3 solar eclipse experts to speak in Ketchum – Twin Falls Times-News

KETCHUM Three solar eclipse experts will speak in Ketchum days leading up to the big event. All presentations are free and open to the public.

Eclipse chaser Leona Rice and astronomer Carolyn Rankin-Mallory will speak at noon on Saturday in Town Square. Rice was elected to the California legislature for three terms and retired after 20 years as executive director of The Doctors Company Foundation. Rankin-Mallory was recently a member of the NASA team that discovered 17 previously unknown stars and divides her time between NASA research participation and college teaching.

Astronomer Jeff Silverman will speak at noon on Sunday in Town Square. Silverman is a data scientist, but was a National Science Foundation Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his PhD. in astrophysics at the University of California at Berkeley, working on observations of exploding stars and dark energy. He is heavily involved in science communication and public outreach programs. Silverman will also speak on Monday at the viewing party hosted by the cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley at Festival Meadow.

The partial phase of the eclipse will begin at 10:12 a.m. on Monday, with full totality beginning at 11:29 a.m. and lasting for over a minute. Special viewing glasses are needed to provide adequate protection for those wishing to look directly at the sun during the eclipse.

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3 solar eclipse experts to speak in Ketchum - Twin Falls Times-News

Missions to probe exoplanets, galaxies, and cosmic inflation vie for $250 million NASA slot – Science Magazine

SPHEREx would map hundreds of millions of galaxies to look for signs of cosmic inflation, a rapid expansion just after the big bang.


By Daniel CleryAug. 16, 2017 , 9:00 AM

From exoplanet atmospheres to the dynamics of galaxies to the stretch marks left by the big bang, the three finalists in a $250 million astrophysics mission competition would tackle questions spanning all of space and time. Announced last week by NASA, the three missionswhittled down from nine proposalswill receive $2 million each to develop a more detailed concept over the coming 9 months, before NASA selects one in 2019 to be the next mid-sized Explorer. A launch would come after 2022.

Explorer missions aim to answer pressing scientific questions more cheaply and quickly than NASAs multibillion-dollar flagships, such as the Hubble and James Webb (JWST) space telescopes, which can take decades to design and build. The missions are led by scientists, either from a NASA center or a university, and NASA has launched more than 90 of them since the 1950s. Some Explorers have had a big scientific impact, including the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, which last decade mapped irregularities in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), an echo of the universe as it was 380,000 years after the big bang; and Swift, which is helping unravel the mystery of gamma-ray bursts that come from the supernova collapse of massive stars.

One finalist, the Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx), will map galaxies across a large volume of the universe to find out what drove inflation, a pulse of impossibly fast expansion just after the big bang. The physics behind inflation is unclear, says Principal Investigator Jamie Bock of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, and it happened at energy scales too high for earthbound particle accelerators to investigate. The prevailing theory is that a short- lived quantum field, mediated by a hypothetical particle called an inflaton, pushed the universes rapid growth. But rival theories hold that multiple fields were involved. Those fields would have interfered with each other, leaving irregularities in the distribution of matter across the universe that would differ statistically from the distribution expected in conventional inflation.

By mapping hundreds of millions of galaxies across a huge volume of space, SPHEREx should be 10 times more sensitive to this cosmic lumpiness than the best maps of the CMBperhaps sensitive enough to distinguish between the two inflation scenarios. The all-sky infrared survey should also map out the history of light production by galaxies andcloser to homethe distribution of ices in embryonic planetary systems. SPHEREx is more powerful than the sum of its parts, Bock says.

The Arcus mission will also study distant galaxies but in x-rays, in search of what makes galaxies themselves tick. Powerful radiation from supermassive black holes at the center of most large galaxies creates winds that can blow gas out of the galaxies, halting star formation. But astronomers are unsure whether the gas falls back in to restart star formation because they cannot see it. This expelled matter has got to be out there somewhere, says Principal Investigator Randall Smith of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He says Arcus will be able to see the winds by using more distant x-ray sources as backlights.

The project draws heavily from a past mission that never flew: the International X-ray Observatory. When NASA withdrew from that project in 2012, U.S. researchers continued to develop the optics required to focus x-rays, which simply pass through flat mirrors. Based on sophisticated metal honeycombs that focus the high-energy photons by deflecting them at shallow angles, Arcuss optics should turn as many as 40% of the incoming photons into a usable spectrumup from 5% in NASAs current flagship Chandra X-ray Observatory. That should give the mission the resolution to see the expelled gas and measure its movement and temperature.

The third contender, the Fast Infrared Exoplanet Spectroscopy Survey Explorer (FINESSE), aims to probe the origins and makeup of the atmospheres around exoplanets. The probe will gather light shining through a planets atmosphere as it passes in front of its star as well as light reflected off its dayside surface, just before it passes behind. This will reveal both the signatures of atmospheric ingredients such as water, methane, and carbon dioxide, and also how heat flows from the planets dayside to its nightside. With greater knowledge of the composition of exoplanet atmospheres and their dynamics, astronomers hope to figure out which formation theories can explain the diversity of planet types revealed over the past 2 decades.

The 6.5-meter JWST will be able to scrutinize exoplanet atmospheres in more detail, but its many other roles could limit it to studying fewer than 75 exoplanets. FINESSE will have the luxury of analyzing up to a thousand planets, albeit with a smaller 75-centimeter telescope. Is our solar systems formation scenario exceptional or typical? asks Principal Investigator Mark Swain of NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Some questions can only be answered by statistical samples. We need hundreds of planets.

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Missions to probe exoplanets, galaxies, and cosmic inflation vie for $250 million NASA slot - Science Magazine

Swinburne Uni picks Dell to build new supercomputer – iTnews

Melbourne's Swinburne University has chosen Dell EMC to build its next generation astrophysics research supercomputer, which will become Australia's third fastest when deployed later this year.

The $4 million 'OzSTAR'supercomputer will replacethe current SGI-built GPU supercomputer for theoretical astrophysics research (gSTAR) that has beenused by Swinburne's centre for astrophysics and supercomputingsince 2011.

It will also support the the Australian Research Council's new centre of excellence for gravitational wave discovery (OzGrav) - a partnership between six of Australia's leading astronomy universities and the CSIRO, funded to the tune of $31.3 million - that is being led by the university.

Swinburne began looking for a vendor to supply a large-scale CPU and GPU system last year that could expand on the 2000-core capacity of the current system, according toProfessor Jarrod Hurley, who led the design of the supercomputer.

The new supercomputer will be based on Dell EMC's PowerEdge platform, with a total of 115 PowerEdge R740's for compute - eight of which are data crunching nodes - and will run on Linux. Each node will have two Intel Xeon processors or 36 compute cores per modular building block, as well as two Nvidia P100 GPUs.

This will give researchers access to total processing power that will exceed the theoretical performance of over 1.275 petaflops - making it the third fastest supercomputer in Australia, after the National Computational Infrastructures Raijin supercomputer andCSIROs new Bracewell supercomputer, which is also built by Dell EMC.

"Effectively this will provide Swinburne University with the ability to crunch over a quadrillion calculations into a single second, and the processing power that will provide multiple generations worth of research into that single second that we would not be to do manually on paper or with desktop computers," Dell EMC HPC lead Andrew Underwoodsaid.

There is also five petabytes of usable parallel file system that will allows researchers to move files across the supercomputer at 60 gigabytes a second.

Dell also provides that infrastructure behind Swinburnes own internal research cloud.

The new supercomputer will be housed within Swinburne's existing data centre.It is expected to be installed over four weeks and go live before the end of September.

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Swinburne Uni picks Dell to build new supercomputer - iTnews

Astrophysics: it’s not rocket science… – Independent.ie

Astrophysics: it's not rocket science...


The epigraph in Neil deGrasse Tyson's new book sets out exactly who he has written it to enlighten: "For all those who are too busy to read fat books/Yet nonetheless seek a conduit to the cosmos."



The epigraph in Neil deGrasse Tyson's new book sets out exactly who he has written it to enlighten: "For all those who are too busy to read fat books/Yet nonetheless seek a conduit to the cosmos."

I have nothing against fat books, if there are corsets and romantic entanglements, but taking time out to understand how the universe works is far down on my list of priorities.

Not a problem, because friendly astrophysicist Dr deGrasse Tyson promises he can explain space, time and the essential universe to earthlings like me in Astrophysics for People in Hurry, and it won't take light years. He could have called it 'Astrophysics for people who are lazy and forgetful, but should really care more about this stuff', but that hasn't quite got the same ring.

And so, I begin my cosmic journey on a 30-minute Monday lunch break. Chapter One opens with the biblical 'in the beginning' and, despite having to read the first sentence several times, by the fourth line our acclaimed author has explained the Big Bang. This guy doesn't mess around.

He flies through the discoveries of German physicist Max Planck (regarded as the father of quantum mechanics), antimatter and bosons. But the best take-away from my first astrophysics speed-reading session is the memorable summary of Einstein's most famous equation, e=mc2. Yes, everyone has heard of it, but how many can explain it?

DeGrasse Tyson can, and he does so in a nutshell as "a two-way recipe for how much matter your energy is worth, and how much energy your matter is worth".

