of blindness

175,000 new patients annually in US

Growing number of patients due to aging population

Current treatments are regular injections of anti-VEGF

Figure 9: Overview of wet AMD (Source: JMS)

For wet AMD, competition comes from Genentech, Regeneron (REGN), and Adverum (ADVM). Genentech sells Lucentis at a price of $1850 per dose. Regeneron sells Eylea at $1150 per dose. Genentech's Avastin is also used off lab and is becoming more popular due to its cheap price of $60 per dose; the medicine is currently used for metastatic colorectal cancer. For gene therapies in wet AMD, the sole competitor is Adverum Biotechnologies. With 20M people with wet AMD, the total market opportunity for these medicines are in the billions of dollars.

Where Genentech's and Regeneron's medicines require multiple doses over the lifetime of a patient, a gene therapy has the potential to be curative and remove the multiple dosing requirement. For wet AMD, over 50% recurrence rate in the first year after treatment has stopped, and over 25% recurrence rate in the second year after treatment has stopped For drugs like Eylea and Lucentis, monthly intravitreal injection creates large burden for patients and create difficulty in dosing for clinicians. These problems allow Regenxbio to potentially capture the market with a gene therapy:

Figure 10: Wet AMD market (Source: Reportlinker)

Regenxbio's lead asset, RGX-314 is pursuing wet AMD. So far the company has shown:

Dose dependent protein expression levels and drug efficacy

Sustained protein expression for over 1.5 years

Long term efficacy demonstrated for Cohort 3 for rescue-free patients

No serious adverse events (SAE), but mild adverse events (AE) such as inflammation

Significant improvement in visual acuity for rescue free patients

Figure 11: Trial design of Regenxbio's lead asset (Source: Corporate Presentation)


Cohort 1

Cohort 2

Cohort 3

Cohort 4

Cohort 5


3 x 109 gc/eye

1 x 1010 gc/eye

6 x 1010vg/eye

1.6 x 1011 gc/eye

2.5 x 1011 gc/eye

Rescue Injection Free

Not Available

Mean 4.7 rescue inj.

Not Available

Mean 3.8 rescue inj.

3 / 6 Patients

Mean 1.3 rescue inj.

5 / 12 Patients

Mean 2.2 rescue inj.

9 / 12 Patients

Mean 0.8 rescue inj.


52 Weeks

52 Weeks

78 Weeks

52 weeks (2H 2020)

52 weeks (2H 2020)

Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA)

In ETDRS letters

Mean: -2.0

Range: -8/+10

Mean: +7

Range: -4/+15

Mean: +8

Range: 0/+21

Mean: +2

Mean: +4

Central Subfield Thickness (m)

Mean: -14

Range -81/+92

Mean: +26

Range -7/+62

See the rest here:

Regenxbio Is A Leader In Gene Therapies - A Case Where The Platform Is Worth More Than The Pipeline - Seeking Alpha

UK Startup to Manufacture Cell and Gene Therapies with… –

The UK company MicrofluidX has closed a 1.6M (1.4 M) seed funding round to develop a microfluidic platform that could produce cell and gene therapies more cheaply than conventional cell cultures.

The funding round was led by UKI2S, a national seed investment fund targeting early-stage companies, as well as Longwall Ventures and Cambridge Angels.

MicrofluidX will use the funding to establish a prototype of its technology. With this prototype, the company then aims to compare the performance of its microfluidics approach to current cell culture techniques used to produce gene and cell therapies.

In the dynamic cell therapy space, one of the major bottlenecks facing the field is the manufacture and scaling process, as manual cell culturing techniques are often required. Applying microfluidic technology to the manufacturing process may be an answer to this issue.

Although it is less developed at the manufacturing level, microfluidics technology has long been part of research in cell biology. It has several advantages over conventional cell cultures. For example, it allows cell cultures to be controlled more precisely on chips, increases automation, and can reduce the consumption of expensive ingredients in the cell culture process by a factor of twenty.

According to MicrofluidX, its platform could scale up microfluidics far beyond just biology research. The aim is to run dozens of cell cultures in parallel, with the capacity to produce cells more cheaply and with a higher yield than with current manufacturing techniques.

