Surf City doctor's license suspended over drug issues

Published: Monday, September 29, 2014 at 5:34 p.m. Last Modified: Monday, September 29, 2014 at 5:34 p.m.

A Surf City doctor's license was indefinitely suspended and he was been fined $5,000 by the N.C. Medical Board.

The medical board found that Dr. Timothy Han, who had offices in Wilmington and Jacksonville, self-prescribed and self-administered testosterone, tested positive for anabolic steroids and suffered from opiate abuse. The board, in a ruling issued Sept. 23, also found that Han's care of patients did not conform to "standards of prevailing and acceptable medical practice in North Carolina."

Han on Monday denied the accusations. He said the medical board has an agenda. Han said he believes if he had signed a consent order from the medical board, he could have salvaged his career after disciplinary action. But he said signing the order would have been committing perjury, because the accusations aren't valid.

"They want me to perjure myself to make them happy so they can meet their goals," Han said.

According to the medical board's report, the criminal investigation began when Han was arrested on Christmas Day 2012 after allegedly throwing a water bottle at his spouse. Han admitted that he threw an empty disposable plastic water bottle in anger. The charges were later dismissed, but an active police investigation is looking into Han's possible involvement with illegally distributing drugs, according to the medical board.

Surf City police searched Han's two homes and two travel bags. Police uncovered three handguns, vials of various medications, spring-loaded knives and $22,000 in cash, the medical board's report says. Police also found documents indicating Han ordered steroids from Moldova and had them shipped to his medical practice addresses.

No further charges have been filed against Han, and his property has not been returned, he said.

Han said he went into withdrawal while he was incarcerated. He suffered from severe restless legs syndrome, he said, and did not sleep during the two days he was locked up.

Han said he was under pain management when he was sent to jail, but he said he didn't abuse opiates. He said he took pain medication strictly as prescribed.

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Surf City doctor's license suspended over drug issues

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