Over bus rides and coffee breaks, I learn about the "quirky beasts" that are quarks, protons, photons, electrons and antimatter (it exists!), and the part they play in the cosmic soup around us that came into being 14 billion years ago. There are revelations aplenty. Despite having read several articles and seen a dozen or so TV news reports about the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, it's only after reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry that I have a clue what it does.

After two chapters, my brain is full of interplanetary wonder and we've still only covered what happened a few millionths of a second since the Big Bang.

DeGrasse Tyson undoes the yawn-inducing effect of school science classes. In the chapter entitled The Cosmos on The Table, he turns the periodic table from "a forgotten oddity, filled with mysterious cryptic boxes", into something weird, wonderful and well worth knowing, or , as he puts it "a zoo of one-of-a-kind animals conceived by Dr Seuss."

Over the coming days, enthused by deGrasse Tyson's wit and passion, I dip in and out of Astrophysics whenever I have a minute to spare. I become as obsessed with Einstein and Newton as deGrasse Tyson is.

And it's not all astrophysics -it is littered with gems like this poem Einstein wrote in honour of Newton.

"Look unto the stars to teach us

how the master's thoughts can reach us

Each one follows Newton's math Silently along its path."

Apparently, it sounds even nicer in German.

The joy of this book is not just the awesome, sometimes baffling, subject matter, but deGrasse Tyson's warmth and humanity. He tells jokes, admits to once owning a geeky 'Obey Gravity' T-shirt and writes with infectious enthusiasm.

One of my favourite passages comes at the end of a chapter in which he explains the universality of physical laws. Then he tells a little anecdote about ordering a hot chocolate with whipped cream. When his drink arrives, there's no sign of the cream. The surly waiter says the cream sank to the bottom. Impossible, says deGrasse Tyson, whipped cream has low density and therefore will float on milk (or water, coffee or any other liquid that humans drink).

He offers the waiter two explanations: either he forgot the cream, or the universal laws of physics don't apply in that restaurant. Unconvinced, the waiter brings a blob of cream, and of course it floats.

So it's worth learning about physics, even if you only want to use it to win an argument.

I finished the pocket-sized hardback (208 pages) in five days. I didn't agonise over bits that went over my head and I'd still fail an astrophysics exam - but I have a better understanding about what happened before and after the Big Bang, I know how a supernova is formed, that a light year is the distance light travels in one Earth year (nearly six trillion miles) and have taken a new interest in the periodic table (I even bought a poster of it for my wall). I can also proudly assert that I have some sketchy notion of what Einstein's theory of relativity is about.

It's given me a lot more to think about the next time I look up at the night sky.

Sunday Independent


Astrophysics: it's not rocket science... - Independent.ie

Snapshot: Dan Lyons of Hawthorn Hollow – Kenosha News

Dan Lyons is the observatory director and the Homestead Garden manager at Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum. Lyons was born and raised in Kenosha and worked part time at the sanctuary while in high school and part of his college years. After college, he returned and has been full-time staff member for the past four years.

Question: What is your educational background?

Answer: Bachelors in physics, Carthage College; masters in physics, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology (doing radio astrophysics); Ph.D. in physics and astronomy education research, University of Wyoming; postdoc in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Chicago (doing research on embodied cognition in physics learning).

Q: What types of responsibilities do you handle as the Observatory Director?

A: The Schoolyard Observatory was constructed October through December 2016. So far, Im working on getting the telescope, dome, and astro-imaging camera all synced with computer controls. The technology and instruments are challenging and fun to work with. This fall, Ill be hosting our first public observing nights.

Q: What types of responsibilities do you handle as the Homestead Garden manager?

A: This year was a chance to start from scratch on designing and building the new Homestead Garden. We had a small Market Garden at a different location in 2015 and learned a lot. We took our experience and really refined the design to include some unique attractions like the giant monarch butterfly shaped vegetable garden and the popcorn labyrinth. Its my job to make sure the new facility is equipped with everything we need for the new Growing Healthy grade school field trip starting this October. That means I work on everything from designing the garden beds, planting, and landscaping, to doing construction work on the building facilities like installing plumbing and electrical to make sure everything will be ready on time for the fall program.

Q: What has been your favorite initiative at the sanctuary?

A: At the moment, Im really excited about a partnership we have with a local farmer to grow organic popcorn. Hawthorn Hollow is a non-profit and every year we put a tremendous amount of effort into fund raising events. Im hoping to develop the farming partnership to help generate revenue to support the educational programs at the Homestead Gardens through organic heirloom popcorn sales. We have five acres planted off site with an anticipated yield of around 15 thousand pounds of popcorn. Weve never tried anything remotely near this large of a scale, and Im looking forward to the challenge of getting that much popcorn delivered to the public over the next year.

Q: How do you get the community involved with Hawthorn Hollow?

A: We have a support organization call the Friends of Hawthorn Hollow that puts out newsletter three times a year with news and events. Mostly, we use social media outlets like Facebook to keep people aware of events on a weekly basis.

Q: How did you get interested in this field of work?

A: I was born a curious person who, more than anything, needed to understand how everything works. Its a no-brainer that it led me down the road to physics and astronomy. Nature, as people generally think of it, isnt really separated from the rest of the universe. The Earth is really just a giant spaceship we all live on as we fly around the sun which is flying through space around the center of the Milky Way. I spend my time every day working to make the programs in the nature sanctuary successful so people can have a place to go and be with and a part of that nature.

Q: How do you engage with the outdoors when not at work?

A: I garden as much of my yard at home as possible. Growing your own food is so satisfying, and the fresh garden produce cant be beat. When Im not gardening, I still walk in the woods. I like to tour the forest and nature preserves of Southeastern Wisconsin and Northeastern Illinois with my girlfriend, Carley, and our big dog, Marlin.

See the article here:

Snapshot: Dan Lyons of Hawthorn Hollow - Kenosha News

Spin the ultimate space jam with beats from Trappist-1 – SYFY WIRE (blog)

No matter what kind of music you like to blast from your car with the windows down, youve never heard something this otherworldly.

The system of seven Earth-size exoplanets orbiting cool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 has made waves in the media over and over with all the buzz about potential life forms hiding out in its habitable zone, but this is the first time its making sound waves. The aspiring DJs at SYSTEM Sounds (who are all scientists at the University of Toronto's Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) have found a way to convert the planets resonant chainhow their gravitational pulls harmonize to maintain stability in their circular orbits around both their star and themselvesinto a digital symphony.

TRAPPIST-1s resonant chain is not only the longest in any known planetary system, but makes music mathematically. If the seventh and most distant planet completes two orbital periods, the sixth has already completed three, the fifth four, and so on.

Seven Earth-sized planets around a nearby star is enough to get anyone excited, especially when several of them have the potential to support liquid water, said SYSTEM Sounds co-creator Matt Russo, a postdoctoral researcher at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. But what makes TRAPPIST-1 really remarkable is that all seven of its planets are locked in a resonant chain, where the lengths of the planets years form simple whole number ratios with each other. This is whats responsible for both the systems harmony and its rhythm.

Software created by the SYSTEM Sounds team, who want to try to convert as many things in space into music as possible, used data from NASAs K2 mission to translate the orbital periods of the planets into musical notes. They fast-forwarded the motion of the exoplanets until their orbital frequencies seemed to produce musical notes that were translated on a piano. Each note is played once per orbit, with a drumbeat every time two nearby planets come close (which is when the gravitational magic happens). Listen to the original below, which sounds like something theyd play in one of those New-Agey stores that always smell like incense smoke and have more crystals than Fraggle Rock.

Im strangely attracted to those places.

If you really want to be an unearthly DJ, the program on GitHub lets you adjust tempo and volume and switch notes on and off to customize your own sick space jam. Rock out.

(via Gizmodo)

The rest is here:

Spin the ultimate space jam with beats from Trappist-1 - SYFY WIRE (blog)

Reach for the moon: Ashland prepares for solar eclipse – The Independent

Karen Boatmen eagerly positioned her eclipse glasses onto her face, getting a small snippet of what it will be like on the big day Aug. 21.

I think all the kids should experience something like that, said the 8-year-olds mother, Joy Lydell, about the upcoming solar eclipse.

The two were at the Boyd County Public Library, where a viewing party will be hosted for the rare event. Aug. 21 will be the first time since 1979 a total solar eclipse has been visible from the contiguous United States.

During the eclipse, the moon will pass between the sun and Earth, blocking either all or part of the suns light depending on location. According to Dr. Thomas Pannuti, an Associate Professor of Space Science and Astrophysics at Morehead State University, the moon will block the sun for about two minutes and 40 seconds.

Overall, the eclipse can last for up to about three hours, from beginning to end.

Western Kentucky will witness a total solar eclipse since it falls in the path of totality. The path spans about 70 miles in width and will cross the United States from west to east. Ashland will experience a partial eclipse.

About 91 percent of the sun will be covered in Ashland, said Pannuti.

Pannuti explained what the sky would possibly look like during the eclipse, saying it will not be night-like, but there will be some darkness. Even though the suns rays will be partially blocked, looking at it can still cause damage to the eyes.

We definitely encourage people not to look directly at the sun, said Pannuti.