The result is that we can leverage all the inherent advantages of microfluidic cell culture at a scale never seen before, MicrofluidXs founder and CEO, Antoine Espinet, told me. This leads to much lower bioprocessing costs, better control over the final product, and faster translation from research to commercialization.

In particular, the company is investigating its technologys capacity to produce immune T-cells a common type of cell used in immunotherapies such as CAR T-cell therapies and other cell types.

Whilst the regulatory agencies are now warming up to cell and gene therapies, there are still growing pains, especially around manufacturing, Pablo Lubroth, an investor with UKI2S, told me.

It is essential to not only support companies that produce the therapies themselves, but also companies that are developing enabling technologies to ensure these therapies can be effectively commercialized and therefore have a tangible benefit to the patient.

As well as manufacturing, microfluidics is gaining traction in diagnostics and screening. For example, another UK startup, Lightcast Discovery, was founded last year to screen cells using microfluidics and beams of light. Additionally, the Belgian nanofluidics company miDiagnostics last month raised 14M to commercialize its silicon chip diagnostics in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University in the US.

Image from Shutterstock

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UK Startup to Manufacture Cell and Gene Therapies with... -

Sangamo- Early-Stage Progress in Gene Therapy – Yahoo Finance

Sangamo Therapeutics(SGMO) announced the official closing of the global deal withBiogen(BIIB) for gene regulation therapies in neurology, explains biotechnology sector expertJohn McCamant, editor ofThe Medical Technology Stock Letter.

More from John McCamant: Ziopharm: Catalysts in T-Cell Therapy

With roughly $650 million in cash post-deal, SGMO is trading just above its cash positive despite having the broadest pipeline in the gene therapy/editing/regulation field.

Of all things in the press release, management mentioned the cash would be used to progress the pipeline, plus the potential filing of a BLA for SB525 for hemophilia A.

Impressive Terms For Early Stage

As a reminder, Biogen paid Sangamo $350 million upfront, including a $125 million license fee and an equity investment in Sangamo stock of $225 million (@$9.21 per share).

Sangamo is also eligible to receive up to $2.37 billion in potential milestones, including $925 million on pre-approval milestones and $1.335 billion on first product sales (that does not include the royalties that are also part of the deal).

In the blockbuster markets being developed such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases, SGMO will earn high-single-to-low double digit royalties on potential sales. This is a pre-IND stage deal remarkable financial terms for this early stage of development.

Hem A Update On Schedule

Pfizer(PFE) cancelled its R&D Day that was set for March due to the virus, but the Company will hold a quarterly earnings call on April 28. There is some chance that Pfizer updates investors with some of the highlights it was preparing for the R&D Day, including the SB-525 program with Sangamo.

Either way, SGMO will still be updating investors when the two longest treated patients in the ALTA study hit their 12-18 month follow-up for the duration of Factor VIII production, sometime this summer.

See also: Activision Blizzard: "Stay-at-Home" Entertainment

The 12-18 month durability data is key for SGMO given that BMRNs first 12-18 month durability data was the turning point for Wall Streets belief in their gene therapy. Sangamo is a buy under $20 with a target price of $30.

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Sangamo- Early-Stage Progress in Gene Therapy - Yahoo Finance

Inclusive Comprehension 2020: Gene Therapy Market (Trending PDF) Addressing Structure, Scope, Potential, and Growth Prospects Till 2029 – Jewish Life…

Worldwide Gene Therapy Market has been thoroughly elaborated in a research report put on sale by, bearing the title Gene Therapy MarketGlobal Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 20202029. According to the report, the market is expected to be driven by a wide range of macroeconomic and industry-related factors. The key players in this market are focusing on product strategies and developments to increase their customer base and maintain their position.

The Gene Therapy Market is an intrinsic study of the current status of this business vertical and encompasses a brief synopsis about its segmentation. This industry report is inclusive of a nearly accurate prediction of the market scenario over the forecast period 20202029 market size with respect to valuation as sales volume. The study lends focus to the top magnates comprising the competitive landscape of Gene Therapy market, as well as the geographical areas where the industry extends its horizons, in magnanimous detail.

|| Access insightful study with over 100+ pages, list of tables & figures, profiling 10+ companies. Ask for Free Sample Copy(PDF) @

Operational and Emerging Players: Gene Therapy Market- Novartis, Kite Pharma Inc, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Spark Therapeutics Inc, Bluebird bio Inc, Genethon, Transgene SA, Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation, Oxford BioMedica PLC, NewLink Genetics Corp., Amgen Inc

According to the current market situation, this report continuously observing promising growth of the global Gene Therapy market. The report further suggests market appears to progress at an accelerating rate over the forecast period. Also, the major players are elaborated on the basis of the proprietary technologies, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. In addition, report also examines R&D developments, legal policies, SWOT Analysis and strategies of Gene Therapy market players.