According to NASA, the only safe way to look directly at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, like eclipse glasses, which do not include everyday sunglasses. For a list of reputable manufacturers and authorized dealers of solar filters and viewers go to eclipse.aas.org/resources/solar-filters.

The BCPL will also be giving out free eclipse glasses at all library locations from Monday until the day of the eclipse. Glasses will be limited to one per person.

The librarys eclipse viewing party will be from 1 to 2 p.m. outside the main branch in Central Park. Ben Nunley, BCPL public service manager, said eclipse glasses will also be handed out at the event along with information on the eclipse. The library has ordered 2,200 pairs of glasses in preparation.

Nunley said there will drinks and moon pies available. He added the library was also thinking about playing space-related tunes to go with the eclipse theme.

Morehead State University will also host an eclipse viewing event in front of the Space Science Center from 1 to 4 p.m. Astrophysics and space science students will be on-hand to assist in viewing the eclipse with solar telescopes and eclipse glasses.

The East Kentucky Science Center and Varia Planetarium will host an event on the campus of Big Sandy Community and Technical College to celebrate the eclipse as well.The center and Varia Planetarium will be open from noon to 5 p.m. free of charge.

The eclipse will be webcast on the planetarium dome and, weather permitting, there will be outdoor observations using special sunspotter instruments. Guests will receive free eclipse glasses.

While many will be flocking to prime viewing areas to observe the occurrence, some will be protesting it. Kentuckians for Coal will host a protest in Hopkinsville an area that will be in the path of totality in Western Kentucky in front of the Kentucky New Era newspaper on 1618 E. 9th St. from noon to 2 p.m.

The group is an ad-hoc coalition of miners, union officials, family members and coal users created to defend the Kentucky coal industry against encroachment from renewable energy industries and from economic development initiatives aimed at lessening Americas dependence on coal.

According to a release, Kentuckians for Coal stands against the eclipse and those who worship it. The coalition claims that the eclipses attraction of many visitors to Hopkinsville will further test the patience of both local residents and the extra law enforcement brought in to maintain order.

Communications director for the Kentucky tourism, Arts and Heritage cabinet Laura Brooks touched on the tourism impact of the eclipse, saying it will be big.

We certainly think its going to be an economic boom for the Commonwealth, especially in the western part, she said.

Brooks said of the six state parks that lie in the path of totality, all are fully booked on the Sunday night before the eclipse. She also anticipates there will be an international draw to Kentucky.

Here is the original post:

Reach for the moon: Ashland prepares for solar eclipse - The Independent

YT Project Awarded NSF Grant to Expand to Multiple New Science Domains – HPCwire (blog)

URBANA, Ill., Aug. 11, 2017 Theyt Project, an open science environment created to address astrophysical questions through analysis and visualization, has been awarded a $1.6 million dollar grant from theNational Science Foundation(NSF) to continue developing their software project. This grant will enable yt to expand and begin to support other domains beyond astrophysics, including weather, geophysics and seismology, molecular dynamics and observational astronomy. It will also support the development of curricula forData Carpentry, to ease the onramp for scientists new to data from these domains.

The yt project, led by Matt Turk along with Nathan Goldbaum, Kacper Kowalik, and Meagan Lang at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at theUniversity of IllinoisUrbana campus and in collaboration with Ben Holtzman atColumbia University in the City of New Yorkand Leigh Orf at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, is an open source, community-driven project working to produce an integrated science environment for collaboratively asking and answering questions about simulations of astrophysical phenomena, leading to the application of analysis and visualizations to many different problems within the field. It is built in an ecosystem of packages from the scientific software community and is committed to open science principles and emphasizes a helpful community of users and developers. Many theoretical astrophysics researchers use yt as a key component of all stages of their computational workflow, from debugging to data exploration, to the preparation of results for publication.

yt has been used for projects within astrophysics as diverse as studying mass-accretion onto the first stars in the Universe, to studying the outflows from compact objects and supernovae, to the star formation history of galaxies. It has been used to analyze and visualize some of the largest simulations ever conducted, and visualizations generated by yt have been featured in planetarium shows such asSolar Superstormscreated by theAdvanced Visualization Labat NCSA.

Im delighted and honored by this grant, and we hope it will enable us to build, sustain and grow the thriving open science community around yt, and share the increase in productivity and discovery made possible by yt in astrophysics with researchers across the physical sciences, said Principal Investigator Matt Turk.

ThisNSF SI2-SSI awardis expected to last from October 2017 September 2022. A copy of the grant proposal may befound here.

Source: NCSA

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YT Project Awarded NSF Grant to Expand to Multiple New Science Domains - HPCwire (blog)

NASA watches the Sun put a stop to its own eruption – Phys.Org

August 11, 2017 by Lina Tran

On Sept. 30, 2014, multiple NASA observatories watched what appeared to be the beginnings of a solar eruption. A filamenta serpentine structure consisting of dense solar material and often associated with solar eruptionsrose from the surface, gaining energy and speed as it soared. But instead of erupting from the Sun, the filament collapsed, shredded to pieces by invisible magnetic forces.

Because scientists had so many instruments observing the event, they were able to track the entire event from beginning to end, and explain for the first time how the Sun's magnetic landscape terminated a solar eruption. Their results are summarized in a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal on July 10, 2017.

"Each component of our observations was very important," said Georgios Chintzoglou, lead author of the paper and a solar physicist at Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. "Remove one instrument, and you're basically blind. In solar physics, you need to have good coverage observing multiple temperaturesif you have them all, you can tell a nice story."

The study makes use of a wealth of data captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, JAXA/NASA's Hinode, and several ground-based telescopes in support of the launch of the NASA-funded VAULT2.0 sounding rocket. Together, these observatories watch the Sun in dozens of different wavelengths of light that reveal the Sun's surface and lower atmosphere, allowing scientists to track the eruption from its onset up through the solar atmosphereand ultimately understand why it faded away.

The day of the failed eruption, scientists pointed the VAULT2.0 sounding rocketa sub-orbital rocket that flies for some 20 minutes, collecting data from above Earth's atmosphere for about five of those minutesat an area of intense, complex magnetic activity on the Sun, called an active region. The team also collaborated with IRIS to focus its observations on the same region.

"We were expecting an eruption; this was the most active region on the Sun that day," said Angelos Vourlidas, an astrophysicist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, principal investigator of the VAULT2.0 project and co-author of the paper. "We saw the filament lifting with IRIS, but we didn't see it erupt in SDO or in the coronagraphs. That's how we knew it failed."

The Sun's landscape is controlled by magnetic forces, and the scientists deduced the filament must have met some magnetic boundary that prevented the unstable structure from erupting. They used these observations as input for a model of the Sun's magnetic environment. Much like scientists who use topographical data to study Earth, solar physicists map out the Sun's magnetic features, or topology, to understand how these forces guide solar activity.

Chintzoglou and his colleagues developed a model that identified locations on the Sun where the magnetic field was especially compressed, since rapid releases of energysuch as those they observed when the filament collapsedare more likely to occur where magnetic field lines are strongly distorted.

"We computed the Sun's magnetic environment by tracing millions of magnetic field lines and looking at how neighboring field lines connect and diverge," said Antonia Savcheva, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and co-author of the paper. "The amount of divergence gives us a measure of the topology."

Their model shows this topology shapes how solar structures evolve on the Sun's surface. Typically, when solar structures with opposite magnetic orientations collide, they explosively release magnetic energy, heating the atmosphere with a flare and erupting into space as a coronal mass ejectiona massive cloud of solar material and magnetic fields.

But on the day of the Sept. 2014 near-eruption, the model indicated the filament instead pushed up against a complex magnetic structure, shaped like two igloos smashed against each other. This invisible boundary, called a hyperbolic flux tube, was the result of a collision of two bipolar regions on the sun's surfacea nexus of four alternating and opposing magnetic fields ripe for magnetic reconnection, a dynamic process that can explosively release great amounts of stored energy.

"The hyperbolic flux tube breaks the filament's magnetic field lines and reconnects them with those of the ambient Sun, so that the filament's magnetic energy is stripped away," Chintzoglou said.

This structure eats away at the filament like a log grinder, spraying chips of solar material and preventing eruption. As the filament waned, the model demonstrates heat and energy were released into the solar atmosphere, matching the initial observations. The simulated reconnection also supports the observations of bright flaring loops where the hyperbolic flux tube and filament metevidence for magnetic reconnection.

While scientists have speculated such a process exists, it wasn't until they serendipitously had multiple observations of such an event that they were able to explain how a magnetic boundary on the Sun is capable of halting an eruption, stripping a filament of energy until it's too weak to erupt.

"This result would have been impossible without the coordination of NASA's solar fleet in support of our rocket launch," Vourlidas said.

This study indicates the Sun's magnetic topology plays an important role in whether or not an eruption can burst from the Sun. These eruptions can create space weather effects around Earth.

"Most research has gone into how topology helps eruptions escape," Chintzoglou said. "But this tells us that apart from the eruption mechanism, we also need to consider what the nascent structure encounters in the beginning, and how it might be stopped."