This Gene Therapy market research report surrounds importance on:

Manufacturing process and technology used in Gene Therapy market, key developments and trends changing in the development

Complete examination, including an evaluation of the parent market

Detailed account of market, volume and forecast, by leading key players, product type and end users applications

Environmental spread, development designs, pieces of the overall industry, key methodologies, and different financials systems of Gene Therapy market

Industrial analysis by upstream raw materials, downstream industry, current market dynamics and ensuing consumers analysis

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Gene Therapy Market Segmentation Outlook:

By Vector:Viral vectorRetrovirusesLentivirusesAdenovirusesAdeno Associated VirusHerpes Simplex VirusPoxvirusVaccinia VirusNon-viral vectorNaked/Plasmid VectorsGene GunElectroporationLipofection

By Gene Therapy:AntigenCytokineTumor SuppressorSuicideDeficiencyGrowth factorsReceptorsOther

By Application:Oncological DisordersRare DiseasesCardiovascular DiseasesNeurological DisordersInfectious diseaseOther Diseases

Gene Therapy Market Section by Region:

ASIA-PACIFIC MARKET: China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia

THE MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA MARKET: GCC, North Africa, South Africa

NORTH AMERICA MARKET: United States, Canada, Mexico

EUROPE MARKET: Germany, Netherlands, UK, France, Russia, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland

SOUTH AMERICA MARKET: Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru

Our Research Methodology is based on the following main points:

i. Data Collections and Interpretation

ii. Analysis

iii. Data Validation

iv. Final Projections and Conclusion

The latest research on the Gene Therapy Market fundamentally delivers insights that can empower stakeholders, business owners, and field marketing executives to make effective investment decisions driven by facts and extremely thorough research. The study aims to provide an evaluation and deliver essential information on the competitive landscape to meet the unique requirements of the companies and individuals operating in the Gene Therapy Market for the forecast period, 20202029. To help firms comprehend the Gene Therapy industry in multiple ways, the report exhaustively assesses the share, size, and growth rate of the business worldwide.

There are 13 Sections to show the global Gene Therapy market:

Chapter 1: Market Overview, Drivers, Segmentation overview, Restraints and Opportunities

Chapter 2: Market competition by key Manufacturers

Chapter 3: Production by Regions

Chapter 4: Consumption by Regions

Chapter 5: Production By Types, Revenue and Market share by Types

Chapter 6: Market share (%) and Growth Rate by Applications, Consumption By Applications

Chapter 7: Complete profiling and analysis of leading Manufacturers

Chapter 8: Region-wise manufacturing expenses, Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis

Chapter 9: Sourcing Strategy, Industrial Chain and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11: Market Effect Factors Analysis, Impact Analysis

Chapter 12: Market Forecast 2020-2029

Chapter 13: Gene Therapy Research Findings and Conclusion, methodology and data source, Appendix

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Conclusively, this report will provide you a clean view of each and every truth of the market without a need to consult another research report or a statistics supply. Our report will offer you with all of the facts about the past, present, and future of the Market.

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Inclusive Comprehension 2020: Gene Therapy Market (Trending PDF) Addressing Structure, Scope, Potential, and Growth Prospects Till 2029 - Jewish Life...

Ziopharm Oncology to Report First Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Host a Conference Call and Webcast on May 7, 2020 – Yahoo Finance

BOSTON, April 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ziopharm Oncology, Inc. (ZIOP), today announced the Company will host a conference call and webcast on Thursday, May 7, at 4:30 pm EDT to provide a corporate update and discuss financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2020.

The call can be accessed by dialing 1-877-451-6152 (U.S. and Canada) or 1-201-389-0879 (international). The passcode for the conference call is 13701877. To access the live webcast or the subsequent archived recording, visit the Investors section of the Ziopharm website at The webcast will be recorded and available for replay on the Companys website for two weeks.