Explore further: Image: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory watches a sunspot

More information: Georgios Chintzoglou et al. Magnetic Flux Rope Shredding By a Hyperbolic Flux Tube: The Detrimental Effects of Magnetic Topology on Solar Eruptions, The Astrophysical Journal (2017). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa77b2

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NASA watches the Sun put a stop to its own eruption - Phys.Org

NASA selects proposals to study galaxies, stars, planets – Phys.Org

August 10, 2017 by Felicia Chou NASA has selected six astrophysics concept study proposals as part of the agencys Explorers Program. The proposed studies would study various emissions from galaxies, galaxy clusters, and neutron star systems, as well as exoplanet atmospheres, as a way to fill in the gaps between the agencys larger missions. Credit: NASA

NASA has selected six astrophysics Explorers Program proposals for concept studies. The proposed missions would study gamma-ray and X-ray emissions from clusters of galaxies and neutron star systems, as well as infrared emissions from galaxies in the early universe and atmospheres of exoplanets, which are planets outside of our solar system.

The selected proposals, three Medium-Class Explorers missions and three Explorers Missions of Opportunity, call for focused scientific investigations and developments of instruments that fill the scientific gaps between the agency's larger missions.

"The Explorers Program brings out some of the most creative ideas for missions to help unravel the mysteries of the universe," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "The program has resulted in great missions that have returned transformational science, and these selections promise to continue that tradition."

The proposals were selected based on potential science value and feasibility of development plans. After concept studies and detailed evaluations, one of each mission type will be selected by 2019 to proceed with construction and launch. The earliest launch date would be in 2022. Medium-Class Explorer mission costs are capped at $250 million each, excluding the launch vehicle, and Mission of Opportunity costs are capped at $70 million each.

Each astrophysics Medium-Class Explorer mission will receive $2 million to conduct a nine-month mission concept study. The selected proposals are:

Arcus: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Clusters, Galaxies and Stars

Fast INfrared Exoplanet Spectroscopy Survey Explorer (FINESSE)

Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx): An All-Sky Spectral Survey

Missions of Opportunity will receive $500,000 to conduct a nine-month implementation concept study. The selected proposals are:

Compton Spectrometer and Imager Explorer (COSI-X), a Small Complete Superpressure Balloon Mission

Transient Astrophysics Observer on the International Space Station (ISS-TAO)

A Partner Mission of Opportunity (PMO) has been conditionally selected to provide detectors for the Fine Guidance Sensor assembly of the Atmospheric Remote Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-Survey (ARIEL) missionone of three proposed missions currently under consideration by ESA (European Space Agency). The PMO would proceed with construction only if ARIEL is selected by ESA.

The conditionally-selected PMO is:

Contribution to ARIEL Spectroscopy of Exoplanets (CASE)

The Explorers Program is the oldest continuous NASA program designed to provide frequent, low-cost access to space using principal investigator-led space science investigations relevant to the Science Mission Directorate's astrophysics and heliophysics programs. Since the Explorer 1 launch in 1958, which discovered Earth's radiation belts, the Explorers Program has launched more than 90 missions, including the Uhuru and Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) missions that led to Nobel Prizes for their investigators.

The program is managed by Goddard for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, which conducts a wide variety of research and scientific exploration programs for Earth studies, space weather, the solar system, and the universe.

Explore further: NASA selects proposals to study neutron stars, black holes and more

More information: For information about NASA and space science, visit http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem

SA has selected five proposals submitted to its Explorers Program to conduct focused scientific investigations and develop instruments that fill the scientific gaps between the agency's larger missions.

NASA has selected nine proposals under its Explorers Program that will return transformational science about the sun and space environment and fill science gaps between the agency's larger missions; eight for focused scientific ...

NASA's Astrophysics Explorer Program has selected two missions for launch in 2017: a planet-hunting satellite and an International Space Station instrument to observe X-rays from stars.

NASA has selected Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to further develop the concept for a small satellite mission to image the Sun's outer corona. SwRI's "Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere" (PUNCH) program ...

NASA has selected a science mission that will allow astronomers to explore, for the first time, the hidden details of some of the most extreme and exotic astronomical objects, such as stellar and supermassive black holes, ...

NASA has selected a science mission that will measure emissions from the interstellar medium, which is the cosmic material found between stars. This data will help scientists determine the life cycle of interstellar gas in ...

An asteroid the size of a house will shave past Earth at a distance of some 44,000 kilometres (27,300 miles) in October, inside the Moon's orbit, astronomers said Thursday.

(Phys.org)An international team of astronomers has discovered a Jupiter-mass alien world circling a giant star known as HD 208897. The newly detected exoplanet was found as a result of high-precision radial velocity measurements. ...

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will enter new territory in its final mission phase, the Grand Finale, as it prepares to embark on a set of ultra-close passes through Saturn's upper atmosphere with its final five orbits around ...

A bright Moon will outshine the annual Perseids meteor shower, which will peak Saturday with only a fifth the usual number of shooting stars visible to Earthlings, astronomers say.

Scientists have discovered why heavyweight galaxies living in a dense crowd of galaxies tend to spin more slowly than their lighter neighbours.

New evidence from ancient lunar rocks suggests that an active dynamo once churned within the molten metallic core of the moon, generating a magnetic field that lasted at least 1 billion years longer than previously thought. ...

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NASA selects proposals to study galaxies, stars, planets - Phys.Org

Use This App to Get the Most From the Coming Eclipse – Smithsonian

Your eclipse glasses won't be the only tool to make this month's stellar phenomenon cool

smithsonian.com August 9, 2017 12:41PM

For a few dramatic minutes next month, the Sun will be blotted from the sky by the Moon passing in front of it. Some people have been planning for this rare North American solar eclipse for years, but if you're not sure of when, where or how to view it, there's an app for that.

The Smithsonian Solar Eclipse app, the first smartphone app ever released by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, was developed over the past few months to help bring the excitement of the August 21 eclipse to more people.

"Because it is so well positioned for an American audience, we thought it was a perfect opportunity to engage the public in some of the science that's going to happen," said Tyler Jump, marketing manager for the center.

The app will walk its users through the different types of solar eclipses and how they happen, including the difference between the annular eclipses that only partially block the Sun to the total eclipses that fully cover it, like the upcoming onewill.

For an even closer look, the app also curates images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, a satellite with multiple sensors trained on our star. Before, during and after the eclipse, users of the app will be able to see views of the sun from space to complement their views from the ground, Jump said, and to see the dynamic surface of the Sun change. And the app has a section explaining the various satellites used by the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to observe the Sun today and in the past and future.

Devoted eclipse chasers have been planning their trips to the narrow band of the continental United States where the Moon will totally block light from the sun for years, with some even taking special chartered flights that will follow the eclipse cross-country. But for the millions of Americans who are unable or unwilling to travel to see the total eclipse in person, the Smithsonian Solar Eclipse app will show a livestream from NASA of the views of the eclipse across America.

Even those not living in or traveling to the 70-mile-wide strip of totality will still see at least a partial solar eclipse next month, and the Smithsonian Solar Eclipse app will help people calculate how much of the sun will be blocked from their location and even show a simulation of what their view will look like.

And since viewing a solar eclipse without the proper equipment can be dangerous, the app also provides a guide to viewing one safely. For example, viewers can use pinhole cameras cut out of paper or made with their hands to project the image of the eclipse onto the ground to look at without eye protection.

If the app is well received, Jump says it's likely that this won't be the last educational space app from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

"We really hope that people engage and get excited about it," Jump said.

Download the app for iOS here or Android here.

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Use This App to Get the Most From the Coming Eclipse - Smithsonian

Scientists Probe the Conditions of Stellar Interiors to Measure Nuclear Reactions – Livermore Independent

Most of the nuclear reactions that drive the nucleosynthesis of the elements in the universe occur in very extreme stellar plasma conditions. This intense environment found in the deep interiors of stars has made it nearly impossible for scientists to perform nuclear measurements in these conditions until now.

In a unique cross-disciplinary collaboration between the fields of plasma physics, nuclear astrophysics and laser fusion, a team of researchers including scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Ohio University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), describe experiments performed in conditions like those of stellar interiors. The teams findings were published by Nature Physics.

The experiments are the first thermonuclear measurements of nuclear reaction cross-sections a quantity that describes the probability that reactants will undergo a fusion reaction in high-energy-density plasma conditions that are equivalent to the burning cores of giant stars, i.e. 10-40 times more massive than the sun. These extreme plasma conditions boast hydrogen-isotope densities compressed by a factor of a thousand to near that of solid lead and temperatures heated to ~50 million Kelvin. These also are the conditions in stars that lead to supernovae, the most massive explosions in the universe.

Ordinarily, these kinds of nuclear astrophysics experiments are performed on accelerator experiments in the laboratory, which become particularly challenging at the low energies often relevant for nucleosynthesis, said LLNL physicist Dan Casey, the lead author on the paper. As the reaction cross-sections fall rapidly with decreasing reactant energy, bound electron screening corrections become significant, and terrestrial and cosmic background sources become a major experimental challenge.

The work was conducted at LLNLs National Ignition Facility (NIF), the only experimental tool in the world capable of creating temperatures and pressures like those found in the cores of stars and giant planets. Using the indirect drive approach, NIF was used to drive a gas-filled capsule implosion, heating capsules to extraordinary temperatures and compressing them to high densities where fusion reactions can occur.

One of the most important findings is that we reproduced prior measurements made on accelerators in radically different conditions, Casey said. This really establishes a new tool in the nuclear astrophysics field for studying various processes and reactions that may be difficult to access any other way.

Perhaps most importantly, this work lays groundwork for potential experimental tests of phenomena that can only be found in the extreme plasma conditions of stellar interiors. One example is of plasma electron screening, a process that is important in nucleosynthesis but has not been observed experimentally, Casey added.

Now that the team has established a technique to perform these measurements, related teams like that led by Maria Gatu Johnson at MIT are looking to explore other nuclear reactions and ways to attempt to measure the impact of plasma electrons on the nuclear reactions.

Casey was joined by co-authors Daniel Sayre, Vladimir Smalyuk, Robert Tipton, Jesse Pino, Gary Grim, Bruce Remington, Dave Dearborn, Laura (Robin) Benedetti, Robert Hatarik, Nobuhiko Izumi, James McNaney, Tammy Ma, Steve MacLaren, Jay Salmonson, Shahab Khan, Arthur Pak, Laura Berzak Hopkins, Sebastien LePape, Brian Spears, Nathan Meezan, Laurent Divol, Charles Yeamans, Joseph Caggiano, Dennis McNabb, Dean Holunga, Marina Chiarappa-Zucca, Tom Kohut and Thomas Parham from LLNL, Carl Brune from Ohio University, Johan Frenje and Maria Gatu Johnson from MIT and George Kyrala from LANL.

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Scientists Probe the Conditions of Stellar Interiors to Measure Nuclear Reactions - Livermore Independent

Physics Students to Study Solar Eclipse in Wyoming – Colorado College News

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe, Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying.

The Colorado College Physics Departments variation on that might well be Give me a 2-minute solar eclipse and I will spend weeks beforehand preparing for it.

CC Physics Professor Shane Burns is working with a group of students in advance of the Aug. 21 eclipse, the first total solar eclipse visible in the contiguous U.S. in nearly four decades.

Colorado College students Ben Pitta 18, Maddie Lucey 18, Jake Kohler 18, and Nick Merritt 19, along with Physics Department Technical Director Jeff Steele, will depart for a remote area outside Lander, Wyoming, about a week before the eclipse, where they will attempt to reaffirm one of the findings of Einsteins general theory of relativity: that is, that the path of light is bent by massive objects.

They will use a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera and an 8-inch aperture telescope in an effort to measure the curve of light from stars during the eclipse. Burns says the effect is small, less than two arc-seconds, or approximately the width of a human hair viewed at 10 meters.

In 1915 Einstein predicted that this bending should be measurable during a solar eclipse; the effect was first measured by Arthur Eddington during an eclipse on May 29, 1919.

In preparation for the event, Pitta, a physics major with a concentration in astrophysics, is developing sun-tracking software to determine the exact patch of sky they will be imaging and which stars will be visible during the narrow timeframe allotted by the eclipse. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that the stars will be behind the sun, and thus very faint.

Burns and Pitta have been testing the CCD and telescope system, developing software to process the images, and finalizing an observation plan.

The position of the sun during the eclipse depends on where you are on earth, Burns says. Pittas program will determine the position of stars behind the sun and the exposure times they should use so that the stars can be imaged accurately during the crucial 2:20 minutes of the eclipse. Pitta is conducting trial runs to make sure the camera is pointed at the precise location in the sky, the exposure times are correct, and the procedures are well established. We want to have everything in place so that we can effectively take observations, Pitta says. Because the window of observation is so short, they will have to be efficient and well-practiced.

Einstein theorized that as light rays from stars pass near the surface of the sun during an eclipse, they should be bent. This makes the stars appear to shift relative to their positions when the sun rays dont pass near the sun, Burns says. In order to measure the effect, one compares the positions of stars whose rays graze the surface of the sun to the positions of the same stars when the sun is in a different position.

Of course, he adds, you have to wait for an eclipse to see stars near the sun.

Despite the drills and trial runs, Burns says that realistically, things can go awry. The students might not be able to access the remote area they hope to. Other glitches may arise at the last minute, with the students needing to redo the calculations on the spot.

Theres not much time to figure it out on the fly, says Burns.

Therere always problems that arise, and you need to find the path to take to solve them, Pitta says. Thats physics in a nutshell.

The team will be conducting the observations and imaging on their own, as Burns will be presenting a (sold out) program for CC alumni near Grand Teton National Park during the eclipse.

To measure the bend of light, the students will image the same patch of sky six months later, and if successful, should be able to detect a subtle shift of stars. If so, the experiment will bear out Einsteins prediction that light does not always travel in a perfectly straight line. While traveling through space time and nearing the warp induced by an objects gravitational field, light should curve but not by much.

Its going to be a difficult project, Burns says. I give the odds for success about 50 percent, but the students will learn a lot. If successful, Burns and the students plan to publish the results in a scientific journal.

Continued here:

Physics Students to Study Solar Eclipse in Wyoming - Colorado College News

Franklin TV showcases teenager, snackologist – Milford Daily News

By Scott Calzolaio Daily News Staff

FRANKLIN - Okay, sound check. Everybody go around and count to 10, said cameraman and video editor Chris Flynn on set at Franklin TV headquarters.

Each member of the "Life of Reilly and Friends" crew and their special guests did their sound check before diving into the interviews they had scheduled. Host and self-declared doctor of kidology Reilly DeForge, 13, prepped himself by joking around with his friends and practicing his formal introduction to the show.

The "Life of Reilly and Friends" is a public access TV show as well as a YouTube channel. On his show, Reilly keeps the company of his friend Tyler Afonso, 13-year-old doctor of snackology, and the minions, Reillys sister, Lily DeForge, 11, and her friend Meghan Norton, 11. Together, they explore themes such as books, charities, and other organizations. On their debut episode, Reilly interviewed the author the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Jeff Kinney.

The audience in mind is small children, Reilly said. Older people are welcome to watch, but its not geared towards them because the idea is to interest the younger kids.

A typical episode runs anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and can be viewed by searching Life of Reilly in Franklin on Google or YouTube.

The show features a regular snack-time segment in between interviews, hosted by snackologist Afonso.

A lot of the snacks are actually really good, Reilly said. I look at the recipes and Im like eh, I dont know, but its always really good.

Chef Afonso, who mostly uses YouTube as his cookbook, said his recipes are always a mixture of things.

My recipes are mostly just random stuff, said the Gordon Ramsey fan. And now Im the star of the show, everybody likes me better, he laughed.

Sure they do, Reillys sister said sarcastically, also laughing.

During one segment, they made slime using melted gummy bears, adding red food dye to fit the episodes blood drive theme. The messy, delicious concoction was a highlight for the crew.

It was sticky and messy and disgusting, but it was so good, said Lily.

When asked what her favorite part of being on the show was, Lily replied Eating, thats pretty much all I do, she laughed.

Lily is a taste-tester for the snack segment, as well as a judge in other segments. She does her fair share of interviewing as well, when Reilly gets stuck, she said.

With his eyes on the prize, Reilly said that the goal is to build a good standing to get into college.

I think personally that its great college credit, he said. Ive been thinking about that for a while now. Im trying to do everything I can to get into college.

Reilly said that his mom, Tracy, had sparked the idea to make a show.

She was thinking originally a YouTube channel, which we do have in addition to the show, Reilly said.

He said that he already knew he was good with people from a young age, and that he is using the show as a learning experience.

I noticed Im already doing it, but Ive always found that public speaking and talking with people comes very naturally to me, he said. I think this experience of interviewing and getting interviewed has given me a whole new respect for talking in general. A lot of the greatest people out there are amazingly eloquent speakers.

A Jimmy Fallon fan and science lover at heart, the outgoing teenager hopes to someday find a job in that field while still maintaining his vivid personality.

I love the sciences. I love physics, Im particularly into astro-physics and molecular physics, the way that atoms work and the way the universe in general works, he said. We did a whole experiments episode and it did not work out great. There were big studio lights and it was a glow-in-the-dark experiment, and it did not work out well.

Not discouraged, he said he would attempt to incorporate science into his program as much as he could.

Reillys mom said that shes very grateful Franklin TV has allowed her children this opportunity.

Im in the media business and have been for some time, she said. I know that local stations struggle to get good content. You know that yourself as youre clicking through, you say Oh, theres town hall meeting again.

Tracy said that the station records, produces, and broadcasts the show for free, and that is had been a learning experience to work in local TV.

This is our second season, she said. We did a lot of learning our first season. Like, what does it take? How many episodes can we get in? So, weve done a lot of learning and were hoping to pick it up a little bit.

Tracy said that her son has the personality it takes for TV, and that she hopes to see him incorporate what he has learned from this experience in his future endeavors.

He loves to talk to people, and hes very charming. So, he definitely can put it on, she said.