About Ziopharm Oncology, Inc.Ziopharm Oncology is an immuno-oncology company focused on developing end-to-end cost-effective solutions using its non-viral Sleeping Beauty platform for T-cell receptor (TCR) and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies and immune-stimulating gene therapy with Controlled interleukin 12 (IL-12). The Sleeping Beauty platform genetically modifies T cells with DNA plasmids to express TCRs to target neoantigens inside and outside hotspots for solid tumors and CAR to target CD19 for blood cancers using the Companys Rapid Personalized Manufacturing to produce and release CAR-T as soon as the day after gene transfer. The Sleeping Beauty platform is being advanced in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Eden BioCell. The Company is also developing its Controlled IL-12 platform, or Ad-RTS-hIL-12 plus veledimex, as monotherapy and in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat brain cancer, including in collaboration with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

Ziopharm Contact:Chris TaylorVP, Investor Relations and Corporate CommunicationsT: 617.502.1881E:

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Ziopharm Oncology to Report First Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Host a Conference Call and Webcast on May 7, 2020 - Yahoo Finance

Lysogene S.A. (EPA:LYS): When Will It Breakeven? – Simply Wall St

Lysogene S.A.s (EPA:LYS): Lysogene S.A. engages in the research and clinical development of gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders. The 64m market-cap company announced a latest loss of -4.3m on 31 December 2019 for its most recent financial year result. Many investors are wondering the rate at which LYS will turn a profit, with the big question being when will the company breakeven? Below I will provide a high-level summary of the industry analysts expectations for LYS.

Check out our latest analysis for Lysogene

According to the industry analysts covering LYS, breakeven is near. They expect the company to post a final loss in 2021, before turning a profit of 69m in 2022. LYS is therefore projected to breakeven around 2 years from now. In order to meet this breakeven date, I calculated the rate at which LYS must grow year-on-year. It turns out an average annual growth rate of 50% is expected, which is extremely buoyant. If this rate turns out to be too aggressive, LYS may become profitable much later than analysts predict.

Im not going to go through company-specific developments for LYS given that this is a high-level summary, however, keep in mind that by and large a biotech has lumpy cash flows which are contingent on the product type and stage of development the company is in. This means that a high growth rate is not unusual, especially if the company is currently in an investment period.

One thing Id like to point out is that LYS has managed its capital judiciously, with debt making up 13% of equity. This means that LYS has predominantly funded its operations from equity capital,and its low debt obligation reduces the risk around investing in the loss-making company.

There are too many aspects of LYS to cover in one brief article, but the key fundamentals for the company can all be found in one place LYSs company page on Simply Wall St. Ive also put together a list of relevant aspects you should further research:

If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.

We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.

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Lysogene S.A. (EPA:LYS): When Will It Breakeven? - Simply Wall St

Diabetes reversed in mice with genetically edited stem cells derived from patients – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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CRISPR corrects genetic defect so cells can normalize blood sugar

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have transformed stem cells into insulin-producing cells. They used the CRISPR gene-editing tool to correct a defect that caused a form of diabetes, and implanted the cells into mice to reverse diabetes in the animals. Shown is a microscopic image of insulin-secreting beta cells (insulin is green) that were made from stem cells produced from the skin of a patient with Wolfram syndrome.

Using induced pluripotent stem cells produced from the skin of a patient with a rare, genetic form of insulin-dependent diabetes called Wolfram syndrome, researchers transformed the human stem cells into insulin-producing cells and used the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to correct a genetic defect that had caused the syndrome. They then implanted the cells into lab mice and cured the unrelenting diabetes in those mice.

The findings, from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, suggest the CRISPR-Cas9 technique may hold promise as a treatment for diabetes, particularly the forms caused by a single gene mutation, and it also may be useful one day in some patients with the more common forms of diabetes, such as type 1 and type 2.

The study is published online April 22 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Patients with Wolfram syndrome develop diabetes during childhood or adolescence and quickly require insulin-replacement therapy, requiring insulin injections multiple times each day. Most go on to develop problems with vision and balance, as well as other issues, and in many patients, the syndrome contributes to an early death.

This is the first time CRISPR has been used to fix a patients diabetes-causing genetic defect and successfully reverse diabetes, said co-senior investigator Jeffrey R. Millman, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine and of biomedical engineering at Washington University. For this study, we used cells from a patient with Wolfram syndrome because, conceptually, we knew it would be easier to correct a defect caused by a single gene. But we see this as a stepping stone toward applying gene therapy to a broader population of patients with diabetes.

Wolfram syndrome is caused by mutations to a single gene, providing the researchers an opportunity to determine whether combining stem cell technology with CRISPR to correct the genetic error also might correct the diabetes caused by the mutation.

A few years ago, Millman and his colleagues discovered how to convert human stem cells into pancreatic beta cells. When such cells encounter blood sugar, they secrete insulin. Recently, those same researchers developed a new technique to more efficiently convert human stem cells into beta cells that are considerably better at controlling blood sugar.

In this study, they took the additional steps of deriving these cells from patients and using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool on those cells to correct a mutation to the gene that causes Wolfram syndrome (WFS1). Then, the researchers compared the gene-edited cells to insulin-secreting beta cells from the same batch of stem cells that had not undergone editing with CRISPR.

In the test tube and in mice with a severe form of diabetes, the newly grown beta cells that were edited with CRISPR more efficiently secreted insulin in response to glucose. Diabetes disappeared quickly in mice with the CRISPR-edited cells implanted beneath the skin, and the animals blood sugar levels remained in normal range for the entire six months they were monitored. Animals receiving unedited beta cells remained diabetic. Their newly implanted beta cells could produce insulin, just not enough to reverse their diabetes.

We basically were able to use these cells to cure the problem, making normal beta cells by correcting this mutation, said co-senior investigator Fumihiko Urano, MD, PhD, the Samuel E. Schechter Professor of Medicine and a professor of pathology and immunology. Its a proof of concept demonstrating that correcting gene defects that cause or contribute to diabetes in this case, in the Wolfram syndrome gene we can make beta cells that more effectively control blood sugar. Its also possible that by correcting the genetic defects in these cells, we may correct other problems Wolfram syndrome patients experience, such as visual impairment and neurodegeneration.

In the future, using CRISPR to correct certain mutations in beta cells may help patients whose diabetes is the result of multiple genetic and environmental factors, such as type 1, caused by an autoimmune process that destroys beta cells, and type 2, which is closely linked to obesity and a systemic process called insulin resistance.

Were excited about the fact that we were able to combine these two technologies growing beta cells from induced pluripotent stem cells and using CRISPR to correct genetic defects, Millman said. In fact, we found that corrected beta cells were indistinguishable from beta cells made from the stem cells of healthy people without diabetes.

Moving forward, the process of making beta cells from stem cells should get easier, the researchers said. For example, the scientists have developed less intrusive methods, making induced pluripotent stem cells from blood and they are working on developing stem cells from urine samples.

In the future, Urano said, we may be able to take a few milliliters of urine from a patient, make stem cells that we then can grow into beta cells, correct mutations in those cells with CRISPR, transplant them back into the patient, and cure their diabetes in our clinic. Genetic testing in patients with diabetes will guide us to identify genes that should be corrected, which will lead to a personalized regenerative gene therapy.

Maxwell KG, Augsornworawat P, Velazco-Cruz L, Kim MH, Asada R, Hogrebe NJ, Morikawa S, Urano F, Millman JR. Gene-edited human stem cell-derived cells from a patient with monogenic diabetes reverse pre-existing diabetes in mice. Science Translational Medicine, published online April 22, 2020.

This work was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Grant numbers R01 DK114233, DK112921, TR002065, TR002345, T32 DK108742, R25 GM103757, T32 DK007120, P30 DK020579, P30 CA91842, UL1 TR000448 and UL1 TR002345. Additional assistance was provided by the Washington University Genome Engineering and iPSC Center, the Washington University Diabetes Center, and the Washington University Institute of Clnical and Translational Science, with additional funding from the JDRF, the Washington University Center of Regenerative Medicine, startup funds from the Washington University School of Medicine Department of Medicine, the Unravel Wolfram Syndrome Fund, Silberman Fund, Stowe Fund, Ellie White Foundation for Rare Genetic Disorders, Eye Hope Foundation, Snow Foundation, Feiock Fund, Childrens Discovery Institute, Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation, and a JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship.

Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

See the original post here:

Diabetes reversed in mice with genetically edited stem cells derived from patients - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Addressing the potential impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Hemophilia Gene Therapy Market: Quantitative Analysis from 2019 to 2025 to Enable…

Study on the Global Hemophilia Gene Therapy Market

The report on the global Hemophilia Gene Therapy market reveals that the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period (2019-2029). The report provides a thorough assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current and future prospects of the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market across various geographies. Further, the report provides accurate data related to the business continuity and contingency strategies adopted by leading market players operating in the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market.

The quantitative and qualitative assessment of the various segments of the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market enables stakeholders, investors, upcoming and established market players to devise robust business development strategies. The report tracks the recent developments within the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market in terms of innovation, technological progress, regulatory framework, supply chain bottlenecks, and more.

Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @

Major Doubts Pertaining to the Hemophilia Gene Therapy Market Addressed in the Report

Segmentation Analysis of the Hemophilia Gene Therapy Market

The growth potential of the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market in each region is accurately depicted in the report. The market attractiveness index included in the report enables readers to identify the most lucrative pockets within the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market and make informed business decisions.

The report throws light on the adoption pattern of different products along with a thorough analysis of the pricing and supply-demand ratio of each product.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape section of the report tracks the business proceedings of the key players operating in the Hemophilia Gene Therapy market. The pricing, marketing, sales, and promotional strategies adopted by each market player is represented in the report. The contingency strategies of different players amidst the COVID-19 pandemic are touched upon in the presented report.

Competition AnalysisIn the competitive analysis section of the report, leading as well as prominent players of the global Hemophilia Gene Therapy market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on price and revenue (global level) by player for the period 2015-2020.On the whole, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Hemophilia Gene Therapy market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global Hemophilia Gene Therapy market.The following players are covered in this report:Spark TherapeuticsUltragenyxShire PLCSangamo TherapeuticsBioverativBioMarinuniQureFreeline TherapeuticsHemophilia Gene Therapy Breakdown Data by TypeHemophilia AHemophilia BHemophilia Gene Therapy Breakdown Data by ApplicationHemophilia A Gene TherapyHemophilia B Gene Therapy

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Key Findings of the Report

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Addressing the potential impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Hemophilia Gene Therapy Market: Quantitative Analysis from 2019 to 2025 to Enable...

COVID-19 impact: Gene Therapy Market 2019 Business Insights,Top Companies,Growth, Market Size Global Market Share, Trends, Outlook, Opportunity and…

Analysis Report on Gene Therapy Market

A report on global Gene Therapy market has hit stands. This study is based on different aspects like segments, growth rate, revenue, leading players, regions, and forecast. The overall market is getting bigger at an increased pace due to the invention of the new dynamism, which is making rapid progress.

The given report is an excellent research study specially compiled to provide latest insights into critical aspects of the Global Gene Therapy Market.

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Some key points of Gene Therapy Market research report:

Strategic Developments: The custom analysis gives the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, growth rate, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.

Market Features: The report comprises market features, capacity, capacity utilization rate, revenue, price, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import, export, supply, demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the report offers a comprehensive study of the market dynamics and their latest trends, along with market segments and sub-segments.

Analytical Tools: The Global Gene Therapy Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porters five forces analysis, feasibility study, and many other market research tools have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market.

COVID-19 Impact on Gene Therapy Market

Adapting to the recent novel COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global Gene Therapy market is included in the present report. The influence of the novel coronavirus pandemic on the growth of the Gene Therapy market is analyzed and depicted in the report.

The global Gene Therapy market segment by manufacturers include

segmented as follows:

Global Gene Therapy Market, by Product

Global Gene Therapy Market, by Application

Global Gene Therapy Market, by Region

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Important queries addressed in the report:

Moreover, the report highlighted revenue, sales, manufacturing cost, and product and the States that are most competitive in the lucrative market share idea. There is a discussion on the background and financial trouble in the global Gene Therapy economic market. This included the CAGR value during the outlook period leading to 2025.

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Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Overview, Top Companies, Region, Application and Global Forecast by 2026 – Latest Herald

Spark Therapeutics Inc.

Global Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Segmentation

This market was divided into types, applications and regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by type and application in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you develop your business by targeting niche markets. Market share data are available at global and regional levels. The regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, and Africa and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive forces and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Region Coverage (Regional Production, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.):

North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)

Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.)