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Franklin TV showcases teenager, snackologist - Milford Daily News

Educational app released ahead of highly anticipated solar eclipse – Phys.Org

August 8, 2017 by John Michael Baglione The Center for Astrophysics' new app, Eclipse 2017, comes with several features to prepare, learn, and watch the eclipse that will travel across the United States on Aug. 21. Credit: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Thousands of years ago, human beings reacted to solar eclipses with dismay, flooding the streets with pots and pans to scare away whatever had blotted out the sun with a cacophony of banging and shouting.

When a total solar eclipse crosses the United States on Aug. 21 people will once again take to the streets with a great deal of anxiety, but most will be concerned primarily with getting a good view.

With solar safety glasses available at every counter and an expected 27 million Americans traveling to the path of totalitythe nearly 3,000-mile-long arc from the coast near Salem, Ore., to Charleston, S.C., in which a view of the total eclipse is possibleit is clear that eclipse fever has swept the country. Seeing an opportunity to educate and inspire a new wave of astronomers, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) has released a smartphone app, Eclipse 2017, available on iOS and Android.

"We haven't had an eclipse cross the United States like this in nearly 100 years," says CfA spokesperson Tyler Jump. "Because it's such a rare and exciting event, we wanted to create an interactive guide that everyone could enjoy. Even if you're not in the path of totality, our app allows you to calculate exactly how much of an eclipse you'll be able to see and get a preview with our eclipse simulation. It's also a great opportunity to highlight some of Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's (SAO) solar research. SAO was founded in large part to study the sun, and we've been doing so now for more than a century."

The free app comes with a host of resources for the amateur astronomer. A comprehensive viewing guide offers a crash course in the science behind eclipses and instructions on how to safely observe the celestial phenomenon. Videos from the Solar Dynamics Observatory show the sun in different wavelengths, revealing the many layers of solar activity. Users can also access an interactive eclipse map, which gives lunar transit times and simulated views for any location in the United States.

In Cambridge, a partial eclipse covering most of the sun will be visible in the afternoon from about 1:30 to 4. But along the path of totality, for up to 2 minutes, viewers will enjoy one of the astronomy's most extraordinary sights: the sun's ethereal corona. Normally invisible due to the amount of light emanating from the sun's surface, the "crown" of magnetized plasma reaches temperatures over a million degrees Kelvinnearly 2 million Fahrenheitand is best known as the site of the sun's awesome and violent flares.

Monday's will be the first total eclipse to be visible from the United States since 1991, and the first to be visible from every state since 1918. Though this is the first total eclipse to cross the United States in nearly 40 years, there is a total eclipse visible from Earth about every 18 months.

For those who will not have a chance to view the eclipse with their own eyes, the app will provide a live stream of the eclipse as it travels across the country. But if it has to be the real thing, in April 2024 the United States is due for total eclipse that will travel from Texas to Maine. A lucky stretch of land along the Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky borders will see two total eclipses in just seven years.

Explore further: What's a total solar eclipse and why this one is so unusual

This story is published courtesy of the Harvard Gazette, Harvard University's official newspaper. For additional university news, visit Harvard.edu.

Total solar eclipses occur every year or two or three, often in the middle of nowhere like the South Pacific or Antarctic. What makes the Aug. 21 eclipse so special is that it will cut diagonally across the entire United ...

This August, the U.S. will experience its first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse in 99 years.

The upcoming solar eclipse in August bids to be more than a rare celestial event - it could meld the increasingly pervasive world of smartphone apps with a total eclipse visible from sea to shining sea.

For the first time in almost a century the United States is preparing for a coast-to-coast solar eclipse, a rare celestial event millions of Americans, with caution, will be able to observe.

For the first time in 99 years, a total solar eclipse will crossthe entire nation on Monday, August 21, 2017. Over the course of 100 minutes, 14 states across the United States will experience over two minutes of darkness ...

More than 300 million people in the United States potentially could directly view the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, and NASA wants everyone who will witness this celestial phenomenon to do so safely.

After conducting a cosmic inventory of sorts to calculate and categorize stellar-remnant black holes, astronomers from the University of California, Irvine have concluded that there are probably tens of millions of the enigmatic, ...

Studies of molecular clouds have revealed that star formation usually occurs in a two-step process. First, supersonic flows compress the clouds into dense filaments light-years long, after which gravity collapses the densest ...

A group of astronomers led by Javier Lorenzo of the University of Alicante, Spain, has discovered that the binary star system HD 64315 is more complex than previously thought. The new study reveals that HD 64315 contains ...

The five sunshield layers responsible for protecting the optics and instruments of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope are now fully installed.

In our hunt for Earth-like planets and extraterrestrial life, we've found thousands of exoplanets orbiting stars other than our sun. The caveat is that most of these planets have been detected using indirect methods. Similar ...

A NASA mission designed to explore the stars in search of planets outside of our solar system is a step closer to launch, now that its four cameras have been completed by researchers at MIT.

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Educational app released ahead of highly anticipated solar eclipse - Phys.Org

Scientists probe the conditions of stellar interiors to measure nuclear reactions – Phys.Org

August 7, 2017 For the first time, scientists have conducted thermonuclear measurements of nuclear reaction cross-sections under extreme conditions like those of stellar interiors. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Most of the nuclear reactions that drive the nucleosynthesis of the elements in our universe occur in very extreme stellar plasma conditions. This intense environment found in the deep interiors of stars has made it nearly impossible for scientists to perform nuclear measurements in these conditions - until now.

In a unique cross-disciplinary collaboration between the fields of plasma physics, nuclear astrophysics and laser fusion, a team of researchers including scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Ohio University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), describe experiments performed in conditions like those of stellar interiors. The team's findings were published today by Nature Physics.

The experiments are the first thermonuclear measurements of nuclear reaction cross-sections - a quantity that describes the probability that reactants will undergo a fusion reaction - in high-energy-density plasma conditions that are equivalent to the burning cores of giant stars, i.e. 10-40 times more massive than the sun. These extreme plasma conditions boast hydrogen-isotope densities compressed by a factor of a thousand to near that of solid lead and temperatures heated to ~50 million Kelvin. These also are the conditions in stars that lead to supernovae, the most massive explosions in the universe.

"Ordinarily, these kinds of nuclear astrophysics experiments are performed on accelerator experiments in the laboratory, which become particularly challenging at the low energies often relevant for nucleosynthesis," said LLNL physicist Dan Casey, the lead author on the paper. "As the reaction cross-sections fall rapidly with decreasing reactant energy, bound electron screening corrections become significant, and terrestrial and cosmic background sources become a major experimental challenge."

The work was conducted at LLNL's National Ignition Facility (NIF), the only experimental tool in the world capable of creating temperatures and pressures like those found in the cores of stars and giant planets. Using the indirect drive approach, NIF was used to drive a gas-filled capsule implosion, heating capsules to extraordinary temperatures and compressing them to high densities where fusion reactions can occur.

"One of the most important findings is that we reproduced prior measurements made on accelerators in radically different conditions," Casey said. "This really establishes a new tool in the nuclear astrophysics field for studying various processes and reactions that may be difficult to access any other way."

"Perhaps most importantly, this work lays groundwork for potential experimental tests of phenomena that can only be found in the extreme plasma conditions of stellar interiors. One example is of plasma electron screening, a process that is important in nucleosynthesis but has not been observed experimentally," Casey added.

Now that the team has established a technique to perform these measurements, related teams like that led by Maria Gatu Johnson at MIT are looking to explore other nuclear reactions and ways to attempt to measure the impact of plasma electrons on the nuclear reactions.

Explore further: How heavier elements are formed in star interiors

More information: D. T. Casey et al. Thermonuclear reactions probed at stellar-core conditions with laser-based inertial-confinement fusion, Nature Physics (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nphys4220

When the renowned cosmologist Carl Sagan declared that "we are made of starstuff," he wasn't speaking metaphorically. As Sagan said in the TV series "Cosmos," many of the elements in our bodies - "the nitrogen in our DNA, ...

Nuclear astrophysicists successfully created the first low-energy particle accelerator beam deep underground in the United States, bringing them one step closer to understanding how the elements of our universe are built.

Determining the chemical abundance pattern left by the earliest stars in the universe is no easy feat. A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist is helping to do just that.

Turbulence, the violently unruly disturbance of plasma, can prevent plasma from growing hot enough to fuel fusion reactions. Long a puzzling concern of researchers has been the impact on turbulence of atoms recycled from ...

The energy production in stars utlimately depends on certain nuclear reactions at energies close to the so-called Gamow-peak that affect strongly the chemical composition of stars and the surrounding planetary systems. These ...

Two major issues confronting magnetic-confinement fusion energy are enabling the walls of devices that house fusion reactions to survive bombardment by energetic particles, and improving confinement of the plasma required ...

Most of the nuclear reactions that drive the nucleosynthesis of the elements in our universe occur in very extreme stellar plasma conditions. This intense environment found in the deep interiors of stars has made it nearly ...

New results show a difference in the way neutrinos and antineutrinos behave, which could help explain why there is so much matter in the universe.

Engineers at Stanford University and the University of California San Diego have developed a camera that generates four-dimensional images and can capture 138 degrees of information. The new camerathe first-ever single-lens, ...

A research team at the University of Central Florida has demonstrated the fastest light pulse ever developed, a 53-attosecond X-ray flash.