South America (Brazil, Argentina etc.)

Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)

Some Notable Report Offerings:

-> We will give you an assessment of the extent to which the market acquire commercial characteristics along with examples or instances of information that helps your assessment.

-> We will also support to identify standard/customary terms and conditions such as discounts, warranties, inspection, buyer financing, and acceptance for the Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders industry.

-> We will further help you in finding any price ranges, pricing issues, and determination of price fluctuation of products in Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders industry.

-> Furthermore, we will help you to identify any crucial trends to predict Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders market growth rate up to 2026.

-> Lastly, the analyzed report will predict the general tendency for supply and demand in the Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders market.

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Table of Contents:

Study Coverage: It includes study objectives, years considered for the research study, growth rate and Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders market size of type and application segments, key manufacturers covered, product scope, and highlights of segmental analysis.

Executive Summary: In this section, the report focuses on analysis of macroscopic indicators, market issues, drivers, and trends, competitive landscape, CAGR of the global Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders market, and global production. Under the global production chapter, the authors of the report have included market pricing and trends, global capacity, global production, and global revenue forecasts.

Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Size by Manufacturer: Here, the report concentrates on revenue and production shares of manufacturers for all the years of the forecast period. It also focuses on price by manufacturer and expansion plans and mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Production by Region: It shows how the revenue and production in the global market are distributed among different regions. Each regional market is extensively studied here on the basis of import and export, key players, revenue, and production.

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Tags: Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Size, Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Growth, Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Forecast, Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Analysis

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Gene Therapy For Inherited Genetic Disorders Market Overview, Top Companies, Region, Application and Global Forecast by 2026 - Latest Herald

Glaucoma Could Be Successfully Treated With Gene Therapy – Technology Networks

A new study led by the University of Bristol has shown a common eye condition, glaucoma, could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy, which would improve treatment options, effectiveness and quality of life for many patients.

Glaucoma affects over 64 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye and progressively damages the nerves responsible for sight. Current treatments include either eye drops, laser or surgery, all of which have limitations and disadvantages.

The research team led by academics at the Bristol Medical School: Translational Health Sciences tested a new approach that could provide additional treatment options and benefits. Their findings are published in the journalMolecular Therapy.

The researchers designed a gene therapy and demonstrated proof of concept using experimental mouse models of glaucoma and human donor tissue.

The treatment targeted part of the eye called the ciliary body, which produces the fluid that maintains pressure within the eye. Using the latest gene editing technology called CRISPR, a gene called Aquaporin 1 in the ciliary body was inactivated leading to reduced eye pressure.

Dr Colin Chu, Visiting Senior Research Fellow in theBristol Medical School: Translational Health Sciencesand corresponding author, said: "Currently there is no cure for glaucoma, which can lead to loss of vision if the disease is not diagnosed and treated early.

"We hope to advance towards clinical trials for this new treatment in the near future. If it's successful it could allow a long-term treatment of glaucoma with a single eye injection, which would improve the quality of life for many patients whilst saving the NHS time and money."

The academics are currently in discussion with industry partners to support further laboratory work and rapidly progress this new treatment option towards clinical trials.

Reference: Wu et al. (2020). Gene Therapy for Glaucoma by Ciliary Body Aquaporin 1 Disruption Using CRISPR-Cas9. Molecular Therapy.DOI: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2019.12.012.

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See the rest here:

Glaucoma Could Be Successfully Treated With Gene Therapy - Technology Networks

Reversing diabetes with CRISPR and patient-derived stem cells – FierceBiotech

Insulin injections cancontrol diabetes, but patients still experience serious complications such as kidney disease and skin infections. Transplanting pancreatic tissues containing functional insulin-producing beta cells is of limited use, because donors are scarce and patients must take immunosuppressant drugs afterward.

Now, scientists atWashington University in St. Louis havedeveloped a way to use gene editing system CRISPR-Cas9 to edit a mutation in human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and then turnthem into beta cells. When transplanted into mice, the cells reversed preexisting diabetes in a lasting way, according to results published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

While the researchers used cells from patients with Wolfram syndromea rare childhood diabetes caused by mutations in the WFS1 genethey argue that the combination of a gene therapy with stem cells could potentially treat other forms of diabetes as well.

Virtual Clinical Trials Online

This virtual event will bring together industry experts to discuss the increasing pace of pharmaceutical innovation, the need to maintain data quality and integrity as new technologies are implemented and understand regulatory challenges to ensure compliance.

One of the biggest challenges we faced was differentiating our patient cells into beta cells. Previous approaches do not allow for this robust differentiation. We use our new differentiation protocol targeting different development and signaling pathways to generate our cells, the studys lead author, Kristina Maxwell, explained in a video statement.

Making pancreatic beta cells from patient-derived stem cells requires precise activation and repression of specific pathways, and atthe right times, to guide the development process. In a recent Nature Biotechnology study, the team described a successful method that leverages the link between a complex known as actin cytoskeleton and the expression of transcription factors that drive pancreatic cell differentiation.

This time, the researchers applied the technology to iPSCs from two patients with Wolfram syndrome. They used CRISPR to correct the mutated WFS1 gene in the cells and differentiated the edited iPSCs into fully functional beta cells.

After transplanting the corrected beta cells into diabetic mice, the animals saw their blood glucose drop quickly, suggesting the disease had been reversed. The effect lasted for the entire six-month observation period, the scientists reported. By comparison, those receiving unedited cells from patients were unable to achieve glycemic control.

RELATED:CRISPR Therapeutics, ViaCyte team up on gene-edited diabetes treatment

The idea of editing stem cells with CRISPR has already attracted interest in the biopharma industry. Back in 2018, CRISPR Therapeutics penned a deal with ViaCyte to develop off-the-shelf, gene-editing stem cell therapies for diabetes. Rather than editing iPSCs from particular patients themselves to correct a faulty gene, the pairs lead project used CRISPR to edit healthy cells so that they lackedthe B2M gene and expressed PD-L1 to protect against immune attack. The two companies unveiled positive preclinical data inSeptember.

Other research groups working on gene therapy or stem cells for diabetes include a Harvard University scientist and his startup Semma Therapeutics, whichdeveloped a method for selecting beta cells out of a mixture of cells developed from PSCs. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently proposed that removing the IRE1-alpha gene in beta cells could prevent immune T cells from attacking them in mice with Type 1 diabetes.

The Washington University team hopes its technology may help Type 1 diabetes patients whose disease is caused by multiple genetic and environmental factors as well as the Type 2 form linked to obesity and insulin resistance.

We can generate a virtually unlimited number of beta cells from patients with diabetes to test and discover new drugs to hopefully stop or even reverse this disease, Jeffrey Millman, the studys co-senior author, said in the video statement. Perhaps most importantly, this technology now allows for the potential use of gene therapy in combination with the patients own cells to treat their own diabetes by transplantation of lab-grown beta cells.


Reversing diabetes with CRISPR and patient-derived stem cells - FierceBiotech

Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy – International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Hackers leak data related to WHO, Wuhan lab and Gates Foundation

A common eye condition, glaucoma, could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy, which would improve treatment options, effectiveness and quality of life for many patients, say researchers.

Glaucoma affects over 64 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye and progressively damages the nerves responsible for sight.

Current treatments include either eye drops, laser or surgery, all of which have limitations and disadvantages. "At present, there is no cure for glaucoma, which can lead to loss of vision if the disease is not diagnosed and treated early," said study researcher Dr Colin Chu from the University of Bristol in the UK.

For the findings, published in the journal Molecular Therapy, the research team tested a new approach that could provide additional treatment options and benefits. The researchers designed a gene therapy and demonstrated proof of concept using experimental mouse models of glaucoma and human donor tissue.

The treatment targeted part of the eye called the ciliary body, which produces the fluid that maintains pressure within the eye. Using the latest gene-editing technology called CRISPR, a gene called Aquaporin 1 in the ciliary body was inactivated leading to reduced eye pressure.

"We hope to advance towards clinical trials for this new treatment in the near future. If it's successful it could allow a long-term treatment of glaucoma with a single eye injection, which would improve the quality of life for many patients whilst saving the NHS time and money," Chu said. The researchers are currently in discussion with industry partners to support further laboratory work and rapidly progress this new treatment option towards clinical trials.

See more here:

Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy - International Business Times, Singapore Edition