Air travel may be the quickest way to get to your vacation destination, but it's also one of the speediest ways for infectious diseases to spread between people, cities and countries.

(Phys.org)Quantum engines are known to operate differently thanand in some cases, outperformtheir classical counterparts. However, previous research on the performance of quantum engines may be overestimating their ...

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Scientists probe the conditions of stellar interiors to measure nuclear reactions - Phys.Org

Researchers unveil most accurate map of the invisible universe – The Ohio State University News (press release)

Map of dark matter made from gravitational lensing measurements of 26 million galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey. The map covers about 1/30th of the entire sky and spans several billion light years in extent. Red regions have more dark matter than average, blue regions less dark matter. Image credit: Chihway Chang of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, and the DES collaboration.

COLUMBUS, OhioExactly 100 years after Einstein confronted the idea of an expanding universe in his general theory of relativity, researchers from The Ohio State University and their colleagues from theDark Energy Survey(DES) collaboration have reached a new milestone mapping the growth of the universe from its infancy to present day.

The new results released last Thursday confirm the surprisingly simple but puzzling theory that the present universe is comprised of only 4% ordinary matter, 26% mysterious dark matter, and the remaining 70% in the form of mysterious dark energy, which causes the accelerating expansion of the universe.

The findings are based on data collected during the DES first year, which covers over 1300 square degrees of the sky or about the area of 6,000 full moons. DES uses the Dark Energy Camera mounted on the Blanco 4m telescope at theCerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory high in the Chilean Andes.

We had to construct the most powerful instrument of its kind. It is sensitive enough to collect light from galaxies 8 billion light years away, saidKlaus Honscheid, professor ofphysics and leader of the Ohio State DES group. Key components of the 570 mega-pixel camerawere built at Ohio State.

Paradoxically, it is easier to measure the structure of the universe in the distant past than it is to measure it today. In the first 400,000 years following the Big Bang, the universe was filled with a glowing gas, the light from which survives to this day. Thiscosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation gives us a snapshot of the universe at that very early time. Since then, the gravity of dark matter has pulled mass together and made the universe clumpier over time. But dark energy has been fighting back, pushing matter apart. Using the CMB as a start, cosmologists can calculate precisely how this battle plays out over 14 billion years.

With the new results, we are able for the first time to see the current structure of the universe with a similar level of clarity as we can see its infancy. Dark energy is needed to explain how the infant Universe evolved to what we observe now. said Niall MacCrann, postdoctoral fellow at Ohio StatesCenter for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP) and major contributor to the analysis.

DES scientists used two methods to measure dark matter. First, they created maps of galaxy positions as tracers, and second, they precisely measured the shapes of 26 million galaxies to directly map the patterns of dark matter over billions of light years, using a technique called gravitational lensing. Ashley Ross of CCAPP and leader of the DES large scale structure working group said: For the first time we were able to perform these studies with data from the same experiment allowing us to obtain the most accurate results to date.

To make these ultra-precise measurements, the DES team developed new ways to detect the tiny lensing distortions of galaxy images, an effect not even visible to the eye, enabling revolutionary advances in understanding these cosmic signals. In the process, they created the largest guide to spotting dark matter in the cosmos ever drawn (see image). The new dark matter map is ten times the size of the one DES released in 2015 and will eventually be three times larger than it is now.

A large scientific team achieved these results working in seven countries across three continents. Successful collaboration at this scale represents many years of deep commitment, collective vision and sustained effort, said Ami Choi, CCAPP postdoctoral fellow who worked on the galaxy shape measurements.

Michael Troxel, CCAPP postdoctoral fellow and leader of the weak gravitational lensing analysis added: These results are based on unprecedented statistical power and detailed understanding of the telescope and potential biases in the analysis. Crucially, we performed a 'blind' analysis, in which we finalized all aspects of the analysis before we knew the results, thereby avoiding confirmation biases.

The DES measurements of the present universe agree with the results obtained by the Planck satellite that studied the cosmic microwave background radiation from a time when the universe was just 400,000 years old.The moment we realized that our measurement matched the Planck result within 7% was thrilling for the entire collaboration, said Honscheid, and this is just the beginning for DES with more data already observed. With one more observing season to go we expect to ultimately use five times more data to learn more about the enigmatic dark sector of the Universe.

The new results from the Dark Energy Survey will be presented by Kavli fellow Elisabeth Krause at the TeV Particle Astrophysics Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on Aug. 9, and by CCAPPs Troxel at the International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies in Guanzhou, China, on Aug. 10.

The publications can be accessed on the Dark Energy Survey website.

Ohio State University is an institutional member of the Dark Energy Survey collaboration. Funding for this research coms in part from the Ohio States Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics. The Ohio Supercomputer Center provided a portion of the computing power for this project.

The Ohio State DES team includes Honscheid; Paul Martini and David Weinberg, both professors of astronomy; Choi, Ross, MacCrann and Troxel, all postdoctoral fellows at CCAPP; and doctoral students Su-Jeong Lee and Hui Kong.


Researchers unveil most accurate map of the invisible universe - The Ohio State University News (press release)

UKZN lecturer probes cosmic past – Independent Online

Dr Cynthia Chiang has been addicted to tinkering and exploring for as long as she can remember.

And, said the physicist and cosmologist now based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, she felt fortunate to have found a career that allowed her to continue doing those things every day.

Chiang is a senior lecturer at the universitys Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit (ACRU) where she focuses on, among other areas, observational cosmology and using precision measurements to constrain the history, evolution, and structure of the universe.

She and astrophysics PhD students, Liju Philip, Ridhima Nunhokee and Heiko Heilgendorff recently returned from a research trip to Marion Island, located in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean in South Africa, where they conducted work on the Probing Radio Intensity at high-Z from Marion (PRIZM) telescope.

PRIZM is a low-frequency radio telescope which collects information about the universe during the cosmic dawn, which is the period a few hundred million years after the big bang when the first stars in the universe formed.

The light from these first stars is too dim for optical telescopes to see, therefore they have never been measured directly.

The project was designed to make this measurement and data received from this telescope could help in determining when the first stars and galaxies formed.

Chiang specialises in instrumentation and data analysis for a variety of cosmic microwave background experiments.

In 2014, she spent two months in the Antarctic where she participated in Spider, a project studying the earliest moments of the universes creation.

The university said in a press release at the time that six telescopes were launched into the stratosphere with a giant helium-filled balloon, which swelled to roughly the size of Durbans Kings Park stadium at its 35km cruising altitude.

From this lofty height, it observed the faint leftover heat from the Big Bang. This afterglow, known as the cosmic microwave background, contains valuable clues that will help unravel the mysteries of our universes explosive beginnings.

Chiang told The Mercury this week: I consider myself to be a physicist and cosmologist rather than an astronomer, strictly speaking. Isidor Isaac Rabi is quoted as saying: I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never grow up and they keep their curiosity.

For me, wanting to learn about the natural world has always been in my blood.

Chiang was born and raised in Illinois in the USA, and did her undergraduate studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

(The institution) has a strong engineering department, and I feel very lucky that I had a chance to see so many people building amazing machines. Seeing that kind of inspiring hands-on work really cemented my career direction in instrumentation development.

But, it wasnt until graduate school that she turned specifically to astrophysics.

I attended the California Institute of Technology for my PhD, and it was by pure chance that a classmate suggested that I check out the astro guy and his labs in the basement.

That astro guy, she said, was Andrew Lange, who ultimately became her PhD advisor.

I will never forget stepping foot into the observational cosmology labs for the first time. The instrumentation was incredible, and it was the kind of work I had always wanted. I was instantly hooked, and there was no turning back.

Chiang credits her parents for much of her success.

I come from an academic family: my mother is an astronomer, and my father is a physicist. My mother can solve anything and has the sharpest wit of anyone I know, and my father is MacGyver and can build anything from nothing.

Chiang said that, while she had never been the target of any kind of overt sexism, she was aware that other women were often at the receiving end of such attacks.

One of my students once asked me if anyone had ever said to me that I cant study mathematics or physics because Im female. She had apparently received this comment more than once in the past. I was absolutely livid to hear this. I tend to be outspoken, so I told her that the next time this happens, she should respond by saying: Just because you think mathematics or physics is hard doesnt mean that everyone else does too.

What is her advice for aspirant cosmologists and physicists?

My advice is gender-neutral: always try to run with the best, play to your strengths, be assertive in finding new opportunities to learn, and keep your curiosity alive.

The Mercury

Read more:

UKZN lecturer probes cosmic past - Independent Online

Area prepares for the Great American Eclipse – South Bend Tribune

SOUTH BEND Linda Marks has always had a fascination with the sky.

It began as she was growing up on the east coast. Her mother was a small airplane pilot in a time before airplanes had complex navigational systems. Pilots used the position of celestial objects constellations, planets and individual stars to navigate from origin to destination.

"I looked up in the sky a lot," said Marks, of North Liberty. "My mom would take me out and show me different things in the sky. When I was old enough, I joined Girl Scouts and they had a star badge. As you can guess, I dived right into that."

Marks will draw upon her life-long interest in gazing skyward in two weeks as she and millions of others across the nation look to the heavens to catch a glimpse of one of the rarest natural phenomenon a total solar eclipse.

It happens Aug. 21 when the moon's shadow will travel around 10,000 miles across the Earth's surface, from the middle of the Pacific Ocean across the continental United States to the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa.

Weather-permitting, all of North America will have a view of a partial eclipse, when the moon blocks a portion of the sun. In South Bend, the moon is expected to block approximately 86 percent of the sun with the maximum eclipse coming at 2:22 p.m., according to NASA.

Marks, vice president of the Michiana Astronomical Society, said she and a number of other club members will be traveling, to be under the path of totality, the area that will experience the total eclipse.

"We're spread out," she said. "We're pretty much everywhere."

It's a calculated strategy. The group doesn't want everyone bunched together in case their chosen location has less than ideal weather conditions.

Unlike a lunar eclipse, in which the earth casts a shadow across the surface of the moon that is visible to a wide swath along on Earth, a total solar eclipse is very focused.

"You have to be in exactly the right spot," said Peter Garnavich, professor and department chair of Astrophysics and Cosmology Physics at the University of Notre Dame. "It leads to a bit of excitement."

The relative rarity of a total solar eclipse also helps build excitement. There hasn't been one in the United States since Feb. 26, 1979.

This year's event is being billed as the Great American Eclipse because it will occur exclusively in the United States. When it last happened, Woodrow Wilson was president of the United States.

Starting off the coast of Oregon at 9:05 a.m. PDT, the moon's inner shadow, known as the umbra, will cast a 70-mile-wide shadow that will turn day into night across 14 states before exiting off the coast of South Carolina at 4:09 p.m. EDT.

While everyone in Indiana will be able to view a partial eclipse this go-around, there is no spot in the state that will be in the path of the total solar eclipse. For eclipse enthusiasts, there will be an opportunity a little closer to home. On April 8, 2024, the center line of a total solar eclipse will pass just south of Indianapolis. Another total solar eclipse, on Sept. 14, 2099, will place all of the South Bend region in the path of totality.

Garnavich's interest in astronomy and physics began as a boy. He witnessed a partial solar eclipse in the 1970s and received a telescope when he was in the fifth grade.

"The eclipse is what pushed me over the edge and I decided this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life," he said.

Eclipses used to provide the greatest opportunity for scientists to study the sun and learn more about it and its impacts on the Earth.

"The scientific yield is not as great as it used to be," Garnavich said. "Nowadays, there are really specialized satellites where we can continually monitor the sun and take measurements."

Jerry Hinnefeld, a professor of physics at Indiana University South Bend, said the appeal of solar eclipses now is the ability to garner interest in science and mathematics.

"It is very exciting. It's an opportunity to generate interest and enthusiasm in astronomy," Hinnefeld said. "It piques people's curiosity and gets people thinking about things they may not ordinarily think about."

Students will just be returning to the IU South Bend campus for the first day of classes when the eclipse happens, Hinnefeld said. There will be a number of activities on campus as part of welcome week festivities tied into the eclipse, including eclipse viewing from the green mall.

Though Notre Dame students don't start classes until the day after the eclipse, there will be activities there as well. Garnavich said the university will have viewers set up outside the Jordan Hall of Science for people to safely view the eclipse. The university's Digital Visualization Theater will host a simulation of the eclipse on Aug. 9 and Aug. 12.

One area organization has a unique connection that is paying dividends for the upcoming eclipse.

The Elkhart Public Library is one of 75 public libraries nationwide to partner with NASA as part of the NASA@ My Library program, a partnership between NASA, the libraries, the Ameircan Library Association and the Space Science Institute. The program offers materials and training to help the libraries lead fun, educational science, technology, engineering and mathematics-based programming.

"We were thrilled to be chosen for this program," said Allison McLean, head of young people's services at the library and the project director for the NASA grant. "The timing couldn't have been better. The eclipse will be our first big event with the program."

McLean said the library has already held one eclipse-related event for adults back in July. On Monday at 4:30 p.m., the library will host an Eclipse 101 program for kids ages 5 and up. The library is also hosting a viewing party on Aug. 21 at Central Park in downtown Elkhart, complete with eclipse glasses.

"We can see the excitement building everywhere," McLean said. "We've definitely seen an uptick in people looking for eclipse-related materials."

While most people will have to be content to view the eclipse from the ground, or view images from organizations like NASA, Dave Bohlmann, an engineer who teaches part-time at Ivy Tech Community College's South Bend campus, will have another perspective.

Bohlmann has spent the last several years sending balloons to the very edge of space. He's had four practice runs preparing for a launch the day of the eclipse from Perryville, Mo., inside the path of totality. Bohlmann's mission is simple, he's sending the balloons up to a height of 100,000 feet or more where the curvature of the earth is visible in an effort to capture images and video of the moon's shadow as it traverses the earth.

"Right now, we're just doing some final preparations," Bohlmann said. "We're almost ready."

Bohlmann's group is one of several planning to do launches from the Perryville area. In addition to amateur high altitude balloon enthusiasts like Bohlmann, there are also more than 50 NASA-funded balloons and numerous ground-based observations planned to gather a host of images and data.

After four test flights, Bohlmann knows his balloons take about two hours to get up to altitude. He's planning to launch about an hour and 40 minutes before totality in Perryville in order to make sure his balloon is in position.

"It's going to be exciting," Bohlmann said.

See the original post:

Area prepares for the Great American Eclipse - South Bend Tribune

Primordial black holes may have helped to forge heavy elements – Phys.Org

August 4, 2017 Artists depiction of a neutron star. Credit: NASA

Astronomers like to say we are the byproducts of stars, stellar furnaces that long ago fused hydrogen and helium into the elements needed for life through the process of stellar nucleosynthesis.

As the late Carl Sagan once put it: "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff."

But what about the heavier elements in the periodic chart, elements such as gold, platinum and uranium?

Astronomers believe most of these "r-process elements"elements much heavier than ironwere created, either in the aftermath of the collapse of massive stars and the associated supernova explosions, or in the merging of binary neutron star systems.

"A different kind of furnace was needed to forge gold, platinum, uranium and most other elements heavier than iron," explained George Fuller, a theoretical astrophysicist and professor of physics who directs UC San Diego's Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences. "These elements most likely formed in an environment rich with neutrons."

In a paper published August 7 in the journal Physical Review Letters, he and two other theoretical astrophysicists at UCLAAlex Kusenko and Volodymyr Takhistovoffer another means by which stars could have produced these heavy elements: tiny black holes that came into contact with and are captured by neutron stars, and then destroy them.

Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stars known to exist, so dense that a spoonful of their surface has an equivalent mass of three billion tons.

Tiny black holes are more speculative, but many astronomers believe they could be a byproduct of the Big Bang and that they could now make up some fraction of the "dark matter"the unseen, nearly non-interacting stuff that observations reveal exists in the universe.

If these tiny black holes follow the distribution of dark matter in space and co-exist with neutron stars, Fuller and his colleagues contend in their paper that some interesting physics would occur.

They calculate that, in rare instances, a neutron star will capture such a black hole and then devoured from the inside out by it. This violent process can lead to the ejection of some of the dense neutron star matter into space.

"Small black holes produced in the Big Bang can invade a neutron star and eat it from the inside," Fuller explained. "In the last milliseconds of the neutron star's demise, the amount of ejected neutron-rich material is sufficient to explain the observed abundances of heavy elements."

"As the neutron stars are devoured," he added, "they spin up and eject cold neutron matter, which decompresses, heats up and make these elements."

This process of creating the periodic table's heaviest elements would also provide explanations for a number of other unresolved puzzles in the universe and within our own Milky Way galaxy.

"Since these events happen rarely, one can understand why only one in ten dwarf galaxies is enriched with heavy elements," said Fuller. "The systematic destruction of neutron stars by primordial black holes is consistent with the paucity of neutron stars in the galactic center and in dwarf galaxies, where the density of black holes should be very high."

In addition, the scientists calculated that ejection of nuclear matter from the tiny black holes devouring neutron stars would produce three other unexplained phenomenon observed by astronomers.

"They are a distinctive display of infrared light (sometimes termed a "kilonova"), a radio emission that may explain the mysterious Fast Radio Bursts from unknown sources deep in the cosmos, and the positrons detected in the galactic center by X-ray observations," said Fuller. "Each of these represent long-standing mysteries. It is indeed surprising that the solutions of these seemingly unrelated phenomena may be connected with the violent end of neutron stars at the hands of tiny black holes."

Explore further: New simulations could help in hunt for massive mergers of neutron stars, black holes

More information: Primordial black holes and r-process nucleosynthesis, Physical Review Letters (2017). journals.aps.org/prl/accepted/ 5a1a918b69bd6d2e6077

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On topic of article, it is most plausible that elements (especially the heavier variety) transmute from neutron matter. It is widely known that a neutron in free space decays into a hydrogen atom. I conjecture that inside of stars it is not the proton proton chain reaction that leads to helium production but rather quad neutron convergence that results in helium. I'd venture so far as to say that just as in free space neutrons decay into a proton and electron, the inverse occurs under the immense pressures in the cores of stars. Hydrogen converts to neutrons.

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Primordial black holes may have helped to forge heavy elements - Phys.Org